HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-14Town of Dryden
Planning Board Minutes of 12/14/89
Members Present
Planning Board :
Town Board Lalley, Heidt, Lavine, Caldwell
George Schlecht
George Schlecht introduced as the engineer who will be working with for
the town as a consultant. He will charge by the hour so it behooves the
board to schedule his appearances at meetings wisely. Mr Schlecht will
review plans and studies as requested by the Planning Board. He needs to
receive documents a minimum of ten days before meetings. He is not
prepared to comment on the Moore -Woods subdivision drainage study.
Schlecht needs specific direction from the board when performing
reviews. His views his role as a technical support for the Planning Board.
Requests for his services should come from Schug or the Planning Board.
Technically, he is employed by the Town Board.
Lavine: Can Schlecht give advice to Henry Slater on how enforcement of
board recommendations and requirements on subdivisions?
Tentative date for joint Town and Planning Board meeting with Schlecht is
8:00 P.M. January 4, 1990 in Town Hall to review status of Peregrine
Hollow subdivision(Varn Bros.) on Snyder Hill Road.
Moore -Woods Subdivision
Letter from Don Gilbert added to the minutes regarding road width of
Section B -B shown on plat. The Right of Way must be 50 ft. Moore.
Woods will redraw road to specifications, including 20 ft. pavement
width. Radius on entrance aprons will also be 20 ft. The other change
from the preliminary plan noted is the final road layout. Water tests from
house above and below the project have been sent to the Tompkins County
Health Department. Results are expected in two to three months.
December. 15, 1989
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Town of Dryden
Planning Board Minutes of 12/14/89
Lavine: The drainage study includes the effect of future phases. Does the
study address what happens to the drainage if future phases is not done?
Dave Herrick: The major impact would be addition of impervious
Motion presented by Lavine, seconded by L la ley_
Final approval of the Moore -Woods subdivision contingent upon:
1. Approval of the drainage study by the Town Engineer, George
Schlecht. The board does not grant support or approve future phases by
acceptance of this drainage study not withstanding any language
contained in this study.
2. the modification of Section B -B of roadway to conform to Town
specifications (ref. letter by Gilbert to Moore -Woods 12/13/89
3. approval by the Tompkins County Health Department.
4. Acceptance of roads by the Town or Surety Bond as required by the
Town Board.
Motion passed unanimously with all members voting.
Review of letter to Town Board Re: Rt 13 relocation
Caldwell presented a draft of a letter to the Town Board itemizing
concerns over the DOT proposed relocation of Rt 13 around the Village of
Dryden and over George Rd. After considerable discussion, amendments
were made to the draft.
Motion presented by Lallev, seconded by Heidt:
Send the letter as amended to the Town Board, a copy of which is
Motion passed unanimously with all members voting.
Robert & Marchetta Utter
Caldwell speaking from chair advised there would be no exception from
the subdivision process and recommended that the Utters go through the
subdivision process. The letter and sketch would be considered a
preliminary sketch. After advising the Utters on the appropriate actions to
take, the board felt that a public hearing in February might be possible.
December 15, 1989
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Town of Dryden
Planning Board Minutes of 12/14/89
Brewster Chase
The board reviewed a preliminary sketch. After advising the Mr Chase on
the appropriate actions to take, the board felt that a public hearing in
February might be possible.
Discussion with Town Board Liaison
The Planning Board was informed on the selection of Tom Niederkorn to
update the Master Plan. The specifics of what he would be doing are
unknown, but updating of roads, sewer and wetlands may be on the list.
The recommendation of the R -A overlay zone may get action from the
Town Board early next year. The Planning Board has not had minutes
available for the last three months. Waldbridge was advised that this is an
urgent problem and will carry the message to the Town Board.
Lavine initiated a discussion on the enforcement of recommendations and
stipulations made by the Planning Board during approvals of subdivisions.
There is no mechanism apparent to the Board. Perhaps a surety bond for
a project, similar to the mechanism used for roads, is feasible. The Board
frequently requires specific issues (e.g. drainage) to be addressed in
completion of a project but feels there is no enforcement mechanism.
Next regular meeting date set for 1/11/90 8:00 P.M.
Motion to adjourn presented by Heidt, seconded by Lalley at 10:40 P.M.
December 15, 1989
Page 3
To The Town Board, Town of Dryden
From Planning Board, Town of Dryden
Re: Proposed Route 13 re- routing via George Road
Planning Bd.
At the request of Supervisor Schug the Planning Board has considered
the D.O.T.'s suggested alternative for Route 13. While we are well'
aware that there is a substantial bottleneck and associated traffic
problems at the 4 Corners in the Village of Dryden, we do not feel .
that this proposed solution is the appropriate answer, either
functionally or financially.
The proposed solution as we see it has seven substantial problems.
While some.of these may be mitigated, we do not feel that they can
be overcome, and the costs involved would make great inroads on the
limited funds available.for Route 13 improvements, quite possibly
much greater than that currently estimated.
The seven
problems are:
South end of George Rd. - turn - would create substantial
hazard, similar to that of the Mitchell St. -State St. ht
intersection in Ithaca, or more likely, similar to the'
Rt.366 -Rt.13 problem near NYSEG due to the higher speeds..
George Rd. at the south end is quite close to the existing,
houses. To carry Rt.13 traffic it would need considerable
improvements including widening. This would mean'having.'.-.',
these houses too close to the road for safety, possibly:-"
ruining wells or septic tanks, perhaps in some cases having''
to take the houses, or a very expensive realighment of',the;..... ";'
road (essentially a new road) east of the existing road4,!`:"#
George Rd. has several clips and grades which are not
consistent with criteria for heavily used state highways.
Uncorrected these would be substantial hazards. To correct
would be a major, expensive task.
One of the items which may not have been considered by
D.O.T. is the problem caused by frequent foggy conditions','.
along the creek bottom area. This is.a hazard with even '
the current level of traffic on George Rd.
North end of George Rd. - turn - It's amazing given the
"open" nature of that intersection area currently that
we've heard of a substantial number of concerns about
"near misses "...apparently the cars on Rt.38 ooming
toward the Village are traveling at fairly high speeds.
We see only more problems here with turning trucks,
:vehicles failing to stop or yield, etc.
6. The School - One of the pleasures of living in a small
town is having your children being able to walk to-school.
It does bring its concerns over their safety. A time of•
even greater concern is when they first borrow the family
car so they can get to an after - school appointment or
job. We have both these situations here. When the
(p.2 - Rept. to Town Board 12/14/89 re Rt.13) DRAFT'
+ Planning Board approved the commercial subdivision at the
edge of the Village (Ellis etc.) it was done only after,
lengthy deliberation and only with every means we could
see at hand including site plan review to minimize traffic
congestion on Rt.38 near the school. It was a major
concern at that time. Certainly the impact of Rt:13
traffic in addition to that already on Rt.38 substantially
increases the hazards.
7. Rt.38 /Rt.13 turn (the "Busy Bee" corner) - another hazardous
turn, especially with the number of trucks anticipated.
The offset streets and the potential for pedestrian
traffic adds an additional problem here.
As outlined above we see a substantial number of serious problems':
with the proposal. We also realize that we are not about to get a6..
new Rt13 from Warren Rd., or even from NYSEG. The problem at the
4- Corners in the Village is very real and needs addressing.further. •:
Undoubtedly some of the traffic:- which is Rt.13 oriented already cutsc:
across George Rd. or at the edge of the Village on roads which, are .,;,,'
less than' optimal just to avoid the '4- corners. An improvement of
the 4= corners area itself mi ht alleviate man of the
problems i:''
This.could pr Y probably be done in a more timely fashion, and be far
more cost - effective than any other solution which is available to
us in the immediate future.
,V re very concer
3 improvements
re they are not
hope that the Town
ned that the limited funds which are available for
are used most effectively and in a time span
lost nor .their purchasing power diminished.We
Board and Village officials will continue to
In attempting to solve the problems of one intersection, D.O.T. merely
substitutes . three problem intersections. Concentrating improvement funds
between the airport and George Rd. seems more important than spending our
limited funds on this project.
Above statement is modified version of draft. Statement as modified was
Moved,2nd,Carried. 12/14/89
Barbara Caldwell
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