HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-18;'own P1 annin�r Board July id, 1-944 minutes ['own of T)ryden ��� J ily 2:�, 1944 minutes Present: Chairman 13, Caldwell, Board `,lembers li. zvereLt, NI. Peck ZO S. Stewart, TB Alember C. CoLterille Planner Mark 'Irumbo. •Absent: Board ?Members A. heed, C. Kelemen, G. Hanford. sign ordiance. "l`he Board had a discussion on signs and the new sip • Arthur Cornelius estate — ..Ellis Hollow Chairman Caldwell read. NeiRhborinr property ow stated property will be sold in parcels, and wo stated there is no way a 1 ner to gild the ett,e S wi o br s Li Y ca r to the I,oard stating how land will be divided, sh to bliy parcels of land. The Planning board oken !ip. '.Where is not sufficient i'rontage if 11 be considered a subdivision. The board n give their approval on this action., Recommendations to the `Town Board for two vacancies on the Planning board. The two vacancies are Hoard Members Harold Hoberts and Charles Kelemen. The Town Board will have Lo know each members length of Lerm. Flood Plain Zoning , Reqlirements and re&rnlations. Planner Mark Trumbo gave an excellent presentation on this. Subdivision and revisions - The Board along with Planner Mark Trumbo re- viewed and up -dated sections of subdivision ordiance. a i'own Planning Board July 25, 1974 Present: B. Caldwell, R. Everett, Planner dark 1'rumbo, ZU, Stewart. Absent: Board !Members A. treed, G. Hanford, Tb Member C. Cotterill Planner Mark Triimbo presented an up -to -date map with new town roads inserted on same. 'There will be some revisions to make on map. The Board spent rest of evening reviewing additional sections o;f subdivision ordiance which is being up- dated. e 14espectfully submitted h{ary Bryant, Rec. Sec. vw 7t es 4L*e- 41.:� T O� Tn15 lY✓�'1lMC pea tM M k IOhS IG�wI -04 -d4moo- I w V o� 'ice Greee<. l+f G.run� o✓ aow lot - - - -- - - -- _ . _ 00 L44:;CA & / #4 - - Ir eu - -s - - - -- -. -- - -- --..._ - PAP- OAA _4w,a w.rs - - I B • G.J�d�•e.(1