HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-01Town P:Larii n Board To" n of "ryden �l� resent,: Jule Chairman Barbara Caldwell George Walter Hanford was Morris and Peck q— iestiuns pertaining, Harold liuberts itobert hverett ail tun heed Also Present: Sibley Stewart Zoning, Officer, Clint, Cot- terill `town hoard member. 4bsent: Frank hi�jiello Chairman Calr1w 0 a 7 :45 P.M0 e up trn James �'rrraY� _Simms Hill Rd. The 'Tioard reviewed prel.imina.ry plans in retard to Mr. Mlirray's 10 —lot slrbdivisi on, .1%1'1 lots have blanket approval from tklie health De,.A. gill pacers 1< reedy for a R i b I i c IIeorinr J,ine lb, 19'72 at "7 :45 1'.R,. Mr + Leslie Wilcox `tile school ild. Freevilie, INOY0 •Or. Wilcox ^resented sketch of" a total 3 lots. The board approved luts �No. 2 and 3. Othwr lot is on c0110i.tionai 8DPI'ov<ii sibject to l,etrlth Dept. approval. Alex Saroka, Ftna, N.Y* Mr, Saroka's lot is a,)pro:,..mately Ili acres with 125 feet iruntage. (ether lots have.been approved. The Board pave appiicarit condii,:ioutrl approval s Ibject to Fealth Beet, approval on one lot. Craver and Colilter,.biilders Homor, N.Y. Dryder3— Virgil Rd. development. `ihe Board discussed 4{.r+ Col.l +.,er's req?rest of O +tne i, 19i2 meeting as to the construe ti on of 25 or 30 homes. Test Boles were d -ii and proved iln- s�ti.sfactory, with t,t�e exception of These liome wiil have to be completed , wit+"► wat(r and sewer before occupancy. r, Walter IBalrrle was present and asked q— iestiuns pertaining, to this Orl,evelopment. Dr. Ba,rr l e owns adjacent property and is concerned a.uuirt - the c ?FVelopment.. Ur. Balir-le . jsked abolrt, the water srpijly, whim Lyprb of .9ewii�P h.ir,.,llinp system, where will the affly rent u a.rid the average proposed Toren Planning board 2) J the 1_, la3 'ro��n of ;'ryden lot size. vr. Coal Ler stated i L wo,11d be a. cummLlclity water sysLem. Ah2 sew,1pe wo•11d he governed by Llie lietiILh Dept. a..... *Nu,tld be a pachak.e treat- Mont plant which will operate on a minim1li,i. the act tal server Bale is to zo under the road and i-nLo a stream oil a. 21 ricre field. Average proposed lo-t, size is 1`._',onn- 15,000 sq. feet with 95 feet, fronta.te. Better than hnif of t;he,�e Lots nre inder 15,t>;>U sal, `eeL. ToLal s•ibdivisi.on acreal,e is jon rcre;. ur, Coil.t.er has option to ptrchase land for Sena e treat- ment plant. ? >r. I3t11r1e asked the basic rea, on for the s,lall lot size. vr. Co,11 Ler stt)ted becit ise of LI7e 111;;1i cost of developlrl .t; )rater and sewer. ,11 so, VT' . Uo i 1 l,er (•il un n;; i s t1111, Ll,e .rverace 1 iic t -ory Norti,er caul ,ut afford Lo keep %1p a 309000 fuoL lot. Dr. i3atrle is also concerned with the pop•tla Li on s,row Lh in rec,ard Lo ,,'te Drydeu 6e:huol Di. s Lric L . lie <11so sv1 5Aested Lhat one ruu.d "oin1; inuo Lyle development st,ottld be sL idied •as to triiffic problems. vr. Co doer stated Llie .�exa�e pia:, t. -nu,iU be dedicated to the Toxn of Dryden after a f:'e10 years. late `luw.l xo tlii Lt.eu b�� responsible f or sale. onilld n,lexander ails presenL and sp0ike ill upi,osct.luct of cl1sl,er !io•iSL'ri and the sR;a.It lot ;.ize. lie stated Lllis close llvluL cre,n Les many problems. Al i,on Reed s•tzi�.es Led ma:ci n, alt lots 1590UU 6(j- .1 d (N r o 11d lose (-Abo tL to LS. lliti Llle smaller lot sues ii, become , it more feasi.hle pro,�ect < s yu t have to have lUU lots to make t.!,fi project worttl hil.e if yo-1 ilre p;iLtint, i,j xi::Ler aid sewer. As Lo itnrlervroltnrl ,Lili.Lies, Lhe Porker Compony t%ultid pay Ip Lo E;U feet of a cable, nny i,l,int; overt is -tn to the b lilder. Mr. Cu•tl Ler wunLs some indicauiun the 'I'ow-n is intere6Le0 irl this development. In view A Lt.is, a Public T .f c;'r,;ationai meet:iny vci l t,e held i,. ret,clyd to Lhis development June Lo, 15 PO'. Town Manning- Hoard ,.: ('3) Jude 19 1972 TO'A'n Of !.1 , ell • Other Blisiness Me Co•inty Planili rl�, Board �stablisItments. Elie 13o�crd is as.6.n-4 for a. report oil proposed b-iildin., is c�s4�in;_ for rehoru on this. lsc, Want to know how m,irny lots have i�een r,ruved since Jairla.ry 19iJ. 1}ley lie Board v:i1L tell. developers this information is bei.n,, coiiecLed. Clint Cotteri1.1 s•ik: ested that there shoTilcl be it limit on approved loLs. 11' not developed within a required ti.me, applicant will have to reapply for fl ^prnVA l 11ton Reed gave re port oil the Environmental ineetinv, . `There is a concern about the preservation of Caylla i.ake. Some disc�_ission on trees and �.s to why the State can clit them duwn. 'This is dorle beta lse of a:fety. Rill« wood I,,c?. pill be widened 4 feet a:rd trees Hilt be set back •ff the rivht )f way. piscis_ ion on llrlder'�rolind utilities. (Trent, Opal of di.sc�ission oil minor and major slrbdivisions. right lots a major . Fo,r lots const.it ite <� minor, iiot Lo exceed same sLrc•et or inter — >,ecLino streets. .lrlyti!'T!e =ol Dave over 9 minors Llris there becomes a major with a m;+xim'rrr of 46 �nyLI 0 As joined ill 1 block silo rid be iibLed as 1 parcel. Property shoirldf not, be listed as parcels when seperated by a road. tlhe►i properties are several miles apsrt ttiey; then become 2 parcels. Section 31 will be reworded l,o state — iihen land is divided i.cLo W or more acres for a >ric•rlt -lire p,ir,,'JO,e. c;;l M11 clo new �r r�:�1. i..� i.l- Qolve.9 this shall not be considered a si.ibdivision. The Board also discussed planned development of Craver and coillter< liespectfl.illy s!ibmi ited 9 Mary Bryant, Sec I• f ..(if£l.i? b � <6 n6 � � `......3 $ ` ! }} �,/ {) q � �a ,p ,,a .' ` . .. Ewe...... ..'.r. ' .. ' •�. i,r `:} •G 1. viF.�i :7 �w aS +� Town .1�i�6Ai�7'G ��`'NS.IkFd �_. _�_.._..._�.�...�.._.._�_._.... ' � � . -. ., ' � ..._..�_...�.... cy Less 0 ` y � �Vitli r se lh s � F5 '53 No vec tatior go VIVO vecyetaticla 1 At TOE, 5. a daw rP „ i Poor `k,a, cor CIO. ad ! t 4 8 !. Q 1 �`. 1 CIA s 7 �d,�C, � � t... �t t � E;`�%�3 t � �.���� rtwyl „w �/:: (��,C•rJ } QtrT tl€ ii4 J, is 1 it (Cb I a8 + 3 ft } uS(3 2*3 WBLa 7W 2E 35 Gil + +� �F ra cj (�� _ �gµpyp c}�yyqq� 61 QK{ r N'J ��� t ! e5 I i i I i