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January 1, 1.996 Fleeting Minutes- DRAFT
Dryden Youth Commission
f I
FEB 61
h �
Members Present: Rae Farris Loretta Carrillo Lance Cole, Steve Kirsch, Vicki
a a
Alexander, Tracy Kurtz. Excused: 7udy 'Taylor
Associates; Nita Baldwin, Carol Eichler, IoArm Meyer- Foland, Barbant IIopkuls
Guests: Colleen Daniluk, Yraveling Books volunteer, Curtis Ogden. Learning Web,
Aaron Abb and Jena Sandquist from Dryden Community Outreach
1, Call to order at 6 :50 P
2, Minutes were approved subject to minor spelling corrections, S_ Kirsch gave an
update on Judy Taylor's medical condition. 1996 sign -up for notetaker was circulated
and will be distributed at next meeting. L. Cole will be inotetaG er. for February.
, Task assignmenc reports
S. Kirsch spoke with Supervisor Schug regarding 1996 budget arid B. Hopkins
regarding program options. ]discussion set for later in meeting.
4. Introd-aciions were made and agenda overview was presented.
5. Program Deports
a. Dryden Youth Programs - JoAnn Flyer- Foland.(see report hand -out) Outings: 12 are
enrolled and waiting list of 19 but attendance has been erratic. Weather may be a
conCributing factor. Time to Talk program is off to a good start with 13 mentors_ Youth
Information Exchange has 19 participants and Ithaca Journal editorial coverage was
noted_ Pet Parade, a program for elementary youth. is proposed because of interest
expressed by this age group. There is possibility for a parallel program in music.
Proposals were presented for Patchwork Riding aid Summer RirJing Programs and a
pottery program through the Ithaca Youth Bureau which could begin as stop as April_
Cost is .unknown, but C_ .Eichler ol`fered to investigate,
b. `l"raveling Books - C, .Dalliluk. The Commission was thanked for its contribution
toward the purchase of books for this ail - volunteer program sponsored through BOCES
and Literacy Volunteers_ This program initia]ly operated in Dryden through a grant but
was discontinued here once funds were exhausted although volunteers in Trumansbur(E
moved the service there and have kept it ative. In October, 1995 the program zecurned
to Dryden through a fundraising effort and coordination efforts by volunteers Colleen
and Lip. Holmes. 7 volunteer readers are serving 8 family daycare p To v id ers An
additional 4 providers are on a waiting list. The Commission was able to suggest
15nancial and volunteer resources.
c, Dryden Community Outreach - J Sandqu 1st, A. Abb, C . Ogden
An overview was given of this community service program which is brought on a
rotating basis to communities throuffhout the county. Funded by a grard as part of a
federal initiative, service learning, community action and learning about community
history and needs are important goals_ 12 young people from the high school have
participated twice a week in a variety of activities which involved learning about the
eornmunity, identifying needs, and participating in meaningful actIVIties to serve
others. As the Learning Web moves on to another community, these Dryden }youth plan
to continue meeting as Dryden C onimunity Outreach with the hope of involving others_
They are seeking a program sponsor. It was suggested that the students rneec with J_
Myer- FoIand regarding ways to support each other, They Dave planned a fundraising
event - a Lock -In Y in which the proceeds will be applied to establishing a youth
community center. The young people reported that what Dryden youth need is a place
to go, more things to do outside of school and more social activities. , KirSch invited
the young. people to Commission meetings to express their concerns. interests, and
ideas and to request Commission support if needed, and perhaps financial support_ J_
Sandquist as student rep_ will be added to Commission mailing list.
6_ Cooperative Extension - B. Hopkins
Since hiring JoAnn in October, programs have been initiated and have been very
successful_ 1995 year -end financial report revealed total expenditures were 89 ' of
budget. At this meetin {g the Commission needs to clarify its program preferences for
school year programs from the 3•nenu presented last rneeting. After reviewing earlier
dI scussions regarding program and population targets as well as an overview of other
funded programs (e, g. Police and Community, Fimeevilie Summer Jobs, aroline-
supported programs, etc.), more prograixuning to address teens` personal and social
development became apparent. Motion was made. seconded and passed unanimously to
commit to the following programs for the year: Tune co Talk, Youth Information
Exchange, Outings, Peer Players, Pet Parade, C, Patch4t�or.k Horseback Ridi g
(April) and two "events" activities_
The Commission has'scheduled discussions regarding stammer programs and their,
consideration to add a half_ time youth worker for future meetings,
$_ .Administrative Business. For the record, the Town passed the 1996 budget
approving the DYC recommended to -date programs and expenditures. Official
notification letters to all funded programs will be forthcoming.
a_ County updates C_ Eichler
The out)ty 'Youth Board currently has vacancies for representatives, from the Town of
Dryden and Village of FreeviIle_ To %vn rep. Mary Alen Bossack is Board President_ It
was brought to Commission attention that the Dryden resource Center is actively
serving the community and that they might be contacted to attend. a meeting to report
on their programs and share ideas. _ 40
D I 0111 ?1''
b. Membership, S. Kirsch will contact J, Taylor to determine whether she will be able
to remain an active member,
c, review and approve 1996 goals ,
A new goal was added regarding improviuig Commission budgeting practices. Other _
goals, based on responsibilities outlined in the operating guidelines, were presented.
Motion made, seconded and approved to adopt as revised, Goals as approved will be
distributed at the next meeting.
d. Review and approve 1996 working calendar
S. Kirsch stressed his commitment to meeting in community sites throughout our
service area. Because the calendar is a working document, there was no need to
approve. Updated calendar will be distributed next month,
e_ Election of vice - chair. Tabled.
E 1995 Annual Report
S. Kirsch has begun and will present a rough draft at the February ineeting.
9, New Business_ V. Alexander suggested ortxrnission submit a "IaureI" to the Ithaca
Journal for retiring membf;rs_ J,_ Carrillo agreed to do this_
0 10, Task assignments.
Update goals and calendar; S. Kirsch
Deserve meeting dates at meeting sites; S. Kirsch, Rae (Freev11le locations)
Bead funding notification ]letters: S. Kirsch
Fork on draft of arulual report: S. Kirsch
Contact J. Tay lora S _ Kirsch
Write IJ laurel: Loretta
set agenda - refer to calendar
1. Meeting adjourned 9:3O PM
Next month L. Cole is notetaker,
1 � , FEB;-