HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 ZBA Meeting part 1Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Dryden February 13, 1979 Present: Chm. B. Keech, D. Rose, C. Hatfield, K. Marquis, Zo. S. Stewart Hearing #1 - Love Inn, 1764 Dryden Road Permission requested to receive a certificate of compliance s-o they may sell their log home and lot at 1770 Dryden Road and variance requested to Section 904 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which requires a lot have at least 125' of street frontage. Representing the Love Inn, John Shorey of 65 Sunset West Circle, presented an amended survey map showing 25' right of way, from front of house to Route 13 is 3151. Firs. Margaret Hardesty of 1768 Dryden Road stated that she was in favor OP granting variance. The variance was granted with three yes votes and one no vote, Hearing #2 - Albert Heidt, 17 South Street, Dryden, N.Y. Permission requested to rent his garage at 171 Dryden-Harford Road to Pepperidge Farms for the wholesale storage of bread and a$variancdre- quested to Section 701 of the Town Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Heidt stated that one quarter,of his building would be rented with building changes of an overhead door -racing road, would be installed plus an access door. Neither door would have windows. Also floor would be raised three feet in height. One tractor trailer would deliver the bread early in the morning. Later on local delivery trucks would pick up the bread. The following neighbors stated their objections, mostly with noise of large truck and safety due togas lines close to building. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Goss- 175 Dryden=Harford Road George Clark - 155 Harford Road Phil Winn - 225 Bryant Avenue, Ithaca, N.Y. Ken Tryon - 201 Harford Road Jeff Cowell, a driver for Pepperidge Farms, stated he was(" }�Ibe- cause it will be a 25 mile drive for him to pick up the bread. The variance was granted unanimously with the following restrictions: 1) limit size of rental space to 400 square feet. 2) Pepperidge Farms keep terms of lease such as engines off while loading and unloading etc. 3) limit to Pepperidge Farms only. 4k -2p- Zoning; Board of Anneals 4) if building sold- variance not transferable. Respectfully submitted, Joan Bray - Secretary a TOWN OF DRYDEN ►► DIZYDEN, NEW YORK. In thr- I.hwrt of the I in rr Lakes Il pon N( JG' : OF WTT,TOM Zoning POP"() of Appeals 1=n the mgttPr of the i;r,neal of. .0l.bert Heidi, 17 South at., Dryden, N.Y, nrisirip out of the denial of a huildi.nf7 permit, Iri.olat i.on Section 701, a. Public Hearing was duly held on Feb. 13, 1979 at 7: 30 P.1- . with four board members present. F;r. ffeidt tolrl the Board and nijdi_ence of his intentions, several spoke in fnvor and several against the granting; of a variance. After some dcliheraticni:mobt felt that the business would somewhat effect the peace and quiet of the neif-hborhood, but generally agreed that if the followinfr conditions were complied with, they would be willing~ to live with it. Therefore the 'board unanimously voted to grani-, the variance under the following conditions; 1. Mailt rental space to I400 sq. ft. >. Ker'n to terms of lease, ie* engines turned off while loadi nJ~ and unloading. 3. Limited to Pepper Ridge Farms lease. 4. Variance non -transferable. Varian- g rr-frlt d Robert G. Keech, Ch<iriian 7,onini> Poard of Anpenl�; Tourr of Dryden, Dryden, fd.Y. Feb. 13, 1.979 Undersi.aned certifies herewith that he: Has read the NOTTGE 01P DECISION above, fully understands the specific limitations and agrees to comply with these conditio S. � ^� Signed:.. , ..., dated:...... ... ated:......... SUSANNE 1 f O5I) Notary .Public, State of New York No. 1620376 Qualified in Tmilpidns County 'berm Expires March 30, 19 ; Itt ibe Heim of the Finger Lakes Region rebruary tt , Dryden Rural` NoWs George Street Dryden$ New York Oentlemant E Please publish no later than Wednesday February.7,.1979 and,.bill' the mown of bkydon. LLGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HERE$Y GIVEN that the Zoning Hoard at Appeaig`is the Town of nryden will conduct a public'hearing to consider.,Ihe application of Albert Heidt of 17 South St. Dryden$'NiY.-for.e variance to Sea. 701 of the Town Zoning Ordinance sd that he'' may rent his garage at 171 Dryden-Harford Rd. to Pepper Ridge..'- Farms for the Wholesale storage of bread. SAID HEARING will be held on Tues. Feb. 131 M , �7q at 7t4� P. at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 E. Main St. brydeny' N.Y. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Persons may appear in person or by agent. DATEDt M. 71 1979 TOWN OF, DRYDEN ® DRYDEN, NEW YORK In ILr I kw/ of the 1'�trp ,r Laker RcYron Date: 2/7/79 You are hereby notified of a Public Hearing to be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals at the Town Hall on Tues. Feb. 13.1979 at 7:45 P.m. in relation to the matter of an appeal of Zoning Decision as applied for by Albert Heidt Of 17 South St. Dryden, N.Y. in which permission is being requested to rent his garage at 171 Dryden-Harford Rd. to Pepper Ridge Farms for the Wholesale storage of bread and is requesting a variance to Sec.-04 of the Town Zoning Ordinance. All parties in interest will be given an opportunity to be heard. ' Persons may be heard in person or by agent. Az"� U Sibley Stewart Zoning Officer Office No. 844-9120 TOWN OF DRYDEN DRYDEN, NEW YORK MAIL OR BRING THIS FORM TO: Zoning Officer Permit No. Town of Dryden Application date 3r�9 Dryden, New York Parcel Numberr �'•� Application is hereby made to (Build - OVC01144A °` r ❑, Extend ❑, Convert ❑, Other fV �M �`-A' A Structure located at (St. and No.) % 7/ DA)i4 C-/V P flA0 Ra. Town of Dryden, New York. To be Used for /-Ir t e Jf le J %o -.? 1I f" At a Cost of Owner of Land ��� t %` 1 �" f Builder Is Property under Land Contract? W Yes ❑ No If Property was Purchased Within Past 5 Years Give Nafie of Previous Owner. If Construction is for other than present Land Owner, Show Name Mailing Address The Structure(s) will be as fpllows: Required Permits Obtained -Date Type of Construction I `r i Tompkins County Health Dept. Number of Stories Town Clerk: Number of Family Units Street Opening Type of Heat Blasting Number of Rathq Square Ft. Floor Area: Basement First Floor Second Floor Over Second 30 X 4 Y Supervisor: Water Tap Sewer Tap Highway Supt: Culverts Driveway Bldg. Inspector _ Multiple Residence The Undersigned applies for permission to do the above, in accordance with all provisions of all Laws or Regulations of the Town of Dryden, New York, or others having jurisdiction, and affirms that all state- ments and information given herein are correct to the best of his belief. Building Permit Approved �,,�� _ Building Permit Den ied,—t-�„'1e7� Under Section 76,1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Appeal Action: Date of Appeal Date of Hearing Date of Advertising Outcome of Appeal Fee Paid Advertising v7 �= SIGNATURE Address: % Phone No: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE, IT'HAGA JOu1ZNAL., NOTICE IS HERESYf-IVEN that? t G' r �7� t- /� t #ntr of E W ur�i V1Qiii KiilS VIQIIIl1 SS.� } the Zoning Board of Appeals of the town of Dryden MH conduct e" public hearing to consider the ap-t St ��rydenANb tto` fJ U/�N f �L- Y. fordaovarlae sec. 7 1 of the town Zoning Or-' dinangce so that he �qi���?!?k being duly sworn deposes ...._.___.-•---_.___- ........................... may rent his, gera a et 171 Dr den-Hariord Rd.; o Pepper Ridge Farms for the: and says, that he resides in Ithaca, County and state aforesaid and Wholesale storage of,bread, t Ties. Fe A13, 197IN 9 will 4S hold M, af% f the Dryden Town Hall, 63 E. Main �, �� [� K �� i' T> c'. I^ that he is ..................................... St„ Dryden, N.Y. at which time all interested Persons will be ivenart` opportunity ............................... to be heard. Personsl may appear In person or by agent, i Sibley Stewart j of Tim ITHACA JOURNAL a public newspaper printed and published ' Zdhing pt}icar; February 7, 1979 in Ithaca aforesaid, and that a notice, of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said paper ........... '.......;/. .. _.�... _.. • •--•-----••..........................................................I ................................................. ------•---------------------------------------------------------------------------•-.....---•-•-----•.....- ......... and that the first publication of said notice was on the ..... ............. day of / ... ...................... s :Zif : 7 s .� ....................... ,a Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ........................................ day of....................... . 197T--- ............................ . ri-, s:, asiz an t Notary Public. OvAf (lad in Tomphlns C cunty <z^ f"%M10MI-Xn Fvpt" Merch M, E 6 � �%l G�. s� � (ice,• � ��t:C�,, 7k STATE OF NEW YORK Bernard McGuerty, being duly sworn, says that he is County of Tompkins ga• upwards of twenty-one years of age; that he is, and during the time of the publication of the notice here- inafter mentioned was the Publisher of the weekly newspaper called the Tompkins County Rural News published in the Village of Dryden, County of Tomp- PUBLIC NOTICE Kins, State of New York. Deponent further says that: TOWN OF DRYDEN NOTICE IS HEREBY, Hearing - Albert Heidt GIVEN: that Ahe Zonings, Board -of 'Appeals of the, , Town of "Dryden will,' .conduct a public hearing to Consider the application of Albert Heidt of•17:aSouth St.y- I Dryden, N.Y, for • a.i Variance to Sec. •701 of the a 'Town Zoning Ordinance so,',, that he may rent his garage' at 171 Dryden-Harford Rd. PY printed co of which is hereunto annexed, was -' a to Puprper Ridge Farms for. published in said newspaper at least once in each the Wholesale .storage; of ,bread. week for One weeks, said publication having d -on Tuesda" G= will i� ,1 commenced on the `7_ day of Feb . 1913, -.held;on fiuesday,' P'eb: i�, 1979 at'"7:45 P. , " at' the and end on the ? day F• 'Dryden Town Hall 65 E. Y of eb 19, 79. Main St,,zLPtyddn,' kV, at' which tinie•;a11;:interftted , �^- f `�� persons will be given' an 1 scnbed and sworn to bef me;tb .opportunity to:::be heard.. � P i, arsons may appear in' ppeee8on-of by a�en. i : `. :f ATEfi; 1979 day ' 1 'Sibley Stewart Zoning Officer. �MA�UL L� 1 dYAtavy(Plublic IF/M1wsi ling al limo of Apr. ntnpnt Cayuga COunly Olfical U:)' 1020 Cornt;i Aion 1 xpir�* March 30.19/.,, TOWN OF DRYDEN NEW YORK APPEAL TO Town Board Board of Zoning Appeals Board of Zoning Appeals of the Town of Dryden, New York Having been denied] permission to AT Dryden, N.Y. as w shown on the accompanying Application and/or plans or other supporting documents, for the stated reason that the issuance of such permit would be in violation of Section(s) of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance the UNDERSIGNED respectfully submits this appeal from such denial and, in support of the appeal, affirms that strict observance of the Ordinance would impose PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES and/or UNNECESSARY HARDSHIP as follows: Dated, Dryden, N.Y. 19 Signed I TOWN OF DRYDRN NEW YORK APPEAL TO Town Board Board of Zoning Appeals Board of Zoning Appeals of the Town of Dryden, New York Having been denied permission to/ Dryden, N.Y, as shown on the accompanying Application and/or plans or other supporting documents, for the stated reason that the issuance of such permit would be in violation of Section(s) 9t ' ,s of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance the UNDERSIGNED respectfully submits this appeal from such denial and, in support of the appeal, affirms that strict observance of the Ordinance would impose PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES and/or UNNECESSARY HARDSHIP as follows: r .� i 4, r L T oe, CL 1-7 7V �rf%f"iI `Jr� lj /"► it �C � L) r4 40 0i 17 Dated, Dryden, N.Y. 19 /K. Signed Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Dryden March 12, 1979 Present: Cbm. D. Rose, P. Brellochs, K. Marquis, C. Hatfield, Zo. S. Stewart Hearing: 7:30 P.M. - Claud Dann, 215 Ferguson Road A hearing was conducted to consider Mr. Dann's application to build a silo on his farm and is requesting a variance to Section 703 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which requires a building be at least 70' from center of road. Mr. Dann stated he will relocate present grannery and build silo in that old location. Decision: Variance granted with unanimous vote. Hearing: 7:45 P. M - Douglas Sutton, 1665 Ellis Hollow Road A hearing was conducted to consider Mr. Sutton's application to build and operate a riding stable and is requesting a variance to Section 701 of the Town Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Sutton presented a detailed sketch showing location of riding stable. The size would be 650' radius with an access road off Ellis Hollow Road. It would be a court yard type thing with parking. It would be fenced in and have trails winding around in back and along the creek. Mr. Sutton stated that approximately forty horses would be boarded. This would involve horses of his own plus people living in future sub -division. Waste removal would be done each day with dumping in a dug pit. People from Ellis Hollow area involved, stated following concerns: 1) Parking on Peaceful Drive 2) Flies and Rodents 3) Danger to children with run away horses. 4) Idea of a commercial business 5) People with campers 6) Noise 7) In general- changing look of area. A petition and letter were submitted stating these concerns. Area people who voiced their concerns: 1) Lang Kennedy - 8 Eagle Head Road 2) Lorraine Cooper - 8 Peaceful Drive 3) Bill and Emma Shutz - 6 Peaceful Drive 4) Jim Kidney - 1800 Ellis Hollow Road 5) Tom Marker - 5 Hunters Lane Zoning Board of Appeals -2- March 12, 1979 6) Sheila Hall - Peaceful Drive 7) Earl Tompkins - 6 Eagle Head Road 8) Tom Simms - 5 Hunt Hill Road 9) Ernestine Lucy 10) R. Elrich - Peaceful Drive 11) V. Golden - 6 Hunters Lane 12) Kraig Adler - 120 Eagle Head Road Decision: Variance was denied. No votes - D. Rose, P. Brellochs, C. Hatfield Yes votes - K. Marquis. Respectfully submitted, Joan Bray - Secretary TOWN OF DRYDEN ® DRYDEN, NEW YORK In i1,c 11caa oI ih I,inXer .Lakes Rql*011 March 3, 1979 Dryden Rural News George Street Dryden, New York Gentleman: Please publish no later than,Wednesday March 7, 1979 and bill the Town of Dryden. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Dryden will conduct a public hearing to consider the application of Douglas Sutton of 1665 Ellis Hollow Rd. to build and operate a rideing stable on Ellis Hollow Rd. and is request- ing a variance to Sec. 701 of the Town Zoning Ordinance. SAID HEARING will be held on Monday March 12, 1979 at-7:45 P.M. at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 E. Main St. Dryden N.Y. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Persons may appear in person or by agent. DATED: MARCH 77 1979 Sibley Stewart Zoning Officer Zoning Board of Appeals Town Of Dryden April 3, 1979 Present: Chm. B. Keech, D, Rose, K. Marquis, C, Hatfield, Zo. S, Stewart A, public hearing was held to consider the application of Reinhardt Oil Corporation of W. Oneonta, N,'Y, for avariance to Section 1501 and 1506 of Town Zoning Ordinance which requires a sign be no closeW than 151 to the road right of way line And that the free standing sign not exceed 15' in. height, The property in question is the Busy Dee at Routes 13 and 38, Dryden, NA, Mr, Richard Struck represented Reinhardt Oil Corporation, He stated that the ;sign was 8' from road right of way and the height of the sign was 191, Also stated they still had paving work to do and general cleaning up of property, Decision: 1 A, unina-I?mous decision was given to grant the variance on the right of way lane but, the height of the sign was to be changed from 19' to required 151, gespectfully suhmitted a .roan Bray -Secretary TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW FORK In the I-1crrt of the Finer Laker Reg'011 March 23, 1979 Dryden Rural News George Street Dryden, New York Gentleman: Please publish no later than Wednesday March 28, 1979 and bill the Town of Dryden. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Dryden will conduct a. public hearing to consider -the application of Reinhardt Gil Corp. of West Oneonta, N.Y. for a variance to Sec. 1501 & 1506 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which requires that a sign be no closer than 15 ft. to the road right-of-way line and that no freestanding sign shall exceed 15 ft. in height. (Property location, 111 N. St.IpRt.., 13 & 38.) SAID BEARING will be held on Tues. Apr, 31/???at 7:30 P.M. at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 E. Main St. Dryden, N.Y. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Persons may appear in person or by agent. DATED: MAR. 281 1979 Sibley Stewart Zoning Officer rOWN OF 1C RYDEN 0 DRYDEN1 NEW Y01I.K In Ibc flirt of th_e hinger Lrakfr Repiort March 3, 1979 Dryden Rural News George Street Dryden, New York Gentleman: Please publish no later than Wednesday March 7, 1979 and bill the Town of Dryden. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Dryden will conduct a public hearing to consider the application of Claud Dann to build a silo on his farm at 215 Ferguson Rd. and is requesting a variance to Sec. 703 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which requires that a building be at least 70 ft. from the center of the road. SAID HEARING will be held on Mon. Mar. 12, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, 65 E. Main St. Dryden, N.Y. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Persons may appear in person or by agent. DATED: MARCH 7, 1979 Sibley Stewart Zoning Officer APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF DRYDEN DRYDEN, NEW YORK MAIL OR BRING THIS FORM TO: Zoning Officer Permit No. Town of Dryden Application date _34i 6 Dryden, New York Parcel Number Application is hereby made to (Build ❑, Extend ❑, Convert ❑, Other ❑) A Structure located at (St. and No.) t�� I �` Town of Dryden, New York. To be Used for fl) LF 7`� r/ At a Cost of Owner of Land 1 �%v Builder 1�4�`�� Is Property under Land Contract? ❑ Yes ❑ No If Property was Purchased Within Past 5 Years Give Name of Previous Owner. If Construction is for other than present Land Owner, Show Name Mailing Address The Structure(s) will be as follows: Required Permits Obtained - Date Type of Construction '�E cS'TAft'Di%}'Yr .SiGiy Tompkins County Health Dept. Number of Stories Town Clerk: Number of Family Units Street Opening Type of Heat Blasting Number of Baths Supervisor: Square Ft. Floor Area: Water Tap Basement Sewer Tap First Floor Highway Supt: Second Floor Culverts Over Second Driveway Bldg. Inspector Multiple Residence The Undersigned applies for permission to do the above, in accordance with all provisions of all Laws or Regulations of the Town of Dryden, New York, or others having jurisdiction, and affirms that all state- ments and information given herein are correct to the best of his belief. Building Permit Approved Building Permit Denied Under Section /So/ /S0� of the Zoning Ordinance. Appeal Action: Date of Appeal Date of Hearing 13/ 79 Date of Advertising 3/,2 J1,79 Outcome of Appeal Fee Paid Advertising SIGNATURE � RAJ/14 ply '>7 Address: fir ,` X ('� i ; %, ,:: /`l r;L r %7 I SSE"I Phone No: %'`' ; y �" t,' PLEASE REMOVE CARBON, TURN IT, AND REINSERT BEFORE FILLING OUT BACK OF THIS PAGE - - IT 'I a- t lee frT F�Qo j'1 /PaA/� EENTEi� .Li/yF F . .a?v SEc. /So 1 � s'Sa / s SUFIPOSED � OPa �, 7—#,, AI /SFT, /•Y r1 V � f try. '�.! . rr � �•-; . Lg 7cy h7 ,Pr 4err_T w nl a . `83 )o mpwl s Co. N. y, - TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK In the Ik in rf the FinSer Laker Region April 19, 1979 Dryden Rural News George Street Dryden, New York Gentleman: Please publish no later than Wednesday April 25, 1979 and bill the Town of Dryden. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be conducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Dryden to consider the appplication of Samuel & Peggy Brewer(Laser and Brewer Sportswear) of 1304 Dryden Rd. for a variance to erect a building at 1384 Dryden Rd. to accomodate their business which at the presant time is in their house at the above address. SAID HEARING will be held on Tues. May 1, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. at the Dryden Town Hall 65 E. Main St. Dryden N.Y. at which time all interested persons will be given a opportunity to be heard. Persons may appear in person or by agent. DATED: APR.,25, 1979 Sibley Stewart Zoning Officer �!N.^evtF'�„<"�.r,�'!�'a!„',�,;�,kMri»`r�°�ri�MK..r14-�,aM,77�,fe�;�?ec;4-a.-.,y�Jt�: SMr�t",.�C�+s"'p.9^r"' r, .. .. 4,+„ �t•w.w;�'.'".+b'�=a+�' "'.�dr.#.�4r�1���1M -- - -^'�' ��Id'd�Yi� TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK h the Heaa of the Finger Lakes Region April 20, 1979 Dryden Rural News George Street Dryden, New York Gentleman: Please publish no later than Wednesday April 25, 1979 and bill the Town of Dryden. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the 1m of Dryden will conduct a public hearing to Iconsider nthe�lTln application of Wayne Schutt of 10 lerguson N . 4 NO d MEN at the above address and is requesting a variance to Sec. 703 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which requires that a building be at least �6 �i. Prom the rW MUP 11n0. 1. SAID HEARING will be held on Tues. May 1, 1979 at 7:45 P.M. at the Town Hall 65 E. Main St. Dryden, N.Y. at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Persons may appear in person or by agent. DATED: APR. 25, 1979 Sibley Stewart Zoning Officer