HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-15November, l$" 1973
=�oVs 3 Planning Board n
Town of Dryden
•sents Chairman Caldwell, C. Kelemen, Go Hanford, M. Peck, "Ao Reedy
Absent: R. Everett, Ho Roberts, TB Member Ca Cotterill
Hudson Sadd. Yellow Barn Development Corpo = Yellow Barn Rdo °.B40 Senieg, ;
Mr. W. Earl and Mr. Sadd resented plans. Changes on the �a ��rere some l.ot
P P g
arranvements and the road. Road is completed and has been accepteds:_by the:lowno
Basic reason for change in road is there was a dead end with. a'turn aroundo'. Ho
Case, Highway Superintendent suggested making a loop for easier ''saaow- r6move:1.
Health Dept. has approved lots on an individual basis.
Stake 900 ll!ldson Sadd. m Yellow Barn Development Cow;
Preliminary proposal presentedo Road will be completed at o6e•laMea;'''.lyi11 be
named Pucker Bush Rd.. Underground Utilities. Mr. Earl talked rra.tla HeatBa. -Dept o
on the lower set of lots. A suggestion was offered to Mr. Earl to stake- out `'the
lots and the road on the groundo Health Dept. gave recommendai'-iGnO as,folloaso
Proposed facilities for water supply and sewage disposal i.ast'alled.;according
to their plans
2e Health Dept.. sewage construction permit to be obtained prior,';$.; any con=
struction started:
3. Relocation of ditch west side prior to sale of lots. h
4e Lots 918 and -'919 stream relocation accomplished and lot #3 enesmined prior to
sale of lot,
11 k
5o No grading cuts be made in any sewage area. r:
Approval on lots # 908, 907,906,905,904,903,902,901,916 and #917o.
James Murray Simms Hill Rd., Dryden, New York _ A)
The Board reviewed plans of Mr,. Murray'sI'l0�lot subdivisiorL No changes have
been made on the map except revised as to name. `bestviec; Terrace Homes, Murray
poa.l Estate was on map. Should have been James and Margaret NI ray. A•11 lots:
0 I,_. re health Dept. approval. Road was completed as of 11m15�730 _ A1601 road is
Town Planning Board
60' at end for ease in snow removal° Mro-Murray asked for approval ."so this can,
be turned over to the Town board for dedication of the road. 4
Ellis Highlands South briefingm minutes of 11.8 73'and 10 =730`.
Changing Ordiance as to ungerground utilit'ieso Question was,rabsed as; to
changing ordiance or just have a policy concerning payment. >•or i:anstace9..:. when
someone buys a lot will he have .to pay for installing undergrond :at�eso
the summer of 1973 the policy was modified so the developer does aaot: ha' Ve�,to _beat,
all the cost except if the Planning Board So stipulates. This maaY_' ,mean- ;.`.$he 'person
buying the lot will have to bear all.the cost. Suggested, havring thbs� s:e policy
rather than actually in an ordiance because if there is a posgn.bnlit'Y" that ..thgs
t A I 1
is repealed. Ordiance will be reworded and tied to the 1a79
Alton Reed talked on the airport area = ; There has,. to be a safety ,margin when
coming in= on an instrument landing syst,em_o. Have raised horizon a beam; 3' °,2 de.gr',e�
This entails some trees being cut down." Chairman Caldwell askedI:'a.bo' V pp tting o.n
..p: the area in which buildings vill,: b,e:o Is it likely to put' A Asa apartment
• ;.>
�omlex in any:.of said area in the con�eei�rable future where .the` height might be
a factor. It was stated b1iilding would` have to be on _top of'.` tkae °3mocnxa$�tI' to: "
affect system. ,
Chairman Caldwell _gave update report on housing — construction costsr discussed.
Scattered residential housing is not Something to be encourged be6aca'sef.1 It costs 'I
more Trying to find ways to get money' for. reh'abilitatiodo` Possibly Viand
I. I
banking to pus
f or` oderly development o ;Land, 'banking basically;` s laasd in ;trsc n
sition tendency. Change land development:: control regulations.. too,
1e Permit greater density development °,.
20 Reduce time. req,.iired to accept pro.posabs.
3. Encourage cluster in devielopmento.
4. Encourage sound development in Mobile ,Home Pa.rksa
• Stop discrimation in Mobile Home Zoning Ordianceso �.
6 o Coordinate land control regulations,, ,.
• F
planning Board (3) 11p1�33
Building and construction code should be examined for 'unnecessary c•ostb o
.ringent re'nuirement for licensing plumbers in the city °s.wa.ter district
Enconrege self help housing programso
Respectfully submitted
Mary Bryant fl Rec 0 Se:@�o
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