HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-21TOWN OF D YDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 55 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13453 807 -a"_ 9120 ZONING & 9UIDING COIDE ENFORCEMENT In the Heart of the Finger Lakes.Rgian Date r Marc..h 122nd, 2002: o= Ber`bara Caldwell, Chr•_ Dryden Town plan Board 16��4 Ellis Hallow dead atF-ecal rkeva fer•?t 1 $ Re% fanning &triR�I'd Session of Marr�-h 21st, 2002. Dear Sar^bara 0 Meeting cmilled agent ; o ardor by actig t; chairpersons i+'tar -tin reviewed Chyti st o ff e*r-s on at 7m3O PIMA Pra s e nt were Board members, Martim i ;°I ChristafftrE cons David afficials Weinstein., who Thomas Hatfield praptsal acrd Joseph Laquatra.. Fp s pr -esent were, Towin review. Board Super vi sQr Mark of lot Var•vayanis, size., ZDning Officer, {ZO), Henry Slated Tower consult. that Engineer David Gutmann, George Frantz, land usa consultant and Raley Subdivision agent Barbara Sinner, On the agenda were thre conference for a propos 7 lot subdivision knawn conference of the Carne SubdIvision and c). dis land use manajjament rev Lb ed a li Cu I's { U 5 i 3) items W modificati Beaver Win s (4) lot Sion of th on effar•t. hith an o ads, phas e. Pr includ f an ex b), co e one Iq oposed ed : a). raketeh istinq 1998 pale, nt inue sketch anhattan Estates chapter 6 of the Barbara Starner, agent for the Paley Subdivision, presented a proposed mcodification of parcel 59.�1�7. 1# a developed lot at the corner o.f Wood and West Dryden Road Board membar Christofferson identified two, (2) patential concerns which include, septic system locatit�n and actual lut size as there seem to he a differ^enca between the request and Z�r�fng Officer Slater's estiosates as it shall be demonstrated by the applICant that alZ existxn, fat development is in conformance with all applicable agency regulati,oP5, Project agent Stoner indicated she had reviewed the proposed further division with County- Health Depart-went afficials who found the praptsal acceptable without their review. ThrLa concern of lot size., area, may be explained by the fact that the east property line i ester ili Phed at the Center IIno of Wood road, a traditional msasurernent methGd, rather- than the current practice of at the 2690 of the public road boundary. This lat was surveyed the tri;pLditianal r4ay as Woed Road is by easement rather than by daedDd road bed, At the suggestion of ?O Slater, Board member Hatfield moved, "prior -to holding a heelringx for- hearing use, the applicant shall provide a professional survey of the proposed 2 lots: i L 5{ Py Planning Board Meeting of 3/21I200a, page Two � The improved lots shall illustrate all existing ment5 including set hacks of the structures, well and septic system" A second by Board member Weinstirre. By' role call, all voted yes, 00tion carried. Manhattan Subdivision, phase One, (1), Continue Sketch Reviet*_ The Ma- nhattan Subdivis is a project submitted 41 imately will provid Town High way, (5,000 + into (a) separate* stye Twist er' s Way. Currsrrt 1400 feet of public hi he required to complet ion project west side of Yellow Barn Road by project spt3nsor^ Her ;nat -d Car^nelius which a 2z lots and .just Tess than (l) Mile of /� Feet) consisting, of a circle divided ets to he known as Phantom Lane aDd praposal WOkLld include four, (4) lots and ghway. At least one, (1) more phase would e the project. 3O Slater a gave repor -t an the current status of the Yellow Barn Greek flood c*ntr -ol project. ZO Slater has been attending r eetings at the Tompkins County Soil & Water Conservatiarr District, on sponsors of the Flood Mitigation flood control project. Erasion of residential property alonig the portion of Yellow Barn Creek between Ferguson Road to the si +uth and N S Route 13 to the nur~th has become serious during recent years. There are Several issues that have coDtrihuted to the erosion and include, a) . a larger Ferguson Road Yellow Barn Creek c+�Ivert, b). the develDpment of Yellow Barn Road from seasonal use to a full service highway and c }. upstream residential development. ThE Farguson Road culvert. was enlarged in conjun change from seasonal u5s to fall service of Yell much new impermeable surface and road side ditch friom the new road development, run —off increased January 19th, 1596 camhinatio -r rain and rapid me substantial snow pack caused much damage to the neighborhood drawing attention to the potential and erosion_ ct i on with the a w Barn Road. As es were created dramaticaily. A It of tha suL,�acE for bath f 1 odd i rig With highway access to the upper Y211 ow Bann aree came development of the' residential property potential. Air example of that is the current Manhattan Subdivision. Several outer properties have devfejoped along the upper Yellow Barn Road north facing slope which also contribute to Increased run off and er~osioT3 as drainage is via Yellow Bar-qn Creek far; both_ Currently, flood and erosion ffiitigation efforts fnrL the davin stream ar%aa of concern have been developed and will be implemented this coming summer. The repairs will stabilize Yellow Barn Creek, however it discharge far futur s, portion of the Manhatt Ideally% as much runt o different drainage bas will be i especially aTI subdivi ff as Ross I n_ mportant on nort Sion is ible sho to limit rate of h slope, development. A on the north slope. Uld he directed to a D�p�4 Planning Board Meeting of March 21st, 200E page Three. in ali cases, drainage infrastr uc }urn should be dE veloped which assures, the rate of discheLrge both during and after cnnstr^uction is limited to that rate pr ;ior, to construction. Erasion mitigation rust alsfl receiVe atten }ions All planning} ideally, woUl,d provide improvement when passible and shall apply to all drainage areas. preyiously Dave Putnam, TG Miller our Town Cnnsultant Engineer firm, had recommended the drainage and erosion design far the entire prcject should be developed. The phased impli mentaticn of drainage and erosion is acceptable providing the overall design is 'follawed as each phase is implemented. Board member Weinstein inquired about the lot arL*a, (size), further asking if these lots are sufficient for sand filters if sand filters were required? Mr. WeinsteiTi understood that 250 foot diameter circles are required for subdivision lots with sand filter installations 7 ZO Slater indicated, generally that would be the case however, only the Tompkins County Department of Environmental Health may answer that question "_ The problem is, until such tigse the Health Department has an applicatian for subdivision under the state subdivision regulations, that is mare than o lots of less than 5 acres within a (3) year period of time, the Health Department will generally not provide an opinion as to what reglAiripments r4ould be required for }Inure subdivision. Additionally, Sward member Hatfield inquired, will the Health De part meTrt consider` pr~opertty Unt]er an overhead power` t ran sm1ss5.on IL ine, (NYEEE ), as part of the required usable lot area,, ? Zo Slater replied he did not believe the Health Department would as the Health Department has a requirement, generally applicable, that no property located within any area of easement can not be considered usable lot area, however, ZC Slater does know of sevenal subdivisions which, inClUde lots which are within NYSEQ easement area, Examples i1101ude Forest Heights Subdivision lots along Scuth Knoll Drive, Crystal Drive and Catherine Drive. Board member Hatfield suggested the applicant should consider askinn the Health Department look at the potential lots for easement requirLaments and lot septic system approval,. If the Health Department choose not to comment to applicant, maybe ZO Slater could request Health Diepartment t%Qmment ? All agreed that would be a good approach. Board member Hatfield moved, secand by Board member Laquatra," pr•icr" to prel,iruinary plat review, appli: ant provide, as previously requested, a ?. overall drainage 9 er'0510n plans in co�iformance with a 0 increase in rate of run off for the overall pr^ajact, b). applicant request Health Department coautment on lot potential of lots 5 -12 for area and easam'.5nt consideration ". Motion passed unanimously. I DRAFT r?arrning Board Meeting March 21 tj 2002 p4�kge our George Frantz and Chapter 6 of the Long Range Land Use P lar., Saeorge Planning 4.*nd Snard" the Board s #r~oposed discussed revised the land 'Las't Use Chap-ter plan six, a 56i, Baard Member 3 the HZtfield developing pose mQriicspal Cd several infrastructure CALestians 4i the and potential the cost cast to the of Town in maintaining such infrastruotur a and equipment necessary such as highw4�Ly tr Ucks and r°slated equipment. !YlC . F�v~antz indicated these cast are aCCOUnted far by establishing specific densities suc:�h as but not limited to 4 dwellings per acre where i4anicipal water and z�sn�er� seFMvicL is provided which when the tax and benefit district are are determined wl , l pay the maintanance cast. Further discussion centered around zoning d {str-ictl uses which would encourage the desired densities to je1stify mI.rs�icipal services. Additionally,, one should bear in rind, all Initial cost ate elt the expense of the developer and benefit districts. Discussion continued as to where the proposed t3nirt districts and uses shGuld be astablished to support infrastructure. Examples, Mr. Prantz envisioned dense residentaial growth anottrrd the exi =tire Village of Dryden, northwest of the 'pillage i!�f Freeville and near and or around the Hamlets Of Etna and Varna. Addition residential subdivisions should be created along N'{S Paiute 1Z west of Ringwood Road to NYSES -to further supp€rrt opunicipal water and newer infr~astrLreture in those areas. ZO Slater- questioned convarting some mf the Tawtsr s most utilized agr•iculttyre lands, those areas arnund the Village of Drydens when it was clear that one the Lang Range goals was to preset�ve our agriculture lands? Also, ZO Slater states, inquires for NYS Route 13 DievelopmEnt are never for residential development btit interest is expressed for commercial development alone N S Route 13. Again,, ane of the major goals was to develope the majQr cos^ridor between Ithaca and Cortland commercially. Why the t:!rhannye in ,direction ? Georges "There was a great intar°est in not attracting brig retail ". Hoard member Hatfield, I don't believe we .jre tallying "Pig Sox " , We're tz�lkirrg commercial businesses of sarvi.ce and small retail, people who travel to and fr•am wor4k creating a tax base for the Town and Dryden School District. If you'll recall, last month school board members asked us tD arrsidert c ocmmer%c:ial growth in the Dryden School, taxable jands area as commercial development pr^avides a larger dollar tax base and does not have chijdren where r^esidi�rrtial is just the t#pPnsite. A154!), one shi�jxld bear- in mind the Tompkins County work force is mobile. A5 previojisly stated, , the Tompkins County work force is Made up of 33% of orxt of county persons. Commercial development may not result ir, mor6 school 'seeds ypt ease the tax rate. George agr @ed to revisit the zoning aspect as well as cttan up any other loose ends. Planning SDard Heint ing �by!arch alst, 2002 page Five, As the next Two Meetings will be critical5 Feting Chair-. Christoff?rsoTx asked all to ;j' recnc their calendaY•s to see if the regular Srd Th�tt�sday oat s were OK or not. It appeared that Apr i±, kgas good fmDr all bu-12 Board member Hatf;.eld but nl� date in Apr" l WOLtld work for Tom. I�ay wo�_�1d CAUSE a cg1aple of schedulilzg L ssues_ Upon agreement, those Prasernt agreed to rove the May meeting to May 30th, 20421. NLEq'� MAKE A NOTE TO CHANGE YOUR CALENDAR TO REFLECT MAY 30th ras the MAY PLFNNTTNG BOARD h1EI:-FJ "10 DATE is w THURSDA'L41 MAY 30th, 2002 � iL was j^iove�d by Board momber Weinstein and a 5acDnd by .50ard Y.rem]:�er Hatfield tp adjourn. So carriE?d ma9ting adiiD rTied a4 10 .00 Pm. Respectfully SUb[nItted Ax Henry � Slaters Ca€�es R7fficen All `+9emher 5 of the Drryden Town [planning aoar�d, Mark Varvayanis, Dryden Town Supervisor Deb Oranyham, Deputy Sup *r visor Christopher Mic�haLals., �iais n, Town Board Mahlon R. Per hits, Drlydfi�r► Town Attorney Davy PUtnam, 7-0. Miller, Engineer-;� and Suyr vsyors. Laura Huff, Recording Secretary., Town P1'anning Boa-rd. paly Subdivision File 199a �o�divs3a��fle V ? Marhat tan i i Planning Board 2002 filew i IP F Zi