JANUARY 20, 2000
AGENDA: Future Land Use in the Town of Dryden
MEMBERS PRESENT. Chairperson Barbara Caidwell, Lynn Griffin, David Weinstein, Martin
Christofferson, Gordan Qiebler, and Joe Lalley-
ALSO PRESENT: Henry Slater
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Barbara Caldwell who noted that the County Planning
Federation was willing to help out with training and share information- She also noted that Deb Grantham
spoke to the Town Board about training and was encouraged to go ahead with It,
Chair Caldwell: Asked about the questionnaire chat the students were developing,
J. (.alley: Suspected that the student would be returning within the next week and would want try and
get the questionnaire out by as early as February- The questionnaire would then be
reviewed by the Planning Board and funds would be discussed with the Town Board,
Crtiair Caldwell- Wondered if the Planning would need a resolution in the form of a motion
Board to request that?
J- Lalley, Suggested that a list be compiled before rnotions carried.
Chair Caldwell: Asked how the Town Board wants the matter handled?
J- Lalley: Another Meeting should be set up to discuss the results of the survey when it is
completed- What other d1rection should be pursued?
Chair Caldwell: Water shortage concern.
Diebfer; Suggested that the focus be on pro per development,
Joseph Lai ley moved that a request be sent to the Town Board for an additional five thousand
dollars in funding in continue work on the Town Master Plan Update. Specifically to have the
Town wide survey executed and compiled and to pursue other initiatives as directed by the
Planning Board /Long Range Planning Committee.
Second was by Martin Christofferson,
Mote: Yes 16) Chair Barbra Caldwell, Lynn Griffin, David Weinstein, Martin Christofferson,
Gordon Diebter, Jae Lalley.
No (0) Abstained (0)