HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-19a
Planning Board met June 19. 1986. Chr. B. Caldwell called meeting to
• order. Members present: R. Chase, J. Lee, R. M. Bobnick, Chr. B. Caldwell,
R. Lampila, H. Slater, & Z.O. S. Stewart. Absent: B. Lavine. Also present:
D. Sutton, G. Miller, M. Creasy, C. Brown, J. Zwart, C. Cotterill, B. Heinz.
Public hearing for Dryden Enterprises - modification of subdivision -
C. Cotterill present - presented map showing proposal to change property
line - extend lot 4 back deeper which would shorten lot 5 - (make lot 5 size
of lot 4 & lot 4 size of lot 5) Requesting preliminary approval - Nothing
to be done until such time as water & sewer available. No public comment.
H. Slater
motion to
allow Dryden Enterprises
to exchange land area
sizes on
lots 4 &
5 ( to be
reversed of what they are
today) Seconded by R.
R. Chase - No objection to lille change - but did have objection to Special
Permit being granted immediately in MA zone after all.trouble to set MA zone
up originally. ( Very limited area ) Town Board sent resolution suggesting
housing be allowed before Planning Board even heard about it. What purpose
is Planning Board?
M. Creasy - Presented letter concerning her feelings of "image problem"
of Zoning Board. (Copy on file)
R. Chase - Not aware of letter when made his statement.
• Public hearing for D. E. Sutton Associates - D. Sutton present - presented
map of proposed Section A - 4 lot subdivision fronting on West side Ellis
Hollow Rd. All surveys completed - lots vary from 1.39 to 1.84 acres -
awaiting final Health approval - No parcels in designated wet lands - Board
had concern for placement of driveway on lot # 1.
H. Slater motion to grant final approval for subdivision of Section A. lots
1 - 4, subject to Health Dept. approval. Stipulation; driveway on lot # 1
must be located anywhere from mid point of lot to South as it faces Ellis
Hollow Rd. Seconded by R. M. Bobnick.
CARRIED ( w /stipulation)
B. Heinz represented Dr. Block (Conn.) Owns land on Hunt Hill Rd. Presented
maps for Boards' reaction & suggestions for 4 lot subdivision at crest of hill.
Tax map #,64-1-2. Very steep ravine on back side of property - probably not
suitable for development - H. Slater will look at property - Discussion: road
r -o -w on one section, traffic on Hunt Hill Rd., environmental impact -short
form - Health Dept approval - contour map - drainage - Will report back to Board
on progress at later date. Thanked Board for their time.
Dr. J. Zwart - present to discuss r -o -w on Crystal Drive. Questioned possibility
of that becoming. Town Rd or owners of surrounding property purchasing r -o -w to
prevent road from being developed. Board knew of no immediate plans for road
development - Town Highway Dept. would have records,
B. Caldwell - Town Board has turned Marchell Development Project over
to Planning Board for review & comment. 44 Unit rental housing on Mt.
Pleasant Road behind,Marchell Monuments - Barb had spoken to Cathy Wolf
of Trowbridge & Trowbridge - doing Architectural & landscaping work -
Barb questioned possibility of access from Rte. 366 rather than Mt. Pleasant
Rd. - Obtained permission for Board members to walk site before next
meeting - It was Barb's understanding there had been Special Permit hearing
on this & Town Board referred it to Planning Board before they made decision.
Brief discussion - Short outline of land use & development program from
G. Evans, County Planning. Members just received outline night before meeting,
so hadn't has time to review - Hoping G. Evans will be available at next
C. Brown - questioned RC zone - Stated she'd heard Town officials refer to
it as "rural commercial" at Town Board Meetings. Anything can happen in an RC
zone. Questioned possibility of area changing its' status & how to go about
doing so. Board suggested a petition. Brown stated they would prefer RB1 zone.
They had no objections to neighbors haveing "home- businesses" in that area.
Minutes of May meeting read. J. Lee motion to approve. Seconded by H. Slater.
H. Slater motion to adjourn. Seconded b J
xp o.