HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-08MEME 11, PRES deve Dona Offi ERS Mit ENT lope ld S cer; PRE the BUT r; wee pr SENT: J 11 Lavi NOT LI Robert zy, Eng operty TOWN OF DRYDEN PLANNING BOARD, MARCH 8, 1990 ohn Dav ne and MITED T Tallman ineer f owners: is, Bar 0: A or Ma Mic bara Town rchi the rgar hale Cal Sup tect Town et J Hat dwel ervi Ro of oyce t 1 s b D ery, , Ch or, ert ryde Kit Richard Heidt, Joseph Lalley airwoman. James Schug; David Abbott, Flumerfelt, Civil Engineer; n; Henry Slater, Zoning ty Brown and Danny Eastman. The March 8, 1990 Pla was called to order at 8: the public hearing on the Hanshaw Road. It was fir that time the key items w nn 10 a st er i P e ng Board Meeting chaired by Barbara Caldwell The purpose of the meeting is to reconvene plication of Mr. Abbott for a subdivision off discussed at the February 8th Meeting and at 1. The Public Hearing obtain an easement Abbott in perpetuity Industrial to construct and maintain the portion Subdivision the berm The March 8, 1990 Pla was called to order at 8: the public hearing on the Hanshaw Road. It was fir that time the key items w nn 10 a st er i P e ng Board Meeting chaired by Barbara Caldwell The purpose of the meeting is to reconvene plication of Mr. Abbott for a subdivision off discussed at the February 8th Meeting and at 1. The project will obtain an easement in perpetuity to construct and maintain the portion of the berm along the south side of the subdivision that extends to the storm sewer manhole and lies on State property adjacent to the subdivision. 2. Approval of the drainage plan by the Town Engineer and it completion as part of Phase 1 development. .1. Approval by the Tompkins County Highway Department of the curb cut on Hanshaw Road. 4. Approval of the new Town road to be constructed as part of Phase 1. $. Review and approval of the traffic flow analysis by the Town Engineer. 6. Approval of the plan to control drainage during construction by the Town Engineer. 7. Approval of the planting schedule for the berm by the Town Planning Board. Also we had to do the proper notification under the SEQR process signifying our intend to be lead agency in this project, and I think we still have one day to run on that. Henry Slater: tentative on no further requirements, he had heard from DEC, Tompkins County Planning, Had not gotten any response from The Dryden Town Board, Bolton Point, or DOT 3rd. Street Ithaca. Mr. Tallman gave the following statues report on the seven items he had on February 20th: • �• The easement gain approval with marked with the ex ewer on land owne rder that their 1 complied with thei week). to in ac eg r cons a we t loc by th al de reque tr ek at e pa st uct . ion Di rtm an a The of vis ent d a be A t io C nt rm rm he n ou is 2) on the State Property he expected to ory had requested a detailed map desired right -of -way into the storm of Military and Naval Affairs in ld begin working on it. He has ipates prompt approval (within a 2. Bob Flumerfelt was hired to do a report which was submitted to the Town Engineer met with on Mr. Flumerfelt the drainage and suggested plan. Don Sweezy some revisions from Mr. which Schlecht were office done. Don Sweezy reported as follows: A. He had reviewed the engineering calculations and substantiated with very few modifications, the detention pond which was designed by Bob Tallman B. The po detention to c construction o into the first the run off fr pre - developmen year storm, th more than a tw nd will s ompensate f the ent detentio om the en t conditi e detenti o year st erve parcel Number One for the extra run off rance road into the si n pond. The pond is o tire site to an amount on. Every thing is de on pond was designed t orm with a lot of spar and have enough extra engulfed from the to which would not be going ver designed to compensate that would not exceed the signed on the bases of the 25 o retain water from anything e capacity. C. There is an out flow structure that is designed to prevent being clogged by local debris, leaves, etc.. The out flow from the pound is �roposed to go via a culvert to the Armory storm sewer system. The apacity has been checked and appears to be efficient enough for up to almost a hundred year storm. : Does the basin also accommodate the future expansion in the building that you're planning? Tallman: Yes. Definitely, on doubling the size of the assembling section of the building and the twenty foot addition on the administration, it takes care of the ultimate development of the site. Danny Eastman of 504 Lower Creek Road questioned whether or not the berm going into the Armory would handle the capacity of the a 100 year storm as last year the drainage system didn't handle the situation. Once he had a substantial amount of run off water coming down, around and through his property and once when the Road was almost flooded. Mr. Sweezy stated that the capacity of the pipe under Lower Creek Road may be questionable. He had not investigated that, as his charge was to keep the run off from the site to a point not to exceed the present run off. We don't anticipate with this development any higher flow to that culvert. The flow would last longer at a certain rate, but not in access. Mr. Sweezy stated he couldn't answer what might have happened to the Armory Storm Sewer, unless something might have clogged it. U (3) Mr. Eastman questioned if the Town Engineer was only concerned with the current water moving into another spot, but if we have back up currently in another spot,. you don't care about that? 0 Caldwell: The directions sir, was on the particular site, there may be ssues to take up with the Town Board. J. Lalley re site locatio discussion f Creek Road a as there was design as st que n w oll nd st ate s h 0 a i d ted ere t wed w ddres 11 a he d Mr. he ith sin pot idn Ea cul re g t ent 't stma vert spec he s ial thin n t wa t t itu prc k i o po s to o si atio blem t wo i c z n u nt out on t ated on Low e of culver from the T Mr. Sweez ld add to t h e t 0 y h e r s w a map r Creek on Ab n Boar stated t prob ela Ro bot ds th lem ti ad t po at ve to the A Road,Lower int of view with the Mr. Tallman stated the berm should help all of the people with the water flow around the properties in question. Mrs. Joyce, Mrs. Brown, and Mr. Eastman were very concerned with the water flow as it is now and with the future flow. A review of retention ponds and berm concepts was initiated by J. Davis when Mrs. Brown poised the question of run off of natural waters vs the run off from paved parking lots and buildings. Mrs. Brown: You say the water is going to go there anyway the way it is now, farm land. But there is a great deal of difference between water falling on and staying in farm land and water coming off of paved parking lot, off roofs of buildings and • that kind of thing. So more water is going to end up going some where then if the land stays as it is now. You can't say your changing the flow? Mr. Tallman: That is the purpose of the holding pond there. Mrs. Brown: Then my second question is my property is south of the berm to the west of the Eastman property between Kelly's and Eastman's, we have a sort of a run off through my property under a culvert that goes under the road, around the property on the south side of the road. But according to your contours nothing south of your parking lots and so on is going to flow to the holding ponds it's all going to come down on the properties to the South. There's a 14 foot fall there and there's only a two foot berm. Mr. Davis: That was a concern that we had at the last meeting to some extent it was brought out at the last meeting. When I talked with George and Don can clarify this there is a certain compensating factor in that you have a lot of flow going down hill right now. Crossing the road and ending up in your property. When the building is built and goes into retention ponds a lot of what had been flowing is now going to go into the retention pond. (4) Mrs. Brown questioned the contour and flow into the retention pond. Mr. Tallman stated that no water would be coming into either of the properties. The seasonal stream which now exist will no longer exist. urther discussion on the flow of the existing water being diverted on to he Joyce property within the last two years when the Armory came into being was of great concern to the property owners. Mrs. Brown: We've been through this with the Town Board and thev were going to try and arrange with the State and with Cornell and so on, to do something with that water, take it to Fall Creek so it would not cross Mrs. Joyce's property. Mrs. M. Armory o diverted have pie little w get my f looks to property Joy ut th tur ate eet me it ce: on e w es r t we li go L a t h k e It's ower C ter do hat Mr ere. . I w e it's s on t two years reek Road wn across s. Brown t I could wa ent up the wet. The o the Plan last and MY F ook lk a re t re i tati November since we've meet with the told them what they had done. They had roperty where they shouldn't have. I last November, and there was very cross that area in snickers and never oday just to check, it's frozen but it s erosion going on down, and from my on. The question was asked then, that some how there's more water getting onto this culvert then used to before the Armory went in? Mrs. Joyce answered Yes, that's what the whole thing was about. What you're doing to my lot. J. Lalley: Don (Sweezy) then is it safe to say then that while the • total run off from the proposed site will not change? That there is a high likely hood that the amount of water being directed to this area via the storm sewer will be greater then before changing the property? Mr. Sweezy: Changing run off from this culvert after this site is developed will be equal too or less than what is happening right now. What these folks are doing here will not adversely impact this culvert. M. Lavine asked if everything feeding in to that storm sewer is coming from the retention pond, or is some of it coming from the berm also? Mr. Tallman stated it went into the storm sewer. Mr. Sweezy pointed out some additional catch basins where the runoff is initially intended to go. Lavine: The studies you're looking at were including the runoff along that berm and the undeveloped condition for these two southern lots? Mr. Sweezy: conditions o number 1 plu that would e two and thre Vditional d f S f e e We th th f e c ar ten look e en e en t th e pu tion ed at the tire parce trance roa e design o rposed for pond to h e 1 d f a ntire sub division, run off pre - development in the undeveloped state and then parcel way in the developed condition, as far as the first detention pond. Once parcels development then I think there should be an ndle the extra run off. IN (5) Lavine: The water from that berm. Does it end up in that same sewer system is what I'm asking, before crossing Lower Creek Road? Oallmane Yes. Don Sweezy stated that if the berm is there or not, the developers have controlled their storm water that is leaving parcel one and the road way. Whether or not the Board decides, or for what ever reason, whether or not the berm will go there, will effect what's happening with the driveway situation that you (Eastman) mentioned before without a culvert. I think that's what you were driving at before, was how much of the water regardless of what the intent was of the original road way is going to be directed by this berm to create a problem further down stream? That was never looked at, if that was your question? Now if water is indeed surcharging across the road, whether or not that's a problem this berm could potentially, depending on where that driveway is, capture some of the water that did get off there and come down to this lady's (Joyce) land now. So if that is the case, the situation here could get worse because of the diversion that is occurring with the berm. Like I said before, without the berm there or with it there the detention basin is going to do its job and the amount of impervious that they're creating is going to be compensated. So it is a matter of what do we want to do to help these folks out. It may or may not include deleting that berm there. It is my understanding that the berm was the Boards request to avoid the problems down here. Mr. Ta so the Orthe (which only g llman s re woul r discu Mr. Ta et thre tat d b ssi llm e t ed tha e no r on re an sta o four t t epe Sul ted fe he re to w et berm was his suggestion to put it there just ussions of any water from the people below. d with Mr. Flumerfelt saying the retention pond as ten feet deep) from 100 year storm should deep. B. Caldwell: How will the ownership of this pond and drainage system, will that be part of Hi- Speed, will it be maintained by...? R. Tallman: It will be maintained, fenced by Hi -Speed as part of this construction. No conclusions were reached as to future problems the property owners may incur. J. Lalley: While the berm is well intended, it may be doing more harm then good for those concerned along Lower Creek Road. Is that a far statement? Mr. Eastman: I thi protecting the majo Mr. Sweezy: But if Armory that'is some goes in, • nk it is doing a combination of things, I think it is rity of us at the expense of Margaret Joyce's property, she is having problems today, which is created by the thing that should be addressed whether or not this berm (6) Chairman Caldwell went over the procedure of the Planning Board's responsibilities, Site Plan Review, subdivision process when asked by s. Brown to review the processes for the development. Mr. Eastman :. Stated His concern was not o property but with the already encountered, winter. The first ye because the Armory's rest of the drainage, constantly maintained drainage will aggrava he nl P th ar pi i t to had y wit ublic ey we that pe un t bui o kee the no problem wi h the flow th Safety due t re a few inch the Armory s der Abbott Ro Ids up and di p it open. H problem. th t at m o, t es o yste ad i rt, is c he b ight he o f fl ms w s so etc. once erm situ go thro verflows ooding t ere in. low com fills i rn is th ation it ugh Mrs. they ha he road Part of pared wi n and ha at the a self. Joyce's ve last it is th the s to be dded J. Schug: I've talked with the Armory's division of engineering, I asked if they would be willing to do the work. We have the letter from Cornell and now the State is going to build another facility on the end piece of property. When we talked to them about building the Home, if they would include in their budget, I sent them copies of Cornell's agreement to let us go down their right of way. You said you (Joyce) don't care if we do some piping on your property to get it over to theirs (to go just across the existing culvert then up to the property and down the right of way). Cornell set up the specifications, by the time the Core of Engineering got the letter, they had already set up their budget. I have talked to Nancy, since then, I bury a culvert so the water does come go through the culverts, down through ts still going throe your property. oes in now, so it doesn't puddle up said, "We'd like to follow your plan off, from up in that area, it will that right of way, and I thought it I thought you'd agreed to where it in your place". M. Joyce: Along the road, but not down through the property where its going now. M. Schug: No, where it comes over by the road, just right next to the right of way, just turn it and run it up to the culvert. M. Joyce: That's just going down this side of the road instead of this side. I guess I could live with that. Mr. Schug continued: "Now the Adult Care Home said, they have information and their going to talk to us some more, that they that under consideration and try to help pay for the culvert, whatever; and maybe the Town will be able to go in and do some work, but the engineering battalion , it may take them a year, half to get it done ". But they said they would take it under consideration as a project, and they would do it. So if we can State to pay for it and the Armory to fix it, the would take pipe, or of the year and a get the Mrs. Brown's concern was that the building was still going on and the water situation has not been addressed. u (7) M. Lavine inquired about the evergreen planting in the twenty foot berm section, and was informed there would be two foot high planting ten feet v art, with two rows staggered. Looking through them they would appear ery five feet. The berm itself would have a five foot sloop on each side and ten feet level across the top. R. Tal immedi to 30 we rea South center feet h placed lman: On the ately develop inches high t lly aren't re of the entran s. It would t igh. If it i there. 1 e 0 q c a S ands d, t avo uire e ro ke t dev cape o put id go d to ad si hree elope P i d x 0 d lane, s in some ng in t o it un foot p r four sooner 0 b he ti la ye t f a r 1 n a h ar, since the lower level wont be re root six year transplants, 24 e with six footers right now when that lower part is developed. ting would be placed on ten foot rs for this berm to get up to six an that, then larger trees will be TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Letter from County Planning Board received and on file. J. Lalley inquired int Mr. Abbott did not thi any one using bus sery the 45 foot radius tha He stated if the need 0 n i t a bus k tha ce an thei rises service, stoppage. t was an issue. Currently he didn't know of d stated that would not be an issue because of r talking about, could swing through the lot. for a shelter, one could be put there. M. Lavine wondered if there was some ground work that should be plemented now rather then wait until the other two lots were developed o as not to bind this board to a decision. J. Schug said t wrote to the Cou brought up with three charges at has already addr upgrading of Han he board nty. Rig just issu that mee essed the shaw Road shou ht a ed o ting Cou and Id have gotten a co fter the Town Board f Hi -Speed alone, a and one of them wa my and asked them Lower Creek to rou py o Mee nd h s th to p to 1 f ti e e ut 3• the le ng tra was le traffi in th tte f f i ft c p eir r wh c wa with robl bud ich he S two or em. He get the The County has also been requested to do a current traffic count, and the State to do it at that intersection. So before Hi -Speed goes in we will have a current traffic count. A request has also been made to the State for a count of the accidents. When talking with the State last year they were within one year of upgrading that corner with turning lanes, holding lanes for the center. Every time the State is asked why they haven't done something they state the Budget got cut. We should be in a good position with a current traffic count to go back to the State, and I've already asked the County to fix that part of the road. Don't count on a traffic light next week. When asked by Mrs. Brown if the employees would be using Hanshaw or 13 the answer was most of the employees come from down town. • f ( 8 ) Mr. Tallman went through the list as follows: 1. Approval of the Tompkins County Highway Department: That was Opproved on Feb. 8th, 2. Approval of the Town Road: Henry tells me we don't get approval until it's built. The Highway Superintendent has seen the plans and seen the specifications. Shouldn't be any problem at all to built it to the specifications. 3• here i specif is bui have t needed Item s cons ied by It the o do i to av number 6 is truction of the Town E berm to pr n the way o oid any exc drai the ngine otect f bur essiv nage duri berm and er will b the peop 1 lap and e erosion ng construction: What I have said other steps to avoid erosion as e undertaken. The first thing we do le down south. What ever else we stakes, plastic will be done, where 4. The approval of the planning schedule for the berm was the last item. I think we have discussed that. I don't believe the planting will be required until such time as the other properties are developed. We are planning on saving money in the long run and put those smaller trees on the berm at this time. On the drive way coming in to the North and around the corner to the East. I think there are 50 six footers. But that does require doing right now. OTHER QUESTIONS Lavine: DEC says, no, they're happy with things from their point of iew, but they no longer pass things on directly for formal consideration by the Core of Engineers. H. Slater: I did. I have no response from them at this time. They also know the dead line is the 10th. the thirty day dead line. M. Lavine: If were waiting to hear about that, then we shouldn't act until we have that. J. Lalley: There was mention of a picnic area also. R. Tallman: There's a 20 by 30 foot court yard off the lunch room an interior court yard, which would be out door space, a landscaped court yard. Chairman Caldwell asked if there were any other issues to be raised by the public. With no response a motion was made by J. Lalley to Close the hearing. Second by M. Lavine. All answered in the affirmative to close the hearing. HEARING CLOSED • • (9) During the discussion period but made part of the record the following motions were made: J. Lalley moved: Wh in ov ha we Cr e c e v 1 e r i r e 1 e e it is a dent to t load and si_gnific as the J k Read. nt he t an oy i h t c ci de e i e pa ve do mp pr to to wn ac op d t pme st t o ert Second J. Hattery Vote: Yes (5) No (0) J. Lalley moved Ba Bo St It di pr r a r h r 0 i r e a e j hat the addi . nt of your s ream drainag n adjacent p y on the wes tion ubdi e fa rope t si al r visi cili rty de o u 0 t 0 f n off n. The y does not wners as Lower ng any negative comment back from, Dryden Town d; the Army Core of Engineers; Bolton Point; et Monkey run sewer district and DOC Front Street ca, that the Zoning Officer be authorized and cted to issue a negative declaration on this ect. Second J. Hattery, Vote: Yes (5) No (0) A motion was made and second to approve the Abbott Industrial Subdivision with the following stipulations: ABBOTT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION PLANNING BOARD GRANTS APPROVAL SUBJECT T0: 1. Negative Declaration of EAF. 2 Road to be built to Town Requirement and deeded or bonded satisfactory to the Town Attorney. 3. Road name to be approved by Tompkins County Fire Coordinator. 4• Obtain easements from New York State to connect to storm sewer and for construction of berm along South side of property. 5. Obtain easements for water and sewer connections. 6. A determination by the Town Engineer 'that the runoff incident to the development of the subdivision will not overload an existing down stream drainage facility during a 100 year storm. This determination will be made through a review of a drainage plan prepared and submitted by the developer. VOTE: YES (5) No (0) CARRIED (10) Meeting Opened: Barbara Caldwell requested help with gathering information from pervious meetings. A list of available material was • given to members in hopes of completing last years records. Richard Heidt moved to accept last months minutes with a second from J. Davis. All voted in the affirmative. Micha Lalle even close room, these le y a tho d m to ar Hatt gree ugh eeti go e th er d it ng ov e it i er fo sug mi s 1 jus th u r gested d ght b egal. t perhap e agenda nr five iscus L p f u Hat s 1,5 to d steps sing the agenda before the meeting. J. I. M. Lavine was leery of this procedure tery sta.tcd he wasn't concerned with a minutes before the start right in the etermine what is going to be covered and we are going to go through. B. Caldwell injected that was perhaps an issue to take up with Tom Neiderkorn, is to simplify some of the procedures that really don't require as much in a minor subdivision. B. Caldwell to inquire when the " New York Planning Road Show" is going to be in the area again. As it might be helpful to all members along with the new members of the board. A consensus of the board was to have a check list to follow during reviews. 0 M. Lavine suggested it would be helpful to have a Boilerplate conditions just written out and number them to check off. J. Lalley offered to take on the responsibility M. Hattery inquired into the types of projects this board was involved in. (Rt.13, Mobile Homes, Zoning, Fall Creek recreational, etc.) Moved and second to adjourn the meeting. Metting Adjourned, 0, Respectfully Submitted, J. Ryan, Rec. Sec.