HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-05-15'Town Planning Board l own of Dryden May 15, 1975 •esents Chairman B. Caldwell, Alton Reed, Aobert Everett, Michael Proulx, Joseph Wargo, TB Vember C. Cotterill, Z0 S. Stewart Absento Board Vembers R. Turecek, R. Natzke Chairman Caldwell intzduced the two new board N;embers N1. Prouix and J. Margo, Zoning Officer Court. Presen It was suggest and designate of which there Board member C every 50 feet. so t n ed s am is C Stewart q!iestioned umbering system goe to call one branch e with a road sign. a t4irn- a- arolnd f o otterill Mated the the proc s by the of the sli Sgbdivi r each ur niimberin edure time L)divi sion anch g pol of ni.imb the hosrs sion kin coIIsists for snow icy on a ering e was gwood of t remo pub on hingwood cons i,r Icted. Goinrt Drive wo branches vai , 1 own is highway is Recommendation will i)e sent to the Town board that name of road willbe Ringwood Co•Irt Drive. Also send residents that live on that spur a notice of road name with option of changing name if desired. Any comments will be directed to the Town Board. Zoning Officer Stewart asked the Hoard about Court and Ringwood Rd. Land owned by Beiva C purchase land, belt wants to be assured of sec is a question of a minor or major subdivision before ordiance went into effect it w olld ue slightly over an acre and is a.dealiate to cons ijor Health Dept. will check parcel, l'he P1 .,,ajor subdivision and to proceed according to Robert Simkin - South Knoll Dr., Dryden, N.Y. Applic add to lot li to fil Assess ant live present nes for e a corr ment off s on 1 Lea the ti ected ice. of ##8 ve fr le f'i map w Y 0 e i land on corner of Ringwood orneliiis> Someone wishes to firing a building permit. There Attorney Heleri Amdur said if considered a minor. land is tract one house. If considered annin; Boaroonsidered this a intent. Nonld like to take 30 ft. of adjoining lot and ntage as is. Ifhere is adeq!iate distance between ids. fhe Planning board instructed Mr, aimkin th the County Clerk's oifice and Ldie County Mr, Van Sickle - Morris Rd. Ag....District - 6.39 acres vilton Green surveyor of Cortland, N.Y. was present and presented the board with a letter from SCS J. Calhoun regarding proposed development of above property. (See attached copy) A gliestion was asked about homesit Health Dept. will not approve any A letter is needed for the Health n1imber of wells being drilled befo tests have been taken on property. ground level. Septic systems have other side. TTndergroiind utilities the subdivision. A question was o lot #6. Suggestion was made to se 1his wo -.Ild make lot #6 approximate 6his extra lot for fliture developm es across the road from proposed development* system unless 100 feet from tile fields. Dept. showing adequate water supply for re .stamping as approved* Further perk All septic tanks shoiiid have cover to been changed from one side of home's to will be urought from the Per iville ltd. to ro?Ight lip about an extra piece of land by 11 this extra piece of land with lot ff6. ly 2 acres. if applicant wishes to keep ent fie will have to come pack to the Town Planning Board r 'j;own of Dryden (2) Planning Board for a major subdivision. Conditional approval sibject to Health Dept. approval. 'ichael Proalx - Caswell fid. County M. Present zonin May 15, 1975: Mr. Proglx is a Planning Board member �4nd did not take part in any decision making of this matter. �,Ir. Prolilx plans to build in 3 phases for a total of 34 lots. Phase i - lots, 1 -9, Phase 2 - lots 10 -26, Phase 3 - lots 27- 40 Chairman Caldwell read letter to the Board from Commissioner of Planning j Frank Liguori concerning subdivision. Mr. Liguori stated the proposed subdivision is well outside of any potentially designated selective comm,inity. Development intensity in areas outside of selective communities shogid be very low to maintain the rural j character of the area and to control undesirable leap frogging of develop.Tent�. Caswell Road area does not have a potential for public water and sever facilities in the fatare, nor does it have a potential to ue designated as I a selective community. In these areas, subdivisions are to be limited to 10 lots or less and that lot sizes be in the range of 2 acres. It is hir> Ligiiori's recommendation that the subdivision in g1testion be considered on the basis of a maximum of 10 lots, at least 2 acres each. Extensive development in excess of this will lead to ,indesirable future social, economic and environmental costs, Chairman Caldwell will contact 'Town Attorney Helen Am dir to find out what lternatives there are and check the law on this, before any decision making.. Also discuss exact scope of authority ender that particular section of law, liespectfuiiy s,lbmitted Mary Eryant, liec. Sec. r