HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-16UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE The Village Green, 840 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 October 16, 1979 Tompkins County Health Department Trumansburg Road Ithaca, New York 14886 Subject: Rocco Lucente -- Caswell Road Subdivision This report is based on the Tompkins County Soil Survey Report and onsite review of area on October 3, 1979. Soils EbB - Erie channery silt loam, 3 -8% -this is a deep gently sloping somewhat poorly drained silty soil with a strongly expressed fragipan at 10 -12 inches. Rather severe use limitations are imposed by the somewhat poor drainage, dense impervious subsoil.and lateness in drying out in the spring. Ha - Halsey silt loam - consists' of deep, very poorly drained soils formed in glacial outwash material. HdC - Howard gravelly loam 5 -15 %. They consist of deep, well drained soils. PhA 7 PhB - Phelps gravelly silt loam 0 -3% and 3 -3 %. They are deep moderately well drained soils formed in stratified sand and gravel deposits. They occur in places where they receive seepage and runoff from adjacent higher land. RkA & RkB - Rhinebeck silt loam, 0 -2 %- 2-6 %. These are somwhat poorly drained, heavy textured, deep soils found in clayey lake -laid materials. Ws - Wayland and sloan silt loam - this is an undifferentiated unit of poorly drained Wayland and very poorly drained sloam soils, both formed in recent alluvial material where they are subject to intermittent flooding. I I i Rocco Lucente- Caswell Road Subdivision Depth to Limitation for Soil H 0 Bedrock Septic Dwelling with basements EbB 0.5 -195' 60" Severe Severe Ha O�0*51 it of it HdC 600' if Moderate Moderate PhA 195 -2.0' " Severe Severe PhB of " it it RkA 0.5 -1.5' �► ►► if RkB " " " '► Ws O -0.5' Recommendations The test pits conducted on October 3 confirmed the soil survey in the fact that the water table appears to be as close as 6" to the surface in many areas during certain times of the year. This will present problems in installing adequate septic systems and providing dry basements. The area is flat enough so that there,is no real p�oNential erosion hazard. However, it is still advisable to disturboa minimal area and immediately reseed following construction. Although there is a low erosion hazard, the topography does present a problem with drainage systems. Careful planning should be done so that there are acceptable outlets for the surface water ditches and provisions made for outletting footer drains which are definitely needed with the high water table. Grading should be done so that; all surface water will flow away from the houses. If you have any further questions, please call. Sincerely, 4aAxr Gary Lamont District Conservationist vi NN Q N J ti cv co � O J W N aN�p Q H i li ouc +00 a ci 0) j j 4c Lo ot `A pN� EM cg (O� O N I If i J J SA . f+O x x l7.3Ei ; u \ 1A v Q °Q J W M O CY C4 N M P Q 00'�OOL cg (O� O N I If i J J SA . f+O x x l7.3Ei ; u h g�i V) $?o'Orf qw M N 4 C ci P i A fl r' C4 ra ti 2 ,LtaEr ?''oor ,2o'eey .. s adp2� I I/ C V \ a� 1 G rl J It M Q` N N JP'fPP ifr w Za i �u W Z� 2 O is Q 8 V) z J i w I 3 rJ i.. r i O CIAO \\V4 C ce u tj vS x r r • a a v u � V) $?o'Orf qw M N 4 C ci P i A fl r' C4 ra ti 2 ,LtaEr ?''oor ,2o'eey .. s adp2� I I/ C V \ a� 1 G rl J It M Q` N N JP'fPP ifr w Za i �u W Z� 2 O is Q 8 V) z J i w I 3 rJ i.. r i