HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-08-29' TOWN OF DRYDEN PLANNING BOARD
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Barbara Caldwell, Martin Christofferson, Joe
Laquatra, Jr., Tom Hatfield and David Weinstein
ALSO PRESENT: Henry Slater, Jack Bush, Mark Varvayanis, Deb Grantham,
George Franz, Marianne Carter, Peter Mesmer — County
Highway Superintendent, Martha Robertson — County
Board Rep for West side, and Penny Lisi — Recording
AGENDA. (1) Carter Sketch Conference
(2) Kenneth A. Baker, Land Surveyor
(3) Red Mill Road Bridge Discussion
(4) Master Plan Discussion
(1) Carter Sketch Conference
B. Caldwell: Opened the meeting at 6:30 pin and slated minutes from the
last meeting were not available due to computer problems
and requested they be mailed along with the minutes fi-om
this evenings' meeting. She next requested Henry Slater to
make introductions regarding the first sketch conference.
H. Slater: introduced the Planning Board to Ms. Marianne Carter. He
referred to the memo he had sent to the Board and stated he
could not explain it any better than that. Noting Ms. Carter
has used up the remaining 10 acre parcels along with all of
her exempt parcels, he informed the Board she had one 5
acre parcel remaining that she has had an offer on and is
trying to settle the estate of her father. lie stated she is not
a developer but rather an estate settler and is representing
tier family and is here to comply with the subdivision
zoning ordinance. The parcel is five acres with 150 feet of
road frontage. He requested the Board schedule a
preliminary final plat at next month's meeting.
D. Weinstein: Requested Mr. Slater explain to him the subdivision zoning
H. Slater: Stated a person can have as many ten acre parcels as your
property can provide and then you are allowed at least two
less than ten acre parcels to be divided for any purpose
during any five year period of time. However, if a person
were to keep some of that property you could actually have
J, Laquatra, ,1 r.. Reiterated a person could have two less than ten but asked
If you were there for a longer period of time you could have
Um Slater: Stated if a person were there for five years they could start
over as each and every parcel would become its own
individual parcel on its fifth anniversary date ofcreatiom
Noted this particular situation she could wait five years to
sell it and it wouldn't matter but she would rather settle the
estate so she is here to go through the process_
B. aldwell+ Asked tit what point d.1d it trigger major action by the
Health Department_
H. later* Stated if you had more than five less than five acre parcels
during any three year period of time_
B. Caldwell. Asked if Mr_ dater knew of any unusual features about this
particular property the Planning Board should be aware o£
H. dater: Stated it was quite flat and does not have any major
potential for erosion or drainage issues. Stilted it is deep.
M. Christofferson: Noted (can
the. snap) it looks as though there is a creek runs
through it and Mr. Slater con med it did but staled it had
not been involved in any of the construction to date and
noted there was no guarantee a person would not want to
build by it.
D. Weinstein: Asked a question about another parcel of property and Ms-
Ca rter stated it had been divided and tiYent t6 some relatives
in Europe and noted she haF. no control aver that.
M. Carter: Explained solne of the parcels were not hers an([ noted she
was closing can the one ten acre parcel the next week. She
stated the only thing she has ]eft is five acres to the left and
the big parcel o1.' 16.2 acres and she has nothing to do with
H. Slater; Stated that is its own parcel because it is greater than ten
D. Weinstein: Asked wiry this parcel exists due to (he fact the other
parcels had sold,
H. Slater: Stated this was the parcel she was holding,
D. Caldwell: Asked if there were any questions and stated the Board
would set a heari ng for next month to take action,
(2) Kenneth A. Baker, Land Surveyor
11. Slater: Stated the next sketch ccri erenee was for a proposed (3)1ot
subdivision on 2 18 -240 Main Street lrxt_, FreeviIie5 N1Y_
B. Caldwell: Called the hearing to order at 6L50 pnn I
H. Slater: Stated this would not qualify for health department
immediate intenyention upon time of application and
construction and stated there would not be more than five
acres disturbed, Toted that this is not subject to a speedier
permit but that in March, 20031 evmthino one acre or
ion ore will be subject to such permit.
T. Hatfield: Asked if everyone wiI] have to apply for and receive a
spedies permit.
H. Slater: Stated yes if they arc to disturb more than Cane acre ol�
property. Not if the property is mare than one acre but If
they are going to disturb more than one acre and stated that&
probably, the only thing that will be exempt will be single
family dwellings not involved in a subdivision,
B. aldwell+ Asked what the water table in this particular area was.
H. Slater: Stated it is slightly raised even to the road.
B. Caldwell: Asked if there was a particular reason why this ended up
pie shaped?
Elf, Slater: Mated it was the developer's clioice. Doted if studies] it
may be the best utilization of preparing for septic systems
and Iot diinensions III conformance with heaalth department
M. Christofferson: Asked why they took parcel A I and made it so much
sniai Ier than the other parcels and not extend it back? Was
it due to the lay of the land?
H. Slater: Was not aware of any reason an d could not answer those
questions. Noted the sponsor was not present to ask.
.B. Caldwell. Asked if there %v(re any questions or issues that needed to
be addressed.
D. Weinstein. doted to M r- dater lie did not answer some of the
questions on the form.
H. Slater: Answered them verbaIIy for MrL Weinstein regarding road
cuts. Mated you can not restri ct anyone from building a
road, however, you can set standards and guidelines on
how they do it.
D. Weinstein: Asked if there were any decd restrictions?
H. Slater: Stated there were none he was aware ofand noted the only
thing they could build would be ono and two family houses
due to the zoning district -
B. Caldwell: Asked if
there were any further questiOTIs,
M- C hristofferson: Asked Mr. Slater where the exact locution ofthis area was,
H. Slater: Stated it was we,] I beyond the Strawberry Faun beyond the
bend and head on a straight line towards Wernick's newer
store, its weII after the bridge and around the bend onto the
straightaway on the northmwest sideb the road and is a
slightly elevated area-
0 B. Caldwell: Stated the Planning Board will set next month's meeting
for the hearing on this property.
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(3) Red Mill Road Bridge Discussion
P. Mesmcr: Stated they were present to give a status update on where
the Red Mill project stands. Stated there is "hang up" with
SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) at this time and
noted it is a turning point for the project or could be
depending on how. SHPO looks at it and how the County
presents their options. He also stated the County wants to
make sure and still has the support of the Dryden Planning
Board with the direction they are going in as they go into
further discussions with SHPO as that will impact the final
.11. l.,aquatra, Jr.: Asked it' SHPO has a concern with this project.
P. Mesmer: Stated it has been deemed a historic bridge eligible for the
historic register and with the 1'21 projects, the SHPO loop
is one that the project has to go through.
M. Robertson: Stated its due to the Federal funding as a x'21 project.
P. Mesmer: Stated this is going to be 85% funded with federal money,
2% is state money and 5% local money and stated the total
budget for this is 5750,000.
M. Robertson: Noted the time line for this project to start is 2005.
P. Mesmer: Noted the start date would be October 1, 2005,
D. Weinstein. Asked if the prgject was to replace it in kind with keeping
its historic character.
P. Mesmer: Stated he would get to that shortly and reviewed some past
minutes with the different options from December 13,
2000. He noted the option that: was favored was option "B"
which was the replacement of the existing bridge on the
existing alignment, which could include placing the
existing trusses from the old bridge on the side of the new
bridge or using it perhaps at another location as a
pedestrian bridge. He noted a key link to that option was
that the bridge could potentially be relocated and preserved
in another location with an entirely new bridge built and
stated that was the hang up.
B. Caldwell: Asked if that was before SHPO looked at the project.
P. Mesmer: Stated it was and apparently it seems, in the chronology of
things, that was before SHPO looked at the project.
T. Hatfield: Stated he remembers the discussion and believes the thing
that was appealing to everyone was that the Dryden trail
and that bridge would make a nice addition to that grail.
0 P? Mesmer:
D. Weinstein:
P. Mesmer:
T. Hatfield:
P. 14'1<esmer:
�NI. Robertson:
P. MC FT met:
Slated two main obstacles have conic up; t) HI 'O has rtow
weighed in and have stated they Would prefer to see the
bridge remain in its original context bey ause often to
register on the national register they like to see the bridges
stay in their° original context ai part of the historic value; 2)
cost — �3omc data from a couple of years ago (noted costs
have gone up) to rehab and relocate that bridge as a
pedestrian brtdge was rangling from S 1 102000 to $180,400
and believes in recent discussion with engineej�s the cast is
up to $200,000. He stated to build a new bridge in the
existing location in the oripirra] estiinate vas around
$5 3 MOO, Sb4U00 and $470,004 (somewhere in -that
Asked i Fthat was for a one lane bridge.
He stated that was f"or a new two lane bridge to handle the
two way traffic and vide farm equipment. He noted the
bottom line in reviewing costs with McFarland Johnson,
there is not enough money at the $750,000 level to relocate
this bridge and rehab it as pedestrian bridge and build a
brand new bridge. Stated the County has enough money to
build a brand new bridge on the existing location and
remove the old bridle and set it aside, for potential future
relocation or an option similar if SHPO supports that. He
at so stated another option wo uld be similar to the Forest
Horne bridge near Corn e11, which was to build essentially a
brand new bridge and take the trusses fi-om the old bridge
and put them on the uutside of the brand new bridge for
acstheties which creates a look like the old bridge,
Asked if there was another option that had been presented
that had the existing bridge left in place, brought up to a
level that it could be a pedestrian walkway and then a new
bridge build at a slightly dil"fcrent angle near it,
Stated options like that had heen discussed sLich as.the
option to rehab the existing bridge as one lane, slightly
widen it to accommodate farm equipment and then build a
brand reef bri dge right next to it which would be the other
lane but that leaves three trusses that is not preferable to a
safety standpoint as the middle truss could get roan into- He
noted there was not a long approach from the Fall Creek
Road side so that is not a pref-erred option and would put
the County out of the proposed budget.
A ked to review the costs of these options.
Stated it would be a rough estimate to rehab and relocate of
$200,000 and the cost o F a nevi hridge would be around
T. Hatfield: Asked if Sh1PO would be willing to allow the County to
remove the bridge and set it aside_
P. Mesmer; Stated he does not feel they will like that option very well
and the idea SHF'O would like to see the most would be a
refurbished single lane bridge but according to the report
fro in McFarland ,lohnson, they believe essentially to bring
the c±cisting bridge to modern low levels to handle the
traffic it would be a completely ri % %v bridge as the steel is in
such load shape and feels it is not feasible to rebuild the old
bridge. It was built in 1887,
M Weinstein: Asked what the cost would be with a Forest Home type
bridge which is a slightly larger one late bridge and adding
on the original truLises9
P. klesmer: Mated that concept could be done and is basically the route
the County would like to go and becomes the issue of how
wide to go_ Stated it needs to be wide enough to
accommodate the farin equipment. Noted the County has
precedent set with the Forest Home bridge,
M. Robertsom Stated she would riot support a two lane bridge as it only
needs to be wide enough to accommodate for the farm
equipment and einergency vehicles. doted at the Public
Works meeting on August 1, 2002, Mr. Mesiner stated a
full two lane bridge is 26 feet wide and thought to
accomi-nod ate for the Cann equiprent ]t could be 16 to 18
feet wide_
P. Mesmer: Stated it was around those figures.
M. Robertson. Feels that would matter to SHPO and stated that maybe a
dozen cars cross the bridge a day,
T. Hati ield: Stated the other vehicles that use the bridge is inilk
equipment and eniergency vehicles,
M. Robertson: Stated it does not req;Jre two lane traffic.
P. esmer: beets that a stronger position to propose to S HPO would he
to argue to build a two lane bridge which the County has
the budget for and noted they are the ones to i -nake the
ultimate decision. If they do not remotely support it, they
will not allow that option to happen, 'Noted If the County
starts with that position, it gives them room for SHPO to
back the County clown to the width that oul[I
accommodate the farm equipment anti stiiI be a singie Mine.
D. Weinstein: Doted there are other reasons that the local community
there might want i t to be a wirier one lane bridge. If there
is a certain traffic calming effect that a one lane bridge has
that two Dine bridges don't have,
P. Mesmer; Stated the minutes of the people in that area at that time
wanted the two lane bridge.
T. Hatfield:
Feels the County needs to propose the option which is what
the neighborhood wants which was the result of two public
P. Mesmer:
States he feels the County should argue to Sl IPO the two
lane bridge option with the trusses on the outside.
M. Christofferson:
Feels it should be at least a one and half lane bridge and no
less than that and notes the County and Planning Board
needs to put their feelings aside and argue what the public
P. Mesmer:
Stated lie would get with McFarland Johnson and contact
Rick Lord at SHPO and sec what lie is waiting for and ask
him for a meeting.
T. Hatfield:
Stated Mr. Mesmer should locate the minutes from the
public meetings and take those to the meeting with SH:PO.
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(4) Master Plan Discussion
B. Caldwell: Opened the discussion on the Master Plan Transportation
section at 7:50 pm (page 43).
J. L.aquatra, Jr.: Stated he did not have a problem with what was there but
wondered if there should be some mention of concern from
the residents in the Village of Freeville of the truck traffic.
B. Caldwell: Noted the Town should review the truck transportation
study from the County.
G. Franz: Stated the studv is available on the web and feels the
problem is that Freeville is the state highway and there
should be a paragraph added about truck-traffic
T. Hatfield: Feels the Board needs to look at. the truck traffic through
Freeville, Etna and the Village of Dryden.
D. Weinstein: voted the public did not mind so much the local truck
traffic but the through truck traffic.
M. Christofferson: Stated it is a big problem that is not going to get any better
and if the Board can not come up with a solution, we
should at least say it needs to be looked at in the future.
B. Caldwell: Stated the Board finished the transportation section and will
restart at the next meeting on page 46. Closed the meeting
at 8:25 pm.