HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-07-15Planning Board Meeting
JULY 15, 2004
7:00 PM
Town Hall
Present: Chair, Barbara Caldwell, Joe Laquatra, David Weinstein, Jim Crawford and Debbie Gross
was in for Henry Slater.
Others in attendance: Craig Schutt, George Frantz, and Ken Miller.
Minutes from the last meeting were approved as amended, Joe moved and Jim second.
Ardis Adams representative was late, so the board waited until 7:15 and then Barbara read the legal
notice for Joan Portzline,
Joan Portzline agent for Daniel Armitage, requests final plat approval for a proposed 3 lot, phase 2,
subdivision activity at the comer of Wood and Etna Roads.
Orbara opened the floor to questions fi•om the Board.
• David asked where the water dumps out and Joan said that the Southeast corner is wooded
and on the East side of the woods there is a huge swale and on the southwest corner of lot G-
2 there are 2 underground slues. There is appropriate ditching so the water doesn't go across
and dump on the whole lot. There will be enough room for the septic.
■ Barbara asked where the driveway might be. Joan said she had no idea yet.
.Tim asked about sidewalks because this project is close to a park. Joan said she has never
had anyone ask about them and she didn't think buyers would welcome this idea because
they wouldn't want people that close on their property. She did however suggest maybe
petitioning the state to have the speed limit reduced on Etna Road.
There were no more questions.
Barbara closed the public meeting at 7:35 P.M. David moved and Jim Second 4 -0
The SEAR was done on phase one_ Dave moved that the subdivision be approved and Joe
second 4 -41
ristie O'Connor came in se .Barbara read the legal notice For Ardis Adams at 7;35 P.M.
Ardis Adams requests pre Iiminaryrfinal subdivision approval o F a proposed 3 lot subdivision
plat within the 404 block c Etna load Ithaca, NY — Average size of lots is 200 by 404
Please note; this project was first proposed as a (4) lot plat. Recently it was discovered that
parcel (E), as represented within a 1!1612003 last. amended 6/17!2404 Michael J Meagan land
survey, had been appropriately sold June of2043 some 4 months prior to subdivision
consideration_ Based on the prior sales details, the plat far approva] consideration has been
revised to 3 lots.
• David asked Debbie if she had a chance to look at the soils map. Deb talked to John
Anderson about the soils and they said that most likely they could find a spot for a
David mentioned that ifthere were. any more subdivisions less than 5 acres, that would
bring in county subdivision,
■ Deb said if there was any additional parcel within the next 3 years, it would be county,
and that would be 3 years from when the first lot was sold in June of 20031
■ Barbara asked if. there were more questions and there was not_ Jae moved to dose public
hearing and David Second, 4 -4 dosed at 7445 P.M_
Barbara read the SEAR and made notations that #7,] 1 and 12 on tl,c applicant's side of SEAR
need to be changed and initialed by Ardis Adams.
Dave moved to approve the subdivision and Joe second 4 -0.
David made some changes to his list that he submitted in January and he made a motion to
approve them and Joe second-
They went through 9= 1.5 at this meeting,
(9) A map should be added indicating the locations of c Lin-en tIy active farms, Deb did produce a
111ap for this,
(10 ) Eliminate the suggested trail through Ellis Hollow. This was already voted on but David
didn't think the document ever got officially changed.
■ Goorge was disappointed. He said they arc trying to get away from the automobile
oriental society- ire said this is a bicycle and pedestrian transportation route, not a
h i k i np, trail_ He realises that there is opposition and asked i f they would be interested in
starting at Corn munit Center and g o w est to Game 1 ^arm goad,
■ They decided to take the liiiles off tile map for Ellis Hollow but leave in a text line that
says we think it would be a positive idea to have some kind of bike trail through Ellis
Hollow and it should be something the town look at iii the future. Look into some kind
of task force to investigate the possibility of this,
{11 Advocate more strongly for improved bus sorv1ce- George strongly suggested advocating
and pursuing the accessibility to and the utili 2ration of public transportation. Board will
(12).6.1irninate discussion of using Ema RoadlHansha Road as an alternative access to Rt 13 to
■ Etna Road is an area that w it be getting more development and do we really want to
advocate higher sp ccd as a more convenient access arca:>
• George says there is no advocating this as a through road, He said it was in reference to the
increased tie %,eIopment to the west oCEtna because those residences carp then use Etna
Road to Hanshaw Road directly to Rt 13, not through traffic. 13oard will not advocate,
(13) Advocate reduced speed limit on Rt 366 from Rt 13 to FreeviIIe (north to Ed llill Rd).
* The question was asked about how low they wanted the speed limit to go,
■ George iinen(Ioned the environinental capacity for roads, which is, once the road exceeds
that capacity it starts Raving severe impact on residential areas. Environmental capacity can
increase or decrease depending on the speed of the tires,
■ The board will reeoinmend to the town to petition the state. The board will make some
statement about advocatiug reduced speed Iimits.
• Joe mentioned to Georg e coriceming the path, on page 70 second column down 4 bullets
take out the part on Ellis Hollow-
(14) Change des ipation of land north of Dryden Lake from mural Residential to a new use,
"Cluster Conservation ", in which rural residential -type densities are allowed only with cluster
development in which large portions of parcels become open space easements donated to town to
preserve reladvcly open character of shoreline.
■ David sa }^s this will require a lot of discussion and he put it out mainly for an idea Foi- them
to think about because they heard a lot fTum people around Dryden Lake area that didn't
want to see greater development. Tt would take away from the character of Dryden Take,
David suggested putting something in the plan stating they advocate the maintenance of as
much o ens ace around Dr den Lake as possible a n d m echanisnis should be sought to
9 Debbie was talking to Keystone Associates that have done cluster subdivision in Rochester
and she will get some guidelines together for the next ineeting.
■ David asked if anybody favored an idea of creating a cluster conservation zone.
Alternatively, he could withdraw this From the list and make an arnendinent that says in
place of this, what they really want is language. advocating that mechanism be found to
keep Iand in open space neat- Dryden Lake.
■ George didn't think the Rural Resident Zone would be sufflcient to keep open space. He
said it would be wiser to condense houses on to twenty acres than to spread them out on
sixty acres.
Joe asked if the f could add somethin g to where the talk about Rural esidelinaI
development on page 57 to say - specifically, the area around or north of Dryden Lake is a
resource worth preserving open space and zoning regulations to be developed in this plan
should reflect cluster development in that area,
■ Barbara wasn't sure if town ownership or home ownership association should be specified.
She would rather leave it open at this point,
■ George will make changes concerning cluster deveIopinent under Rural Residential
* Ken MI I Ier asked if there were other alteixratives For maintaining open s pace -
i David said that they could advocate cluster development and other options should be
explored to ens4ire maintenance of open space.
■ George, due to the lateness of the meeting, will send information on density problems in
the agriculture issues to the board members by e-mail,
■ Barbara suggested tabling David's motion until the next meeting. David motioned and Joe
second 4 -0.
■ Debbie suggested an interim meeting with the CB and P13 about the agriculture and "up
Zoning" draft plan to come up with some general goals on the agriculture issue.
■ David said he needs sonic other ideas on the table that would effectively meet sonic kind of
compromise before he would agree to the meeting.
■ Joe moved to recommend to the CB that they present the PB with something formal to
consider that refers specifically to sections in this direct plan and David second. 4 -0
■ Ken Miller mentioned that time for the fanners at this point in time is very limited due to
harvesting and such. It may be a while before they can all or some come together to discuss
this issue.
■ Joe had to amend his motion so that it says agricultural and conservation related issues.
David second 4 -0
■ Joe moved to adjourn meeting and David second. 9:15 P.M.