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Town Flanninu tsoara %u Cown of Dryden X-46 Present: ?hsent: 0all IUIY Gl,, AJlG Chairmarl Barbara Calswell Alton !teed Morris Peck (Sibley Stewart j.onlilg Officer iA,rs. Hov,ard Keech Franc Ci;;liello Fra.z: lhurpe, Jr. Georg e Hanford o Chairman Caldvell opened the meeting at 7:45 porn. P lblic L rini; — n idson 6add, i.noll" s ibdivisiou, leltor Baru '?evel.opment Corp.. applicant staled he wolxld like to decrease oriLival lots to foiir (4) instead of five (5) along FouC.iili .d. and to decrease six (6) lots to fo-Ir (4) r.lont; Yellow Barn [Id. Sarni presented mat, of proposed cha.n�_es acid !stcited lots meet the minimum square footage with road, water and electric red•air.ements being in order. Also Kealtu Dept. a_pprovea . The Board silgh-ested to Afro Sadd that the sgtiare footage of s� each lot. sholil,l be written on map. There was no opt;osiLion from Lhe i'1 oor . Decision, Approved Mr. Cecil Sh1.11man presented maps of proposed s!.ibdivision of .four (4) lots to the Board. liea.lth ?dept. will make percula.tion:tests on each lot which will be treated as individual lots, It was suggested LhaL Ric' and Case, Highway Sszperintendent checlz the. drainage problemse .. Mr. Shtlman's property is fairly flat wiLli it total of twenty —uue (21) lots. The minimum frontage is 225' req,iested the the healtis Dept. Applicant i.s to make corrections on map and present for the March 16, 1972 meetinb. O'1'?II?n. RT?SI tiESS: ?'r. T'Lobert Schutt asked the Board what exactly was its f "IC LiOn. the F.p3r? explained function Land proeerl•ires of same. It was explained to •. Mr, Schutt as to the concern with lore �,errr. "rovth in the area aLld its effect on other comm�inities. Mr. Schutt is concerned about growth in //�aga � 1l -1 L r� 4 t2) the Southern section of Dryden and asked what can be done to keep area as is0 The basic problems are density and traffico RC and fil3 `Lone is basically the same. It is difficult to instract an applicant not to built? when Zoning requirements are mete. There was considerable disciission with Mr. Schiz t t on gravel banks. It was svi_ggested that Aire Schutt appear before the Town Board to discuss Zoning in regard to gravel banks and Mobile Homes o Aiee ti ntj Ad olirned 9 :45 pem o Next schedlzled meeting Feb. 17, 1972 Respec tfuliy submitted Mary Bryant, Seco Or AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION *THE ITHACA JOURNAL s I:s fJ� I I Il. Margaret ..a 1�o ro s s i.__._.._ being duly sworn, deposes WI.M and says, that he resides in Ithaca, County and state aforesaid and Bookkeeper thathe is ....................................................... - ........... • ------------------------- -........ of THE ITHACA JouxrrAL a public newspaper printed and published in Ithaca aforesaid, and that a notice, of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said paper .......... `-T.P, n . ........................................................................................ ............................... ........................................................................................ ............................... and that the first publication of said notice was on the ........12th ; dayof -------------------- ------------------------- - - - - -- ------- Jan . - -- 19 - - - -- 2 t Subscribed and sworn before me thi .. .................. ..13...h� -___ day rl y of............. Jan. JANE M. REED No" Public, State of Nnvt111-1S ...................... No. 35 -8518304 Quaiii`ted in Tompkins Gounty c4=m1wion Gc*" March 801 i9. i4 7? I M :W & - �ek % Notary Public, NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, on the application of H.W. Sadd for approval of ' amendment of map of the "Windy Knoll" subdivision to decrease number of, lots and I increase size of same along Foothill Rd. SAID HEARING will be held on the 20th day of January 1972 at the Town offices at 7:45 p.m., at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. By order of the Planning Board Barbara H. Caldwell, Chairman Jan. 12, 1972 �w 4i Edward Lf) u c k e rn Jr.- r , being duly sworn, says STATE OF NEW YORK that he is upwards of twenty -one years of age; that County of Tompkins sso he is, and during the time of the publication of the notice hereinafter mentioned was the Publisher of the weekly newspaper called the Rural News published in the Village of Dryden, County of Tompkins, and State of New York. Deponent further says that: Public Notice* Application of PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN.OF DRj;YDEN H 111. Sadd PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the Town of Dryden will hold ai4public hear= ! a printed copy of which is hereunto annexed, was ing, pursuant to Section 276 of the published in said newspaper at least once in each Town Law, on the application of H: W. Sadd for approval "ofamend = week for one weeks, said publication having ment of map of the "IWindy Knoll" commenced on theT?trday of Tan - 19! ; subdivision to decrease number of lots and increase sire of same 7�,t Ta_n _ 77 along Foothill Rd. ! and ended on the_day of 19 SAID HEARING will be: held on I the 20th day of Januay 1972 at the L� ✓� ��� ` • Town offices at 7:45 p.m.,atwhich time all interested persons will be Subscribed and sworn to Before me this given an opportunity Jo be heard: � By order of the Planning Board Z� day of �` Barbara H. Caldwell,Chairman r -c 1/12 - ° 4 'eeo, < otar7�Public Town manning tsoara `Towr_ of Pryd en Pres'enta Ah sent: J UUJ ddY 6V AU 1 G Chairman I3rirbara. Calswell Alton Ueed Aiorris Peck (Sibley Stewart Zoning officer Mrs. Howard Keecii Frank Gigiiello Franc: `Uorpe, Jr. Geor�,e Hanford Chairman Caldwell opened the meeting at 7045 p.m. Public Hearing — h•idson .add, "Windy Knoll" s1lbdivision, leliow Born Development Corpoe Applicant stated. he would like to decrease ori:Linal lots to foiir (4) instead of five (5) alone Foot.iill Ad. and to decrease six (6) lots to fo�ir (4) hlonE Yellow 1-3aary I1do P,;ro Saau presented map of Proposed chan;_;es �d stated. lots meet tine minimum square i�oota�e with road, water ,ind electric req!jirements being; in order. Also, health Depto approved. The Board siigp.:ested to mro Sadd that the square footage of Seach lot s11oilld be written on maps floor. There was no opposition from the Decision: .Approved Mr. Cecil Shulman presented maps of proposed so_lbdivision of four (4) lots to the Board. Health Dept. will make percolation tests on each lot which will be tre.a Led as individlial lots. I t was sag6ested Lhat Richard Case, Hig' }way S.iperintendent check the d.raina� e problemso Mr Shlilman's property is fairly flat with a total of twenty —one (21) lots° The minim -nm frontage is 2,2151 requested the tiie health Depto Applicant is to make corrections on map and present for the March 16, 1972 ©eetingo O'"Ti1?R F'1SINj,1SSo !fro Robert Schil t t asked the Board what exactly was its f tnc Lion° Vie F.oarO explained f•tnction and proced�ires of same. It was explained to {` P'ro Sch,_itt its to t:he concern with lorag term UroivLh in the area and its effect on other comet ini ties° Air o Schutt is concerned about growth in i s � 1 k 2) the Southern section of Dryden and asked what can be done to keep area as ism The basic problems are density and traffic, RC and 14B Zone is basically the same. It is difficult to instruct an applicant not to build when Zoning requirements are mete. There was considerable disc,.zssion with Mr. Schlx t t on gravel banks. It was s1lg(Tested that Mr. Schott appear before the Frown hoard to disc,iss Zoning in regard to gravel Meeting Ad; olirned 9s 45 p.m. banks and MobileHomese Next scheduled meeting Feb. 179 1972< Respectfully submitted Mary Bryant, Sec.