HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-03Town Planning, ] Board Town of Dryden A,tp !xst, i J 7 Pesent: w �� Cha1.rmet ic Barbara. Caldwell Or A. Heed \! . PeCk G . Hanford IL. Everett h . ii,oberts A]. so present, Sibley Stewart Zoninh Officer, Clint Cotterill, 'lowil Board member. absent: Prank Giplielao I bl.ic Hearin¢ commenced at 7:30 p.m. Hearin _ifl - Robert_Keech�off' R . 13�Etnat IN .Y. Applicant presenter) plans for a G; lot sl_tbdivision. Some discussion on name of subdivision. ?Ir. Keech req -tests that name "hnoliwood Drive" not be chnno,ed. Mr. Sam Cincotta owns property to the East of i�eech property, 1;r. John Perialas owns on Hest side. Total lenc.tli of road is 8U" U feet with a T -turn a.ro,ind. Ur, beech stated for flttltre expansion the road may be ex- tended in 3 or 4 years. One lot in development req tires a set- ba.ciz. weed .!i. Case, Higbwav Superintendent, approval. Also approval from F'. Li�•�ori,i'L ns to Route 13 set back. There is a restriction on shrub 'oery set b«ch. No further nliesti ons. Georh,e "a.riford moved conditional r-ipprova.i be .,well. "'orris Peck seconder] motion. Nea.rinp f2`Craver nrid Colilter�Dr.yden —Virg ii icoad ?'on VcKee, s!irveyor, Cortland, N.Y, presented _.enerai layout of proposed subdivision. Approximately 147 lots. Constriction of said subdivision wit ii star); in 1973. ?•'r. Coulter stated he wo,iid like to rive �rydeu sumethin to be prow► of in re:j,ard to this development and wiil ��se t,liis lr�iriic tlar development cis a model for futire s!ibdivisioris. Houses will- be staEbFi'ed Oil lots, not row housing;. One or two lots will need a variance. Conditional approval subject to following: 1. Stabi lization of soil durin "P constrlicti-on. Sati_sfactory water and sewer, County Health approval. ?, Adenria.te provisions for drainap,e and r to -off. 4. Ron.ds built to Re !'ase, ili ehwa.,y Superintendent, approval. , F Town Planning Board ( 2) A-,,:• ist t, 19 / J. Road n8.me..s (o Fl -�nniri4 "oord. npprov .-i F >. Rec.reati.on area wi. th n,) lkway 7. 13,i]d one sec ti on at z; i.me ts.:1;I :':evelcl �. Copy of Covennnce be slihm il•ted P..nLh that fill a1) provai forms be z,libmitted. t1. Lots meet- minimlrm sq!iare Ioota; e. 10. Show all ad;oinine property owners on ; r,p. I 11. state approval on sewer. I' Hiss Stetson, Nor th Wood Rd . , Etria., New York 11i 11i.cm J. Solomon representins Miss Stetson, Iteq aired l nt.ineerint. drawing, was presented. to the Board. Ilealth Dept. ap:)roved- septic- systern for the trn.il.ers. FT 1)(I regviired from the Health Dept. and approval witrr piace- •rent of 2 trailers. Also, Health Dept. sho.ild b4 notified of this trkuier park. Condi ti.onr l recommendation to the 'Town Board . 1 +eetinp adjourned 10:00 p.m* leespeciflilly submitted. Mary 131-3raut , itec . See. .Town Planning, Board Town of Dryden Aubust, 4, 1J7 Present: Chairman Barbaru. Caldwell A. Peecck k Ad . P G . Hanford IL".: l v.erett H. Roberts Also present,, Sibley Stewart Zoninc Officer, Clint Cotterill, 'i'own Board member. Absent: Frank Ci.�!;liello Fiiblic HParin4b% commenced tit 7 :30 p.m. Hearin it = Robert_Keech, oft' -Rt. .131 Lana, Noy. Applicant presented p.Lans for a G -lot si.ibdivision. Some disev..tssiun o name i of subdivision. N�tr. Keech regl.tests that. name "linollt�outl Drive" not be chane,ed . Mr. Sam Cincotta owns property to the Last of aeech property, .1dr. . John Perialas owns on West side. Total length of road is 860 feet with a T -t-irn aroltnd. Mr. Keech stated for flitiire expansion the road may be ex- ten(led in 3 or 4 years. One lot in development requires a. set- back. weed R. Case, Hinhway Superintendent, approval. Also ap rovai i.rom F. i.ig.tori,i'1: ns to Route 13 set back. There is a restriction on siirtbuery set buck. No flrrther gliestions. Georpe i:anford moved conditional Fipprova,i be 3. veil 'orris Peck secon(lorl mr.tion. Hearinn! Yf2 - Craver rind Co�iltor9_111)ryden- VirUil iioad T'on McKee, surveyor, Cortland, N.Y. presented - eneral layout of proposed subdivision. Approximately 117 lots. Constrltcti.on of said s- tbdivision wi.ti s t.a r t i n X973. "r . Co t_lter stated he wood like to t. ive ijryden sume-tiiiri� to hP pro�id of in r-e nrd to this development and wiiL t: >e %Uhis parLic7tlar development, iis a model for 1'ltt_Ire subdivisions. Ilul.ises ti il.l be stak,6cred oil lots, not row holtsirrg;. One or two lots will need a variance. Conditional approvo.l subject to fol.lowinA: 1. Stabilization y of � soil d1rrine constriction. Satisfactory water and sewer, County IlPalth approval. `? Adegviate provisions for drairia�,e and r rn -olf . 4. Roads b +r i It to 1i. ('ase, 11i.irhwra.y Superintendent, ap;-)rova.l. y � to 1i. ('ase, 11i.irhwra.y Superintendent, ap;-)rova.l. Town Flanning board (2) Torn of Dryden • 5. Road names t,o Pl.anrtina Board. approval. Att tst F> . RPcreatl on area. w t,h N aIkways I R iil(i one sec lion a t a time and develop i t in .sec Lions. =3. Copy of Covenance be s,tl,mi Lted and tha t f tll. approval i`orins be s ibmi Lted. 1) Lots meet, miii.imltm snttare foota; e. o. Show all ad joinins oroperty owners on map. l L. State approval on sewer. i Viss Stetson, North_1_Vood 'lid Etna...?dew York William J. Solomon representing* Miss Stetson. ltecaired l;ntineerictt; dilawint Nvas presented -to the Board. 1lealth Dept: ah_,roved septic system for the ? trail.Prs. `Tp(Iat.ine; ren,ii.red from the llealLh Dept. rpeommen(aation to and approval hiuh piace. Oment of ? l,r il.ers. Also, Ileal.th Dept. shu,tld bt" notified of this trailer park. Con(litionr:l_ rpeommen(aation to the Town Board. tee tin!) ad j o'trned 10:00 p.m. liespecLfliily slthmitLed. Mary Bryant, Aee. Sec.