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Planning Board February 19, 1976
i'own of Dryden
Or esent: Chairman B. Calswell, Board Members 'C. Buhl) rt. `furecek, J . ��argo,
Town Bd.. Member Janet Graham, "LO S. Stewart
Public Hearing - 8 :00 p.m. Rocco L�tcente, Mr. Buck - Subdivision off Sapsucker
Woods Rd.. proposal.
`.fr. Brick was -present and. stated he wishes approval of lous 1 -19. IVill be
called 1'ea.dow Lark Drive. Lots #F 8,18,9,10,19 will require varying degrees of
fill. Continue road on thro.tgh Hanshaw Rd. when lots 1 -19 are completed..
Laterals for sewer for 20 dots in s.ibdiv;sion. Water mains already in
existence. Harry 1•lesserini of the County Planning Office mentioned in letter
about drainage. ;hoard Member T. Buhl stated the next stage the Planning Bd.
will have to see more detail on map.. Mr. Shalter, engineer, said a 24" storm
drain is adequate at present time. SCS J. Calhoun said. there is a wind throw
problem with pines in area. Mr. Morris will continue to advise what trees
should be retained. Pond partly on Lucente land, part on Shalter land. Under-
ground utilities. `.CB Member Janet Graham asked about lighting system. &Ir.
Buck will look into this. Fie said i s!taily that district provides this. geed
Town road specifications. Hope to have acceptance o "i'
f own by Nov. of 1976.
1. Town Highway Si.tpvr. specifications met.
2. A bond or other suitable method of finaiicing acceptable to Town Attorney.
Boafd�Mtember T. Buhl moved. this be approved subject to above conditions.
Board. Member R. Turecek seconded motion.
blic Hearin
- 8 :50
Floyd Nlorter Jr. Morris Rd
Lyle Pierce interested. in 1 lot. Mr. Pierce was present and explained the
situation. lie would like permission to build a single family dwelling.
Planning Board told Mr. Pierce because of Mr. porter's previo_ts sales, a Public
Hearing has to be held. Mr. Pierce paid for s..irvey of property. Mr. Pierce
stated he was not aware that Mr. Morter made so many sales. Mr. Donohue of the
Health Dept. checked drainage and gave specifications for b,lilding septic
system. SCS J. Calho,.in checked land. Mr. Pierce contacted Attorney Helen
Amd!ir with purchase offer sltbjcet to baying land, stir. h1orter wrote letter to
Planning Board:iexpressing concern, and that he was not aware other parcels were
definitions of s,tbdivision. Checked Health Dept. report. Has SCS report.
No one present to speak for or against this proposal.
A itipula.tion to follow recommendations of SCS report.
Boar: „:Kekber J. Wargo offered motion this be approved
Board INIember T. Bahl seconded motion..
Yr. Weisberf_ Ellis Hollow Rd. -_200' East of Game Farm Ad.
of vi
W Ili
ant has
and i s
an Cald'w
es a 60'
imited h
6 acres. H
looking for
ell is cone
Mr. Weisb
right -of —w
Musing. Ha
as buyer
erned wi
erg did
ay. Str
s adegiia
s interested. Pr
ng satisfactory t
th having 1 exit
not talk with Hig
eel would be 500'
to road frontage.
esented sketch plan to tine
o the Planning board.
on Ellis Hollow lid. in terms-
hway Supvr. The `town
with a turn -a- around with
Applicant will talk with Highway Supvr., Health Dept. approvals and SCS report.
P>>blic Hearing sched•iled. for March 18, 1976 at 8 :00 p.m.
Planning Board (2)
own of Dryden
'•.i'il.l at that time have things in order for hearing,
Ro!)ert Ke(Nch - Knoll-wood Dr.
Six lots - 1:;- acre lots - fronta-ge 200'
','he Planning Bivard discussed situatiori
Yr. Keech to go ahead and proceed with
before the Planning Board,
Bnb Porteous - Rt. 38
February 19, 1976
with the applicant. the board advised
intended plans and then come back
+r. Brad Perkins bought some land that adjoins Porteous property, arid, then
sold land to A`r. Pierce. Applicart wishes permission to guild a road to
parcel of property on Rt. 38. Owns o�i acres. No road frontage now on
property lie wishes to develop. Applicant stated tie wants to build a hu,rse
for own ise on top of hili. Board Member M. Proi.zix s iggested that qtr. Porteous
talk to highway S1rpvr. and Roger heck about road. have 1;r. beck make some
drawsings and then come Back to the Planning, ;oard. I
Crowe Farm — Rt_ 139 Dryden
Pat Draper Realtor — 36 acres to be sold.
46h nd approved selling.
Pelt property - Rt. 1,,, Dryden
VFW purchased lot on Rt. 13, 210' x 4001
Bo,ord approved purchase,
Di.sclission on violators of zoning. `'own I oard N?ember
laws with tax notices, i.hat way people wolrld ue aware
suggested sending zoning
of laws.
ZO S. Stewart asked about biril.ding p( rmits. Suggestion was made
Planning Board review permits for the month. This wo!ild help the
regards to how many permits have been iss!i(ld. Also s�t"N eC.r d to
take a second set of tax maps and pencil in lots sold.
k!eeting Adj .
11:00 P.M.
liespee tf,rlly stibmitted
Mary Bryan L , liec . Sec.
to have the
ioard in
ZO that he