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Planning Board
.Town of Dryden
February 19, 1981
Present: Chw. Caldwell, M. Lavine, J. Hunt, C. Dann, Zo, S. Stewart
The meeting opened with Chairwoman Caldwell stating that a new state law willgb_)
into affect April lst regarding noise levels. It can be enforced on local levels.
if noisey.trucks etc. that exceed eighty -two decibels or a rock party, something can
be done about it.
Also noted that last months county planning board meeting was cancelled due to
the weather.
John Hunt presented the information he gathered on solar energy. Pamphlets and
books that he got from National Center for Solar Energy in Rockland, Maryland were
given to Mr. Stewart to keep on file for anyone_to read.
This all came about due to a change in the state law for municipalities which
was amended to read under Section Purposes and View, dealing with zoning regulations
should be made in accordance with the comprehension plan and design to lessen conges-
tion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, flood, panic and other dangers, to
promote health.and general welfare, to provide adequate flight and air, over crowding
of land, to avoid undue concentration of population and following was added:
To make provision for so far as conditions may permit, the accommodation of
�lar energy systems and equipment and access to sunlight necessary therefore.
We need to amend zoning code to make some provisions for solar collector or
equipment the access to the sun. If do like mentioned, we would go from a two dimen-
sional to a four dimensional.
Togography is another thing that directly affects solar access. Slope you are
on determines the length of the shadow that the tree or building will cast.
Our present code for zoning is basically unrestricted. The restrictions are
a definition of building height but nothing else. No architectural code. Restric-
tions we have are center line of road, set backs, side yard, width and back yard.
These are two dimensional. A four dimensional would be length, width, heighth, and
time. Basically time would be 9 to 30
Would have
wou. d do better
state has and 1
can accommodate
lath convenants
to rewrite code to get four dimensions.
to state in our purposes, make same type
eave things in area of deregRjg tions. So
solar access and encourage private agree
and easements.
Mr. Hunt stated he thinks
of ammendment that the
with reasonable planning
ments between individuals
Mr. Hunt thinks with state law set up as is, could hold up in court of law.
Doesn't think should tell people how to build -- to a designer etc. Any new
building or change in existing building, should be examined on its general affect.
Dealing with
solar access you have
two limiting
First is altitude of
and the azimuth
which is treated as
from true
south. Look at sun's
during the
year, the winter lowest
21th and summer
highest on June 21st.
only has power left when
gets to
earth, when
the sun at altitude more
12�. Sun's
rays absorbed in atmosphere.
Togography is another thing that directly affects solar access. Slope you are
on determines the length of the shadow that the tree or building will cast.
Our present code for zoning is basically unrestricted. The restrictions are
a definition of building height but nothing else. No architectural code. Restric-
tions we have are center line of road, set backs, side yard, width and back yard.
These are two dimensional. A four dimensional would be length, width, heighth, and
time. Basically time would be 9 to 30
Would have
wou. d do better
state has and 1
can accommodate
lath convenants
to rewrite code to get four dimensions.
to state in our purposes, make same type
eave things in area of deregRjg tions. So
solar access and encourage private agree
and easements.
Mr. Hunt stated he thinks
of ammendment that the
with reasonable planning
ments between individuals
Mr. Hunt thinks with state law set up as is, could hold up in court of law.
Doesn't think should tell people how to build -- to a designer etc. Any new
building or change in existing building, should be examined on its general affect.
Planning Board
Town of Dryden
February 19, 1981
Not quite sure how to accomplish this. Also how to control vegetation. Shading of
trees more greater than by building.
Mr. Dann stated in an article he had read, that if you hire .someone to put it
in, its quite expensive and the most you can expect is 400 of your heat. In this
area with its cloudy weather, only 40% is all you can expect.
Mr. Hunt has solar collector which he did himself. Has about 4o% of useable
sunlight and should get three year payout, which includes tax credit.
Mr. Lavine stated that he felt it was not cost effected or energy effected in
this area yet, with technology could improve where it could be in future.
As a planning board, Mr. Hunt stated there are couple things could do. To
run roads east and west so lot protects solar access.
Mr. Lavine's concern was on focusing our concerns on solar access that we for-
get about some of other concerns. East -west road maybe best for solar access but
maybe not be for other things. Examples, steeper road, more corners, intersections
with bad location causing snow problems etc. Keep minds in prospective.
Mr. Hunt stated that grades etc. of roads would override solar access.
Chairwoman Caldwell stated that Sectd,on 8 of Sub - Division law; we would have
authority to make adjustments in set backs now. Would be best to have statement of
purpose and intent: to show.
Mr. Lavine said one approach we might take . is just take philosophy of first
landowner to make use of solar access on his site, has claimed that solar access.
Mr. Hunt stated there are other things that interfere. Also said should think
of wind access too. Not faced with same problem. You either are in good wind lo-
cation or not. The question of wind mill an accepted use?
Mr. Lavine wanted to know how to encourage individuals to make arrangements
for solar access.
Mr. Hunt stated in terms of basic siting of houses, we have materials to
read, lectures and groups who would talk to anyone. In longterm plan if we state
the purpose of encouraging solar energy in the zoning code, and sub- division re-
gulation. Would have made a small step in giving additional legal base, any
private convenant of easements that are developed between individuals without being
involved ourselves.
Chairwoman Caldwell wanted to know if there should be a statement in sub -
division regualtions or part of official minutes.
Mr. Hunt said to give legal force has to be Town Board action. For our own
use the minutes of meeting would be sufficient. Possibly be in sub - division rules
and zoning code.
Mr. Hunt said could be stated to promote and encoui "e the use of solar energy
where as residential, commercial and industrial purposes consisted with improving
and maintaining a standard of good desic nd appearance
Mr. Lavine thought that was broa, gent. C_ ees in sol.ir energy too.
Planning Board -3-
Mr. Hunt stated we should agree as
basic information tonight.
February 19, 1981
to what the board wants to do. Just enough
Mr. Lavine said his
own feeling in terms of issue
promote, encourage or
to consider whether solar
access to solar radiation or
use of solar energy.
would prefer broader one.
Solar energy. Allow people
interpret as direct or
about making that implication. He
would prefer development
to go-in a line of fuel
wood as oppose to solar conversion.
'Mr. Hunt said people
would not define solar energy
wood burning stoves.
over what was said and see.what
to do.
Mr. Lavine recommended keep in
mind a broader prospect
as to what we
are trying
Lo promote, encourage or consider.
if say trying to promote
access solar
energy to
jalar radiation for heating systems
or direct solar conversion.
Then at
same time
saying we put higher value on that
than other potential uses
of sunlight.
about making that implication. He
would prefer development
to go-in a line of fuel
wood as oppose to solar conversion.
The board will think over what was discussed and possibly come up with wordage
and mechanics at next meeting.
REspectfully submitted,
Joan Bray - Secretary
Planning Board
Town of Dryden
Revision of minutes, February 19, 1981
The meeting opened with Chairwoman-Caldwell stating that a new state law will
go into affect April 1st regarding noise levels. It can be enforced on local levels.
If noisey trucks etc. that exceed eighty -two decibels or a rock party, something can
be done about it.
Also 'Noted that last months county planning board meeting was cancelled due to
the weather.
John Hunt presented information he gathered on solar energy. Pamphlets that he
got from the National Solar Heating and Cooling Information Center in Rockville,
Maryland were given to Mr. Stewart to keep on file for anyone to read.
This all came about due to a change in the state law for municipalities which
was amended to read, under the Section Purposes and View, dealigg with zoning re-
gulations should be made in accordance with the comprehension plan and design to
lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, flood, panic and other
dangers, to promote health and general welfare, to provide adequate flight and air,
over crowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of popular ion, and following was
added : "to make provision for.; so far "as: conditions -may. permit,_. the:ac6ommodation,
of solar energy systems and equipment and access to sunlight necessary therefor.
0 We apparently
to amend the zoning
code and
sub - division regulations to
make some provision
solar collectors and
to the sun.
In providing for solar access, we have to be concerned with two limiting angles
of the sun. First the altitude, which is defined as the angle of the sun above the
horizon, Second, the azimuth, which in this case is defined as the deviation of the
sun east or west of true south.. N
.__N -
114 KR
on 1 jrruu
The sun's ppthl:varies during the year. At the location of the village of
Dryden, approximately 420 30" North 1'atitude and 760 22' East Longitude, the alti-
tude of the sun varies from 230 on the winter solstice (Dec. 21) to 71° on the
summer solstice (June 21) at noon. The sun's rays only have effective power when
it reaches an altitude above 120 about which it does on Dec. 21 at 9:00 AM. On
the same date, it sinks below 120 at about 3:00 PM. This is also the date when
longest shadows are cast by any obstruction. These times-correspond roughly
to azimuth of 450 east and'west of true south.
Topography is
thing that directly
solar access.
Slope you-,are
on determines the
length of
the shadow that the
tree or
building will
Page 2
Shadow Lengths Are Shorter and Higher Densities
Easier on South Slopes
Our present regulations are basically unrestrictive. —There is a definition of
building height, but no limitation. We have no building code or architectural code.
We only have vegetation control to provide vision at road intersections. The re-
strictions that we do.have are two dimensional: set backs from the center line of a
road, lot width, side yard and back yard set backs. Providing specifically for solar
access would require four dimensional controls, taking height and time into considera-
tion, as well as width of lots and building placement.
Mr. Hunt stated that he thinks we would do better to make a statement in our
purpose; make the same kind of amendment the state has, and leave things without
specific regulation, so that with reasonable planning, we can accomodate solar access
and encourage private agreements between individuals by covenant and easement. With
the state law as it is, he feels that private agreements could hold up in a court of
law, but a local change would strengthen them.
Mr. Hunt stated that he was not sure how to accomplish encouragement and pro-
tection of solar access, in the regulations, but he recommends a general statement of
purpose in them. This would give us the basis for the encouragement of private agree-
ments; planning for solar access, i.e., east -west road orientation, modification of
frontage requirments and elimination of restrictions and construction of collectors.
He doesn't think that we should tell peopgle how to build. Building should be ex-
amined on its general effect.
Vegetation control is
more difficult,
is important
to solar access,
generally, shading.,-by
is greater than
buildings in
most areas of the
Mr. Dann stated in an article he had read, that if you hire someone to put it
in, its quite expensive and the most you can expect is 4o% of your heat. In this
area with its cloudy weather, only 40% is all you can expect.
has solar
which he
did himself.
Has about
40% of useable
should get
three year
which includes
tax credit.
Mr. Lavine stated that he felt it was not cost effective or energy effective
in this area yet, with technology which could improve to where it could be in
As a planning board, Mr. Hunt stated that there arc few things we could do.
Encourage developers to run roads east and west so tha+, lots themselves protect
Revisions Page 3
• solar access; ease setback and other placement restrictions or lot widths where
it is appropriate.
Mr. Lavine's concern was that in focusing our concerns on solar access that
we forget about some of other concerns. East -west road maybe best for solar access
but maybe not be for other things. Examples, steeper road, more corners, inter-
sections with bad location causing snow problems.etc. Keep minds in prosepctive.
Mr. Hunt stated that grades etc. of roads would override solar access. Chair-
woman Caldwell stated that Section 8 of.Sub••Division Law, we would have authority
to make adjustments in set backs now. Would be best to have statement of purpose
and intent to show.
Lavine said
approach we
might take
take philosophy of first
to make use
solar access
on his site,
claimed that solar access.
Mr.. Hunt stated there are other things that interfere. Also said should
think of wind access too. Not faced with same problem. You either are in good
wind location or not. The question of wind mill an accepted use?
Mr. Lavine wanted to know how to encourage individuals to make arrangements
for solar access.
Mr. Hunt stated in terms of basic siting of houses, we have materials to read,
•lectures and groups who would talk to anyone. In longterm plan if we state the
purpose of encouraging solar energy in the zoning code, and sub - division regula-
tion, we would have made a small step in giving additional legal base to any pri-
vate sonvenants or easements that are developed between individuals without being
involved ourselves.
Chairwoman Caldwell
to know
if there should be a statement in sub-
division regulations or
part of
Mr. Hunt said to give legal force has to be Town Board action. For our own
use the minutes of meeting would be sufficient. Possibly be in sub - division rules
and zoning code.
Mr. Hunt said could be stated to promote and ecourage use of solar energy
where residential, commercial and industrial purposes,are consistent with improv-
ing and maintaining a standard of good design and appearance.
Mr. Lavine thought that was broad statement. Cutting trees is solar energy
Mr. Hunt stated we should agree as to what the board wants to do. Just basic
information tonight.
Mr. Lavine said his own feeling in terms of issue to promote, encourage or
just to consider whether solar access to solar radiation or say use of solar energy.
He would prefer broader one. Solar energy..Allow people to interpret as direct or
Mr. Hunt said people would not define solar energy as wood burning stoves.
Think over what was said and see what to do.
Page 4
Mr. Lavine recommended keep in mind a broader prospect as to what we are trying
to promote, encourage or consider. If say trying to promote access to solar energy
for heating systems or direct solar conversion. Then at same time saying we put
higher value on that than other potential uses of sunlight. Concerned about making
that implication. He would prefer development to go in a line of fuel wood as
oppose to solar conversion.
The board will think over what was discussed and possibly come up with wording
and mechanics at next meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bray - Secretary