HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-02-06• a PRELIMINARY HEARING N0. 3 February 6, 1959 DRYDEN VILLAGE HALL This hearing owa's conducted by Hearing Chairman, Mr. Hanshaw. Notes taken by Para. Payne. Mr. Harringtog, Mr. Sadd, Mr. McGory and Iufr. Baker were present. Approxima %ely sixty people attended. Lr. Hanshaw went through the whole ordinance, stopping at the end of each section for questions.. Comments were registered as follows: ART III Section 1. Let us redefine hog farm. Harrington This 200 feet business is too hard on the farmer. ART VII Section 3. I don't believe in any regulations on trailers. There is a minimum amount in which can live. AMo size.restrictions are necessary. (Schwann) Eighteen months is not long enough to give anyone to build a house. (Staley) Also, $2 is too much for a permit. 36 months would be a better minimum. Section 4. 1000 sq ft would be a better minimum for,junk yard. (Detrick) Would,you put in anything to prevent private garbage dumps? (Brown) Section g Allow for trees. Section 12 Can't a farmer sell his own sod? Define a boarding kennel as apposed Ito bf'eeding business. You.might change the 100 feet restriction. Also, can't you put in anything about abandoned well holes? Isn't there a hazard clause? (Brown) ART VIII Section 2 This $2 -,p0 should',be removed for fammers. (Harrington) The ordinance doesn't say Trailer Parks are commercial. It should.be called "Trailer Parks .,,rd Sales" F * PRE IMINARY "HEARING N0: 2 VARNA February 3, 1959 This hearing was conducted by Hearing Chairman Yr. Hanshhw, with bir. Sadd Nit' and Mrs. Payne taking notes. Mr. McGory and Mr. Hansh�aw� M". Gridley and Mr. Abrams were also present. Approximately 130 people attended. Mr. Hanshaw went through the proposed ordinance stopping for questions at the end of each Section. Comments were registered as follows: ART III Section 7.. Not strong enought 9. Fraternity and Sorority houses should be taken out. ART V Include something to rule out jwuisances as well as things unsafe to health, such as Ellis Hollow stone quarry. "Public health and safety isn't enough." Put the phrase "Disturbing .the peeplee.!' p ..ART VII Section 3. 450 sq. ft. is too small. Make it more. Make it at least 1000 sq. ft. (f Section -11. You should have put in regulations as to the size of an ant. house. (E. Ogden) Section 12. Why couldn't you allow a builder to moue fill from one lot to another? Just what is meant by 300 ft. Clarify this section. ART VIII Section 2. Do farmers have to get building permits for hog pens and other buildings even if they are 200 febt back? (Harrington) ' Do we need a health regulation? (Sadd's Notes. Is translation correct ?) 0 "Alteration sounds like a change within the original structiira, so why don't you ase the word 'E;;tention'? Atthe corner of the Game Farm F.D. and Rt. 13 is a lot owned by Ch. Wm. Crissey. He would like to have it zoned commercial. Does Ithaca ordinance require permits for.farmers: a , v I V C'A L ITHACA JOURNAL ,Friday, Feb. 7; 1953 Zoning a►.id Planning Editor, The Journal: Last week a nanel of men met with the residents 6f the Town of Lansing to explain the meaning of zoning (an aspect oVplanning) and to answer question's. After having heard the tenor ^f the protests which were voiced it occurred to me that planning- In Lansing will get nowhere until tliere is first some understandin ,a, of and sec- ondly an acceptance of the basic philosoohv behind nlanninpF. There is apoarentiv a large- segment of Lansing residents which. knowing that this country tvas built on free- dom for the individual, has come to constr„P license for freedom. .In the history of our human af- fairs the laws of the frontier, where each man took the law into his own" hands, quickly gave way to regulations when people began living together in communities. Each person, no matter what he thought his God -given right, could no longer be a law unto himself once the good of the group came to be considered of greater imoor- tance than the rights of the indi- vidual. So now in the history of our nluy- sical affairs we have arrived at this same stage, which accounts for the universal turn to planning in enlightened communities. Citizens of these communities have come to - realize that the freedom to do with their property as they wish, without the corresponding responsi- bility to the community. in which they live, results reneatedly in both economic chaos of land values= blight, and in social chaos in their living values — slums. Without some sort of regulation, some sort of planning, all land today in our ur- ban -rural areas is potentially slum. ' Large communities have discov- ered this much too late, to their financial dismay, and one after the other has turned to planning as the only logical way to Guild them- selves back into economic and so- cial health. Smaller communities, having seen the writing on the mall, have taken advantage of" this trend and are acting before their own conditions become 'too cancerous. But' the conditions which foster blight'(uncontrolled land use and exploitation) work in ally phases of the living. environment, and it takes mighty little observation to note" the emergence of the rural slum, as the land economist would call it, creeping across the landscape of rural America. Must we wait to act until slow- ly the entire road from Ithaca to Aurora becomes dotted with beer and soft drink 'parlors, k abandoned for later and newer parlors, jerry- built neighborhoods with, houses. squeezed on to small speculator - sized lots, unregulated trailer parks, home madro gas stations with solitary pumps, half of them given up as unprofitable ventures, old car lots —all of, these crowding in on what were once fine farm homes, their owners long since having moved " to more desirable areas only to be continually caught -in similar conditions be- cause. they have no protection? The " Finger Lakes area has great attraction because unspoil- ed, because exploitation has not yet arrived on a large scale. There is no assurance short of legisla- tion that exploitation will "not con - tinnue. But it definitely requires the relinquishment of unlicensed privilege for . the common good, This comes as no hardship to the responsible citizen against the other it is a protection. THOMAS J. BAIRD McKinney's Point I I a� NOTICE -building 'other'. than a motel or a land or building. .or part - thereof - dticted by a resident. in •the build- width shall be 60 feet and' the min OF PUBLIC HEARINGS hotel where more than 'two persons' shall be used for' °other- than any of ing; provided that mo goods or imurn depth shall be 150 feet except f I are, lodged for hire or .where, rooms . the foll'owirig purposes: products. are publicly -displayed-or that the depth may be reduced to a TAKE NOTICE that public hear= for more `than two persons are of-- 1: Dwelling,.... offered for sale, and further provid- minimum of -120 feet provided that ings will'•be held.atc�� •fered for'hire -2. Church-or,dther lace of,wor- .ed.that•no •offensive -•noise, odor, the, lot area shall not be less than P E Bethel. Grove • Community Center 8♦ A tourist house is the same. ship; convent, parish house: Sunday or dust are created; and - provided -9,000 Square. Feet. at. 8:00 .p.m. on Feb. 3rd, 1959 as a - roorning house, School building: - that there 'shall be no external � evi- Varna Community Hall at 8:00 9• A hospital is an establish- 3. Public library or`.,public.muse- _ dence of such occupations,excepta ARTICLE IV r p.m. on Feb. 4th, 1959 rn t for temporary "occupation by um; pudblic school; parochial school, small: announcement or professional Dryden Village Hall at 8:00 p.m. the sick or inlured-for_ the purpose nursery school; school operated by sign not over two square feet in COMMERICAL DISTRICTS of medical' treatment but does not a `non- stock' corporation under ." the area: j on. Feb. 6th;. 1959 p° L SECTION L Use Regulations, _ upon the preliminary report made, 'include. an establishment -'for perma- 4 education laws of , the- State, any 3. Off - street garage or -parking g e .nent occupation by the poor,, infirm, - institution of - higher , learning in- space for the occupants user, and 'In commercial .districts; no , build- by the .Zoning Commission of the incurable or _insane. eluding dormitory accommodations. employees in connection with uses •ing shall be erected or extended, Town of Dryden on the,.3rd day ' 10 A "nursing or convalescent 4. Publicly owned park or plays - specified. under Section 4, but sub- and. no land or building or part j of 'January- 1959. - Copies of the, . home" is .a building other'th-an a ground including - accessory build ject to provision of section thereof shall be used, for any pur said report are available, for dis- - hospital where persons, ° except in- ings and: 'improvements: 4...A temporary 'building fox Pose other than one or more of the tribution . to interested persons at sane; feeble- minded, drug or liquor - 5. Fire Station or. other public commerce or industry, where such following: Juhl's ! Store in 'Bethel Grove, at patients; are lodged, furnished building necessary_•io the protection building -is necessary or incidental 1• nY use permitted in residence Crissey.'s Service Station 'in. Varna,. _ with - meals and nursing care for . of or the servicing of a neighbor- to -the development of a residential districts. gat the Town Clerk's Office - in the 'hire. hood, area., Such ;_building • may not be 2• Retail store. Town. Hall, at- Hante's IGA Store __ 11..A "front. yard" is the required 6. !Golf ; Course; except driving continued for more than one year 3. Auto Sales Agency. in. Etna, and •Payson's Store in 'West open space • between street right -of- range or a miniature - golf course except upon special approval 6f the 4• Business or professional office, _ -Dryden: way line - and -the front line of the - operated on a commerical' basis, Town Board. -5. Restaurant. or other place for Dated, January 12, 1959. principal building (exclusive of - 'provided Yhat no building shall be 5. 'Accessory. buildings subject to the serving of fofid. ZONING COMMISSION. overhanging eaves and' other per- nearer than one hundred_(100) feet the provisions of Section 3. 6• Bank or other financial institu- + -OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN miscible projections), extended to from any - lot line.. = 6..The keeping of domestic ani- tion. C. W. 'SADD the side lines of the lot. 7... Garden,' nursery, or °farm, mals or fowl in accessory- buildings, 7• Gasoline sales station, garage Chairman 12: A "tear yard ". is the re- . except 'a hog-farm, and except a provided that' no such ,building for light repairs, subject to the - quired - open, space. between the rear , farm for the raising' of fur - bearing shall be --nearer than. thirty feet to provisions of § 11, subdivision lot line and the rear; line -of• the and § 13, - i � animals.- . Usual farm buildings are anyflot line of any adjoining owner. 1, n subdivisions '1 and PROPOSED' principal building (exclusive ofi permitted,: provided that: SECTION 3. Accessory Build- •2 of ' Article VII; provided, r overhanging -eaves and other per- a. An building building in which farm ings. I'n Residence Districts, ac- however, that no automobile ZONING ORDINANCE miscible .projections). extended to animals are -kept shall .be - cessory buildings other than garages repair work except emergency the side lines of the lot: at •, least : one' hundred feet work shall be carried on out- 13. may- not occupy any required open \ 13 A "side yar'd'.' is the required from any lot line or street of doors. YAWN of•D den NeW Y®Ck -- Y -space other than a rear yard. Any :i open space '!between the 'principal right of way: accessory building may -not occupy_ 8• Tourist cabin, motel or hotel. ! For, the purpose of promoting - baV din andexc�uh �e of overhanging b. Nb .manure shall .be stored more than 40% of any required 9. Billboard, sign or advertising the health safety' morals or: the permissible pro- within one hundred -feet of device. y, rear and and shall -not be less than general welfare of the community', ' it g lthroughafromdtheofron yard to. '. ! any lot line or street right of 3 feet from any -side or rear lot_ 10. Place of business of the fol- and' to lessen con gestion. in the way, line, except that a private garage _ lowing businesses and any sim- r the rear yard:- 8: Any 'municipal or public itil- may 'be built across a common lot ilar business that -may be con- ; streets, pank , , to secure safety froprovide 14. An "accessory' bui ding" is a ity purpose necessary to -the main- line by mutual agreement between _ - ducted without unreasonable snit and other dangers,- to building, subordinate and clearl tenarice of Utilit Services exce t noise, odors, or disorder; pro - adequate" light and air, . 'to prevent Y, Y p adjoining property owners. Ac the overcrowding of land,' Ito avoid incidental to the principal building' that substations and similar strut- cessory buildings shall in no case vided; however, that any manu- undue:.concentration of .population, on the _same lot and used for pur - tures shall be subject -to •the same _ exceed 1'5 feet in height. On a facturing or _ processing of` to facilitate the adequate provision Poses customarily incidental to those set back. requirements as apply to corner lot no accessory building goods on the premises is clearly - ofo trans ortation water sewage, of the principal :building. residences .in -the District, in which inay be nearer the side street line ` incidental to a retail business. 1 schools P arks and' other g - 15. A "non- conforming use" is a the substations- or similar structures than the required front yard depth conducted on the premises: p public re -,. uiremenis -under and use - of land existing at the time of are 'constructed: P Baker s q pursuant to on. the side street. Barber = to the laws of the 'State- of ,New, - enactment of this ordinance `which --;,� -9. Rooming - louses; .r o u r i s t s'--4- SECTION 4� Yard- Regulations. York, the size of buildings and does not conform to the zoning houses, 'fraternity or sorority houses. In- residence Districts, yards of at Caterer - other structures,.- the percentage regulations of the district in which 10. Hospital :or sanitarium for least, the following dimensions are Cleaner, it is the ` treatment of 'human beings, ..required. Confectioner si lot 'that may s; t occupied; ' the 16 . A `.`farm is a..plot of land other than the insane, feeble -mind- Front Yard = Not less than the Decorator_. _ size of the yards; the .,density of that exceeds one acre and is used ed, epileptic, drug or liquor pa- Dressmaker population, and the location and for . - average -depth _of the yards . use. of buildings structures and land tients; provided that no building so . Dyer of building lots immediately for trade, industry, esidence or a. Tillage ..of land to produce -used shall be within 'one'` hundred Florist rY adjacent. Furrier other' purposes, are hereby restrict- - ' >• food or fiber to be consumed feet of '`any `street or within one Normally the "front yard .-ed. -and regulated as hereinafter directly • or indirectly by hu- hundred and' fifty, 'feet of the lot depth_ "setback" shall not be Hairdresser provided. ' mans or _domestic animals or -line of any adjoining owner. Nurs- less than twenty -five feet or 'Hand Laundry fowl, or ing or convalescent homes, or medi need- it be greater than fifty Manicurist b: Grazing of land and its cal clinics but only .on special ap feet. Milliner ARTICLE' I crops to feed domestic ani- proval of -the Town'Board. Ream Yard. Not 1 e s s than Optician mals or fowl or 1'1. Cemete and the buildin s- Photo I DEFINITIONS rY g thirty feet in, depth. Printer Photographer X. - Rearing of poultry in con- and structures incident thereto,-but Side Yards. - Each not less than- SECTION 1. For " -the purpose finement for' meat' or eggs. only on special approval of the Shoeshine'r, shoemaker or Of this ordinance certain words and -17. A "street Line" is the`limit Town Board. ten feet in width, except repairer that in one of the side yards terms shall have the following of the right of way of a street, 12 'A roadside stand for the dis- Y • Tailor meaning unless the context other- -road or hi hwa a one story garage, either at- g - _ __ ___.� - •g. Y• . - play and sale : of < farm _ products tacked to the n Telegraph and, Telephone of-, wiser uires. p ncipal build- - �1 Any such stand- -shall be set back fice - E ! 1. 'Words used in the present from the .highway a sufficiant - dis- ing, ,or separate therefrom, Undertaker may be 7 feet from a side tense include the -future; the sin u- .ARTICLE II - . Y g tance to:. permit off- the - highway line which is- not a street Upholsterer` lar number includes the plural, and DISTRICTS parking and' in rio case shall be line. SECTION 2. Yard Regulations. 1 the plural the singular; the word-. nearer than fifteen feet_ from the special yard requirements for In commerical districts yards of at "building" includes the word "strut- SECTION' 1. For the purpose of right -of -way : line, least the following imensions must tore "; and the word "occupied'' this ordinance the Town of Dryden- 13. Club or -lod e o crated b specific uses as established by_ Sec- be. provided. g ry g P Y tion I- are required, P includes the words - "designed orJn -' is hereby :divided into three types membership organization 'for. the SECTION 5. Building _ Cover- Front 'Yard - twenty -five (25) tended to be occupied "; the .word of districts as follows: benefit of their members. age• No building or buildings on. ,feet in depth; except as otherwise used- includes the words - airang- Residential Districts 14. Not more than two signs in. a lot including provided for public garages and ed "; designed or intended to be Commerical. Districts connection with -each of the above_ i g • accessory buildings, gasoline -sales stations in '§ 13 of used'; and the word "he" includes Agricultural .Districts uses, ' provided' - Ihat such sign shall shall be erected, altered, or extend- Article VII: "it" and "she ". Said districts are set. forth on, the ;be on the lot. and shall. not exceed ed to cover more than 30% of the Rear Yard - twenty (20) feet 2. A' "lot''_ is a parcel of land oc- map accompaning this ordinance, twelve square feet in area, and lot area. - in width. I l copied -by -one - or more principal . entitled Zone Map, dated further rovided that an illumina. Projections_ described in Section 8 I p Y Side Yards =Each ten {10) buildings and the accessory build- and signed „by - the Town Clerk. tion ' thereof be so shielded that it of - Article VII are not to be :in- feet in width. - ings for uses customarily incident. to Said map and all t1explanatoryiL mat- illuminates only -said sign. cluded in computing the percentage. SECTION 3._ Lot Area: In it, including ;such- open spaces as ter thereon is hereby -made a part - -15. Such accessory 'uses- as are SECTION 6. Size of Lot. Lot commerical district no dwelling or used in connection with such of this ordinance. ' customarily incidental to the above sizes in - residence district shall. meet building, including accessory build- are SECTION 2., In• addition to the ` uses, subject to the provisions of • the 'following _depth and widths at ings, used in whole or in part for 3. A lot line" is, the property districts herein established, ' 'the - Section 5 and • 6* the I front yard set ba& dwelling purposes shall be erected, boundary °line of a lot. Town Board hereby gives: notice SECTION 2. Accessory Uses. 1. When no public water- or altered 'or extended to cover more 4. The "lot area" - shall. not in- that an Industrial District will be Permitted accessory uses in 4 Resi- sewer is available,- the minimum than 30°!n. of the lot area. • elude any portion of a public high- formed whenever the need for,•such dence Districts shall include the fol- width shall be 100 feet and the min- SECTION 4: Building Coverage. _way right- of-way that may -be in- _ -•a disrict arises. -This will''be done lowing: - . imum-,de th 150 feet, eluded within deed description of ' by the ordinance .after ' a public 1. The office of a, resident doctor; 2. When- n _the public; water or ng bcommerical ding halls not stover Imo e " the .lot. hearing. dentist, musician, engineer, teacher, sewer is available, -the minimum -than forty (40) per cent of -the - lot 5. A "family "•.is any number of lawyer, artist,_ architect; or _member- width shall be 80 feet and the min- area, persons of recognized family re- ARTICLE :III of o t h e; r recognized profession, imum depth 150 feet except that ationship maintaining .a common where such office is. a part of the the depth: may be reduced'to a ARTICLE V household, including- domestic help. RESIDENCE DISTRICTS residence buildin g.. minimum of 120 feet provided that 6. A "dwelling "_. is a building .2.-Customary home occupation, the lot area shall not-be less than AGRICULTURAL --DISTRICTS used'for habitation. by one `or more SECTION 1 Use ,Regulations. such- as dressmaking,, hairdressing, ` 12,000 sq. ft. families. In residence Districts no building laundering; homecooking, or a man- 3. When- both public water and SECTION 1. Use Regulations. 7. A' "rooming. house" is a shall'1ie erected or extended =arid no uel or mechanical .trade, all con- sewers 'are available, the minimum In agricultural districts the lands I ! - n a� NOTICE -building 'other'. than a motel or a land or building. .or part - thereof - dticted by a resident. in •the build- width shall be 60 feet and' the min OF PUBLIC HEARINGS hotel where more than 'two persons' shall be used for' °other- than any of ing; provided that mo goods or imurn depth shall be 150 feet except f I are, lodged for hire or .where, rooms . the foll'owirig purposes: products. are publicly -displayed-or that the depth may be reduced to a TAKE NOTICE that public hear= for more `than two persons are of-- 1: Dwelling,.... offered for sale, and further provid- minimum of -120 feet provided that ings will'•be held.atc�� •fered for'hire -2. Church-or,dther lace of,wor- .ed.that•no •offensive -•noise, odor, the, lot area shall not be less than P E Bethel. Grove • Community Center 8♦ A tourist house is the same. ship; convent, parish house: Sunday or dust are created; and - provided -9,000 Square. Feet. at. 8:00 .p.m. on Feb. 3rd, 1959 as a - roorning house, School building: - that there 'shall be no external � evi- Varna Community Hall at 8:00 9• A hospital is an establish- 3. Public library or`.,public.muse- _ dence of such occupations,excepta ARTICLE IV r p.m. on Feb. 4th, 1959 rn t for temporary "occupation by um; pudblic school; parochial school, small: announcement or professional Dryden Village Hall at 8:00 p.m. the sick or inlured-for_ the purpose nursery school; school operated by sign not over two square feet in COMMERICAL DISTRICTS of medical' treatment but does not a `non- stock' corporation under ." the area: j on. Feb. 6th;. 1959 p° L SECTION L Use Regulations, _ upon the preliminary report made, 'include. an establishment -'for perma- 4 education laws of , the- State, any 3. Off - street garage or -parking g e .nent occupation by the poor,, infirm, - institution of - higher , learning in- space for the occupants user, and 'In commercial .districts; no , build- by the .Zoning Commission of the incurable or _insane. eluding dormitory accommodations. employees in connection with uses •ing shall be erected or extended, Town of Dryden on the,.3rd day ' 10 A "nursing or convalescent 4. Publicly owned park or plays - specified. under Section 4, but sub- and. no land or building or part j of 'January- 1959. - Copies of the, . home" is .a building other'th-an a ground including - accessory build ject to provision of section thereof shall be used, for any pur said report are available, for dis- - hospital where persons, ° except in- ings and: 'improvements: 4...A temporary 'building fox Pose other than one or more of the tribution . to interested persons at sane; feeble- minded, drug or liquor - 5. Fire Station or. other public commerce or industry, where such following: Juhl's ! Store in 'Bethel Grove, at patients; are lodged, furnished building necessary_•io the protection building -is necessary or incidental 1• nY use permitted in residence Crissey.'s Service Station 'in. Varna,. _ with - meals and nursing care for . of or the servicing of a neighbor- to -the development of a residential districts. gat the Town Clerk's Office - in the 'hire. hood, area., Such ;_building • may not be 2• Retail store. Town. Hall, at- Hante's IGA Store __ 11..A "front. yard" is the required 6. !Golf ; Course; except driving continued for more than one year 3. Auto Sales Agency. in. Etna, and •Payson's Store in 'West open space • between street right -of- range or a miniature - golf course except upon special approval 6f the 4• Business or professional office, _ -Dryden: way line - and -the front line of the - operated on a commerical' basis, Town Board. -5. Restaurant. or other place for Dated, January 12, 1959. principal building (exclusive of - 'provided Yhat no building shall be 5. 'Accessory. buildings subject to the serving of fofid. ZONING COMMISSION. overhanging eaves and' other per- nearer than one hundred_(100) feet the provisions of Section 3. 6• Bank or other financial institu- + -OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN miscible projections), extended to from any - lot line.. = 6..The keeping of domestic ani- tion. C. W. 'SADD the side lines of the lot. 7... Garden,' nursery, or °farm, mals or fowl in accessory- buildings, 7• Gasoline sales station, garage Chairman 12: A "tear yard ". is the re- . except 'a hog-farm, and except a provided that' no such ,building for light repairs, subject to the - quired - open, space. between the rear , farm for the raising' of fur - bearing shall be --nearer than. thirty feet to provisions of § 11, subdivision lot line and the rear; line -of• the and § 13, - i � animals.- . Usual farm buildings are anyflot line of any adjoining owner. 1, n subdivisions '1 and PROPOSED' principal building (exclusive ofi permitted,: provided that: SECTION 3. Accessory Build- •2 of ' Article VII; provided, r overhanging -eaves and other per- a. An building building in which farm ings. I'n Residence Districts, ac- however, that no automobile ZONING ORDINANCE miscible .projections). extended to animals are -kept shall .be - cessory buildings other than garages repair work except emergency the side lines of the lot: at •, least : one' hundred feet work shall be carried on out- 13. may- not occupy any required open \ 13 A "side yar'd'.' is the required from any lot line or street of doors. YAWN of•D den NeW Y®Ck -- Y -space other than a rear yard. Any :i open space '!between the 'principal right of way: accessory building may -not occupy_ 8• Tourist cabin, motel or hotel. ! For, the purpose of promoting - baV din andexc�uh �e of overhanging b. Nb .manure shall .be stored more than 40% of any required 9. Billboard, sign or advertising the health safety' morals or: the permissible pro- within one hundred -feet of device. y, rear and and shall -not be less than general welfare of the community', ' it g lthroughafromdtheofron yard to. '. ! any lot line or street right of 3 feet from any -side or rear lot_ 10. Place of business of the fol- and' to lessen con gestion. in the way, line, except that a private garage _ lowing businesses and any sim- r the rear yard:- 8: Any 'municipal or public itil- may 'be built across a common lot ilar business that -may be con- ; streets, pank , , to secure safety froprovide 14. An "accessory' bui ding" is a ity purpose necessary to -the main- line by mutual agreement between _ - ducted without unreasonable snit and other dangers,- to building, subordinate and clearl tenarice of Utilit Services exce t noise, odors, or disorder; pro - adequate" light and air, . 'to prevent Y, Y p adjoining property owners. Ac the overcrowding of land,' Ito avoid incidental to the principal building' that substations and similar strut- cessory buildings shall in no case vided; however, that any manu- undue:.concentration of .population, on the _same lot and used for pur - tures shall be subject -to •the same _ exceed 1'5 feet in height. On a facturing or _ processing of` to facilitate the adequate provision Poses customarily incidental to those set back. requirements as apply to corner lot no accessory building goods on the premises is clearly - ofo trans ortation water sewage, of the principal :building. residences .in -the District, in which inay be nearer the side street line ` incidental to a retail business. 1 schools P arks and' other g - 15. A "non- conforming use" is a the substations- or similar structures than the required front yard depth conducted on the premises: p public re -,. uiremenis -under and use - of land existing at the time of are 'constructed: P Baker s q pursuant to on. the side street. Barber = to the laws of the 'State- of ,New, - enactment of this ordinance `which --;,� -9. Rooming - louses; .r o u r i s t s'--4- SECTION 4� Yard- Regulations. York, the size of buildings and does not conform to the zoning houses, 'fraternity or sorority houses. In- residence Districts, yards of at Caterer - other structures,.- the percentage regulations of the district in which 10. Hospital :or sanitarium for least, the following dimensions are Cleaner, it is the ` treatment of 'human beings, ..required. Confectioner si lot 'that may s; t occupied; ' the 16 . A `.`farm is a..plot of land other than the insane, feeble -mind- Front Yard = Not less than the Decorator_. _ size of the yards; the .,density of that exceeds one acre and is used ed, epileptic, drug or liquor pa- Dressmaker population, and the location and for . - average -depth _of the yards . use. of buildings structures and land tients; provided that no building so . Dyer of building lots immediately for trade, industry, esidence or a. Tillage ..of land to produce -used shall be within 'one'` hundred Florist rY adjacent. Furrier other' purposes, are hereby restrict- - ' >• food or fiber to be consumed feet of '`any `street or within one Normally the "front yard .-ed. -and regulated as hereinafter directly • or indirectly by hu- hundred and' fifty, 'feet of the lot depth_ "setback" shall not be Hairdresser provided. ' mans or _domestic animals or -line of any adjoining owner. Nurs- less than twenty -five feet or 'Hand Laundry fowl, or ing or convalescent homes, or medi need- it be greater than fifty Manicurist b: Grazing of land and its cal clinics but only .on special ap feet. Milliner ARTICLE' I crops to feed domestic ani- proval of -the Town'Board. Ream Yard. Not 1 e s s than Optician mals or fowl or 1'1. Cemete and the buildin s- Photo I DEFINITIONS rY g thirty feet in, depth. Printer Photographer X. - Rearing of poultry in con- and structures incident thereto,-but Side Yards. - Each not less than- SECTION 1. For " -the purpose finement for' meat' or eggs. only on special approval of the Shoeshine'r, shoemaker or Of this ordinance certain words and -17. A "street Line" is the`limit Town Board. ten feet in width, except repairer that in one of the side yards terms shall have the following of the right of way of a street, 12 'A roadside stand for the dis- Y • Tailor meaning unless the context other- -road or hi hwa a one story garage, either at- g - _ __ ___.� - •g. Y• . - play and sale : of < farm _ products tacked to the n Telegraph and, Telephone of-, wiser uires. p ncipal build- - �1 Any such stand- -shall be set back fice - E ! 1. 'Words used in the present from the .highway a sufficiant - dis- ing, ,or separate therefrom, Undertaker may be 7 feet from a side tense include the -future; the sin u- .ARTICLE II - . Y g tance to:. permit off- the - highway line which is- not a street Upholsterer` lar number includes the plural, and DISTRICTS parking and' in rio case shall be line. SECTION 2. Yard Regulations. 1 the plural the singular; the word-. nearer than fifteen feet_ from the special yard requirements for In commerical districts yards of at "building" includes the word "strut- SECTION' 1. For the purpose of right -of -way : line, least the following imensions must tore "; and the word "occupied'' this ordinance the Town of Dryden- 13. Club or -lod e o crated b specific uses as established by_ Sec- be. provided. g ry g P Y tion I- are required, P includes the words - "designed orJn -' is hereby :divided into three types membership organization 'for. the SECTION 5. Building _ Cover- Front 'Yard - twenty -five (25) tended to be occupied "; the .word of districts as follows: benefit of their members. age• No building or buildings on. ,feet in depth; except as otherwise used- includes the words - airang- Residential Districts 14. Not more than two signs in. a lot including provided for public garages and ed "; designed or intended to be Commerical. Districts connection with -each of the above_ i g • accessory buildings, gasoline -sales stations in '§ 13 of used'; and the word "he" includes Agricultural .Districts uses, ' provided' - Ihat such sign shall shall be erected, altered, or extend- Article VII: "it" and "she ". Said districts are set. forth on, the ;be on the lot. and shall. not exceed ed to cover more than 30% of the Rear Yard - twenty (20) feet 2. A' "lot''_ is a parcel of land oc- map accompaning this ordinance, twelve square feet in area, and lot area. - in width. I l copied -by -one - or more principal . entitled Zone Map, dated further rovided that an illumina. Projections_ described in Section 8 I p Y Side Yards =Each ten {10) buildings and the accessory build- and signed „by - the Town Clerk. tion ' thereof be so shielded that it of - Article VII are not to be :in- feet in width. - ings for uses customarily incident. to Said map and all t1explanatoryiL mat- illuminates only -said sign. cluded in computing the percentage. SECTION 3._ Lot Area: In it, including ;such- open spaces as ter thereon is hereby -made a part - -15. Such accessory 'uses- as are SECTION 6. Size of Lot. Lot commerical district no dwelling or used in connection with such of this ordinance. ' customarily incidental to the above sizes in - residence district shall. meet building, including accessory build- are SECTION 2., In• addition to the ` uses, subject to the provisions of • the 'following _depth and widths at ings, used in whole or in part for 3. A lot line" is, the property districts herein established, ' 'the - Section 5 and • 6* the I front yard set ba& dwelling purposes shall be erected, boundary °line of a lot. Town Board hereby gives: notice SECTION 2. Accessory Uses. 1. When no public water- or altered 'or extended to cover more 4. The "lot area" - shall. not in- that an Industrial District will be Permitted accessory uses in 4 Resi- sewer is available,- the minimum than 30°!n. of the lot area. • elude any portion of a public high- formed whenever the need for,•such dence Districts shall include the fol- width shall be 100 feet and the min- SECTION 4: Building Coverage. _way right- of-way that may -be in- _ -•a disrict arises. -This will''be done lowing: - . imum-,de th 150 feet, eluded within deed description of ' by the ordinance .after ' a public 1. The office of a, resident doctor; 2. When- n _the public; water or ng bcommerical ding halls not stover Imo e " the .lot. hearing. dentist, musician, engineer, teacher, sewer is available, -the minimum -than forty (40) per cent of -the - lot 5. A "family "•.is any number of lawyer, artist,_ architect; or _member- width shall be 80 feet and the min- area, persons of recognized family re- ARTICLE :III of o t h e; r recognized profession, imum depth 150 feet except that ationship maintaining .a common where such office is. a part of the the depth: may be reduced'to a ARTICLE V household, including- domestic help. RESIDENCE DISTRICTS residence buildin g.. minimum of 120 feet provided that 6. A "dwelling "_. is a building .2.-Customary home occupation, the lot area shall not-be less than AGRICULTURAL --DISTRICTS used'for habitation. by one `or more SECTION 1 Use ,Regulations. such- as dressmaking,, hairdressing, ` 12,000 sq. ft. families. In residence Districts no building laundering; homecooking, or a man- 3. When- both public water and SECTION 1. Use Regulations. 7. A' "rooming. house" is a shall'1ie erected or extended =arid no uel or mechanical .trade, all con- sewers 'are available, the minimum In agricultural districts the lands ' 17 X5 t 1 and buildings may be- used" for any whether on wheels or otherwise families shall provide" in connection. -substantially destroyed by any cause minutes of all its meetings and keep lawful purpose except any use that supported, shall be considered a with it and on the same lot garage ' shall be rebuilt or demolished with- its records, -is so noxious or offensive by reason dwelling, provided, however, that in ; space or 'off-street parking; space 'in one .year. _ Any excavation for -a_ The Board of Appeals shall a- of emission of odor, " dust, smoke, - residence districts . the use of a for automobiles equivalent to the building shall be 'covered over or dept from timo• to time such rules fumes; noise or vibration as to be • trailer having less than' 450 square number of dwelling. units provided refilled to, normal grade by the own- and regulations as it may deem dangerous to public health and feet shall be permitted for, a period in such dwellings. No automobile er within one year after the work necessary to carry into effect the safety, of not -more than eighteen (18) parking area shall be included in _ was commenced., Any excavation provisions of this ordinance and months unless such period be extend- any required front yard, except for � ed 'b the. Town Board;- and or -cellar hole remaining; after the ; all its resolutions and orders shall ARTICLE VI y provid- "a lot with a single dwelling housing demolition or destruction of a build- be in accordance 'herewith. I ed further that if a separate ordin- not more than- two •families. ing from any cause shall be covered Any person aggrieved by any de- NON- CONFORMING USES ance is adopted for the regulation of Every use listed below shall pro- over or filled b the owner within cision of any officer of the Town I trailer, camps, trailers complying vide in 'connection with it off- street Y h Y SECTION 1. Continuation of with the provisions of such ordinance parking facilities as noted below: one year. - o . charged 'with, the .enforcement of 6 Existing Uses. Except kas provid= - shall' be excepted from the require - 1. School or other educational this ordinance may take an appeal ed in Sections`2, 3, 4 and 5 of this ments of this section. institutions - two.* spaces " for ARTICLE VIIh to the Board of Appeals. ' i article and Section 15 of Article SECTION 4, junk, Yards. Any each, class room. ADMINISTRATION - The - Board of Appeals shall, in VII, any use of land or of a build- area of more than" two hundred. 2. -Hospital, "sanitarium or nurs- accordance with the - provisions here -, i ing or part thereof "existing at the (200) square feet used for the ing or convalescent home- one SECTION 1. Enforcement. This inafter- contained in this Section I tiime that this ordinance 'becomes . storage of rags, scrap paper, scrap space for each two (2) beds. ordinance shall, be enforced by a hear and determine. appeals from I effective may be continued al- metal or junk, including salvage 3. Theater - One space for each Person designated by the Town any refusal of a building or certi- I ' though such building or use does yards for automobile parts or build- eight (8) seats. Board who shall in no case, except icate of occupancy by the person not conform with the provisions ing material shall be completely 4. Bowling Alley'- three 3 under written order-of the Board of - ( ) designated by the Town Board, or thereof. enclosed. by a substantial and solid spaces for each alley. Appeals, grant any building permit I or certificate o'f occu an'c for any review any order or decision of SECTIO7�i 2. 'Abandonment of fence with openings only for ingress 5. 'Roller skating rink dance / buildin or remises where the r said person where such order or de- i Use, When a non - conforming use and egress. iSuch fence shall be at- h a 11, or similar places of g P P cision is based upon the re uire- shall have been abandoned for a least six (6), feet high and shall be amusement - one space for Posed construction, alteration or use P q ' period of one ear, it. shall 'not no • nearer to an public highway each two hundred '(200), s square thereof would be in violation of any ments of this ordinance. ? P Y y P g Y q Where there are practical diffi thereafter be re- established, and the right of way line than twenty -five feet of floor space. provision of this ordinance. P f 25 feet. There shall be no 6. Rooming, house motel . tour - SECTION 2. Building Permits, culties or unnecessary hardship in future use shall be of conformity ( ) g' A permit shall be obtained froin the way of carrying out the strict � "-With the provisions of this ordin- ". storage outside .the fence. Any ist house -one space for each P ance,' except,,that a non - conforming' such. junk yards existing at the time room offered -for "rent. the zoning officer prior te, the con- letter of this ordinance, the -Board use that ceases to operate..becatise o this ordinance becomes effective 7. Membership " Club - One ' struction, erection, reconstruction of Appeals shall have the power, in ( governments restrictions may be re- shall comply with these require- space_ for each four (4) beds or or alteration of any building or Passing upon appeals, to vary or (J sumed within a period of one year ments within one year thereafter. art of a building covering an area modify - the application of any of one' space for each -five (5)' P g g k from the time that such emergency SECTION 5. Side Yard on the regulations or provisions. of g Y Corner Lot. On a corner lot in members; whichever figure is of `more. than one hundred fifty this, ordinance so that the spirit of terminates or such restrictions are � larger. (150') square feet. No - permit shall P removed. a residence or commerical district g• Restaurant or tavern -One be issued where the proposed. -con- the ordinance shall be observed and E SECTION, 3. Alterations.; No- the yard width on the side street space for each one hundred struction alteration or use would Public safety and welfare secured non - conforming building shall be shall" be• at least one -half the requir (100) square feet. ' be in violation of any provision of and substantial justice done. `The extended unless the extension is ed front yard for adjoining proper - - Board of Appeals shall •also hear f ties on the side street. SECTION 12, Location, si Cer- this orrdinance,._ except .on written and decide all matters referred to 4 authorized N' the Board of Appeals. SECTION 6. Porches and ,Car Car - tain Activities. Other provisions of- order of the Board of Appeals after . � SECTION 4.� Changes. Anon- if or upon which it is required to conforming use may be changed to ports. In determining the " per - ' this ordinance notwithstanding, the an appeal from the decision of the pass by' the terms of this ordinance. another non - conforming use of .the tentage of building coverage or the following uses or, activities shall not zoning officer. Unless there has In deciding such matters referred same or"a more restrictive classifica- size of yards for the purpose of this be Permitted nearer to any iResi. been substantial _progress in the dente District than the following work for which a building permit to it by the terms of this ordinance, tion .and when so than ed to a ordinance, porches _and carports, g g p g f the Board of Appeals shall give con- " more restrictive use, it shall not be open at the sides 'but roofed, shaft specified distances: d was issued, the permit shall expire sideration to the rornotion of the changed again to a less restrictive, be considered a part of the building. 1: Garage or shop for the paint- one year from the date of issue.. health, safety, morals cn• general SECTION 7. Fences. and Walls. ing of automobiles or for the Application forms ma be obtain- y' ' use. The order in which the vari- PP y The of welfare of the community in bar- ousdistr;c-ts are named in Art icle II shall not apply this ordinance repairing of . automobile bodies ed from the Town Clerk or from ninny with the general purpose and shall ,be taken as the order of re- pP y to fences, or walls or. fenders involving hammer- the zoning officer. Every appy- �, intent of this ordinance. In grant. strictiveness from the most restric- not over six (6) feet high above the ing or other work causing; loud cation for a building permit shall in special approval where author- tive to the least restrictive: natural grade, nor to terraces, 'steps, or unusual noise or fumes or state-the intended use of the build- g P PP unroofed porches, odors two hundred- . (200 ing and shall be accompanied by a iz a in this ordinance the Board SECTION, 5. Restoration. Noth- P or other similar " - , I herein contained shall prevent features not ofer three (3) feet high- few lot plan with all dimensions shown appeals shall determine that a above the level' of the floor of the P. P need for the `use in question exists' the substantial restoration within ground sto „ . 2• Animal hospital, . kennel, or indicating the size. and shape of the and that the convenience and pros- six moofhs non - continued use t building SECTION 8. Projections in Place for the boarding of ani -' lot and building and the position of perity of the community will be g g Yards. Ever art of a required orals - one hundred (100) ft. the building on the lot.' Each ap- served and. 'that neighboring persons " which has been damaged by fire; y p q 3r Theatre, dance hall, bowling plication fora building permit shall .flood, earthquake, act of God or Yard shall be open from its lowest alley, skating rink -.two. hun- be accompanied anied b g P and property will not be adversely Act of the public enemy less than point to "the" sky unobstructed, ex- _ _ P y a fee of two affected, ce t for the ordinary projections dred .(200) feet. dollars 2.00 a '"of the replacement cost of P of ($ ) p yable to'the To 75 %n SECTION 5. Violations and such building immediately prior to sills, belt; courses;�pilasters; leaders; SECTION .12. "Extraction of Na- of Dryden. the damage. The -time limit for chimneys, cornices, eaves, and orna -. tural Products. In any,ibut an Ag- SECTION 3. Certificate of Oc- Penalties. Any .person, firmy ro- ricultual District porataon or other violating any pro - such restoration may be extended mental features, provided that 'no no sod,. loam, cupancy. Each property owner vision of this ordinance shall" be -by. the Board. of Appeals "in cases of such projection may - extend more sand, gravel, or quarried stone shall shall be responsible for compliance deemed uilt of a misdemeanor practical difficulty or unnecessary than two (2) feet into any required be removed or offered for sale, ex- ' with all- terms of this o and upon conviction thereof shall rdinance af- g Y ce hardship. yard. pt when incidental to, or in con= fectin g his property, including -re- be. subject to a fine or to imprison Bays, including their cornices nection with, the construction of strictions on change of use: Upon 7• _ _ _ _ _ ____ ment _ass provided "by, law". ARTICLE VII and eaves, "may extend "nof -more improvements -on the lot or of 'a app. cation and inspection or ex- than two (2) feet into any required public work, or when the material planation satisfactory to the" erson GENERAL PROVISIONS yard provided that the sum of such is located in excess of 300 feet from designated by the Town Board such ARTICLE IX SECTION 1. Exception to;Yard Projections *on any wall shall not the nearest public highway front- property owner' shall be entitled to. AMENDMENTS, VALIDTY AND exceed one 0 third the length of such age• a Certificate of Occupancy certify- EFFECTIVE DATE and Lot Area .Regulations. The ' wall. SECTION 13. Public Gara es in that the occupancy ,,and regulations and lot area re- An open" fire balcony or fire es- g g panty or pro; roposed SECTION 1. Amendments. This quirements. in Section 4- and 5 of and Gasoline Sales Stations., occupancy complies with this ordi, ordinance may be amended in the cape may extend not more than 1. No art of an nance. ! manner required b the, Town Law. Article III and Sections 2, 3 and 4 . four (4) feet' into any_ required part y building used q y of Article-IV shall not apply to ' _ yard.- as a public garage or gasoline SECTION 4, Board of Appeals. Any proposed, amendment shall be premises not conforming thereto at SECTION 9. Reduction of Lot service station and no filling. • There is hereby established a Board referred to the Board of Appeals the time of the passage of this '.Area.' Whenever a• lot upon which 'pump, lift or other service ap- of Appeals which shall function in and to the' Town Planning Board ordinance, 'upon which there is a stands a 'building is changed in size - pliance shall be erected with- the manner :prescribed liy "law. for their recommendations before single family dwellings or shape so that the area and .yard in twenty (20) feet of any Res- The members of the Board of Ap- being acted upon by the Town SECTION 2. Farms 'in Resi= requirements of this 'ordinance are idence "District. peals, shall be residents of the Town Board. dente. or Commerical) Districts. no longer complied with such 2• No gasoline or oil pump, no of Dryden and shall ,be, a - SECTION 2. Validity. The_ in. Farms which are located in a resi- g P ' R ppointed validity building. shall not thereafter be used oiling or greasing mechanism by the Town Board to. serve. for y of any section or provision device or commerical district at-the' until it. is altered; reconstructed or and no other service appliance, terms as prescribed by law. Va. of this ordinance shall not invalidate time this ordinance becomes effec- ' relocated so as to ` comply. with. installed " .in. connection with cancies occurring in said board b any other section or provision there - ive may be continued without other g y.' P restrictions if they comply with the these requirements. The provi -' _ any gasoline sales station or expiration of term " or otherwise of• requirements for _agricultural cis- sions of this section shall not apply public garage' shall be within • shall be filled in .the same manner• SECTION 3. Effective Date. tracts. If any such farm p Y when a portion of a lot is taken for fifteen 15 feet of an street The'Board of A This odinance shall become effec- y pro ert ( ) Y ppeals shall ichoose a public purpose. or highway ri ht-of-way line. its own chairman andi vice - chair- tive immediate) or part thereof is converted to g Y g y y upon its adoption other uses, it shall thereupon be- SECTION 10. More than` One SECTION - 14: Approval of man; who shall preside in the ab- and" publication as provided by come subject to the requirements of Building on a Lot. When-there 'is' County Health Department, No, Bence of the chairman. In the a'b- law. the district in which it is located, more than 'one principal building building permit or certificate,'of oc- sence of both the chairman and SECTION & Building Floor on a lot in' any district, the space cupancy, issued under' the terms of vice - chairman, the Board of Appeals NOTICE is hereby given that the ' - Area. No .dwelling in any district between " , such buildings must be' at this ordinance. shall become or re- shall choose once of its number as Town Board of the Town of Dry- shall be erected -or altered so,as to least - equal to the sum of the side main valid unless .the bolder thereof acting chairman. Such chairman, or den acting pursuant to 'Article,- 16 provide for "less than four hundred Yards required by such buildings or complies with .rules and regulations the party acting�in his stead during of the Town `Law at a meeting of fifty (450) square- feet . of enclosed the 'sum of the rear and the front of the Tompkins County Health De- his" -absence, may administer oaths said board held on the ___ day.,of floor area, exclusive of lean -tos _ or Yards as the case 'may be. parbment under the terms of the and compel the attendance of _wit- 1958, duly ordained" and sheds. For the purpose of this, or- SECTION 11. Parking Facili- . Qount'y - (Sanitary Ordinance, nesses. ¢ enacted the zoning ordinance above- dinance,*- mobile homes or house " ties, . - Every building Housing" or ' SECTION 15, Abandoned Cellar The Board of Appeals may ap- set forth after a public hearing as trailers used for residential "purposes, designed to house more an two Holes and` Buildings. Any building " point a secretary who shall _ take . , required by the said law, I ,