HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-15S(Mr.
.Minutes - Planning Board - Town of Dryden 12/15/88 DRAFT
Present: Caldwe.11,.Lavine, Roberts, Heidt
Absent: Friedman, Rotunda, Chase
1. Continuation-of Public Hearin - Application of J. &.A. Block for subdivision on
Hunt Hill Rd. Hearing started at November meeting had been recessed to allow public
adequate time for studying material on proposal. Mrs. Caldwell read aloud the part of
the draft. copy of the minutes of the November meeting relating to the project since
they had not yet been published. Deed restrictions were discussed: #20-pertaining..
to driveway standards for driveways longer than 250', #25 relating' to cutting and
building restrictions on lots #6 &7, and deed restriction #26 .regarding storm waters.
Mr. `-Schlecht also presented the runoff plan in relation toe the .drainage.b�as in. . Mrs.
Caldwell & Mr. Lavine expressed concern about..item #30 in the proposed deed restrictions
which - allowed various restrictions to be modified or cancelled...., the _issue of. runoff
Mr. Lavine wished the words "or recharge" to be added to !'sheet',.flow ",.the words
".shall: be cut or destroyed" substituted for "removed" in 425, and`-:in #20 re:turnaround
area; ;of 80' ... add "to, achieve equivalent ease of turnaround of .large vehicles " _or
similar language. Since #30 could negate. an' 'or all of these-items there was a:,
discussion of making the specific items as condit.ions'of,the approval.. Peggy
Walbridge (1561 Ellis Hollow) expressed concern tfiat deed ;restrictions- be clear
and:une,q:uvocal. She also.expressed..:concern' -over";the wetness of the area; fire
safety and possible steepness of driveways. Jeff Whitaker (90 Hunt Hill) expressed
concern over steepness of driveways, the character of -the -area with some of the
proposed lots under 2 acres. Concern.was also expressed. .over Lot #V,s driveway in
relation to the :curve. Henry. - Slater stated that the Highway Dept.-will determine
location of the curb cut. There was.:a discussion of how to track /.f,lag; areas of
concern..at the building permit stage.. Hearing closed.
he Environment Assessment Form was again reviewed. Moved, 2nd, Carried that we accept
it as amended at our last meeting and issue a negative declaration of significance
finding that all aspects are within range of. typical ,impact regarding the environment.
Moved,-:2nd, Carried that we .grant approval to the subdivision with the following
(a) Tompkins Co. Health Dept. approval...
(b) Deed restriction #15 become a condition..
(c) Deed restriction #20 as modified (12% max., addit.. of "to- achieve equivalent ease
of turnaround of large-vehicles ") become.a. condition
:(d) Deed - restriction 025 as modified ( "cut or 'destroyed" substituted for "removed ")
become a condition
(e) Deed restriction 126 as modified .(add "or be recharged to ground ") become a 11
.`.(f).:Dr veway location on Lot #1 to be approved by the Town Highway Supt.
(g) Easements regarding maintenance of front strips subject.to approval of Town Attorney
Xh)-Fire Chief for the relevant fire dept. to approve driveway specifications on all
but Lot #4.
2.:Moved, 2nd, Carried approve minutes of 11/17/88
Moved, 2nd, Carried approve minutes of 10/20/88
Moved, 2nd, Carried approve minutes of 9/29/88
3. Varn commercial subdivision off Rt.13 Had received conditional go -ahead during the
summer. Now has DOT permit for the intersection. Health Dept. approval will be on
.a lot -by -lot basis depending on use. Apparently it will be necessary to relocate a
- _.drainage ditch /stream on Lot #8 and to change the configuration of Lots 1,2, and 5
because of it. Lot 1 & 2 were perpendicular to Rt13 with #5 across the back of them
.:but facing on the internal street. They will now all be perpendicular to Rt 13,
having frontage on Rt 13 but all having access only by a R.O.W. off the internal
(p.2 = .T,.of Dryden Planni'ng'.Board minutes 12/15/88) DRAFT
street by deed restrictions: `-'A higW point of #1 will be used to fill a lower area of 11
#2: Soil /runoff areas will be I. 'stabilized.durin "g construction. The Planning Board _members
did. not think,. the shifting of the lot lines was a major change as no new lots were formed
and lots:were ,s.,till of .accepEdb'l`e 'size. Possible conditions for approval might be:
(a) 'WritteD,. for movings}o'f ' "stream /drainage area -
(b) Health, Depte approval `on' "a lot ?by`'.:l.ot- basis
(c) Road being built aiid ; accepted by.° Tow,n:`
(d) Road name to lie "dissimilar` to any_.other ,inn ,the` county for the benefit of emergency
(e) Lots 1, 2.'& 5, .to' he' perpendicular to -Rt. 13 'as presented
(f) Access .to those lo't's' to:•t,be from-new interna'l'streeConly and that the deed stipulation
regarding that access be:appro'ved.by, the Town Attorney
While Mr: Lavine`expressed,}no problems with ther.modifications proposed tonight, he still
has concern over the, general "safe`ty' of- access to. •Rt 13; Moved, `'2nd, Carried't'o postpone
decision ,.for If inal .approval until": our meeting of ,Jan. , 19th' when we hope to have the
full Planning Board here:" In the mearitime.6Mr... Vern ar)d his eri'gineer Mr. Fabbroni will
address.: some :;of I our 'possib`'le conditions rase.notedv- 'Above'.
4.: Neff -.completion of Phase 1'Annee�Lane.'and sketch plan of'Phase 2 We had given
conditional approya1.to.Phase 1 on.4 /16 /8?7 "fdr-Lots 1,2,7,,8•,9.,. The road was built and
atcepte'd, by .;the Town Sept.'' 88 bit the maps l ad not been presented to us for signing so
:, i. z .
they ,couid:�b& :filed:: There had.•been delays ;in obtaining Healt11' Dept. approval. Under
the circu "ms.tances. the Town Attorney'was contacted by Mr. Slater. Mr. Perkins does not
feel that '.the'. time limits go beyond a reasonable period as related to our subdivision
regulationsf.,.,IChm. ,Cal.dwell._signed Phase 1 for filing..
A sketch plan' wasipre'sented.,for Phase 2 extending--Annee Lane and adding 9 lotsi Concern
was'-expressed. that it b`e;
. may •prem'ature''and result iii' a long dead -end road with.-little or
no development -on .i't ...apparen -tly no' lots. have been'-:sold in Phase 1. Neffs were anxious
to try fo'r _ap.proval now_ d'
ue ,to costs of road construction and also the length of- time
nvo.lved..n iPhase 1.'r, Public.`_iearing'.set''for 1/.19!/88 at 9:OOPM'
r {. }
5. Dori Ellis appeared f or Ken'Moor'e and1-the. Mdorel;Trust regaP rding a possible 4 phase
development ,of: Moore. Woods on Hunef- HillI, .'an: area replanted.'under the CCC program.
Phase': - 1' „WO,dld.- ,tie„`9. lots (2:8 -4Ac) arid' d- Aiim_ately''24 lots. ' Information is very preliminary
at this Ipont.':and: there. has been no Health Dept. 'input thus far. Mr: Ellis felt that
they wouldrbe_.ready''to come back to see-us in February or March.
Barbara' H: 'Caldwe.11 ;