HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-05-06Zoning Board of Appeals N;ay E, 197;
�n of Dryden
r sent: Board Members D. Rose, E. Carpenter, h.. Marq,iis, ZU S. atewart
ent : Board Member R. Keee:h
Board Member D. Rose presided over the meeting.
Hearing ##1= 7:302Ym_Nicholas Aloi _ E. Lake Rd. Dryden, !�.Y.
Appeal. made by Nicholas Aloi to complete constriction of a garage at 245 Lake
Rd. Dryden, N.Y. Health Dept. approval on property. Approximately one acre.
Mahlon Perkins was present to speak for \;r. Aioi. Map of said property
presented. There is a q!iestion of a seven foot variance. Construction of
garage was started in the Fall. of 1974. Mr. Aloi purchased land at 44000.00
for construction. Land was owned by Mr. Dona. id llarner. A series of events
took place concerning Mr. Harrier, iii which he zeft MIr. ,Aloi with a partially
completed house. Previoiis owner Floyd Cott,,,lrill had to foreclose on property
and b!iilding. N'r. Aloi has to pay Mr. Cotterill X3000.00 for some land.
House and ryara.ge have to )e completed as started in order to get first draw
on morta.ge now being; held at the bank. If' not finished as started Mr. Aloi
wi 1 l lose mor tage money and be linable Lo linish s Lruc hire . Cons trait Li on of
building was originally sched�iled for completion in .November of 19740 Ni r.
Aloi stated he plans to have garage competed by J,ine of 19159 N?r. Perkins
presented lei,ters to the board from the following; neig;hoors.
Diane and John Eaton — 246 hake ltd., Dryden, iv.Y.
Ni- and A!rs. Eaton have no objection to Lrantino variance.
v and Mrs. Ralph ) ll
p le ow, Lake ltd. ,Pryden,%.Y.
1'r. and Vrs. Nelson Da.vall, Lake Rd. Dryden, N.Y.
Vr, and `ors. Ronald Davall, Lake ltd. Dryden, N.Y.
The above have no objection to granting; variance.
James V.ore.Y YLake_Rd .Dryden N o y
Pr. Vorey questioned the fact of zoning, }le staled why have zoning; if' it is
always being changed. :'here is a tree on property which N'r. Aloi stated will
he cut down. Also a ceLla.r door wii.l :je pit in.
Joseph Campbell —Lake Rd. Dr dY en, ��.Y.
ki'r. Campbell. is very much for- Zoning, and in this case seems to tiit toward
not granting variance. Questioned why the t;a.rage was not set rack in original
plans. It was stai,ed original plans co- npiied with Zoning urdiance.
5'igrid Campbell — Lake Rd. i— Dryde!.i,_i�.Y.
Mrs. Campbell q!testioned why garage was pit in ?'runt of lio,.ise. She feels it
does not go with the neighborhood. It wa.s stated it wo!ild be difficilt to
move garage at this point of construction.
D. "'SION: `lnamimoiisly granted
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.)Ilcant r- on 1eIts a vrir7anc(11 to i }']1 LIj it C(inoi)4, iI)I' 1113 �!aS p'Imp3. `.J'. JO III nS
S1;at(I d 1,vne of ConS! III ICLI.on 'A I I )e s <'I , n(: c Llnr; Ilalddi!:D11
I p SL•i'ttPCS l t
Varl anrP IIOt r'rilrrtPd t115 it ) 1 LL t.y Lo I r1Cre;I �r'I'Vi CI LO CI1S f:, Oil: 1;'rS N111 I -f
restricted Vr. .Johns presented a draN - Lnt) t I -r) ?Ti Ita l Lit C(' Jt,eed[ as to wilat ltl3
Canopy N'1II. toOi{ Llke 1I)IiIICilrlL ell S- Pl'('fli'.I1[1 n teLt•or' JI'Jra lil;�ln f+ir,uli
ra ! !PI' i'a t.in tle I111s rio o )JPCt].011 t(.) I'a'!LL111 Vi),I'.Li1f10E'. :i
letter from Cary l.,e ptoo senLed, sLaL,in, he ilas uo r) ec;,loil to ra:�tint, varii:lici_•.
Ca III Onv R'i 11 e 1. =" hi ;_;h and 1'r. J1)tln strlLPCi cons Lr Ic Li. id) n Nili 110L inter'] erl;'
U1 t.h a n v eIPct,ric1.ai N'irim). .'he' ;.oiird C- !,,;_c,Leit Lo !,,r i0111IS tllaL he C Oil L')ct
Mlle `.1. .F. -.�, .:as as t0 Ltll ;ir riles rP:rar<Iinp, (,'Li�CLriCi.11i Ni111fIC
\'o oi),ject•iOns µ- ere heard itrld %or rev ived )v Llle i�aard.
CT`�fih�_ rtnanimol!sty p-ranted
Henring - ;1 :3 _ L)- 1'_m•_1'r�`' =k L)1,� �h_- G.' ..._.,ir =' =- - iden_ltd�
Apt 1 i crint rc!r? Ies LS a varl ,,nCe Lo I d d and. f<l ;r, ilk r'vOm LC) hi a l:u Ise.
TV P() old COnSLI'ilCtl0n O(I �)r7iN1l1JS NPI'f? pre3E ;`Ill -ed i1 .tUnp 1�.LL�I I�1CL' It* e�
Uf hOil 4P. 1\'r' Pr�l 'h CjIrjt1, ('(I t.11il 1. LIIP 1Ocil1 1 On U1 p1 C1 CxIII 3L11 t1CL 1I'e lso l ld ill atte
it diff'iC)l.it to add C) 11 Ftr)(I reet t. lired ,('L- .lack. Also tali -s N -ollci il!Irt
r,`)e appearance of the hollse. Api).licant tiL.t)tC'd Lhai, (-)It Lile (>t,her sici(.�, oJ Lhe �
holJse is where J.h septic sysLCrr. i s J oCi1 Le(I .
]da hall - 615 Dryden itd. - neil,hi)or -
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favor of erarJtIri varianCe a1 ioill. st.r! lcL, Ire sloes :lot Bloc,{ tler v:i.eN.
I'd r,Inn and :�0(1 Ldo �til'I — of ?1t %hi)Or'S" iiCroSj (.he r(x d 1�rC)R! the i'I °'1)�Ils� —
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I favor of !lrliiltl n5J b'7!I'] a.rlCl? .
t'.ok> Ior nS Drvden— _.- A— nei_Fl_)or
No ohjection to !,rantin�y v;.lriarlcP.
r)F ;CMG \: `lnanim0.1S.ty ri.lnLed
Ite�I)eCLJ' IL ty' Sol kri Lted
^, r, r:>' i�ryall t., sec _