HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-18_Town Planning Board 1 `" 'own of Dryden Present: a May 16, 1972 Chairman Barbara Caldwell Morris Pecx Robert Everett George Hanford Harold itoberts 'Alton Reed Also present, Sibley Stewart ?onin,:, Officer, Clint Cotterill Town board member. Absent: Frank Gigl'iello' The meeti.nF commenced at ':00 P.M. Chairman Caldwell. read plIblic Hearing Notice on application of G rzerihaiser, i Forms arid Livestock for the approval of s•rbdivision on Freevilie- McLean I � Road, Don VeKOV s•rrveyC..r Cort.loild, N.Y. presented plans for a 36 -lot major s�ibdivision. Lots are 30,000 sq feet with 135 feet frontage uu a. new road to be blrilt off the Free.vi lie 1cirean koad. 1ir_...Co•.rlter of Craver and Corlter, Corticano.., N.Y. b•rilders of Lllis sibdivision was present and stated there is a. need for this type of hu.rsinA.; Price r ;.uoe viii be in Oe S911C Decision: Conditional approval slrbject to completion of paper work, Board of Health approval and hic,.hway approval. Chairman Caldwell rear. p•rblic Ilearing, notice on application of J. Winthrop Brown, El!i.s Hollow Creek ltd. Mr. Brown would like to increase size of 2 lots in hi.s si.bdivision. "'here are a total of ii lots, each lot being approxima.t,ely 1 -3/4 noes with sand filters. There is no problem with dra i nacre in this ijrea . Decision: Conditional approval subject to Health Dept. approval, highway approval and approval of packet of papers. Alex Saroka, Etna ILd. asked the Board permission to biiid 1 poise on his lot. The Board needs clarification of lot size between hu,ise to be built joining Jane 1 , I97:.',. property. rhi.s application was tabled iint.il the meeting of Town Plannino.' Board °'111-own of Dryden ,. May 13, 1972 Brown, Goodba.nd Rd., Freeville, N.Y. .r. Brown asked permission to sell 2 b�Iilding lots ou his property. The Board cannot approve this as a. minor if' lots are not on an approved public road. Mr. Brown asked if it was permissible to have a tra•i,ler..on his land. The Board Trn n Led thi. s . Lesli e Wj lc ox, Ili le School lid Vr. WiIcox will present ap;Aication and sketch map of his proposed sub— I d ivi si on a t the next mee Linp., . I i I Arthur L. Andrews ILt Freevi.l;.e; N.Y. air. Andrews presented plans for approval of ? lots on his property. Decision: their own s.l .kLi_ systems with the The of goinL, on Boar(l approved 2 lots as a minor slibdivision. community water and sewage at Robert date. The Board Keech, Mr. Etna, N.Y. preliminary plans. �Ir. Keech asked permission to erect, a Modal dome on a folIndation 250 ft. 0rom Rt., 13. All members of the Board granted approval. Lloyd Mix, !Zine:wood Rd. The Board approved 2 lots in a total 17 lot. s:_ki0division. 1'he lots are same size ns previo•isly presented to L`ie Board. Lots have a 150° ° -M : age. James 1+1Irray, Simms ll.i 1 L I?d . The Board rev] ewed preliminary plans for a total 10 —lot slbdivision. EiLht (�) lots are situated on a road to be b1Iilt. Soil tests were satisfactory. There are no d.rai.na. ;z;e problems . to the Board at the .next meeting, Other Biisiness: Mr. hvirra.y will complete plans and present Mr. Coulter of Craver grid Collter asked the Board if he co.Ild constrilet 25 or 3� homes with their own s.l .kLi_ systems with the idea of goinL, on I community Alton ht.ted pre > <ented copies of Health Dept. proposed changes. J 7 I community water and sewage at a. later date. The Board instructed Mr. Coulter •o present preliminary plans. The board disc�issed report, from Mr. Calhoun and Fi1so hit(] a P.reflt dell l of d i .k coissi or'l On mlrloI- acid maJor s'!b(llvlslons. � Alton ht.ted pre > <ented copies of Health Dept. proposed changes. J 7 Town Planning Board , *Town of ;)ryd en b Present -: • - F, May lbs 1972 Also present, Sibley Stewart 'Zorlin,;, Officer, Clint Cotterill Town Board member. Absent: hrauk G I I i e I i o The mPetino commenced at ':OO p.m. Chairman Caldwell reted p•Ibli.c liearin Notice on application o1' Glzenhalser' Farms and l,i ve i i,ck for the 11 pprov:, L o1' s cb(1 ivi sion on Freeville —A'cl eau i Road . 1)on 1'c1.'e(N s•1 rve\7e.1- Col-t klml , A .Y . presented plans for a J6 —lot major s =Ibdivis ion. Lots are 301000 sq. feet with 135 leet frontage on ay new rorcd to be 1111lL off ti,e 1'reevi.tLe h':cLea11 h�ut,d. h9r. Co11ter of Craver and Collier, Cort.l;uz�'., V.Y. biilders of* this slbdivision Nas pre�eiit and stated tllerc t -; a. need for tleis type= of ilols -1111;. Price ra.il�e will be in 0.h a :'_ 1 Decisi - on: Conditional approval slibject, to completion of paper work, .Board of 1lealth npprova l and hi;,hway approval. Chairman Cal(lwell, rear' plb:l.ic tleari_nr, notice on application of J. ilinthrop Brown, El !is 9ollow Creek Rd. Mr. Brown woiild like to increase size of 2 lots in his" s1.bdivision. There are a total of i lots, etch lot being approxima rely 1. -3/4 acres Kith .srem(l filters. Thez,-6'P is no problem with drainage in this nren. Decision: Conditional ,Ipproval 61Ibject to health Lept. approval, hi�;iHay t, p,?r'ov91 tend n pprova l cif• packet of papers. Alex Saroka, Etna 11'.d. risked the Board permission to build 1 ho -tse on his lot. The Board needs clarification of lot size between house to be built �nd adjoininm properLy. '1•his appLicaLion Na.s tabled until the meetinv of Chairman 13arbara Caldwell Morris Peck liobert Everett Georee Hahford Harold itoberts Alton lieed Also present, Sibley Stewart 'Zorlin,;, Officer, Clint Cotterill Town Board member. Absent: hrauk G I I i e I i o The mPetino commenced at ':OO p.m. Chairman Caldwell reted p•Ibli.c liearin Notice on application o1' Glzenhalser' Farms and l,i ve i i,ck for the 11 pprov:, L o1' s cb(1 ivi sion on Freeville —A'cl eau i Road . 1)on 1'c1.'e(N s•1 rve\7e.1- Col-t klml , A .Y . presented plans for a J6 —lot major s =Ibdivis ion. Lots are 301000 sq. feet with 135 leet frontage on ay new rorcd to be 1111lL off ti,e 1'reevi.tLe h':cLea11 h�ut,d. h9r. Co11ter of Craver and Collier, Cort.l;uz�'., V.Y. biilders of* this slbdivision Nas pre�eiit and stated tllerc t -; a. need for tleis type= of ilols -1111;. Price ra.il�e will be in 0.h a :'_ 1 Decisi - on: Conditional approval slibject, to completion of paper work, .Board of 1lealth npprova l and hi;,hway approval. Chairman Cal(lwell, rear' plb:l.ic tleari_nr, notice on application of J. ilinthrop Brown, El !is 9ollow Creek Rd. Mr. Brown woiild like to increase size of 2 lots in his" s1.bdivision. There are a total of i lots, etch lot being approxima rely 1. -3/4 acres Kith .srem(l filters. Thez,-6'P is no problem with drainage in this nren. Decision: Conditional ,Ipproval 61Ibject to health Lept. approval, hi�;iHay t, p,?r'ov91 tend n pprova l cif• packet of papers. Alex Saroka, Etna 11'.d. risked the Board permission to build 1 ho -tse on his lot. The Board needs clarification of lot size between house to be built �nd adjoininm properLy. '1•his appLicaLion Na.s tabled until the meetinv of May 13, 1972 Town Planning; Board ' 1 "rjTown of Dryden o _ i Brown, Goodband Rd., Freevilie, N.Y. I lar. Brown asked permission to sell 2 b1iilding lots on his property. The Board cannot approve this as a minor if' lots are not on an approved public road, Mr. Brown asked if it was permissible t, o, have a trailer on his land. The Board w,ranLed this. i Leslie Wilcox, }li le School 11d. +r. Wilcox will present application and sketch map of his pro'po;sed sub - division at the next meeLina;. - 4rth,ir L. Andrews ltt. �� Freevil�e, .N,Y. Tfr. Andrews presented pliins for approval of 2 lots oil his property. Decision: The Board approved 2 lots as a minor slrbdivision. Robert : eech, Etna, N.Y. It"r. Keech asked permission to erect a Model iiome on a foundation 250 ft. Or om Rt.. 13. All members of the Board Xranted approval. Lloyd Vix, Rinr),wood Rd . The Board approved 2 lots in a toLa l 17 lot qz_ b4ivision. The lots are same size as previo,isly presented to L`Ae Board. Lots have a 1501 '71%ntaLe. James 141irray, Simms Hi 1 L !d . The Board reviewed preliminary plans for a total 10 -lot s!ibdivision. Eight (R) lots are si tlia.ted on a road to be built. Soil tests, were satisfactory. There are no drairia.;�e problems. MIr. Ni!lrray will complete plans and present to the Board at the next meeting. Other Business: j Mr. Coulter of Craver and Coulter asked the Board if he could constri.lct 25 or 30 homes with their own s; :w,�� systems with Lhe idea of point; on I commirnity water and sewage at a. later date. The Hoard instructed Mr. Col_ilter i �o present pre] imi.nriry plans. The Loa.rd disegssed report from Mr. Calhoun and also had a tvre,it, dent of (Ii.scgssion on minor and, major s!.ibdivi.sions. i Alton R:le(l presented copies of Health Depto propose(] changes. ( 01