HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-18Dryden Youth Commission
Minutes, January 18, 2011
Present: Justin DiMatleo, JoEllen Bailey, Melissa Bianconi, Mary Ann Sumner, Kris Bennett,
Arnie Hendrix
Kris introduced Amic Hendrix, the new director of the Tompkins County Youth Services Dept.
Since no quorum was present, no official business could be conducted. Items requiring a
quorum (approval of minutes, election of 2011 officers, identifying 2011 goals, program liaisons,
and meeting schedule) were postponed until Feb. 15. Since Mary Ann was present, we had a
discussion about the Commission, its membership and its relationship to the Town and what is
wanted /needed from the DYC. The discussion included how to improve the quantity and quality
of the interaction, including:
• Communication with Town/town supervisor/town board: Mary Ann would like one attention
grabbing sentence each month to highlight and give some flavor to a DYC program. A photo
would be good. Mary Ann suggested letting the Town Board know the DYC agenda each
month. In terms of presentations to the Town Board, she suggests avoiding jargon -y
presentations. She would like to know the goals of the individual programs. She asked if
DYC has a logo (they do not); DYC members suggested adding Town. logo to DYC printed
materials; Mary Ann or Melissa will provide this.
The Town Board has a committee for the recreation commission, youth commission and
® community centers; liaisons are Jason Leifer and Steve Stelick. The DYC would welcome
active participation with this committee or the liaisons. Kris and Melissa have been
discussing holding a Joint meeting with the Rec. Commission; Mary Ann suggested that
quarterly joint meetings be held.
• Clarifying appointments to DYC — current bylaws call for 2 seats to be appointed by each
Village and 3 by the Town. There are currently 2 vacancies: l V. Freeville, I T'. Dryden.
Mary Ann suggested examining the operating guidelines of the DYC for possible revisions.
She mentioned that recruitment of members for DYC should be a priority of the Town Board.
She also asked why the Village's state funds are not managed by the DYC as the Town's
fiends are. Traditionally, the Villages have received and managed these funds themselves and
used them to support their summer recreation programs.
• Additionally, tine Tompkins County Youth Services Board has vacancies for representatives
for each municipality; currently all 3 Dryden seats are vacant. These seats are appointed by
the County Legislature upon the reconunendation of the municipality.
Unduplicated count — Dryden Youth Services, T. Dryden Recreation, and Recreation Partnership
are undertaking a special project to identify 2010 participation by Dryden residents in the
programs offered by the 3 programs. Data should be collected by the end of Jan., a GIS map will
hopefully be ready in March. JoEllen volunteered to be a part of an evaluation and analysis
group; she will contact Janice Johnson from Kris' office. Also involved will be Linda Schof -el,
Liz Vance (Rec. Partnership), Janice Johnson, Melissa Bianconi.
Recreation — Approximately 200 youth are participating in ongoing programs. Upcoming •
oiTerings include winter wellness (adults), kids' Zumba, Family Wellness, Father /daughter dance
(2/12), wrestling tournament (3l6), Red Cross Babysitting class (will notify Dave & Julie), Adult
First Aid, coach training through SUNY Sports Institute (open to all Tompkins coaches).
Youth Development Task force — Lots is happening from the school perspective; developing a
website that lists conununity resources is a goal. Plan to create a standing community -based
council to replace the task force. They are expanding their outreach on Assets to the broader
community as well as in schools. Feb. 4 is a '/Z day professional development day for all district
employees on the 40 Developmental Assets; Mar. 4 Dr. Chris Xavier will present to students in
grades &12 on Using Your Strengths; Apr. I. students trained on Mar. 4 will be trained on the 40
Developmental Assets so, as peer mentors, they can facilitate middle school classroom
Next meeting will be Feb 15, 6:30 PM; Justin will follow up with Jeff and Cynthia (Stephanie
had RSVP'd for the Jan. meeting).
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