HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-20_Town Platrninv Board Town of Dryden �•esent: July 209 1972 Chairman Barbara. Caldwell Robert Everett Harold Roberts Alton Reed George Hanford Morris Peck Also present. Sibley Stewart Zoning; Officer, Clint Cotterill 'Town hoard member. Absent: Frank Gigliello The meeting commenced at 8:10 p.m. Cecil Shi:ilman, West Dryd ;en Me Property is now in the name of Rhonda M. Sh,xlman. ahonda 5huiman wishes to sell this property of 4 lots.to Mr. Palmer. David uersh, Attorney Ithaca, N.Y. was, present and spoke for Air. Palmer. Mr. Gersh stated Mr. Palmer is anxio,is to comply with the Zoning Ordiances before pirchasintv lots. The Board will refer to Helen Amd.ir, mo,vri of Dryden A�toratay for her inter - retation of this matter. Craver and Golilterl biild.erstilomer� N.Y. Dryden- Virgil Itd. development Don McKee, slarveyor, Cortland, N.Y. told the Board that Mr. Coulter will no ahead with the project when he receives a lei.ter from the Board sayin_, if 1. 2. 3. 9. 5. Water service is provided and approved by the health Dept. , Sewage is provided Roads are b.iilt and approved by the Town Highway Dept. Storm sewer system is provided Recreation land is provided for The above are the stipilations that the Board discussed with Mr. Cog1 ter previ_olisly. A Plibli.c Hearin-:r regarding this development is scheduled for ;. 39 1972 at 3:00 p.m. nobert Keech. Off Rt. 13, Etna., N.Y. Preliminary plans were presented to the Hoard. size range from 30,000 sq. ft. to 33,000 sq. ft,. Approval for b lots. Lot Tile system fur sewabe. I 0 Town Planni.n =y B oard (2). July 20, 1972 l'j � • ^ own of Dryden Oi tten approval from the Health dept* is needed and approval of packet of papers which will be ready for P71blic Hearing, Alit,. a, 1972 at 7030 p.m. The s,ibdivision will be called "Knollwood Drive ". Charles Seamon, Beam Bill Rd., Dryden, New York Mr. Seamon presented sketch plan. Applicant has 1 trailer parked on his property and wishes to install 1 more trailer. Well has to be drilled for the 2 trailers. More than 1 trailer comes under the Mobil Home Ordiance. Sand filters for septic system. Each trailer will be responsible for own . garbage disposal. The Planning Board was asked by the Town hoard for recommendations and sligoestions on the Seamon proposal. 1. The well will. be a drilled yell. The sewa „e system meets the health !)ept. requirements. 3. Sewage will not affect the neighbors. Existing trailer meets the required set back. They are as followsa The Board also discussed annual license of $25.00 which is required for a Mobil Home Park. Miss Stetson, North Wood Ad., Etna, New York_ Applicant wishes to rise her property of approximately 17 acres for a Mobil Home Park of 3 trailers. Health Dept. approved. An Engineering drawing is required showing `his property for future expansion. All papers shol-ild be in order for the Alig. 3, 1972 meeting. Other TBlisiness Flood control for City of Ithaca was discuzsed. ITospita.l slioport — The Planning; Board, Town of Dryden is interested in strong silpport of 1 main hospital for the County. Also, some type of 901itheastern portion erg,ency facility,.clinic, Professional building, adequately staffed in the of Lansing, Southwestern portion of Groton or North - western portion of Town of Dryden. .3 Town Planning Board IWn of Dryden (3) July 209 1972 Robert Everett offered the motion and seconded by George Hanford that this meeting be ad j olirned e Meeti n® adj osirned lls 45 pom o Respectfuily submitted, Mary Bryant, Sec