HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-09Dryden Youth Commission
® Minutes, June 9, 2009
Present: DYC members Tom Fuchs, JoEllen Bailey, InShik Lee, Stephanie McConnell, Justin
DiMatteo; CCE OURS program participants Shyanne Hoff, Alissa Patte, Jeremy Zimmer, parent
Sharon Patte, OURS leader Julie NeNwnan; Dryden Police Chief Margaret Ryan; county liaison Kris
Tom called the meeting to order at 6:35. Introductions were made. Minutes from May were approved.
Youth Needs Assessment — OURS FOCUS Participants Middle schoolers from the OURS teen
leadership council participated in this year's United Way FOCUS 6 week program, learning about
grants and awarding $3000 to 4 local organizations. Alissa told about the grants to Etna Baptist
Church for repair of its steeple and to Dryden Community Cafe for a handicap accessible ramp and
stage. Jeremy talked about the grant to Dryden Ree. Dept. for new benches, tables, fencing, etc. at
Ackley field & basketball hoops at Nlontgomery Park. Shyanne described the grant to Suicide
Prevention & Crisis Service to train 2 Dryden residents. Julie plans a fieldtrip for FOCUS participants
to see all funded projects later in the year and will follow up with Rotary which had said it would
recruit FOCUS participants to help with building the cafe ramp. The young people said there were 2
other applications that were not funded, babysitting classes and parenting ed. classes. Jeremy said "I
felt powerful" for his role in this project. Alissa said "i like being alive" to explain the importance of
the suicide prevention training.
The young people next talked about needs facing Dryden youth. Primary is a need for a place for kids
® to hang out after school. There is a need for space both in school and in the community, preferably
several community spaces spread throughout Dryden. Kids need access to outdoor space so they aren't
"in dark rooms playing video games." They described their involvement with a community
beautification project at Hanshaw Village. OURS had received a small grant and worked with the
landlord to recruit many residents — youth and adults — to help with a community build day. There are
now swings, playground equipment, picnic tables and plans for more! Many volunteers created a real
sense of ownership. DYC members commended the youth and Julie for their good work and thanked
them for coming.
Julie distributed program manager reports (Dave, Jen & hers) and briefly reviewed her report. She is
recruiting kids for summer programming and planning one lunchtime and one after school program for
the fall.
Youth Needs Assessment —Law Enforcement Perspective Chief Margaret Ryan referred to the 2006
needs assessmeni and said it is still relevant, the issues still exist. Looking not just at T. Dryden but at
Tompkins County, there has been an increase in juvenile arrests with more juvenile delinquents than
ever before, showing that crimes are more serious and require more court time (less diversion from
court). Highest number of juvenile cases in 14 years at the County Attorney's office, increases in
violence levels and in mental health issues for juveniles. She reported seeing problem behaviors in
younger children than in the past and reported that the Probation Dept. now has probation officers as a
regular presence in elementary schools. This is helping to get needed interventions earlier. These
county increases reflect national trends. Additionally, she reported that across NY, there is a 31%
Ofailure rate for high school graduation. Chief Ryan said she is not sure that state diversion efforts have
produced the results that were hoped for — lower violence, crime, recidivism.
Other problem behaviors she noted are youth use of alcohol (including by elementary aged students),
violent behaviors including assault, weapons possession and sex crimes at a young age, misuse of
technology (cyber bullying, sexting in which youth email intimate. photos). Dryden Police Dept. sees
some children and families repeatedly_ Poverty and differences in income levels create problems too;
she cited the example of a girl who had stolen multiple cell phones since she didn't have one of her
own and wanted one like all her friends, There are some geographic "hot spots`' which are often lower
income areas where there is higher call volument For police assistance_ Slie said trends 111 Dryden
appear to be similar to national trends-
Ch Ryan referred to several programs happeni ng in other places that have doe unnented unproved
outcomes for young people, What these programs have in common is concentrated, early intervention
with farnI1 -1es — working on parenting skills and family interactions lead to better youth outcomes
including high school graduation rags; less crime. She said it is i nnportant to start young and include
the familyL These interventions are cost effective {as compared with higher costs for youth who have
dropped out, n t, are involved the criminal justice system, etc.} She would like to see atlentiion focused
on family events to engage the Dryden population. She also stated the need for safe, hang -out places
for younng people,
DYC members thanked Chief Ryan Cor her presentation and lier ongoing concern for youth in Dryden.
Needs Assessment Write Un DYC wants to include the surnmary of this year's need assessment with
its request for funding proposals which will be sent out in July. Stephanie agreed to compile zone
page summary from meeting nsinutcs K ris will entail her. Aer draft will be shared electronically with
alt DYC members for review. Stephanie raised the issue of wheth or, in light of Chief Ryan's
comments. DYC should reconsider whether to serve younger children with its programming. Kris
gave a brief overview of the Primary School program, i:unded through her Dept. that serves young
children and their famiI Ies in Dryden. We also ire i~',lected on Linda's overview to a older kid/younger
kid mentoring program that could be offered in Dryden by CCE.
Budget update Tied to the above, Kris distributed revised 2009 income sheets_ Due to less NAY state
aid than anticipated, DYC needs to reduce its current year allocations by $1214. Kris had spoken with
Linda Schoffel about anticipated saving ,s by Julie working fewer h��urs than Jen; this will save
approximately $1000, in addition, the Youth Horticulture Apprentice Program has not been successful
in fi lling one of its slots. InShik moved, Stephanie seconded a proposal to reduce Youth IIorticulture
by 1 000 and Dryden Youth Services by $214, Motion passed unanimous. Iris will notify all parties.
Looking ahead to 2.010, county cuts are anticipated and DYC will likely have 4500046000 less than
this year. 1) YC members discussed asking the To *-n of Dryden board to provide more than their
required matching funds to mitigate the cuts, especially in light of the needs described to DYC over the
last few months,
Annual Reports 3oElIen shared the D YC annual report with V. Dryden trustees curd the new mayor;
Stephanie did the same with V. Free vilie trustees. Done had questions. Tom is scheduled for June 10
with T. Dryden board; Justin is scheduled with Dryden School board on June 22 .
Soliciting 201{} ) rogram fundiny, agnlicutions Kris distributed oopies of last vear's paperwork for
review, In light of the anticipated budget reductions, DYC members agreed to not solicit applications
trout new program providers, They will invite re- applications from current and recently funded
programs only.
DYC Minutes Page 2 June 9, 2009
Monitoring Kris distributed monitoring sheets. All reviewed the program they agreed to monitor.
And of course, any DYC member can visit any funded program.
Other Kris reported that V. Dryden camp has a new director, a Dryden special ed. teacher. She will
email DYC members the director's name.
DYC members set Aug. 12, 6:30 PM for its next meeting. Representatives from funded summer
programs will be asked to attend - V. Dryden youth jobs (JoEllen will arrange), V. Freeville youth jobs
(Stephanie will arrange),13rooktondale Summer Camp & Youth Horticulture Apprentice Program
(Kris will arrange.)
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM,
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DYC Minutes Page 3 June 9, 2009