HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-204raft 7%20189
To: Town Board Members, Town of Dryden
• From: Planning Board, Town of D
Re: Proposed RA Zone
AUG 2 3 1989
Lr c; Ifi1 Q/L ry 11 /f)o ._ _..
In the late 1960's as an outcome of the studies for the General Plan, the
Planning Board of that time recommended the adoption of an RA zone as part of
the original zoning package. The RA proposal of tl►at time was extrernel
restrictive, allowing only seasonal recreation butldings (i.e. hunting cabins)
and certain Farm uses• n
The need for such a zone was not evident to tine general public at that time
due to lack of immediate development pressures primarily,
due to the severity of the restrictions proposed at a tinreawlenithehTown, was
Just beginning to Implement land use regulations.
About 3 - h years ago the Planning Board again re
restrictive than the original proposal, as a part
our overall zoning regulations. At that time tine
zone which appeared to encompass much of the Town
usage. One of the concerns expressed was that it
of R -C Uses at the same time the R -B1 area was be
much area previously designated R -C,
connmended an RA zone, less
of a general updatinq of
proposal was as a separate
and provided fairly lindted
eliminated Substantial amx_)rnts
ing greatly expanded to cover
The problems which caused the Planning Board to request an R -A zone have both
• continued and become far more evident. We've had extensive development pressor',;
on sloped and hilltop areas leading to runoff problems, siltation, and erosir,rr.
there have been concerns about flooding duce to increased rate of runoff. C0rrf7.(7* rs
about well water quantity and quality have come up increasingly in associatiorr
Witt, uphill development.
At a suggestion from the Town Board we have again addressed the problem. Instccrd
it a new set of use eestrictlons, we have considered an overlay zone approach In
which most underlying zone uses would be allowed, concentrating instead on
water- related factors. We have had detailed maps prepared on a
tax- parcel basis which demonstrate that it is f tax- parcel -by-
feasible to both implement and
enforce such an overlay concept (similar to flood zones, fresh water wetland
etc. designated throughout the state.) tlonetheinss, we recognize tl►at any such
ordinance should provide an appeals procedure for sit%4e 1 grit review a map
Tire attached document may still have areas needing clarification. We at
aware that there may be some new definitions needed (e.g. "forester ", "overlay ".)
Having spent a substantial amount of time on this concern over the last few
years we are looking forward to assisting the Town Board in any way possible to
bring about its Implementation.
DRAtT #2
7/20/89 for Planning Board, Town of Dryden /y 7{10 7
Proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance Towr �� —~ 'i
ADD the following article: of Dryden � o �E �,G�it
I Section 600. The intent and
purpose of the R -A lone is to preserve he �9 e.}�
2 quality
ality and su 1
pp y of groundwater and surface water, and wisely rrinage
3 the processes of erosion, flooding and stream siltation. The R -A z ti
4 one
shall be an overlay zone to protect those areas associated with stee
5 slopes and /or poor soil, p
6 Section 601. Allowed Uses,
7. The allowed uses shall be those of the underlying zonin dl
8 exception of Itimbering� g strict wltl, the
9 Section 6026 Uses Allowed by Special Permit,
Where timbering is allowed In the underlying zone, timber
$obtafned permits may be
IF a Satisfactory y
Y timbering practices plan prepared by a pro -
fesslonal[forester]ls presented along wlti, a satisfactory drainage an
runoff control plan as g d
P part of the information required for n special
Section 603. bens.ity and Area Requirements.
In areas where public water and sewer are not available, the minimum 1
site shall be of
5 acres. The minimum frontage shall be 2001
front setback shall be unchanged from the underlying zone,
side and rear setbacks shall be 7500
The minimum
The minimum
There shall be no increase of
runoff at peak flow during and after construction,
by a licensed englneei shall b
A drainage plan prepared
e required. The maxlmum surface of the lot
22 covered by buildings, structures, driveways, parking lots, and oti,e
23 Impermeable surfaces shal *l ndt` exceed r
5$ of tl,e total lot surface.
•25 In areas whe e, the minimum re public water and sewer are availabl
( lot
(page 2, DRAFT 12 7120189 for Planning Hoard, To of Dryden re R -A zone)
i size, Frontage, setbacks, and maximum lot cover.1ge shall be those of
2 the underlying district. A drainage plan prepared by a licensed engineer
® 3 shall be required. There shall be no increase of runoff at e►
p ak flow
It during and after construction. LComplIonce with the drainage plan shall
5 be a condition of a certificate of occupancy
1 In considering any proposed subdivision in the R -A overlay zone, the
8 Planning Hoard shall give special weight to the impact 0-
f any proposed
9 new roads on drainage and runoff.
10 Section 604 Fees (Since tills will require perhaps some additional checking
11 and /or professional assistance in verifying drainage plans, we assume the
12 Town Hoard might wish to impose any necessary fees to cover those costs)
13 Section 605. Criteria for Variance.
14 In areas of the R -A overlay zone where public water and sewer are not
15 available, and there are no slopes greater than 15% within 250' of
16 existing or proposed man -made impermeable surfaces, the Zoning Hoard of
17 Appeals In their considerations may wish to grant an area variance.
18 Any variance thus granted shall at no times allow a lot smaller than
19 two acres, and shall provide adequate provisions for implementation of a
20 professionally engineered drainage plan so that there is no Increaseln the
21 amount or rate of runoff from tine site at peak flow,
•_ J
7101 Vii' /� 7
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