HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-100 r: • r TOWN OF DRYDEN PLANNING BOARD, MAY 10, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Claudia Brenner, Michale Hattery, Richard Heidt, and Barbara Caldwell, Chairwoman. *R'Iitchell Lavine The May 10, 1990 Planning Board Meeting chaired by Barbara Caldwell was called to order at 8:10 PM. PUBLIC HEAPING FOR CLEVELAND DEVELOPMENT - WOODMERE SUBDIVISION Adjustment of boundaries of lots 7 & 8 Chairman Caldwell call the meeting to along with the above members present, Ron Dryden Town Board was also present. Mr. for his Public Hearing and Don Ellis for be discussed after the Public Hearing, order and noted that Roberts from the Cleveland the applicant Moore -Woods which will PUBLIC HEARING OPENED B. Caldwell: Mr. Cleveland you wish to sell off two small parts at the back of a existing subdivision to an adjacent land owner, That's my understanding? Mr. Cleveland: That's correct. B. Caldwell: You would not be making any new lots out of this? Mr. Cleveland: That's also correct. B. Caldwell: The only people involved.were the Planning Board and the Health Department for possible concerns. You said you had some information from the Health Department? Mr. Cleveland: Henr and Hear Heal impa like y Slate said in ing I w th Depa ct any that. r spo orde ould rtmen of th ke with me earlier in the week r for this to clear the Public have to have a letter form the t stating that this wouldn't e sewage systems or anything The Health Department called today and said since this is a new SEQR and the Town has declared itself lead agency, they have to declare a negative impact before the Health Department can issue that letter. Steve Anders letter negati to you Chaykosky had dis on and they are p They need a le ve impact, they'l and then I guess *Joined meeting Pg.4 cuss repa tter 1 wr you ed it with John red to write the from you saying ite the letter back can approve it. 0 (PB 5 -10 -90 Pg. 2) B. Caldwell stated a short form would be all that's necessary for the modification, and inquired if any one had any questions on this situation? • R. Roberts: Where is this subdivision located? Mr. Cleveland: Just off of Peruville Road, by the Town of Lansing. HEARING CLOSED AT 8:10 PM On review of the EAF, Richard Heidt moved that the Planning Board be declared as the Lead Agency and issue a negative declaration. Second by Michale Hattery, Vote: Yes (4) No No discussion followed. (0) CARRIED Richard Heidt moved that the modification be approved contingent on Health Department letter. Second by Claudia Brenner, Mr. Cleveland requested that it be placed in the motion that • when he receives the letter form the Health Department he could come to the Chairwomen and have it signed. • He was assured by Mr. Heidt that that was the intent With no further discussion the vote was taken: Vote: Yes (4) No (0) CARRIED REVIEW OF MOORE WOODS SUBDIVISION Chairwoman Barbara Caldwell read letters received from Highway Superintendent Donald Gilbert and Town Surveyor George Schlecht. J • • (PB 5-10-90 P g 3 ) GFIHt1:F SCHucirr Pn OVESSIONAL ENOINEER PROFESSIONAL. tANO SI.IRVEYOR 22 GEORGE STRFF;r 11.0. BOX 727 DRYDEN. NEW YORK 13053 April 30, 1990 Mr. Henry Slater Zoning Officer Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 Re: Moore Woods Dear Henry: TELEPHONE 907-944 9937 We have reviewed the drainage for the above mentioned project and find the drainage plans and report prepared by T.G. Miller acceptable. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, George C. Schlecht GCS :jgh TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, OnYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 7k 607 - 644.6620 In the Harr of the Fingn L ej Regina OFFICE OF THE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT March 13, 1990 Barbara Caldwell, Chairman Dryden Planning Board 65 E. Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 Re: Moore Woods Subdivision Don Ellis Dear Barbara: After reviewing the revised subdivision map for the above, I find the proposed road in Section B -B contains the changes recommended in my letter of '••cember 13, 1989. The road as it now stands is acceptable, DA (I/dm cc! Planning Board members Henry Slater Sincerely, y� Donald A. Gilbert Highway Superintendent (PB 5 -10 -90 Pg. 4) Don Ellis stated that when he was last before the Board his understanding was final approval with three contingencies. is1. Donal 2. Revie revie 3. Healt their d Gi W of w to h De app lb t b pa ro erts acceptance of the design changes. he drainage study done by Miller. The e done by Schlechts office. rtment approval, and I have prints here with val on them now. Barbara Chaldwell wished the Board to review of the maps. Town Attorney Mahlon Perkins stated the stipulation "NO BUILDING PERMITS TO BE ISSUED UNTIL THE ROAD IS ACCEPTED BY THE TOWN OR IS SATISFACTORY" be placed on the maps. D. Ellis: I think that applied to ten of the fourteen lots, four of them have frontage on them. Don Ellis reviewed and discussed the maps of Moore -Woods with Board Members and Town Board members R. Roberts, and M. Walbridge who had joined the meeting. D. Ellis: There's familia here an • right t that go are kee • r d 0 e P a t wi a th s t ing ota th sma e e o i th 1 of Hunt 11 s dge t, i at 1 f o u Hil harp of t s be of a rteen lots. If you're 1 Road you cross a bridge rise, to a small barn that's he road and a little shed ing approved now. The Moores s their own. There are two lots above and two lots below on that side of the road. The other side of the road there is a new proposed road way with a loop to it, which is a one way loop. In all there are eight lots that have road frontage on them on Hunt Hill Road. We have proposed these lots have access off of the new roads. Discussions with Mahlon Perkin resulted in the wording to sta Permits will be issued on this unless one of two conditions i CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS AND A COMPLETION, (OR) THE ROAD CO s and Henry Slater to No Building side of the road s met, ROAD BOND FOR ITS MPLETED, BOARD MEMBER MITCHELL LAVINE JOINED THE MEETING w 0 • • ft (PB 5 -10 -90 Pg• 5) The Health Department approval was given to B. Caldwell® The Board felt the condition of how the road was going to be handled had been met. Michale Hattery moved that the Board grant Barbara Cladwell, Chairwoman authorization to sign the approval once the wording has been received from Town Attorney Mahlon Perkins which has to be placed on the maps. Second Caldwell Richard Heidt. VOTE: RA situation. YES (4) NO No discussion (0) B. Caldwell requested that M RA situation. CARRIED Walbridge update the Board on the M. Walbridge: Thursday May 31, 1990 has been set for an informational meeting at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall. For the public to hear the proposal and give us their feed back, positive and negative. I'm writ For foil 12th poss hopxi ing o him n owing I' ible ng f t of we d 1 pub Ma he to ek ik li hlo pr wa a e t c h n will keep simultaneously the oposal into legal language. it until the first or the s the Town Board meets the o bring it up there, for a earing. Discussion followed on: SEQR Process for the Town on the Zoning change. Adequate Publicity in order to make people aware of ---------------- the meeting. It is hoped — that the meeting be well attended in order that the views will be aired at the informational meeting. Mitche Mark S develo o f f e r i acres turned 11 La teven ping ng on and r down v s i e ine me devel n an e the ma quires before nti opm nvi rke a 0 e r t s PUBLIC CONCERN ned he had received phone calls on the nt (Rt.366 /Varna). It doesn't seem to be onmentally sound way. It appears he is a house on a lot that is smaller then ten ubdivision approval for which he has been The only subdivision which we have given him to the best of my recollection is approval for one house. M. Lavine bro determine if is enough intere Supervisor, t who should be take legal ac • • U s s h t gh om e in io (PB 5 -10 -90 Pg.6) t this befor ething was w to make a fo Zoning Offic charge of f n if indeed e a r e 0 h t rr ma r 11 e he Planni anted and 1 request or some o owing up is doing ng t 0 th on so Bo o s f t er su met and in o ee if th I e Town part of ch a thi hing ill r e B n e • I a er to e was ard, the e Town To al. B. Caldwell had discussed the matter with Mahlon Perkins. Discussion followed on his subdivision proposal brought before this board. A MOTION was made by Mitchell Lavine to formally pass on the concern of this board on the Mark Stevens situation to the Dryden Town Board. Second Richard Heidt. No further discussion. VOTE: YES (4) NO (0) CARRIED R. ROBERTS WAS DESIGNATED TO RETURN THE CONCERN TO THE TOWN BOARD. Members stated to Mr. Roberts some of the concerns involve road approval, grade of the road, lot size, drainage, possible building with out permit, building material sited being brought onto the property, etc.. MOTION TO ADJOURN BY R. HEIDT. MEETING ADJOURNED 8:50 PM SECOND M. HATTERY. APPROVED.... Respectfully Submitted, J. Ryan, Recording Secretary I • 0 Date:May 3rd, 1990 To Barbara 1624 El l Ithaca, Frc #m : Henry M. Sub.: Agenda F Ca is NP S r Idwel 1, Chr. , Hollow Read w Y :)rk. later, Zoning May 1 Cat h, 19 Dear Barbara: Dryden Town F' 1 ann i ng Board R Building Cl -ide Enfocrement Office 90 Play-w-ii.ng B• -lard Session Please be informed that there is Inl.y (l.) Public Hearing scheduled at this time f1:: 1r the abi -1ve rnent iizz fined meeting night. Please find inolcise a cOpy of a request frorti Cleveland Deve.11- npment fi -fir are ad .ji_tstment �f the h•- o�_tndari.es ...f Icits 7 & 8 of their previ�-��_t �l.y appri-Dved Wi-Jodmere Subdivisicin and Town Road. Please note that this change will not cause any aspect of this subdivision to be in any kind cif ncen -comp l i. ance with any agency requirements. This request centers around a pre -- existing pond and lot line boundaries being within the confines Cif this pcond. You will be able to get s�-irne grip on this by review �_if the attached portion •.•f these (I lots that I've attached. The scheduled starting time for this hearing is, 8;t'ati P, fqp Prevailing time. Due t•, Tax Grievance Day being held in the hearing r�: -.m, please rn_:ite that you will be meeting in the little court rrn-im at the ft- %�rlt of the ror -trn. Sincerely, m jf Hern M. Slater CC* A 1 1 Dryden Town Planning Poard Members Jean Ryan, Recording Secretary, Dryden Tcwwn Planning Esl -lard Up Date: 5 -9 -90 Please note the att Stone Development, final approval of t Road Ithaca, I bell the conditional app Town Planning Board ached agenda addi will be appearing he Moore Subdivis eve that there is roval points prev tion. Don Ellis of Corner at the 5/10/90 to obtain ion Application on Hunt Hill compliance with a couple of iouly established by the I