HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-20m El • DRYDEN TOWN PLANNING BOARD SEPTEMBER `E, 1994 j+;X- ��' 101 MEMBERS PRESENT: was called to order at 8:15 Chair Chair Barbara Barbara latest submission Board members were introduced Caldwell; board acknowledgment Erica to EricA.Evans and Deborah Evans; Joseph board Lalley; Robert Fletcher; and in addition Claudia review Brenner; that Dave Putnam offered and Deborah the plans Grantham. Also Present but not limited to: Larry Fabbroni; Ralph Varna Dave Putnam; Kay Barns; Roger Hatfield; Don Gilbert; Eva Hoffman and Henry Slater. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 PM by Chair Barbara Caldwell. latest submission Board members were introduced with a special board acknowledgment was to EricA.Evans and Deborah Grantham as the newest board that were raised members. Board and in addition PEREGRINE HOLLOW SUBDIVISION PUBLIC HEARING — FINAL REVIEW PHASE 1 Larry Fabbroni stated the latest submission before the board dealt was with all the issues that were raised by the Board and in addition pine review comments that Dave Putnam offered seven when the plans were first submitted. would be placed and the Mr. Fabbroni said the landscaping for the entrance way along the Reed and DeBells property as well as the property opposite the entrance way on Snyder Hill Road have been addressed. Ralph Varn explained that there was an existing driveway. Ten (10) pine trees, six to seven foot in height, would be placed and the driveway would be realigned so that it no longer came straight out in order to eliminate /reduce headlight glare. The developer will do any seeding and grading to get it back to a normal drive. Joseph Lalley noted for the Board that he had discussed the mitigating plan with some of the property owners and also told them that they could come and review the plan. They seemed to be satisfied with the proposal. He was unable to reach DeBell or Bauer. According to Larry Fabbroni they have worked out with the Town Highway Superintendent the turn grounds which exist on Settlement Road shown on the plan with a regular hammer head at the South end of Settlement Drive. Dave Putnam requested that all man holes above a certain height and any with three sewer lines coming into them be five feet in diameter and that change has been shown. The drainage study was submitted meeting the new federal requirements. This required nearly doubling the size of the catchment areas that were proposed in the original submission to handle everything up to the 100 year storm and retain the peak flow on site so that the effect on the down hill properties would be negligible based on this phase of the development. All retention would be within the subdivision. One Retention area is along the drainage way down Snyder Hill Road where it comes through the project. The second is sort of split between two backyards. The third between two other back yards. The forth along a retention ditch that exist on the Foot property within the Town of Dryden. pB 9-22-94 PG. 2 Larry also stated that Dave Putnam request all covers be O eighteen inches. The walkways are now shown and at the discretion of the Town of Dryden will belong to the Town of Dryden or property owners when they no longer belong to the developer. The developer will retain them through the Phase One Development and if the Town decides not to own them will be deeded to one of the adjacent owners with an easement for walkway purposes. El • They have met with The Town engineer and Highway Superintendent and resolved what the $15,000 will cover. The shoulder work east of the entrance, a four foot shoulder on the South Side with a two foot shoulder on the North side of the road. There will be four foot shoulders from the entrance to the Town Line which the developer would contribute $15,000 toward. Larry stated that the developer is responsible for any profile of the road. There are two alternatives proposed to deal with getting the four foot shoulders and the site distance back to Ithaca. The preferred one is to raise the level of the road at the entrance because there now exist a slight dip in the road and would make a more uniform grade as you come up the hill. This would involve moving the road four feet north at the entrance and would have the most substantial effect on the North side hedge row. The worse case would be removing the small trees in order to move the road to the North. There is a landscape plan for the property most directly affected. The other alternative is more complicated it means cutting of the road and possible meaning to lower the water main. He is proposing to the Board to allow them to work out the details with the Town Engineer and Highway Superintendent. Larry also noted t adjacent propertie project there will sewer line if and continue to extend project. hat s sO be when sew the tha acce the er i easement t when th ss with o adjacent t will be for sewer is e sewer is de ut any restri neighborhood available th sh ve ct w ro own to the loped for the ions to that ants to ugh the Town Engineer Dave Putnam said that the drainage plan was acceptable in the present form. There are some clarifications which will be necessary as to ownership after they're made. Mr. Varn states he will own them for five years and it is unclear what will happen after that period of time. The developer should have a provision, easements or whatever in the deeds when he sells the lots in order to access the land. There should be language in the deeds stating the owner is responsible for maintenance, and if the owner doesn't maintain them properly there is some mechanism for another party to access and maintain them if the Town does form a drainage district for the subdivision. PB 9 -22 -94 PG. 3 Dave Putnam also the said there were some minor conflicts letter between O the road plan and profile that locations of raising in size of culverts road which can be worked one out. foot, The however water is individual going to go under the road through saw a culvert a the to get of road to the four areas, and stated they would either build this or submit it again. entrance Tonight Putnam was the first time issues Mr. the Putnam letter had heard the 9/20/94 alternative stated that plan of raising all the road one foot, however of at first individual look it saw makes taking a the lot of road sense. down west It would of the be entrance cheaper for or raising the developer, it at the entrance is accomplishing the same thing and doesn't think with .just The having Town is looked responsible at it for will the adversely shoulders affect to the somebody East same else. as before. Mr. Putna still has 9/20/94 t approved presently extended in the di m stated to be a he exten prior to in the to servi strict. tha ccom sion any dist ce t t pl 0 b ri he the legal form ished. He not f the Snyder H wilding permit ct. The distr eight lots wh ation of the Sewer District ed that in his letter of ill Water District must be s being issued for lots not ict would have to be ich are not whole or partly Mr. Putnam has discussed the desire of at least 50 scale map /plans be provided in order to ensure properly maintained construction of the development. This is necessary due to the is number and close proximally of the lots in order to list all of the requirements. Health department approval is necessary before this project is finalized. Flow meters for the sewer before it enters the Town of Ithaca, he will provide the developer with what is necessary at that stage of development. L Mr. Putnam addressed the issues in the letter of 9/20/94 and stated that as long as all easements were stated on the deeds of the individual properties saw no problems. There are several easement issues and did not have a problem with the main line sewer easement, the 20 foot right of way, as long as they are shown in detail after they are built. Drainage easements were a concern in that it is not well address how it will be maintained after five years and how land will be accessed during the five years Ralph owns them. The Easement for Lot 27 which is serviced by a sewer line solely within lot 28 and how the lateral will go through lot 28 to 27 is a concern. What is not clear is there should also be notes on the plat probably specific as far as drainage and sewer laterals to other individual lots, there ought to be a table that says there is a drainage easement common between lots. When someone goes in and looks at the plat they will know a drainage easement is on their property, or they are buying a retention pond in their back yard. PB 9 -2' -94 PG. 4 Ralph Varn said that in the specifications they use when selling the houses who they at have concerned about by way of a note that houses will be served O by way of park gravity was if would like to see at all possible and if they can't be served by gravity whey will be serviced by a sewer ejection pump. Through discussion Ralph noted he did not have a problem with placing notes on the plat. Donald Gilbert said the only remaining concern was in plowing the turn arounds and noted the Town would not be liable for snow being dumped in driveways. Eva Hoffman who lives at 4 Sugarbush lane was concerned about the traffic and wanted an access to Snyder Hill and Slaterville Road. The park issue was another concern and would like to see this development have its own park. Kay Barns just wished a clarification in the direction water and sewer were coming for the project. Larry Fabbroni noted that water was coming from Snyder Hill and sewer from Slaterville. Henry Slater had a request from the Town Supervisor requesting the developer to relate what has transpired with the Town of Ithaca so that it becomes part of the record. Mr. Varn stated because he is purchas Town of Ithaca from Mrs. Foot that a easement that goes down to Slatervill Mrs. Foot to do a two lot subdivision They received preliminary subdivision There is language which says they can lot or get a building permit for that incorporate that lot in the property Dryden that is owned under the name o had to show a easement from Snyder Hi one on a map which Larry did. The To land lock situation. ing a parcel of land in the lso involves the sewer e Road acted as agent for with the Town of Ithaca. approval last Tuesday It build a house on that lot. We need to that is in the Town of f Peregrine Partners. We 11 Road to parcel number wn felt we were creating a We have told the town of Ithaca we will dedicate the land above Blue Herron Road a piece 150' by 521' representing five lots that border against Blue Herron Road for a park. It will be between 1.5 acres and 2.26 acres, depending on how the road aligns, when we do go into the Town of Ithaca for subdivision approval of that lot. The Town Planning Board has also asked us to leave a right of way through to Mr.(3Lampeeds land and also another 60 foot strip in case they want to line it up a different way. The last part of the resolution they asked us to work with the Planning staff toward the possibly development of a second access that would hook up with Park Lane and go down to route 79. It is contingent on a variance from the ZBA for a lot with no frontage. We go before the ZBA Oct. 12th. and the Planning Board for final subdivision on the 16th of Oct. PB 9 -22 -94 PG. 5 Mr. Lalley initiated a discussion with Mr. Putnam and members O of the board for the necessary wording and suggestions for the purposed motion. F • Zoning Officer Henry Slat issues with Town Superint a general note placed on Road is involved that the all driveway cuts prior t pertaining to paved drive during plowing due to own installation and heights. er end all hi o i way ers said that after discussing driveway ent Donald Gilbert would like to see plats /subdivisions where a Town ghway superintendent shall approve nstallation. Discussion followed s and the possibility of damage not being aware of proper Ralph noted that he would not object to the Highway Superintendent approving /suggesting the Cut on the drives involving snow removal as discussed in the turn around areas and has discussed this with Mr. Gilbert. The board concluded that the issue was broader then this subdivision and pertained to installation as well as location and may be a recommended topic for future issues. The Board unanimously approved a motion by Erica Evans and Second by Robert Fletcher to close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED JOSEPH LALLEY OTHE PEREGRINE CONDITIONS: • MOVED TO GIVE FINAL APPROVAL HOLLOW SUBDIVISION SUBJECT TO PB 9/22/94 TO THE PHASE ONE IN THE FOLLOWING FOR THESE CONDITIONS ONE SHOULD REFERENCE THE LETTER FROM DAVID PUTNAM TO BARBARA CALDWELL DATED SEPTEMBER 20, 1994, HERE AFTER REFERRED TO AS THE PUTNAM LETTER. 1. REFERENCE THE PUTNAM LETTER SECTION ON DRAINAGE: THE DEVELOPER SHALL CORRECT DRAWINGS BETWEEN THE PROFILES AND PLAN AND LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND TOWN ENGINEER. STORM WATER AND CONFLICTS IN THE VIEW FOR CULVERT SIZE SUBMIT THEM TO THE 2. REFERENCE THE PUTNAM LETTER SECTION OF 50 SYSTEMS ON SNYDER HILL FABBRONI OR OTHER P.E. IN SUFFICIENT DETAIL TO ON BEHALF THE TOWN ROAD: THE DRYDEN DEVELOPER THAT SHOW ENGINEER ALL EASEMENTS RELATING TO WATER, SEWER, ACCEPTANCE BY THE TOWN OF DRYDEN OF DEVELOPER FUNDED IMPROVEMENTS TO SNYDER HILL ROAD PRIOR TO FIRST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR ANY BUILDING IN PROJECT THE 3. REFERENCE THE PUTNUM LETTER SECTION WATER: ACCEPTANCE BY THE TOWN OF DRYDEN OF ITS PORTION OF THE WATER SYSTEM IN THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF THE SNYDER HILL WATER DISTRICT. 4. REFERENCE THE PUTNAM LETTER SECTION SEWER: ACCEPTANCE BY THE TOWN OF DRYDEN OF ITS PORTION OF THE SEWER SYSTEM IN THE PROPOSED SEWER DISTRICT. 5. ADDITIONS TO DEEDS FOR LOT 37 THROUGH 42 AND LOTS 34 THROUGH 35 THAT THE TOWN OF DRYDEN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SNOW REMOVAL FROM DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY THE TOWN. 6. SUBMISSION TO THE TOWN DRAWINGS OF THE SEWER OF DRYDEN AND WATER OF 50 SYSTEMS SCALE AS BUILT PREPARED BY LARRY FABBRONI OR OTHER P.E. IN SUFFICIENT DETAIL TO ON BEHALF THE TOWN OF OF THE DRYDEN DEVELOPER THAT SHOW ENGINEER ALL EASEMENTS RELATING TO WATER, SEWER, AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND IMPROVEMENTS THERETO. 7. ADDITION OF DETAILS TO SUBDIVISION PLAT AND CORRECTIONS SHOWING WATER, SEWER, DRAINAGE, AND PATHWAY EASEMENTS TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN ENGINEER. 9 9 El 1 PB 9/22/94 8. THE LEGAL FORMATION OF THE SEWER DISTRICT. 9. ALL EASEMENTS SHALL RE SHOW ON SURVEYS OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS. 100 ADDITIONAL NOTES TO SUBDIVISION PLAT DESIGNATING LOTS THAT MAY REQUIRE SEWER EJECTION RUMPS. 11. APPROVAL OF PLAT BY TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 12. ACCOMPLISHING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES FOR THE REED, DEBELL, BAUER AND HULING -ASH PROPERTIES AS DETAILED ON PLAT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF FIRST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 13. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSED TOWN ROADS BY THE TOWN OF DRYDEN. 14. OBTAINING OTHER AGENCIES APPROVALS AS REQUIRED. SECOND ROBERT FLETCHER. VOTE YES (6) B. CALDWELL. E. EVANS, J. LALLEY, R. FLETCHER, C. BRENNER AND D. GRANTHAM NO (0) ABSTENTION (0) I MILLER ` ..1 RE] Allen T. Fulkerson, L.S. to David A. Herrick, P.E. E n g i n e e r s and S u r v e y o r s Frank L. Santelli, P.E. D. Lee Dresser, L.S. September 20, 1994 Ms. Barbara Caldwell Chair Town of Dryden Planning Board 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 Re: Peregrine Hollow Subdivision Dear Barbara, I have reviewed the Subdivision Plat, dated July 29, 1994, for Phase One of the Peregrine Hollow Subdivision submitted by the Varn Brothers and have the following comments: Storm Water and Drainacxe0 The developer has presented a storm water management plan concept which is acceptable except for the ownership and maintenance of the facilities. The Varn Brothers have stated that they will maintain the facilities for five years and then revert the maintenance responsibility to the lot owners or the Town, if the Town establishes a maintenance district. In order to insure future maintenance the Plat must show easements to the Varn Brothers for ali drainage structures and drainage ways not on public land. Each lot having a drainage improvement should have a deed restriction stating that the owner must maintain the improvement after the five year period. This restriction must also state that if the drainage improvement is not maintained the Town can charge the owner for any necessary maintenance required. Prior to construction the Varn Brothers must have all the pertinent parts of all referenced material in the Storm Water Management Plan included in one package. A copy must be filed with the Town and one copy kept on the construction site. The drawinggs contain conflicts between the profiles and the plan view for culvert size and location. These conflicts seem to be editing problems because of the many submissions and revisions. The Engineer, Mr. Larry Fabbroni must have all of these conflicts addressed to the satisfaction of the Town prior to construction. Snyder Hill oad R: Don Gilbert, Ralph Varn, and myself met on Snyder Hill Road on September 16th to discuss improvements to Snyder Hill Road. .The agreement was that the Varn Brothers would do all work necessary to improve the site distance to the West, which includes lowering the road profile, storm drainage, 4 foot shoulders on both sides of the road, possible horizontal 203 North Aurora Street • P.O. Box 777 • Ithaca, New York 14850 • (6071272 -6477 Ms. Caldwell 2 September 20, 1994 realignment of up to 4 feet to the north, and water line relocation. The Town would improve the shoulders from the development to Snyder Hill Court to the east (4 foot shoulder on the South side and 2 foot shoulders on the North side) and re -pave the road from Snyder Hill Court to the Town of Ithaca. The Town has had the re- paving of Snyder Hill Road on the schedule for several years and has been holding off this improvement until this subdivision issue has been resolved. The Varn Brothers have verbally agreed to reimburse the Town $15,000 for the improvement to the shoulders East of the development and the paving of the shoulders west of the development. This work should be completed prior to the first certificate of occupancy. The extension of the Snyder Hill Water District must be approved prior to any building permits being issued for lots not presently in the district. The water system shown on the 100 -foot scale plat is hard to follow. Mr. Fabbroni has stated that he will provide clarification to the contractor during construction as well as prepare "as- constructed') drawings for the work. This is acceptable as long as the developer agrees to retain Mr. Fabbroni or another Professional Engineer. The 'las- constructed" drawings must show the water system road right - of-wa , ditches, pavement edges, culverts, retention structures, other improvements and be at a scale of 1 inch equals 50 feet. Any part of the water system located in the Town of Ithaca will have to be approved by the Town of Ithaca. The developer must agree to install master meters per details provided by the Town of Dryden at all interconnections with the Town of Ithaca. Sewer: The legal formation of the Sewer District must still be accomplished. I have checked with the Town Attorney and there has been no activity with the District formation since the meeting of June 28, 1994. The Town has made preliminary contact concerning the purchase of additional capacity at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment plant as requested at the June 28, 1994 meeting. The final arrangement for this purchase can occur with the district formation. The cost for this additional capacity must be borne by the Developer. The sewer system shown on the 100 foot scale plat is hard to follow. Mr. Fabbroni has stated that he will provide • clarification to the contractor during construction as well as prepare "as- constructed" drawings for the work. This is acceptable as long as the developer agrees retain Mr. �J Ms. Caldwell 3 September 20, 1994 Fabbroni or another Professional Engineer. The "as- constructed" drawings must show the sewer system road right - of -way, ditches, pavement edges, culverts, retention structures, other improvements and be at a scale off 1 inch equals 50 feet. The sewer system Will necessitate numerous sewer laterals crossing other lots on easements to service neighboring lots. I believe this is generally not the best practice, however it is permissible. It must be clearly stated in the deed for theses affected lots that the Town s responsibility for maintenance ends at the limit of the main line easement. The easement across the neighboring lot should have provisions for maintenance of the lateral by the owner of the lot serviced. The Plat is not clear whether all lots can be serviced by gravity to the sewer main. If individual booster pumps are required to service any lots they will owned and operated by the lot owner. These lots should be identified on the Plat. Any part of the sewer system located in the Town of Ithaca will have to be approved by the Town of Ithaca. The developer must agree to install sewer meters per details provided by the Town of Dryden, at all interconnections with the Town of Ithaca sewer. The general note stating "all utilities on private property will be on a 20 foot permanent easement centered on as -built centerline of water and sewer main" is acceptable for the crowded Plat, however, a detailed easement must be shown on all individual survey maps when lots are sold. The Town's of Dryden and Ithaca have been discussing common issues of this subdivision and a co y of Supervisor Schug's letter to Supervisor Whitcomb is at ached for reference. I will be at the September 22nd meeting to answer questions. Sincerely, David G. Putnam cc: J. Schug, Supervisor N: Slater, Code Enforcement Officer M. Perkins, Attorney Planning Board Members C] • SKETCH PLAN REVIEW ROGER HATFIELD GULF HILL ROAD Roger Hatfield stated that three lots off the parent this location have been sold. A map was submitted to Planning Board showing the three lots located between proposed lots. stream. parcel at the the new Discussion and action taken tonight included locating the Northern directions numbering the lots and discussion of the stream shown on the map. Num Curry the S requi 5. I go st ber #4 t e 1 rem f h rai ing from Stelick ick prope ents howe e doesn't ght back the most #6s wit rt y. Th ver, he acquire to the f North h a qu e Curr is con parce ence 1 ern located lot as ones Tripp #4g estion on 50 foot access east of y lot is small by current sidering buying parcel numbered 1 51 a new boundary line will 10 ine. The Zoning Officer will report to the board if this is a designated stream. Questioned if the lot line was adequate as defined as being middle of stream. meeting adjourned.