HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-16Dryden Yount Commission
May ] , 20Ofr
Present: JoEllen Bailey, Tracy Kurtz, Kristen f3lackinan, In hik Lee, Nita Baldwin, Kris Bennett;
CC 6 sW.T Linda Schoffel, Dave Mall, `rorn Archibald
.Excused: Milan Macomber, Cynthia Waterman
JoEllen called the meeting to order at 6:35.
Mouth Trends deeds Presentation by oouerative ]~f :tension Kris explained that the DYC was
asking for this presentation as part of its needs assessment update. To date the DYC has heard from
school guidance, lain enforcement and Elie coordinator of last summer's youth mapping project in
Dryden_ (Written summary shared).
Dave Is seeing youth with problems with 1) impulse control (when to focus, be social, be goofy, hoer
to be appropriate in group) and social skills_ ) conflict and problein resolution skills; when working
with a large number of targeted kids it can make a group unbalanced. 3 transportation — sorne kids
can't participate in E programs without transportation help. is thinking about adding a check off
box on the permission form asking whether there is a need l:or transportation home, they can't
necessanIy offer it to everyone but perhaps to some kids who wouldn't otherwise be able to
participate. 4) handicaps — kids with autism, ADD. anger manageinent and other identified special
needs. Dave's impulse control response strategics � confront the kid in the moment, sometimes in
-front of the group, sometimes privately, Since he's built a good rapport with the participants they tend
to listen when he calls them on behavior. V4'ilI call home if needed, does not take this step o ften. I-Ie
has good support from parents when he needs it.
Tom also wonders about transportation as a barrier to participation. Also perceived cost, he has letter
luck getting kids to (ake program flyers when he says they're free, thinks some kids are conditi6ned to
not show interest if there's a fee. 1) younger participants of both genders are talking a lot about
relationships, boy /girlfriends and this sometimes turns to gossip- They seem to have a need to talk
about this; Tom feels some kids "want" or "deed" to have a boy /girl friend, an insecure, almost co-
dependence. He works to build their confidence and social skills by asking guiding questions but
would like help learning how to deal with this. Tom's only ground rule for program participants is
"respect." 2) Youth need to be listened to. 3 "Goan would like inFo on classified students or their IEP;
sometimes students tel l him "don't you know I'm classified With V and he does not.
Question — Do Dave and Tom have similar styles of interacting with kids and teaching social sk-i Its?
Yes, both ask questions to guide tltru challenging behavior or situations.
— With how many faculty do Dave and Tom interact? Not a lot, ceriainly with gtE1dance and select
teachers but many do not know who they are and what they do. Tracy suggested that Dave and Toni
attend the first DM faculty inceting of the fall to explain their programs and resources. They could
also attend the first parent open house to explain their programs to parents_
Linda— Thinks that the R YS system is terrific. it's great that the program managers, not just Dryden 's
but throughout the county, have one another as peer resources_ Also provides opportunities for shared
staff development and (raining. LindasomeurnEes wonders why Primitive Pursuits is so popular— in
addition to the great program manager, it gives kids exposure to something they don't typically get&
have an opportunity to succeed in different ways. Dave told us that the annual Primitive Pursuits day
is scheduled for this Sat, at 4I-I Acres. Dave briefly explained the Circle of Courage model- This
youth development framework, based on Native American child rearing philosophies, focuses on the
four growth areas all youth need -- Belonging, Independence, Mastery and Generosity. He tries to
make sure all youth feel welcome In his pro gram 1,9, then builds toward the other areas. Dave and Tom
shared their monthly program reports- Tracy shared that Dryden School District will be implementing
the evidence -based violence prevention Second Step program, next year, focused on -Si" grades,
Linda also told us that CC E has hired Kathy Jett as the part -time assistant RYS coordinator. She has
great experience working with Outward Found. She shared a YTD budget, expenditures are on track-
Linda said that C E celebrated April's National Volunteer Week by entering all their volunteers'
names for prizes and recognition. Youth omm- 1ssion members are considered volunteers; Alain
iacomber's name was drawn for a prize. Finally, Linda shared info about the 4 -H LIFE program,
funded in part through a grant ficin NY Life ]~ ourndation which intends to start. 2 0 new 4H clubs over
the next 2 years to include. youth not currently being reached.
April Iriinutes were approved unanimously without revision,
Rem ation Updates Tracy said planning ("or Dryden Dairy lays is going wet 1. A recent Club Dryden
event took place; approximately 100 middle schoolers participated. Kris has been contacted by -
Freeville which wants to discuss its summer ree- program (that will be held this summer at DHS).
They Want to pick up on discussions last spring about expanding the CIT component, Kristen and
In llik are interested in paulicipating, Kris wiII contact Stephanie to follow up. Kris also shared that
the V. Dryden camp directorlciviI service issue has been resolved; a new job title has been approved
and Kylie will be returning as director. It appears both camps will take place at DHS, D YC members
had some concern about this causing confusion with parcnts-
Police and Comm Llnity Evaluation In collaboration with liaison Alan Macomber, Kris prepared
packets for Dryden and Freeville EIernentary schools. Each teacher will be asked to complete a form
and return it to the school office, Kris will send a copy of the letters given to principals about the
evaluation request to Chief Ryan so she knows this is undenkray-
Other Kris distributed copies of the new OJ Guide to Teen Services and Activities, this is a project of
her offlice. Copies wiII be distributed to middle and high school students throughout the county during
the corning weeks- The guide is also available at 9kv -",.tompkins- co,oralrouth
The transportation suivey of Tompkins high schoolers is underway, participation in Dryden is very
low. Tracy will try to beef up participation in the next few days- TnShik and Kristen will encourage
their kids to take it- All youth who do receive a 10 -ride bus pass and are entered into a lottery for other
prizes like movie passes and admission to Cornell sportin r events.
Kris still does not have annual reports from V. Dryden or Brooktondale, she continues to follow up.
PoweMoin Due to lack of time, this eras tabled until next month-
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, ,Tune 2 0, 6;30 PM, again at Dryden Nigh School, hopefully in the
library classroom- 'e will review the needs assessment in.lbrmation and work on the Powerpoint-
The meeting was adjourned at 8:0 Pfv1I
DYC Minutes Page 2 May 1 , 2006