HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-12-20December'20, 1967 Mr. George' Hanford Simms Hill Road Dryden,•• New• York Dear Mr.. :Hanford.; This is -to notify You that at;- the Regular Monthly Board Meeting held;December'122 1968 -at the Town.:Hall -you were re- appointed to'' °serve on, the Planning: Board for a :term. of: -seven years. The Town Board . wishes to thank you forryour' willingness- to- serve -again and .for the fine job' :.you : have . done in the pas t -. _ :- Sincerely, -'. Marlene W. .Cuss Town Clerk .. - 4. c r. BOARD. T CIWIv OF DRYDEN, NOd YORK December 21 1 The Town of Dryden Planning Board opened its December meeting at 8:00 p.me at the To= Hall, with the following members present: Chairman Curtiss, Mr. �j Hanford, P!mes. Hardesty and Keech, Messrs. Sheffy, Lengemann, and Reed. Also in attendance were Professor Frank Gilmore (Land Developer) with Yr. John MacNeill (Licensed Engineer), and Mr. Lyle Hall (Land Developer) in connec- tion with various subdivision proposals. Major Subdivision: "Ellis Highlands, Section 2" -- Frank Gilmore Messrs. Gilmore and MacNeill appeared for a public hearing. They had, unfor- ;) tunately, overlooked the necessity of notifying the Planning Board of their inten- tion so that the legally required advertising could be published. The hearing could therefore not be held at that time. Prof. Gilmore will return for a public hearing on three lots only, on January 18. He had discovered the need to dig a major ditch along the under hillside to remove surface water. He also stated his intention to contact the N.Y.S.E. & G. again in the meantime to see if further arrangements can be made about underground service. Two Major Subdivisions -- Lyle Hall, 27 North Street, Dryden. New York �• Two projects for preliminary presentation. Both located in area of intersec- tion of NYS Routes 13 and 366. ` I. Area surrounding "Box Car" and Caboose "; "Warehouse" (now under construc- tion) has already been sold. Approximately two acres remaining. Subdivision of lots and 60 -foot road; in apex of a triangle formed by the intersection of the new state highway 13 and state highway 366 in the Town of Dryden. Bordered to West by Cornell University and to Northeast by new route 13, and on South by Moore ( "Boxcar ") and new State Police Substation. Proposed street to run between ?Moore property and State Police property on (Village of) Dryden side of a small creek. Area intended as all commercial property. Mr. Hall submitted maps prepared by Mr. F. Donald McKee (Licensed Surveyor) on December 12, 1966 and revised March 6, 1967 and October 15, 1867. This road will provide access to two acres of back land which fronts on new route 13,but which has no right of access to route 13. According to Mr. Hall, Mr. FaIslander (Town of Dryden Highway Department) gave verbal specifications for the road as follows: 30 -foot roadway, gravel one foot thick, with crowned base and three -foot shoulder with gravel. i =r. Hall agreed to obtain from Mr. Richard Case a written specification sheet concerning construction of the new road. 1 II. Northeast side of Route 13, located approximately across Route 366 from the N.Y.S.E. & G. office building. Map prepared by F. Donald McKee (Licensed Surveyor, 11 Squires Street, Cortland, N.Y.). Comprised.21.8 acres, of which the following properties have already been conveyed: Seneca Supply retail and whole- sale store; H.D. Besemer, large garage and storage; William, Lynch, large building i • Dryr'an Town Planning Board December 21, 19L7 for storage and garage; H.E.P., Inc., large retail heating and plumbing supply store. Hall Road shown on map has already been deeded to the Town of Dryden. New road proposed along North line of H.E.P., Inc. Mr. Hall stated that Mr. Richard Case has indicabd that a 50 -foot width would be adequate for such a_ lateral road. Area proposed to be sold for commercial or very light industrial use, with size bf lots flexibe to suit desires of buyers. Proposed road eventually to continue across railroad track through,-.existing right -of -fray into area designated on map "5.5 acres ". Another right -of -way across railroad tracks has been established to g�Ln access to area indicated as 114.6 acres ". Abutting property to North owned by Cornell University, to East by N.Y.S.E. &G.; to North of 114.6 acres" abutting owner is Edsall, to West is Cornell University, and to the South is Route 13. Area formerly owned br Doris Cutter. No restrictive deeds or 'covena deals individually with each buyer, proposed use of the land. Board The Planning/ supplied Mr. Hall noting that both will be treated as the additions which will need to be rats pertain to either subdivision. Mr. Hall and an understanding is reached as to the with a copy of the Subdivision Regulations, Major Subdivisions, and reviewed with Mr. Hall made to the plats for public hearing purposes. A !public hearing for the Warehouse Road area will be scheduled for January 18. Mr. Hall noted that he 'will not be able to be present, as he will be'out of the state. Mr. Hall will assign. preparation of material, including road specifications signed by Mr. Case, to Mr. McKee. Mr. Curtiss, in response to Mr. Hall's inquiry, indicated. the acceptability of Mr. Hall's selling land fronting on Hall Road, providing Health Department approval is supplied, under the stipulations for a minor subdivision, in view of the fact that Hall Road is an accepted Town of Dryden road. Dr. Sheffy expressed his considerable concern that so�imt,d.h•rdevelopment could have taken place on this land without the knowledge of the Planning Board. Mr. Hall had been under the impression that the Subdivision Control Regulations did not apply to commercial land use. Apparently at least some Town of Dryden offices were aware that this development was taking place, however -- but the information somehow never reached the Planning Board. Dr. Sheffy expressed his interest in having clarification as to just where the line of communication broke down. NOTE: The Planning Board as a whole was concerned that considerable development has gone on on this property without the knowledge of the Planning Board. Obviously the enforcement mechanism of the Subdivision Control Regulations has been faulty, In this particular case, the Tom is fortunate that the owner has been highly con- cerned with planning and instituting sensible and logical development of the land but an alarmingly bad situation could. have been established,,-and the need to avoid such a future situation is very much evident. • Definition of a Subdivision Dr. Lengemann queried, "Is it a !subdivision' when a man installs a road only?" (Board needs rcadin; Dryden Town Planning Board -3- December 219 1,-67 . Written Approval of New Roads After Construction 14r. Curtiss reported that it has been agreed by the Board and by Mr. Richard Case tIat the Planning Board will require Mr. Case's written approval, indicating that a road has been installed according to Mr. Case's requirembnts. 'Fr. Case has agreed to cooperate in effecting this. Planning Board PoT.rers Mr. Curtiss read Town Attorney Mrs. Helen Amdur's 4/25/67 memorandum to the Planning Board re "oath", and "planning board powers ". (Copy to be included with these minutes.) • The Planning Board noted that a contradiction appears to exist between point "E" of the memorandum, and Section 12 of the Subdivision Corftml Regulations. Mr. Curtiss will check with Mrs. Amdur for a resolution of these conflicts. Problem of Procedure on `ajor Subdivision Approvals With specific reference to the Gilmore subdivision, Mr. Curtiss noted that the Planning Board is required by the Subdivision,Control Regulations, to act on a subdivision within 45 days of the public hearing -- but apparently cannot act because the road cannot be completed until weather permits. Mr. Curtiss will check with Mrs. An:dur to see whether or not the Board should approve the subdivision contingent upon satisfactory completion of the roadway. (Bond required ?) i 0 Fire Department Map Request Mr. Curtiss read the letter written by him to Mr. Hill of the Dryden Fire Department, indicating that the Planning Board cannot be responsible for preparing a map specifically for his purpose, but indicating the Planning Boards willingness to cooperate in any possible way, e.g., lending master map. Road and number Changes Mr. Curtiss noted that neither the New York Telephone Company nor the Iroquois Telephone Company used the lists provided them by the Planning Board, in preparing their new current directories. The telephone companies had requested this infor- mation, and it was supplied by us as requested in time for inclusion in the new directories. Planning Board Minutes Planning Board indicated approval of use of subtitles, and of all - inclusive nature gaeIAAty of minutes., (Mrs. Hardesty would appreciate any suggestions as they occur 0 & to any recipients.) Mrs. Luss has requested a copy for the Town files. Approved. M OK OK PLANNING BOARD, TOWN OF DRYDEN MEMORANDUM I. OATH rr Each planning board member must take the constitutional oath, and file same with the Town Clerk. Marlene Luss has been advised and has the forms of oath. Please contact her directly. II. PLANNING BOARD POWERS A. A planning board may act upon a plot submitted for approval only after a public hearing which has been preceded by legal notice. Such notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 5 days prior to hearing and hearing must be held within 30 days after submission of plot. (Town Law §2' B. The board may adopt its own procedural rules for such hearing, after a public hearing by planning board and subject to approval by Town Board (Town Law §272). C. After a public hearing upon notice, planning board may approve, modify and approve, or disapprove a plot. Highways must be approved by the Town Superintendant as to grade, etc., and by the planning board as to location, name, etc D. No developer may file a map in the Tompkins County Clerk's office without approval of the Health Department and planning board endorsed on said map. All developers must file a certified map with the County Clerk and a copy with the Town Clerk before offering lots to the public for sale (Real Property Law §334). Moreover, where the. owner of a tract of land sells, offers to sell, leases or rents 5 or more parcels from a tract, he must obtain approval from the Department of Health for a subdivision plan (Public Health Law §1115, 1116, and 19 Op. St. Compt. 26, 1963). Our Subdivision Regulations §3.1 defines a subdivision as a division of a parcel into 2 or more tracts or parcels for the purpose of sale or building development. It can therefore be interpreted that "development" includes an apartment building, or other rental units. E. The planning board has no power to compel the subdivide to submit his plot for approval. Under the usual circumstances, the town building inspector will refuse to issue the necessary permits to a subdivider who has refused to submit his plot or who has continued to develop his subdivision despite disapproval of planning board. (20 Op. St. Compt. 94, 1964). 0�9 '6) v • 9 Dryden Town Planning, Board Correspondence: December 21, 1967 Establishment of New Trailer Park Area near rreevi.L1e Iir. Curtiss read a letter received from Mr. Clayton Crammer regarding his property on i�ill Street near Freeville. Mr. Cramer indicated that he plans to develop this into a "campground" and "12 to 14 permanent mobile homes ". Town Assessor ter. dells had suggested that Mr. Cramer contact the Planning Board about his plans. Mr. Cramer indicated that he has already started clearing the land, and that he plans to start the roads next Summer*, . - Mr. Curtiss will check this matter with Mrs. Amdur and Mrs Niederkorn. Adjournment, „ A 10:35 p.m.1. Respectfully submitted, Virginia H. Hardesty (T-rs. L.F. ) Secretary to the Planning Board NOTE: Mrs. Amdur's interpretation of Part E of her memo, as she explained to me today, is that the Planning Board.itself can not order anyone to appear before us, but we can at any stage ask that the enforcement officer take action to impose the penalties (in the Regulations) if the regulations are not being followed. So we do have some kind of "power" to make this thing work. On the business of more than 45 days having passed before we take action on a subdivision after a public hearing, Helen said that this should cause no problem; it would be only if a subdivider asked that we do it before then, in which case we would have to turn it down, of course.* Thus, there will be no legal problem in our not approving Bradley's, Sadd's, or Gilmore's subdivisions before Spring, even though the public hearing has already been held. %'ale are awaiting completion of the roads, 1 f Januery , 168 1 �i i II� I d 3 o c .be1kilLj rs rROi:: Pete Curtiss L J =C`�': I'e'c;tinF of Intere_ot, J�;nua.ry 11 (Thursday) ne�:-ular 1�1e(ltint , JOnu<<;.rry 18 inclose are the %ecember min_?tes .. PIrst of all, 'a. reminuer that o'ur ne.'.t rE`_ulza.r mr.- eti.n�: iAiill be Thurs")..��.y, Ja,nuory 19th. J;a.In. businerss Public hc— :rind for SE)con.d ,: a.rt of Gilmore' 3 Ellis lu.n` s A2C,o, Niederkorn shout., heve thp. zonin;v ordinance rec-31)" to . ;dive us so .,1 e ca.n start 3,. ca. re.fu1 rcevIc•w . Aned we rinus.t.,makc a. recorn- nenau.tion to the lot:n :!3oard on '-he max,. La.rely in conneetic:; , i_th t.,is 1._!t, matter -- the r_eTNi mar, - -an3 some rob em,s " t'h,?.t h?ve arisen, I've a, s- cec15.1 meeting- of all the chiefs of tie fire corr.t.unies ser %ins* L.ryden. There way cn, fire on L grt. 1^ tureay here the ' f '�nsh�,•� low, (the ol eman �.:,. st. Sa. u: owner correctl,' rcl:ortE':a his Hc;';nshc.i?' ac. iresE but sG ?e Of the fire coni :ani es idn' t end u �1,h,c;re they should, . Sor.,ie ho .:1 Ua.rFntly not one t'neir• ho: ?�'f.or, on t•1_e ne,:� r^ai:,. 1k_or•e of '.;en, I th-inl we a.11 fe ..real �.eoLL:le mi` ht use t'r. ' olo number C;.n� r'et fl.ubbe�. u;� . Anyw-ays , there are problems on both side~, enout-,h sc that when I ta.lhe4 with each of the fire. chiefs they were cnthuse:i over a meetin;<. and felt it would , r•• '� t C ^"j �_ C� i C Yl rbe o a to hash over ;.k_,.:;e of .:rest: think I l�now vie Inic'Tez a c t the indivi. ^ual neap a, N- roach to .;:�'. mill (Lryu.en), but that isn't the :rt1 Jle -..-sue here. AnV'oo.:a S, It look li'_Te °uch meet.infr 1r;I1.1 bat "OSt het ful, anca if the P1:1.nnins• Boa,r:1 seems o be ._:.n a.�.ent for s.t least g�i t�ii n� Orint%inv, st�7,e Of these y,roblem Out in i;rle open for : o ble utiO_ , then it is f.or•th t e effort Even if it is sor;ethins. a p1 =i.nni nr bo ^r:5 i�ht normally not Bret into. In summary, there will e e. meeting thi< t11hursua.y (Ja.n 11) at the to :n ?i� -11 a.to S P.:1 C 3eci_ es <:.li of the chiefs, of the _fire co m 1; ^.Hies ser•vinC- Cryucn, re,�resento a.t,ives fr °om C_�.yu �]. Hei ,hts w'nd the cit, of Ithaca. will be tt,c -ra:E . Ga,ry Lee -anl I taint: :,lost if not all of the other oa.rd ,.;.e.mbers ?^iill be. there. If you can ma.;7e it, x)le ^:ee do, for it shout. be lnterE= stingy, rr. Pti.n�' nd. it may oe the r'la.r..nin�; 1 } n r_• C� r r t C i rj T 1' C� a Oc�r'G 1111 U-E `'''y�' n SO!:.1e £'.Q�1 i n?.1 �_....1 '�nen� v T i T *� L i 11� ] Or So!% c re'la.te� ?Uoe,ct, Ifc7 lu °:t as `cc,n n:)t be IOnr on i:hi.s O21E. If there is co -!e ,;- y lide c.c:-,ni really hel,,, I hope th lt. we can. NJ i 3 rye" I i i ii s T I� '• 00 1 woo moo /Opo / / 1 sI i' i / - ok i 1 v° v //� w e / A � � ./ ft i • 1 _ i i 1 v° v //� w e / A � � ./ ft