HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-24Dryden Youth Commission February 24, 2009 Present: JoUllen 13 ail ey, 'Toni Fuchs, inShik Lee, Justin DiMatteo, Cynthia Waterman, -Stephan de McConnell, Kim Seheneck, iris Bennett, Sandy Sherwood (Dryden Central School District superintendent) and husband Uuis Gotto Torn called the ine,&iag to order at 6:35; introductir�ins were made: January DYE ininutcs were approved. Dryden Needs- Assessment Tom welcom ed Sandy Sherwood and asked for her tho*Ughts about .Dryden youth needs. Sandy said there is good synergy between the school and community abound youth. An emerging issue of concern is unsupervised after- school time. She would like to see the community turn town parks into- appropriate hang out places; would like to see opportunities for youth to %q'ork nn parks, giving them a stake in keeping parks safe. DYC � puny suggestions on who could spearhead/coordinate, a local effort? SS — school couId offer middle school service projects; would lead to kids Umlinng supported and gaining skills. DY lamented the loss of the YGC; seems like this project could address this idea and need. Sandy reported that another challenge is uncertain state funding and possible budget cats. Kris shared data from several sources to DY (see handout). Data included updated youth demographics, school enrollment, fi)eefrcduced lunch participation, school success., PINS. Youth population in county is declining, overall population is increasing. , T. Dryden is home to app cox. I'M af''amplcir,s youth, ages -7, Dryden student enrollment is lnaldung steady; racial di�rcrsity is limited to roughly 5% minority. Student suspension rate has been below county rate for last 2 years, High school drop out rate is comparable to country ate. Student performmmce on standardized tests (4t]' 8`b grade) .is comparable to county performance. Fi)eelreduced lunch participation has been creeping up in last 3 years, same as county trend. Rates vary greatly by school with Freeviille's the highest_ Next she gave an overview to Dryden district results (80% participation rate) from the Oct. 2008 Mc w York State Youth Development Survey. Sandy Sherwood and Dryden principals have received detailed reports. The survey was given to over 4900 Tompkins County students in grades 6m 12. in 5 districts and included questions about attitudes and use of alcohol and other drugs, other risk and protective behaviors, and out- of "Sch.00l life. limited data only are available at this time, additional data will be available later_ Highlights., 30 da }+ use considered to be current users) of substances by Dryden students and comparison with national peers from Mon.itoriing the FuftLre Survey (MTF); alcohoI.— below county and MTF rate for grades shown slid overall cigarettes — overall above county rate; below for grades 6, 8 & 12 smokeless tobacco — above county and 1.1{1TF for grades shown and overall marijuana — 61]' grade rate above county rate; rates for 8, 10 & 12 are below county rate but grade 10 is above MT.F rate other Dryden rate is typically lower than county & MTF (where available} note 10 though — higher for cigarettes, chewing tobacco, OTC cough medicine & prescription pain relievers Binge Drinkuig - Dryden 6ti' & 12`h graders rates are higher than county rate Access to alcohol — Few are buying from stores; most obtain from social networks. For those who drank, most common sources are "Friends" and "Home with parents' permission ". Antisocial behaviors —Dryden rates are higher than county's for drunk/high at school Gambling — Dryden overall rates similar to rest of county, lower for cards & sports betting but higher for lotto /scratch offs (1 in 3). Students reporting risk behaviors by domains: Dryden higher than county rate in all listed; note especially "high cominwiit_y disorganization' and "Family history of anti- social behavior" Students reporting protective factors by domains: Dryden rates comparable to county rates (note: opportuliities for prosocial involvement & social skills in gr. 6 & 8 — includes DYC ftulded programs) Next steps for needs assessment Justin has made contact with MS counselors and HS social worker. Will.follow up again to ask them to come on May 12. JoEllen will touch base again. with Chief Margaret Ryan to ask her (or other law enforcement rep.) to attend June 9. Cynthia offered to stop at Dryden Library to talk with the librarian about youth issues /needs. Discussion on annual solicitation of funding applications & process Would like application to be available electronically. DYC wants to wait witil after needs assessment is finished and more budget info is available to determine "aggressiveness" of soliciting new applicat.imiis Monitoring Assignments were distributed, all DYC members will visit and report on one program. Annual Report Kris will be creating the 2008 DYC annual report and asked- for input on format. DYC agreed to maintain the same as 2007; Kris suggested adding photos from programs. Other Cynthia was reappointed by Town to new 3 year term. Kris distributed Jen's and Dave's CCE monthly reports. Next meeting will be April 7 (no March meeting) when CCE staff will attend to both present their annual reports and provide input for the needs assessment. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00. drydnyd/agndntins/2o09lfeb minutes