HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-17® Dryden Youth Commission
Minutes, May 17, 2011
Present: JoEllen Bailey, Justin DiMatteo, Stephanie Mulinos, Cynthia Waterman, Kris Bennett,
Melissa Bianconi
Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM. April minutes were approved unanimously.
Updates/old business: Recreation & Town: DYC vacancy — no progress with previously
identified potential candidate; will keep working on it. Christine Guest (V. Dryden resident)
contacted Kris, she is interested in serving; Kris sent her info. for possible appointment by V.
Freeville. No update on joint meeting between DYC & DRC; Melissa will follow up with Rec.
Commission chair Wendy Martin and encourage her and Justin to talk about this. Rec. updates —
A swim program has begun; hoping to expand for fall. Spring sports registrations are higher
than ever, possibly due, in part, to the schools agreeing to help get the word out. Planning for
summer is underway: Concerts booked for 2 Music in the Park venues (Ellis Hollow, Dryden);
fireworks & movie in the park scheduled. Developing some summer programming aimed at
middle schoolers, especially for "gap" time the last 2 weeks of August. Town has begun land
design process for land adjacent to Town Hall. Rec. website has been updated; DYC encouraged
to check it out; Melissa added info re. Dave's and Ruben's prograra ning.
Youth Development Task Force: Group has not met; still discussing a website that would serve
as a clearinghouse for all things available in Dryden for youth.
Municipal Youth Services: Kris reported on discussions and work underway at her office to
streamline services in light of funding and staffing reductions. She shared revised, fmal 2011
state aid allocations for Dryden; state youth development funding has been cut $747 from
projected amount; funding to support recreation also cut (by $622) and funding for Villages, too.
DYC will need to figure out how to adjust allocations to absorb this amount. Discussion in June.
Kris also distributed new Census numbers, showing reductions in youth population in County
and in Dryden. Since state aid is based on youth population, this will likely have additional
impact in 2012.
New business: 2010 annual report: Kris distributed finished copies; she'll mail to 2010
programs and past member 1nShik Lee and ask Town to post on website.
JoEllen — will share with Village of Dryden trustees & mayor (7 copies); will invite Jeff to join
Justin — will share with Village of Freeville trustees & mayor (7 copies)
Stephanie — will share with Town of Dryden trustees & supervisor (10 copies)
Cynthia — will share with Dryden School Board, principals & superintendent (12 copies)
Youth Employment: Motion by Stephanie, seconded by Cynthia to limit use of DYC funds for
first -time youth employment experience only. Discussion followed; will this hamstring
programs such as the library? Is it fair to teens to not help employ them more than one year?
How will this affect program assistants for RYSIOURS? What supervision and support for
youth employees should be required? What outcomes should be measured? How should
funding request paperwork & letter be revised? Should this be for 2012 only or ongoing? Vote:
unanimous to support this. Details will need to be worked out at June meeting. Kris will email
funding request paperwork & letter to all who are requested to draft new wording to reflect the
change. DYC will address this at June meeting.
Fundraising: While funding to support youth development programming has diminished
significantly in recent years, DYC members all agreed they are not able to pursue fundraising
that requires significant time and effort (no spaghetti supper, car wash, etc). However, there may
be funds such as from United Way or other grants/f.unders that could be explored. Group agreed
to discuss filrther neat month and make a plan for exploring this over the next 6 months.
Other: No Dairy Days participation this year by DYC. JoEllen is unable to attend June or July
DYC meetings; she will contact Jeff to see if lie is available, he has missed several recent
meetings. No decision was reached re. possibly cancelling either July or Aug. meeting.
Next meeting will be .tune 21, 6 :30 PMI
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PMI
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