HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-15Town Planning; Board Town of "ry(?en Present: _ 1 J +rr.e 151 1972 Chairman Barbara Caldwell Morris Peck Alton :teed George Hanford Harold Roberts Also Present: Sibley Stewart.Zonin,c Officer, Clint Cotterill 'town Hoard member. Absent: Frank Gigliello Robert Everett The meeting commenced at 7:45 p.m. Chairman Caldwell read Public liea.rin�, Notice of James Miirra.y, Simms liili Ltd. The Board reviewed Air. Vlirray's 10- 1.in:it subdivision. Conditional approval was Kiven. Final approval will. be given with written approval from the Health Dept, and highway Dept. approval. Craver and Colrlt There will be 1.4 lots. Better th representative f er�bli i.l.0 5 homes i. an 95% of rom Stea.r ers, Homer, N.Y., 'Dryden_Virt;il lid. d.evelo .2ment. nstead of the ori�ina.l 175 with 15,000 sq. ft. these lots will have 100 ft. frontage. A ns and Wheeler (en; ineers on this oroject) was present and answered q!restions as to what the position was on water and sewer. They will have to investi�aLe the matter before beginnin'. cousLrrcL- problems with increased ion. Gene German of Virgil ltd., Dryden, N.Y, was present speahinC for Dr. Walter Ba.lrrle. Dr. Ba rr.le owns adjacent property and is concerned about the development. Mr. German asked q,iestions peruct-ining to fire protection, sidewalks, increased traffic, if a person can purchase 2. lots Tor more elbow room, desi ,pn of homes, adegi.ra.te r,rn -off, electric repairs iu the development. xIr. Corlter slated this will be a 3 -year period of.' constr rct- p,om with 17 different model homes, with its own cometinity water and sewer system. There will. be no major problems with increased Lraffic. A biryer cannot. plircha.se 2 lots. As to fire hydrants and sidewalks Mr. Coilter ;• stated it world not be economically feasible. Homeowner will be responsible for electric repairs in his home. Ndr. J. cillhotn, Soil UonservaLion aervice� Gown Plannin+_; Board June 15, 1972 Town of Dryden a.s present a.iid answered glxestions pertaining to condition of land. 'ihe �i best time to aet drainage is when land is owned in 1 block. Nir. Downey owns a P,airy Farm across the road from proposed development and voiced his concern. The Board ass!ired Air. Downey that farming is protected in Lhat area. !ter. Guest, from the Health Dept. was also present and stated the Health Dept. i.s in favor of community waver and sewer sys 'uems. Cnildren in the development will be in the Dryden School DisLrict. There is some concern over the recreation area and who is going to be responsible for same. The Board discussed commpinity associations in rettard to the recreation area. The Board granted approval ine. to Mr. Co..ilter to start build — Mr. Richard Clark, Harford Itd. Dryden, N_Y. Vr. Clark is concerned wi th water rsln —off which has affected his property. I fr. J. Cal -holin S.C.S. presented review of r�tn —off sit,iaLion, and discussed problem with 14r. Clark and the Board. There are Lwo meas,ires that can be taken. 1. Tnstallino strltcUTIal measures to sLablize eroding areas. 2. Installin ®: measTres to keep the soil on the developmenL property. ;'he Board referred Mr. Clark to Liie 'Town Board. Respectful -y sqbmi tted Mary Bryant, Sec. •