HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-20Dryden Youth Commission Minutes, January 20, 2009 Present: Justin DiMatteo, Torn Fuchs, JoEllen Bailey, 'Kim Schenck, Kris Bennett, Melissa B iartconi JoEllen called the meeting to order at 6.135. Introductions were made. Reporf from Dryden Recreation Dept, gtneral ugdates Melissa shared a brief written report of cutzent and recent offerings. Ts making use of non Dryden school facilities to differentiate its programs from those of the school district. Family Fun Nights has met twice, approx. 50 attended. Cost. is $51family (Dryden Rec. pays $50 to use TO facility). In house Basketball met a request by parents for a non4tavel, skill - building league, meeting 6 times. Father - Daughf8r Dance to be held Feb. 7 in Varna. 1Yresding Taurr =ent is returning after a years hiatus, they are expecting 300 from the region, Music in e&. Park planning is underway, Dryden caf6.worked well last summer as a rain site when needed. rn past, Town hAs offered community capacity grants for capital improvements to community centers; this funding ($10,000) is now in the ec. Dept, budget and it W1 11 offer small grants for programs. DY offered feedback on application form and process. Kris will share her department's youth mini - grant paperwork and process with Melissa by email. Dryden Reg. Dept. feedback for DYC needs assessment Currently 51 % of funding goes to youth sports; would like to reduce focus on only youth and expand pro air rnming to other ages and expand pro anuning o include more culture and the art, (musi to c, theater, art) which is lacking. Lack of transportation is a need affecting youth ab11ity to participate. (Kris shared info about the emerging county Ride Share program which helps people coordinate transportation — offering or needing rifles, Melissa agreed this could help.) Outreach and - communicatiion— getting info into to people who need it is a challenge" -Melissa would Iike to develop a brochure 3-times a year and mail it to all Darden households. The brochure would include additional info on community resources such as DYC offerings. Lack of high -speed Internet affects access too i formation also. Funding is somewhat uncettain; cuts will be coming from the State, Rec. Dept. needs to develop a way for people who want to make donations earmarked for a certain program to do so; at present, funding goes into the Tim's general fund.' DY' members thanked Melissa for her thoughtful information. El&tion of Officers for 2009 iim facilitated elections of officers nominated in December. No additional nominations were received, Justin moved, JoEllen seconded, Torn, as chair for 2009. Approved, unanimous. Torn moved, Justin seconded, JoEllen as vice.6air for 2009. Approved, unanimous. December minutes were approved unan tnomly with no revisions, Membership updates JoEllen requested reappointment'to a new 2 year term by , Dryden, She will follow up to make sure that happened, Stephanie emailed Kris that V. Freeville reappointed her to a new term. Follow up is needed fin whether Cynthia requested reappointment by the Town. Adoption of DYC goals for 2009 All had received last year's goals in advance of the meeting. After a short discussion, verifying that all seats are full (though active participation could be improved if members notified either Tom or Kris if they are not able to attend) and noting that an update of the youth needs assessment is underway this year, the goals were adopted unanimously. JoEllen offered to email a reminder to all DYC members the day before each scheduled meeting. Assign program liaisons for 2009 Liaison responsibilities were reviewed. Members signed up or were assiened the followine oroQrams for 2009: Brooktondale camp summer Kim V. Freeville youth jobs primarily summer Justin V. Dryden youth jobs primarily summer JoEllen CCE RYS Dave's ro ams year round Tom CCE RYS Jen's programs year round InShik CCE OURS program year round Stephanie CCE Youth horticulture apprentice summer Cynthia 2009 needs assessment future planning DYC members reviewed the list of key informants/ topics they want to invite. Kris will present at Feb. meeting about Dryden results from Oct. 2008 youth survey and about PINS/Probation data. April — CCE has already agreed to come. Justin will contact relevant DCSD staff for May. . State budget updates Governor's budget proposes significant cuts to programs affecting youth; one big problem is his proposed block grant which combines youth development program funds with detention funds. Local advocates like DYC members are urged to write letters to elected officials. Working calendar, roster, annual reports Kris passed out both handouts, corrections were made to the roster, Kris will bring to-Feb. meeting. Kris has received 2008 annual reports from 3 programs; DYC will review these plus others in Feb. Next meeting will be Feb. 24, 6:30 PM at Dryden Town Hall, yauWchydnWapdminsn0091jan minutes