HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-17Dryden Youth Commission
October 17, 2006
Present; Kristen BIackmaui, Tracy Kurtz, JoEIlen Bailey, Cynthia Watermarn, Kris Bennett; CCUs Lirmda
Schoffel, Dave Hall, Tom Archibald
Excused. InShik Lee Absent; Alan Macomber
JoLllen called the meeting to order at 6;30.
Minutes The minutes from September were approved wjthout revision,
Program Updates from Cooperative .Extension Dave reported all is giring well in his programs. �Iis written
report did not include the in- school program: 18 are now attending, a combination of new and returning
lids. The stilt walking group was the best ever— quicker builders acid progress in learning to use stilts.
Primitives is a bigger group than usual (17) and very enthusiastic. They are tentatively planning a winter
o�+ernight for Dec. He is working wltlh Cornell on an assessment of loiig term impact. SoEllen asked if lie
know how participants heard about the program; Dave replied mostly from flyers, including the Shopper. A
water color painting class is going wet 13 students are at a basic level. The biking group is great, they do neap
reading and navI get] rng. Bird Brain enrollment was love' and required extra recruitment effort. He has
learned of and been making use of a new resource: Cornell l aturaIist Outreach Program requires students to
do 10 hours of volunteering, Could also be a good resource for teachers. A I I his upoolmIng pro arms arc
14om is using a new format for his report; 1) YC members liked i#. His food program has some returning
participan #s who act as leaders; 7 are now, participating, Water world program was planned because of
requests by summer progranm participants who didn't sign up, Many who participate just like to be listened
to by an adult! Games now has l I participants; they are using games to enhance communication and conflict
reso Jut
ion skills. it's active, bids are creating hybrid games, Super Sitters now has a wait list. Photo was
popular last summer and is getting ready to start; a couple local photographers will come to talk with the
kids, I-Ie got feedback forms completed by participants; feedback was good and got ideas for other programs
to offer. Requests Include electronics repair, nature art, sciences, mountain biking, archery, laser tag, food.
Linda recently had a frill -day staff retreat; Jeff Claus (Ithaca College) worked with program managers on
youth leadership enhancement. She also shared a third quarter CE budget. Summoner donations brought in
more thy, expected. They did not get the NYSE G grant this year to run the ad in the Shopper but placed the
ad anyway. Trace asked whether CCE shares program info and news with Cathy Wakeman who writes the
Dryden column in the Ithaca Journal, at l said yes. They have spent 1100 on youth employment to date
(S 5.950 was budgeted). We discussed the fact that V. Freeville will not be using S 1865 in youth employment
funds and D Y C wanted to kiiow whether CC could use some or al] of these funds_ To answer Linda's
questions, we clarified that the funds could be used, in addition to }you #h salaries, for career exploration, and
classes that would he] p kids get ,jobs (suclm as Red Cross iifeguarding or first aid ).
Budget Updates Kris reported that the county bud gei is A I i pending_ Funding to Rec_ Partrmership was
restored and so mar youth funding looks OK. Once budget is final Kris will send 2007 allocation letters to
JoEllen moved, Cynthia seconded a proposal to reassign the $1865 that Freevitic will not be u sing during
2006 to CE for youth emmployment and career exploration. '!'his was passed unanimously..Kris will notify
CCE and Town.
Youth Conservation Corps replacement Kris met with CCE staff to discuss this and brainstorm ideas. (On
the list of Ides; Cornell Outdoor Education, Town of Dryden Rec., Cayuga Nature Center, other
municipality (Freevi11e or .Dryden), Kris a] so spoke with Allen Green and Megan -Mack Nicholson about
their take on the program and its end. Kris has recei -ved a proposal from Sue Rau (Camp Earth
Connection). J62 -lien spoke with SUN Cortland Rec. Dept_ staff person Lynn A»derson who has YCO
experience; they are also interested. We agreed that at uur next meeting we need to identify the core
elements the program should contain and explore a blend of the STJNY and Sue } ausch proposals with Sue
doing oversight, SUNY staff working with acids, Possible projects include Grails near the new Town Hall and
the new spur of the Jim Schug trail.
Police & Con niunity 1~ cedback Alin was not present, Kris has not been able to reach him. No update,
Membership Updates 3 openings anticipated: 1 Town, 2 V, Fr(%.eviIIe, Jo Ellen said Tom Fuchs or. wife
Melanie jo *-n) may be interested; Iris invited him to this meetinb but he was unable to attend. Kristen has
had no luck with a Pineville
will talk with Village
Hall about this. Suggestions were made to
contact Tom &
Visa Cavatio
l ee, Update Tracy didn't attend the last meeting of' the Rec, C.ommis5iorl, A joint meeting with the Village
and Town wil l take place in Nov. to work on the skate park.
Quarterl_y_reports to Town, Villages,, Communication Kris will mail and offer a visit by the local DY "C rep,
Iris asked whether the DYC wants her to talk with Steve Trumbull again about the need for a liaison or link
from the 'Town to the DYC, We'll also treed a place to meet. Liaison could be either an elected official or
�empIoyee from the office.
Other Jessica Houle is holding an organizational meeting For the OURS program on 10131; Trace is
planning to attend. Kris swill attend the follow up rn col ng on Nov. 14. At the request of Martha Robertson;
the Town has earmarked $10,000 for Jessica's program; I ris N�rill ask Steve for more details about this_
Tracy reported that the Dryden Youth Opportani ty Fund wants a compilation of }youth pro grams; K n s w111
contact them and send the OJ Guide-
DYC members P v ant copies of the CCE participant feedback forms (it was DYC that designed the form and
asked that they be used,) Iris wi11 ask Linda for Copies.
PIanninLfor next meetinig It was agreed to hold one meeting only for Nov. & Dec. on Dec, 5. Kris will
contact Town Hall re. meeting space availability and also ask Milan and InShik if this date will work for
them, We will discuss YCC, nominate officers for 2 00 7, assign prograrn Iiaisons, look at tentative meeting
calendar, discuss membership.
The meeting adjourned at 8;20 PM-
DYC Minutes Page 2 October 17, 2006