HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-03-18,. ; y do TOIWN PLAN411,iING BOARD, TOWN OF DHYDEN, T,; . Y, Regular Meeting March 18, 1965 V� Kee) Meet:in,T called to order 3:10 n. m. by Liaison Officer Dr. T. F C�irti.s!,. Hanford, Hardesty Lengenann and Miller present, Benson, with members Ap po:irltment t�f New Planning Board Member Selection of New Pl a,,ni n, n,,.;,.a ,.L_ . _ Dr. Benson revirwrs the two Hrays of deterai.ning a ne;v Chairman: one, for the TrT.m Board to aopoint, and the other for the Town Board tog ?1ilzrzing Board itself. It was decided b;� the T =.dive this prerogative to the own Bo��.rd that it would be st to willow the Planning Foard to designate its own chairman, The new r'lannine :Boatel. memb<�A pjj Lr1Lt�dd by the Town Board is Dr. r��m Turke,, Hill Road. wh,, is to fill the Ben E• Sheffy �r _ll re, present the Varna area since Mrs, Hardestred term of H. E. Ogden, and who y now resides in .Ellis Hollow. F;�r Chairna:n of Planning Board, Mr. Curtiss nominates decl:i.nes. i�fits. Hardest nominates �� Mr, Kanford, Mr. Hanford exT. resses concern about the time required. rt�Dr Nir. Lengomann seconds. Mr. Curtiss manship can become a paid T,, Benson points gut that the Chair - sition when Dryden becomes a Class I Town (1/1/66). Dr; 'nsnn personally favors doing this as soon as legally possible, and favors t ie Town Board's doing, all else possible to facilitate the *work of the Planning Board. (It is Dr, Benson's understanding; that when we become a first class Town �izat Only the Chairman of the P , Planning Board can be.pald.) Mr. Hanford wonders whether or not some of the meeting_ assignments could be slit uz� so as{to .lighten the load of the Ghai man. T?r. p done successfizl.ly by the Benson points ^iIt that this is Dryden Town Supervisor, Mr. Gridley, findit:�7 it physically i,mnossi:ble to attend all his required meetings last vea. his term as Supervisor, a pointed committees to attend meetingsl1e The Board Board could do the ,a,ne. P•ir. �ur-tissadds tH. � g aware th t i�1r. Ogden' :, at he i_s sure that the Toim Board is �uccessfiil fulfillment of the ehairmanshin assignment was anhrrzced by the fact tha."t A9r..Ogden was able tit make available ct -Psi derab�y. more tune. than the daVe -rage Person cou.l.d offer, " t; "r, Cilrtis; approaches- Mr. M; i 1�,. „�' L, <., ^ or r; Aiiller wii " " ��. �nairmanship, but since it is likely that T be tran�ferring� out of Ithaca within three or four .months, this 'not ;practicable. . C,ar i ssagain, urge Mr, feels t g Hanford to accept nonu.rlation,. Mr, hat. he can hPln the Hanford, ho�rever, Panning Board further .by he out the Chairman sUmply cannot take .on the additional_ responsibilities of the ch, 'but to. the nos�ionsibilitie of. his farm gperat on. "unship in add tj6n on in *add.itibrzal: meeting Per month. to' he ?. .p out the Cha bn, glad, though, to take Mr,. " emann moves that nominations is unanimously acct ,. be cloyed, Mr. �ianfnrd seconds. Mr. Curtiss axm;:d Chairman o.f. the Dryden Town Planning Board! dot do do im 16 Dzr ,rden Town. Planning Board r. March 18, 19605 OlNew Assirnrients four: the Pla-nt7in Board D% . Henson remarlts that, despite the newspaper re»orts to the contrary, no official action was taken on the follo inrle items lentil the March Town Board mo (tin. At that' time, the fnl.loi• .nl proble' s were turned over to the Pl.a.nning Br i rd 19 House- •nummbering :i-n Totim of Dryden. 20 Read -nam nn in Town of rryden. Matter of, a part: site at the intersection of Lower. Creek Road and old Route 13, r , tI.ectr-ical code f.)11 Town of Drvden. Dump site maintained by Town* It is felt by some that we should investi „ate a second site: They feel that the present dump site if left alone, is c^ood for only another ten 1rna.rs. . It is no?t expected that. the Planning Board iri.l.l_ handle these. assignments al One -- cl;c?v are only asked to oversee 'their acccmolishment, Professional help is available, c .f'';,j, re house - numbering, Mr. P.. H. D?.nman of Ithaca offers his pTofessiana.l services, ar:tz is willing 'to at`: -.end amT °la lninl- B < „ard meetinms to discuss the problem. Also, Slectric p: Gas has ir- Z riteered assistance in An free of charge. !.,1 15 E )(:: �,liJrrizl:ur Sec' - , P �* f1, w � : r� ta�;� for lamm�,, Board N11% Curtiss 1 dot . ?r•t:; that Mrs. Marian Steger. MD. 2, Groton)” has had a (;rent deal of Uigr)arience. working nn thc: 701 pro r; ram i.n Moravia, and could handle the Planning Board secretarial .vrork for $10. per. meeting. Problerri0 this does not include dlt-m, icating. Dr. Benson st m`,:es th;rt were 1'.rs. Steger to fozz•.rard the material to th}.Dryden Town Clerk, the To•re.:Clerk could duplicate it on the new machine, and mail out cooies as desired. The Town now has Mattie Bailey as a full =time Town Clerk, and she can be asked to take on this extra responsibility. Any material t,N.l Plan7i.nc Board has for publication can now :b(-? handled by the Town Clerk. 13oliford the possibility of 'local reacti r)n if the Planning Board does Iust itr Ll. t,rt to finr..1 a local .person to hire. It is l}r. ] 3enson' :.; understanding,; tha -t 11r Fletcher has already made local contacts, but r,,rithout :success. Also, i:t would be diff:i.ciilt to find a secretary locally rrith experience in 701vrork, and ,therefore fa;,iil.iar with .'the vocabulary. CSr, }•Lanford moves that the Planning Board arrange to. employ Mrs. Stegor as Secretary -fora the Town Planni nn Board, for a .neri.od three ^ Months, at a salary of $10. per me t;inc, Mrs ., Iiardesty seconds. Mr. Lenl emann wonders whether it is not necessary - to be more specific; Mr. Curtissnotes that, any terms can be.discussed with Mrs*(-, Steger and nec76tiated. Motion carried unanimously. iic ,� .:, i r. Lenryoma•In . muves th.f.i t the Planning Board establish •thee prdctice of sendi.np copies sit), 1:hn minu to ; of I'1 iinihf� I3Oar•d .meet_ings to all members o.f. the ,Planning Board, and •Ill members of._the Town Board, within one week of each- Pldnninrt Board meeting. lr. Hanford seconds. Mot-ion carried i.inanimously. i- r, ; ;,;r„lrh.nm d:i s tr-i,Nition widely bond t..l)e or .l of. the m:Lniites, Mrs. Kardesty chteAl.lenger3 the a.dvii,-jabilit;y of the u.ncorrectod:. minutQs.. . It. is decided that :t. V ac��c`� ;�.ry should, le minutes 1.'% Pin vI7 %:.J.rrls3.n, of the 1” liinl i �j+ ,mfrs (J 11 I rd March 18; 165 y`h Bor. - t den To,.ax Planning z` ' n possible action to rl�place a Planning Board Leiemann i.ric iai.i es cnncernin goad meetin :s_ (Mr member iah a is not grilling to attend any of . the Planning �, oka) . Dr. Benson reports. tha, t the Town Board has approached Mr..Saroka about resinning, and Mr. Saroka is not willing; to resign, as .he wishes to participate mir discussions which may take place. At this particular time it is in an. c . Hat politically sensible to remove this man from the Planning B6.a "rd; and his term does epi.re in. another ,year. There-is, therefore not much that can be done about this position can the Planning; Board at the present time. o there is much .� The r'lannng; Board members feel that this is most un.Lortunate, a� ,Fork to be done; with a considerably increased work load. anticipated -- and *.re need'evOrY member to share the load. It is also not l.egrally possible to enlarge ICA .size of the board. No� The minutes of. the meeting ofba, �usameeti�� gas the dmnuteshareoat oj' the O,arch meet'0nm follows that of the previous reviewed and discussed point. by point. :'uk�licity and_Lnf �rcement re Repo: .of_ " ?ew Construction,Subdivisinn Rules U- ] _and`Junkyard _Ordinance C�,�ies ,.f t,hesE�. t"rjree ordinances have. been received from the printeE s. P4ai].in�; cri,1.7. he in - March- -?4,1. 5 to all. taxpayer^ € . • Town Board Meeti s cnmnetent Legal. Counsel._Sittin�._!n�.. Dr. Bens ^n rennrts th.,t Mr. Robert Williamson is no longer associated with the It was .agreed by the Town Board to have Mrs: Helen Amdur sit To•.,m as Attorney. i.ri on. all Town' Board meetinrjs as. Legal Counsel. The Town Board is well impressed crith �iT S. 4rndur. For examnl.e, she immediately noted the necessity of a resolution to .empower the Planning Board to control subdivision re vision and to approve new subdivision of land in the Town of .Dryden. Without this, the 701 application .d of have been approved beeause the. Planning Board did not have the legal right to plat anc�roval. Also, the enforcinU officers shall tie empowered by :reso- toi enforce all "renulatii:,ns. New Subdivisions Dr. Benson is informed that there will be at least three subdivision plats presentee) a t the A ?ri]_ Planning; .Board meetry . I z Marc 1�6 , :, 1�, I3rµr�;iPn Toum Planning Board dur, ?,cRti ^n. The Fl_anniirr a.rd ChFxar- Lai.• i Jr[li °! 1. t-,Irl..t ` Y-I^rlrs Oan }fin C 3t] tlt' Clef ]. _, l.' n,a �Y ;i:t -1. �.tlen f. >r':-�rd the nutes to the Tnm Clerk for dutal:�cat� ,?n and. da ^t,itau, Board an (3 T<,1 -�,: l Lnnlnn i3oar -3 nelnbers• Y . h t, }l�;'. VillatT�' of ')rvdon h,3 s, liven �. ',S aP r(>val t The ,ini'ur' Y.;; rtrnl hr,lda =:L�' t t= 0 i �� ! :tc tt•a,,n xia ; the annointrte,?it :>f a i'l:annan� B.i:z.rct S Brown n.f the Rpgi anal. rht, ill'. Cllrtl 3s;Vrli.i t'lC1t+T C1'll ' 1�.r • H. • (Mr. (i17rt1Ssr °JUF:':>?;5 �r wY1, ' . they need froT Us, z;Y ul ]d Lo find ,». it eactl, i H lyd(�sty forwa -rd t , him .a 0,C, -1 urtis� has �tlnlr drepa�rdin oti �}lUcl 1 a7r it. .i�tt� R,r° { "fat t as ckl:.�i.x^?tan.) Mr. a ,r r,r't� .vile' r. ^.r'E ;ici?�at.i�r�; 7r. & n�= ,) tl'1j s tti?.t: Fxeev71.7.e trill c;o ilnt;F;, as rc� a formal report `�>n r ? 1 _tv lr ^ °l�i ate c>n�:v ; 5C. Mr. G�art2 `hares to }l z r..,y t• i:7__ rn �. }.LF t'r)T' the. next meet llgo .4 rtIcc ti on - New (kins. „M LO �'(3brL1a.I•�r 18 il?,.?111.teS 111 thi g�G` -t7_ ll Paa?- 3� T). 1 "a{7T817h 1 .C�lii1 „��' r - v to it °Tlf"rcement �l n y: t�C 1'l1Sal.. Cif' Plan' Lnrr Rr1�.rd: Dr. Ilemson ufl f JS }•:i z \rc] t l 9,U71 .L :tY of L:..lFSe I'( ,, i]Y't.� .. rr.. S7 t Bard Secretary (tnri t the T:�xan Cl.erlt a tl -Mice of meetzn i ” the :'l.r Y1i 11 'I' Bnc:Td'e �� 1r�^• l! 111 ':. e 1)r..L(%ed oil..n f !., l - • 'e; .,..'n ,a_ _.1._' i t� to Y'E'G'E:7.'Tt' .ri��t1cP n;' )otinvs al -so ,, .. h�'S. 1 „3*11e. tl?.S lr)Ci1T'E'n,t�.; n 1n r� 1 t . C]c;eTl ,l fai?ZtPI'1;E?tlt� V �^c?'tl!)`Jf?d frr) tph 11 ^1�..1n, ._1St. } .t :`i' .L,,atCr T,',f }ci�..:.'r'.d 1. "1 ;4. e7IC'I1,f,�le Tl?tdil Ci.;.'�rk d1.1CY1.1cat -s find d].5tTL�U't,FgS COT�1F'S e�� the F=lailli rl noarct :1at'nd.a: t.p the blanning board mPmb' rs , (and Dr. Benson.l } in �,r, �] }i tie ^tinrr,: thi; this inb 4aou�_�i: serve. to Llert the 'Byrn Clerk to the , :.r.ce. of c�1te ro. f.h { shy .i; �a].d .]e ab1_e to make the c;dITAeS e)f the Rerinrts of New C nstrl�ct ��n �• rjlbl.e. fin t;h A n; ITT 1 ? I "'.a� 1.7. :C'.C� that in the color Sy�tPm 0 the p�rjr 1 t of NeV4 CiO11St2'LiC t.lon 1 ] �1 �>r;v of erlch RAP c r,n if; 'S, the ^x it ti.l �..de.a ,ras than one sp..ci .r .�, ; le rti, t,e .Pl lnna nQ ]3oard: Th' needs further inves, K ati n r.�1• .l?�r. a n to a:_c:FjIlta.:m w',.%.ch color copy .ZS to be' filed .:bv 'tl�t, :'l.:ni z;l^, B aaY3, 1 p s r...,.jrt f �r f,? e; Mr. tiller sum. �eGt:, that )Yt ]l 'the .: 1 1.:1.11x; Board receives those nr , :ast< �hE? i :c1.C1n1nS; Boa I':1 Secretlx�r to nxena.r�' d:l "� k'.el� -U Ti to ft1tE? -a CUTYIL117t7.v�'o i]rle- •.in? ;, ,r -Y C port ail.alysi;s of the Re orts t f New Cons1 >rLict . ^n:'' ,, iizt,s of February 13 abnroved as corrected: i: rhrcJ�r `l'cr ar. i'.l.;:iriu ing Board March 189 1(6, Other Old °usiness c 4 , for Planning Board t l , Cuz tics<zsks th.,lt Qr. B?tnicmn check t:? see whether or n:;' 'fie she P1.a rn inf- Board 1 bc, n ass t_rno(" a - f.tll..n ectic ?rr of i all its own at the Toltm H, It :i -s agreed that, .cirmIedi;, need, ,nd Dr. Bens -Al will a.rr:a.ngo .that. this be done de Siectnic _ _ _ Cc. a �,, • . t;Y , Len ;emann br nc's t_in the ruer:tion : f prc,osed a.cti ?n an a:r. electrical code Chc� .f: 0r> �ilig of the Planrilnr }?r, zrd is that the concent .s lint r , � bad, but t,� 1 tl;c. .1.,, Inl of criforc.ement. Dr. Benson recommonds , B,)�;.•d f'.)n%ra1 d to the T an 'Oo. 1 m , th c, the P -> .in z �n : 1 Yt: a r.,c�,riendati %rn that the P1:a ninr lJoai °d thinks the code is n.,t, hid in ce)ncept but th:;t rae s. nder hbir .t cazY be enforced, 1. rl ei r: s n t t >tal agr�ic�rient ),i this arir::ir 1'larc�:i ,1� Board 1,ec bel s, how ever, and ;Y . ( %izri.i.s; u r c'e S t F..il� r, t.hi -s m: -,tter re t.abl ?d u.nt,ia t ,( Ai. ri1. mr:llt.i_ng. He 4.�i1.].. Ei 1`Tr "' �. tai .ti (' w� t }rat time. 1`1r.. Gb,ert.:isi requc s is t;h., t al•1 i,]. znn?_n _revielir t }Icl.r cow ies of the ditto material handed out by Mr. Rnl-)i:deau a t t llr Tit rill., 1964, moetin*g on this subject. ivrhr..Business (Other Possible Arrendinent heeded .fdz. Subd' D r --- - _— �iv�_si�m Rules s. RelY]�:r iic:ns 7 s d.l rilt.lrbed .) �• ,_� �' E' - _ . ✓ na . 1) hat. no .act Il iX, tal:nn l,;r tjl 1'1 n ion, can c.ti, Boa z•d on L)ubdivi.sion C� n. -rcl unless and until.' t,h„ t.itly ,rctuall c}ianr ti,i,nds. It i., quite possible -- and t1, S -s h<YS a1 r :zc3y l.;e Sri d i;, : F 1 c a t once in the T:,lrn _ - for .a builder r �� th sufficient financing of. ,',•n, t.c ,ubdivide a, u.3 build u � a considerable area i ithout cninilig under. the Surveillance + r,e . Plai ni.n� . Bo :, rd until . )t, o a,caa >�. Ttie P l :.1iii~ Bo lY at F rti,.n of the area 1. sold or given prc.,ent h�S tln control over subdivision. for rental or le Ise pus•o,, yes, It hais n seen th -.f: a t is qu :ate �; ;s, able for, Dizil c� Con , .lc � ?b? <: :)umber • � r a develor_.er to �_ rhF,a,n �nl, s'! anda •d,• h ,.1Ses T J_� }l. )ciOY d-r- ln1iP,.r-1,11 ? r yr ' _., ._�iu ;: - � r rouge and Le ro�cl,,, 1ri thou c-on•trol 1:,. thy, P lauln* ng Beard as the Subdivision Rules . 'trgr.l].a ±:r ons nets :,t,ziid and oa ten It w,�ul d. seem th It i his '1«.nd of. 2i ht b� me St likely -tip be the kind 'that brou4'rit abou.} t,,, developer t; e first p] ace � necessi.ty f )r subdivision i`ir: Ci.ti tigc r 0,, que5' c that Dr. Benson arrange to have Mrs. Anidur review t }li; Dr ♦�Benlr,n , :i7.1 cariT, t1i :i_.s. to the,nPxt Town ward meeting, a.nd iri.11 follow u�,tuation it lj�)4 )lAJi vr• n 3)rehE�nsiye: Serrc)ra.rc StlidY I,.)r t) rnT�lr'r'lat,it., oA tl;e Pl l r 1rii F;l)e r� 3.,,.rd, Dr. Bens:m turned ova 1)ictinent: r.i fb>al.th, d1't d 12../2'1 161110 _r a cr-P of a letter "T c. ,kids 'Donn, ,r Sewora ^e Stizd, ma e The a1 . cat5:on for the South t,f C lrr,l -ins ��' d by..thra `Joint i3u.n:ic i gal Slzrvey Corn:rrittee of Totms Da ;o i�rifi.elci, and :Iewftd, ha., ilYsufl':icient .funds t�) c�vez nlu' stud this s been approved but there are reviewed ne.-t y fiscal. •year. The application yc' r, and our ill be y _rati_nrr' will be ascertained and :announced to .us. Nei,r Xc ?rl< St,�tc "Pu:M Watc;:rs Pr rant "_ ror)osa]: infra r„ti.,,n .on `�1 ,y r�nvern•,l }?oc>kofei.ler, _ - -- •7 mill_:;. ,n nroposa_l. ' Qxt ,nC�ct7 nn _A,,,_1_+ _ A 1 vzr•nin1�.. risTrdesty, Sec � a i-t; fro tem 1p , z , . ,. a Qitt4� to 4t_ • . w I, oto M 2 0 It it - i 5 i L -, u p2M1 �,, ! i_. .t ��FS r: 41..2 ,.L }'• Ir I,H. - i rt .f� I tj o. It to i. r. }h. 22 Genung Road . xY , _. t i ; � ' . Ithaca R. D. 29 New York I oil. j. .•,1 1, 1 1 r r .f o 11 to r, March 239 1965 to , t o Mr. Peter A. '.Curtiss o. 12, Upper Creek Road Etna, New York Daar' Pete Having Just given•the minutes to Chic to mail in town this morning ,'it- occurs to me that you'd probably like a list of in the Planning Board members' addresses to pass on to the Town Clerk as a mailing list, Ho I'm not too late, here 'tiz: or or • Mr* Peter A. ,Curtiss (Chairman) i. Mr. Frederick We Lengemann :12 Upper Creek Road 20 Niemi Road Etna, idetr York Freeville, New York MrS• Arlton X. Fletcher Mr. David Miller 27. Lake Road r 1710 Slaterville Road Dryden, New York Ithaca, New York Mr. George Hanford ; Dr, Ben E. Sheffy Simms Hill Road.. Turkey rill Road , =, .Darden, Ne ; York . Ithaca R.. 2, New York , D Mrs,. L. Be Hardesty o..Pm AZVAIa' " Al %Yu Q,Lcti 22 Genu ng Road - Ithaca • R. D. 2 , New . York I se hat the back of.the minutes book als stss Mr. We N1H1aas,,.4 Jay Stree _ den, New YorkMo Sidnees, 11 Main eet, Freeville, New York fir. Louis 2 .lace, Dryden, New York ..;,•� ;:, Air. Grant .Abrams,' k Slaterville. Road, Ithaca, New York .' .,r�.�- �.�__y—_.__ "tom— ...., .✓a.av �'vU : .:i' . ,,.. of YT, etc. i n �} .. oo,. I