HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-18Town Planning Board n
i'own of Dryden
Present: Chairman 13. Caldwell, mi . Peck, R. Everett, U. Hanford, C. Kelemen
4kento A. Reed, H. Roberts, TB member C. Cotterill
Veeting commenced at 8:00 p.m.
Public Hearing Hudson Sadd, Yellow Barra Development Corp. Yellow Barn lido
Statement of ownership certified. Performance Bond not needed. Statement from
R. Case Highway Si'bperintendent on road presented. All utilities underground.
paaps presented by Gordon Rice. Number of lots have been reduced from 28 to. 21
due to soil conditions. J. Calhoun from the SCS gave a report on soil condition.
Chairman Caldwell read letter from the Health Dept. dated 10 -1873 on removal
of lots ;#901,902,915,916,91799189 and #919 from the map. Owner Will check
with Environmental Conservation Dept. about relocating a stream on property
for fgtnre development.
Decision on above is pending. The board is waiting for final Health Depto
pr oval.
Robert Wright - McLean Peruville Rd. 1 mile west of 11cLeane
two -lot subdivision. Ten acres on west side of parcel is under land contract.!
All adjacent property owned by Mr. Wright. Sufficient access to back land.
Approved sub, ect to individual Health Dept. approval. Board Member M. V?eck
offered motion this be granted subject to Health Dept. approval. Board Member
C. Kelemen seconded motion.
Rezoning in Etna, New York
A recommendation to the Dryden Town Board for a new zone in Etna.
The new. zone
is similiar to the present zone as far as the allowed use list is concerned.
The major difference is in the uses allowed by special permit, Which noa will
be limited to local retail establishments and neighborhood gas stations.
Pressure for the new zone started with commerical uses in what the residents
•eel is primarily a residential area. The recommendation is the first step in
Town Planning Board
10- 18-73
a legal process, which must be repeated tivice before the new zone is completedo
'0first process is to create the new zone, the second incorporates it into
the zoning map.
Board.NMember R. Everett gave a report on change in zoning. Allowed uses by
permit in an.RB zone are as follows:
1. Retail b�isiness establishments of a neighborhood nature.
2. Gasoline stations.
3. Laboratories and installations for research and development.
Chairman Caldwell stated that Mobile homes on individual lots should be an
allowed use. Richard Turecek of Etna, speaking for Etna representatives at the
meeting stated Section 801 of the zoning ordiance should be incorporated into..
the petition. Section 801 -5 should beamended not operating commeric,ally for
profit. Section 802 allowed uses by special permit. Ann Scaglione asked about
special permits. A special permit is(l. Does it fit in with the overall plan
that partic�iar area and so that additional restrictions, or conditions can
or should be placed upon it. Board member M. Peck talked about number of
b!.isiness sites in Etna area, below is a list.
1. Conger's Tlrl. Park #1 - East side of Etna Lane
?. Conger's Tlrl. Park 42 - West side of Kirk Rd.
3. Dingler's Store
4. Pine Woods Restaurant
5. Parks Tlrl. Park
6. Walls Tld . Park
7. Licensed center
,S. Knit Nook
For practical purposes allowed uses in RB zone - changing current RB to MA.
The intent
�Towe Planning Bd.
(3) 10- 18-73
e�tastilQ� �eeelopment for public sewer and water facilities are unlikly to develop
the near futilre e
Farming, farm buildings, gardening, nurseries and greenhouses and the keeping
of livestock and pol.iltry.
20 One - family two- family and m,llti- family dwellings.
30 Educational buildings, community buildings, churches, cemeteries and similar
semipublic structures e
40 Farm buildings and accessory farm buildings.
5. Roadside stands for the sale or display of farm products provici.ed that any'
such stand shall be at least 50 feet from the center of the road,.`
69 Clubs, parks, playgrounds, golf courses and recreation. areas*
7. Private garages.
8. Home occupation of a professional or service nature and:.siuc'h•'activi.ty is
located entirely upon a residential lot and operated by the person living at i
- I
Id Mobile Home on individual lots. I
Selma Neilson, Etna resident suggested putting the burden on the developers
coming into-the area. When a special permit is issued adjoining property owners
are notified. It was suggested there be a sq. footage limit on 'on small
business locations, which wo�ild have to be checked into. A.quest.ion on molt i
family dwellings was brought up. Lot area shall be 30,000 sqo I V. with 125 ft!
- I
street frontage for the initial dwelling unit and at least 3,000 sq. fto of
additional lot area per bedroom per unit for each additional duelling unit. In
the event the total lot area shall exceed 2 acres the owner shall ;make applicat-
ion to the Town Board for special permit. Recommendation to the Town Board to
concentrate on special permit as follows.
1. Retail business establishments and gasoline stations Which clearly are of a
�ighborhood or local service nature.
2. Laboratories and installations for research and development.
3. Recreation for profit.