HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-20Town rlanuin , 1,3oarel t.' Town of Dryden r•esent: April ""0, Chairmc,.n liart.ora Caid well \'orris Pec;c llarotcl itioberts �Utuu .'eed 1972 Also p_resont, Sibley Slew-art !onin(, Cffi.cer, Ci.int Uotueriil low:1 ward member. Absent: and Coltl.ter, ikobelrt N.Y. Uveret:t Virgil itd. atea.rns anra "'heeler . this I�roject. 7I is rill Ui6iielio The meeting commenced at 7* 45 p.m. Vr . Donald VcE ee , s".trveyor , Col '16 0., :. Y . l,r� seated ❑;wps ul ti:e f ollowing proposed sltbdivisions. 1. Winthrop ] ro��n, E1 Lis I-loliow Creek itij . .;r ow�i wi.siie� a eight l% ) lot tract. i:hecked ivitit uiie Ifr;alth Veht. earlier u11 tl.i� sr.Juivisiou. Road in this area wi Ll t,ot exceed nine —:i indred ('jOU) feet, with lots beiiib two— hundred sixty . ( 260) . Wi Ll check wi t,li Po,cer Company to tnder�rouird "tt,i lit ies. State law will become effective J me 1, 197`"' pert,.�Jininb to 2. Craver and Coltl.ter, bqilders, homer, N.Y. Ottilities. Virgil itd. atea.rns anra "'heeler . 2. Craver and Coltl.ter, bqilders, homer, N.Y. Dry(len— Virgil itd. atea.rns anra "'heeler era _ineers on this I�roject. 7I is rill be u ply n.jed development with its own wager and sewer district. Tftere will be one— h•_indred seventy— five ( 175) lots in first section. If' aci joinint, 1t:iick can be p•ircilused t,.:ere wilL eventually be three— h1tndred (300) units.. 'Twelve tholtsuiid tj fifteen thousand (15,000) sq. feet is tide averal,e size of lot. `ibis devel- oprgent will (also have its own recreation � rea, approximutely live cr1ucl one— half (5Z) acres. Price of• homes ~rill. be twenty —one tLio-.tsa.ndt Lit 000)to twenty —two thousand (522,000.) homes will }_�e stick• built homes, ranch, bi- levels, raised ranch, horses of this nat,tre. lwhere density is concerned a plthlic hearirn � on varia.r,ce '_ias uo be held. A recommeild�.tion was made to dverti se for p,tblic hearing. • I,] o c? 1'i x . I�in ±wood Rd . �+r . \ cKee presented reliminary plans for a y I A 1 proposed subdivision of a total. seventeen (17) lots. r Town Plnnniniy Board. Ae Town of Dryden O �4. Varray Real Estate, Simms hill iW. and Livermore itid., Bryden, A.Y. Preliminary view of subdivision of fourteen (ll) lots. TTtiliLies will he iln <dergro -five ind . The Board on ranted approv :l to a gild on one ti) lot. for alleviating this run-off. The Board 313. Mr. Alexander isill District Nl(,r. to r .yep r•em"inin� Other lots minst be Health kept. approved. 5. Glinzenhaliser, Freeville- Vcr,ean i(d. Ciaver «nd Coulter bi_iiiders. Proposed plan of thirty -five (35) lots, thirty thousand 00,000) sq. foot lots. Health Dept. approved. Finish desii,nin;; Mad and present at h.'ay 1�, 1972 meeting for final approval. OTHER BTTSTNESS: Vr. Ronald Alexander, Freeville Rd, Dryden, N.Y. asked permission to veil house and one and one - third 1 -1/3 acres on Freeville Ud. ile wo.zld maintain seventy -five foot asi�.ed ti-ie frontage on ro%ite for alleviating this run-off. The Board 313. Mr. Alexander isill District Nl(,r. to r .yep r•em"inin� land . Alton made motion to grant approval . Vorris Peck: seconded motion. • All members of board i n favor of granting a proval . Vr . Richard Clark of Turf Ord Rd . , Dryden , iv . i . i s concerned itbojl water r•in -off which has affected his property. lie beiieves this problem is cavlsea by rnn -off from Chrysta.l Drive, which is located across the high- w iy from a pond owned by Ndr. Clark. The concern is with. this pond. ir. Clark was present at a Planning uoard meeting :geld May 21, 1970, at wfiich time this problem was discussed. Air. Cla.rtc asi�.ed ti-ie gl_iestion as to who is responsible for alleviating this run-off. The Board will contact Jim Calholzn, Soil Conservation District Nl(,r. to investil ate the 3:atter and Oisc•iss the problem. The Planning; Boar(I was asked by the Town Board to consider a proposed ammendment to the Zoning- Ordi.ance in reward to (;ravel beds. Great deal beds in Town of Dryden. of discussion and reviewing on gravel beds in Town of Dryden. e Town Planning Board (3) April 20, 1912 Town of Dryden Chairman Caldwell ammended map of "Windy iCnoil sgbdivision, riudson Sadd, Yellow Barn Dev. Corp. in regard to number of lots on Foothill Rd . Meeting Adjourned 11:50 p.m. Next scheduled meeting May 1`�, 19729 Respectfully slibmi tted Mary 3ryant, Seto a