HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-05Dryden Youth Commission
Minutes, April 5, 2011
Present: Justin DiMatteo, Cynthia Waterman, JoEllen Bailey, Jeff Walkuski; Kris Bennett
(County Youth Services); Melissa Biancom (T. Dryden Rec.); David Hall, Ruben Rahman,
Linda ScholTel (CCE)
Justin called the meeting to order. introductions were made. Welcome to Ruben!
Updates: CCE Linda passed out thank you notes to all DYC members in recognition of
volunteer appreciation week. She also invited those present to support CCE's upcoming Duck
Race on 511, an important fundraiser for RYS. She distributed detailed 2010 annual reports for
each program. For RYS, Dave served 169 youth (unduplicated), Julie served 112. Julie served
52 in the OURS program. Melissa will share the reports with Jason Leifer and Steve Stelick,
Town board members who serve on the youth committee. Dave shared info about his upcoming
spring programs and a report about recent offerings. I-le is trying to arrange displays from the
youth digital photography program at the Dryden Cafd; Melissa reminded him that Town hall
also has display space available. His teen challenges group is mostly (80/0) boys who need and
appreciate having a physical outlet during the school day. I-le is planning an overnight to
Montezuma in April. All welcomed Ruben who is the new OURS program manager. He had
previously been a student volunteer with the program, had stayed in touch with the E -board
(Cornell students) and recently completed a 2 week orientation. A behavior workshop was
recently added that encourages respect and safety in the program in an effort to reduce problem
behaviors of youth in programs; he is already seeing a positive impact. On Tuesdays, the youth
are involved in a career exploration project. Linda shared a DYS 2010 youth employment
summary: 3 youth worked a total of 198 hours at Southworth library; 2 youth worked as
program assistants to Dave and Julie (total 62.5 hrs). After CCE staff left, Melissa shared a copy
of her monitoring report of Dave's in- school challenge groups. Kris will scan and send to all
DYC members.
Minutes from November, January, and February were approved, unanimous.
2011 Elections Justin was elected chair, Stephanie was elected vice- chair. Unanimous.
Town & Recreation Updates ivlelissa said the Rec. Commission cancelled its last meeting; they
will discuss arranging a joint meeting with DYC in the spring. Rec. Dept. spring programs are
beginning. The van has been ordered! Planning field trips; gathering input from youth re.
desired programs & trips. Working with Girl Scouts for Easter egg hunt; soliciting cool prizes
that will appeal to teens .for their egg hunt. Rec. Dept. offers discounted amusement park tickets
for sale (small fundraiser). 13 kids are participating in Zumbatomic. Working on Healthy Places
grant implementation. Town is working on filling the DYC vacancy.
Youth Development Task Force Updates 40 high schoolers will be trained on 40 developmental
assets; they will then serve as trainers to middle schoolers. There is good work going on in the
schools, working to build the community aspect.
MYS SWOT Analysis On March 19, representatives from every youth commission/community •
council attended a session organized by County Youth Services to look at the entire Municipal
Youth Services system from a SWOT perspective (Strengths, Weaknesses; Opportunities,
Threats). Stephanie and Melissa attended for Dryden (Kris was also there). A similar process
was also done with CYS staff, and with staff from CCE's Rural Youth Services. Kris distributed
a summary of the SWOT Analysis from the March 19 event. The County Youth Board will
examine the info from the 3 SWOT groups to determine next steps. As funding for youth
services is likely to diminish in the Iuture, it will be a helpful tool.
Budget The recently passed state budget will impact youth programming and recreation in
Tompkins County. Overall cuts in state funding in the vicinity of 50% are likely, effective date
still not known. County funding may be reduced as well since a portion of county funding is
pass - through from the state. Kris will keep all informed as information becomes available.
Review 2011 Meeting Calendar, Liaisons DYC members may want to collapse the summer
meeting schedule. (JoEllen is unavailable in June & July.) Kris will ask the Town to put the
calendar dates on the town website. Liaison assignments were confirmed (see Feb. minutes),
including agreement by all to monitor programs. Kris may not be able to monitor programs;
state budget cuts will likely reduce staff in her office, giving her less time for this.
2011 DYC Prioritv Goals Members voted to emphasize these goals for 2011:
• Maintain full and active membership
• Coordinate with other groups planning for Dryden youth services and programs •
Publicize programs and activities supported by the Commission
2011 Draft Annual Report Members reviewed the drag annual report Kris had prepared & sent
in advance. Edits and corrections were made; Kris will re -send to DYC members for review;
after it's OK'd she'll have copies printed for distribution at the May DYC meeting.
Youth Employment Tabled until May; we will discuss whether DYC funding should support
only first -time job experience for youth.
fundraising Tabled until May.
Other May meeting agenda items Distribution of annual report; joint meeting with Rec.
Commission (including topics for discussion).
Reminder: Next meeting: May 17, 6:30 PM at Town Hall
8:20 Meeting adjourned.
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