HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-110 Dryden Youth Commission
April 11, 2006
Preset: InShik Lee, Cynthia Waterman, Alan Macomber, Trace Kurd, Kristen '131ackinan,
JoEllcn Bailey; Nita Baldwin, Kris Sennett; ,Michelle Kannus (Dryden Middle School guidance)
JoEIlen called the meeting to order at 6;35 PM. Introductions were made. Minutes from March
were approved unanimouslY.
Dryden Youth Deeds & Trends — School Perspective Michelle K> imius is one of 2 guidance
counselors at Dryden Middle School, along with Tara 13uckman, Approx. 480 students attend
the middle school. Michelle said she thinks of student nods in 3 broad areas — academio, social
and emotional. She and Tara meet individually with students, referrals are either by parents,
teachers, administration or self- rel'eiTal. This year she has noted 5 trends:
1) Increase in kids seeking counseling for grief and loss of primary or secondary caregiver
(diagnosis of serious illness or death). Their job is to provide ongoing support, provide a safe
space with kids need a break azid talk about the ;;rieving process.
2) Sexual activity � UlQreased awareness of what sex is, kids have knowledge and vocabulary
and some youth, even 6`h graders, are sexually active (often this involves younger girls with older
boys). They encourage the. kids to talk with their parents. Question was asked about when sex
education is covered JI n the school curri
i culum, Michelle didn't know,
3) Ongoing bullying — kids don't have good skills for coping With frustration or resolving
Conflict, they don't understand the difference between assertive and aggressive, need better
tolerance for differences_ Tracy reported that a character ed. Focus is planned far next year and
will include a focus on bullying; will include students and parents_
4) Anxiety — students come for help dealing with family issues, sometimes with peer or social
issues, They show students techniques for reducing anmiety and stress.
5) Navigating HIeridslups — Students have insecurities around "who's my friend'', navigating
personal relationships and responsibility, social skills, and appropriateness,,
Michelle said the Dryden Youth Services programs do a good jOb with many of these issues,
especially friendships. Dave's lunchtimes groups are eery helpful, kids don't even realize
they're getting helped, learning ,skills because it's fun. Kids are excited about these programs.
Michei le was asked if she knew why some students don't participate in DY S }programs, she said
there are 2 main reasons: Kids have responsibilities at home (babysitting, chores); kids don't
waiic to participate if certain other kids are a part of the grogram, Michelle and Tara are pleased
with the breadth of programs offered and had no suggestions about others for DYS to offer_ Kris
asked whether Michelle is aware of any gang activity, she has oat seen or heard of anything at
the M S Ievel. Wc all thanked Michel Ie for her interesting presentation and invited her to stay for
the remainder of the meeting so she- could learn more about the DYC_ She agreed to do so.
We decided to i nvite Dave, Tom and lrind'a to the next D YC meeting to ask them to talk about
youth needs and trends front their perspective. This would take the place of thorn coining in
,Tune. We can also discuss with them the issues areas raised by Michelle to see whether they can
develop any programs to addre ss the needs or perhaps increase l unchtimc prorains lri s will
® then compile info from the various presentations we've had about youth needs so we can discuss
this in June before deciding whether to revise our funding priorities for 2007.
Feedback form for funded programs — A few minor revisions were made. We will distribute the
form this spring at Dryden and Freeville Elementary schools. We discussed creating a similar
form to get feedback about CCE programs from Dryden Middle School staff.
Updates from CCE Kris distributed Dave's and Tom's latest program reports.
Caine updates Kris has been unsuccessful in connecting with Steve Estes re. V. Dryden camp
director revised job description and their hiring. Deb Marrotte is back in the office after her
surgery and Kris has spoken with her; they are eager to resolve the issue so they can gel going
with hiring for summer. Jen Dube has passed her civil service test but cannot commit to being a
full -time director for V. Dryden's camp. 1nShik reported that Freeville is also planning to hold
its camp at Dryden High School (since playground renovations at Freeville Elementary are still
not done). 'There will need to be good communication between the 2 camps. Freeville has not
yet hired a director.
Annual Report update Kris still does not have reports from last year from V. Dryden or
Brooktondale camp. She has been in touch with both programs.
Membership updates InShik hopes to continue on DYC after she moves this spring /summer.
Her new home is in the Town. She will have to apply for appointment by the Town. We agreed
® to suspend looking for a new Town rep.; we will need to find a new Freeville rep. to fill InShik's
spot. In addition, Kristen's term ends in Dec. and she is not going to be reappointed. She has
some suggestions on possible Freeville reps.
Review DYC Powerpoint — JoEllen shared the Powerpoint she has drafted; all contributed
comments and suggestions and JoEllen made revisions. We got about halfway through and will
continue next month.
Other Tracy asked whether DYC members would like to acknowledge 'Tom's recent marriage.
We agreed to bring a card to next month's meeting and ask for small donations from those who
would like to contribute. We will use the funds to buy a gift card for Tom and his wife.
Next meeting will take place on May 16, 6:30 PM. We will meet again at the Dryden High
School library classroom so JoEllen can hook her computer up to a projector for display of the
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
DYC Minutes Page 2 April 11, 2006