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In //" lJ.r, l f /A' hW'�o- Lakcs A"gion
One family dwellings ------------------------ _ 72
Two family dwellings ------------------------------ 1
Mobile homes ------------------------ - -- 20
( Five of these were for replacementmobile -homes )
Additions to homes------------------19
Garages ---------_ 3
Stores -----______-_-
Public buildings ( S P C A )_______________- ____ __
Other nonresidential buildings -------__ _ 1
Swimming pools ----------------------------------------
Total building permits issued ------------------- 167
(does not include S P C A )_______________
$ 3,229,027.00
There were twelve applications for Special Permits,
eleven were approved and one denied.
There were thirteen applications for variances, eleven
were granted and two were denied.
RECEIPTS FROM BUILDING PERMITS ________________$ 1,500.00
APPLICATIONS FOR VARIANCES -------------------- 325.00
TOTAL $ 29125.00
Twenty eight violation notices were issued for the year
1977. Fifteen of these were for no building parmit, twelve
for unregistered vehicles, trash, _rubbish & junk and one
for open foundations can which no work had been done for
more than a year. Six of these violations were refered
to the Court.
Sibley Stewart
Zoni g Officer
February 7, 1978
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town of Dryden
Present: Vice Chairman D. Rose, Board Members, K. Marquis
B. O'Brien, C. Hatfield, Zo. S. Stewart
Hearinq -- 7:40 P.M. -- Kirby Werninck, Main St., Freeville, RA,Y.
Application made by Mr. Werninck to build a home at 50OW.
Dryden Rd. and is asking for a variance of Section #804 of ordi-
nance that requires a lot to have at least 125' street frontage.
Daisy Kirkpatrick, mother owns the land, stated with 150
acres of land, the lacking of 31' for proper frontage not be a
great obstacle for building of one house.
Granted 4-0 with the stipulation that this is an approval
strictly for one resident and that applicant will maintain own
Hearing -- 7:55P.M. -- Victor R. Block - 66 Quarry Rd., Ithaca, N.Y.
Application made by Robert J. O'Brien, 106 E. Court Street,
Ithaca, N.Y. to build an addition at the home of Victor R. Block-
66 Quarry Rd., and is asking a variance of Section#703 ordi-
nance requiring building to be 70' from road center line.
David Taube, Mr. O'Brien's partner, presented plans of the
house with addition. It's an old federal type house and with
addition, keeping same design, would come forward by two feet.
The reasonwhy the addition is forward two feet is due to
where existing septic system is located. The system is located
on the north side and eliminated putting proposed bathroom on
the south side due to problems with slope of hill and would have
to run new waste line underneath part of house which is not ex-
Granted 3-0 Robert O'Brien was not voting due to his office
February 7, 1978
David Williamson and Claire D. Coolbaugh showed a drawing
of a lot 792' deep and 165' wide on Hunt Hill Road.
The main question where to go first about developinq the
lot into two building sites.
The board suggested they see Health Department first to
see if land meets requirements for proper septic system.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bray = Secretary
Zoning Board of Appeals May 2, 1978
Town of Dryden
Present: Chm. B. Keech, D. Rose, K. Marquis, Ch. Hatfield,
Zo. S. Stewart
Hearing #1: 7:30P.M. George Sutfin - Route 38, Freeville, N.Y.
Wants to put up a 20' x 30' Garage but doesn't have
proper frontage. In order to have proper amount of frontage,
he would have to level a 10' to 12' bank and reroute water
line. Building would not interfere with highway. The
following neighbors have no opposition to his building the
Alice Vandermark
Russell Parker
Ray Lawrence
Decision: unanimous - variance granted.
Hearing#2: 7:50 P.M. David Williamson - Hunt Hill Road
Wants to build a house on a lot 245' x 396' with 35' wide
driveway. Wants variance on driveway. Can't go farther on
245' width because of barn owned by Claire CoolboughSr. If
cut down on other lot, owned by Claire Coolbough Jr., then he
won't be able to make 200' requirement that Health Department
Mr. Merra on W. Danby Road owns land next to him. He
has place for sale and if have to, could ask to buy enough
land to make frontage. Would rather lot as is because of
financial reasons. Keo"R
Decision: unanimous - variance granted.
Hearing #3: 8:10 P.M. - Clint Cotterill for Town of Dryden
Sewer District.
Watt to put up a building to house an emergency genera-
tor to run sewer pumps in case of emergency.
Building to set on right hand corner of pump station.
Sewer lines come in from two sides.
Generator had been kept in Varna firehouse, but they
need room.
Zoning Board
-2- - May 2, 1978
Decision. unanimous - granted variance.
It was rioted after meeting, money wise and for Oro-
tection from vandals, that generator to be stored in building
at trailer park owned by Jim Ray.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bray - Sect.
Town Of Dryden
Zoning Board of Appeals June 6, 1978
Present: Chm. B. Keech, K. Marquis, D. Rose, C. Hatfiedd,
Zo. S. Stewart
Hearing #1 - 7:30 P.M. - Jannette Underwood, 10 Whitted Rd.
Ithaca, M.Y.
Mrs. Underwood is requesting a variance to Section 702 of the
Zoning Ordinance which requires a lot to have at least 125' road
Mr. Warren Underwood, Jannette Underwood's husband, stated
they wand to build a house at 139 Snyder Hill Road, which they
acquired through estate of her father. They have a 50' right of
way off Snyder Hill Road which was put in years ago by Dutch
Underwood. Years ago it was a legal road according to the town,..
due to a proposed housing development which was not started.
A sister of Mrs. Underwood's has a house there now and main-
tains the road herself.
If house was ever sold it would be with the new owner's
understandingthat they would maintain the road themselves.
Decision: Variance granted with the condition that it the land
is developed in the future, that the road be brought
up to the town specifications and deeded over to the
Hearing #2 - 7:50 P.M. - Robert Newton, 339 Peruville Road
Mr. Newton requests a variance of Section 804 of Zoning
Ordinance which requires a building be at least 70' from road
center line.
He wants to build a porch on his house at 674 Peruville Road.
There was a porch there previously but was taken down years ago.
There is just a question on one corner of porch which is out
too far. Part of land was taken when state widened the road.
Decision: Variance granted.
Hearing #3- 8:10 P.M. - Robert and Lucy Russell, 672 Sheldon Rad.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell want to place a mobile home on property at
472 Bone Plain Road and request a variance to Section 803 of
Zoning Ordinance that requires a lot to have at least 125'
street frontage.
Mr. David Tyler, a lawyer, represented Mr. & Mrs. Russell
concerning the variance. The parcel of land is off Bone Plain
Road on an abandon road, Shert Road, which was a public road.
The land was purchased in 1975 on a land contract, with the
understanding that the road was apublic road. There was one
trailer put on the property without any problems, because the
map showed road as a public road. If variance granted, they
would be agreeable to conditions.
Zoning Board of Appeals
June b, 1978
15 They maintain road now and would continue to do so.
2) This is the last home to be put on the land.
The following people voiced concern:
Audrey McGuire - neighbor
James Russell - who maintains the road now by himself. But
won't continue to do so without help from
other neighbors.
Concern of people, why the road can't be reopened and maintain-
ed by the town.
Decision: Will make decision at later meeting, until Mr. Keech
can checkwith Helen Amdur or Planning Board concern-
ing the abandoned road.
Hearing #4 - 8:30 P.M. - John B. Hunt, lb Snyder Hill Court
Mr. Hunt wants to build a garage and is requesting a variance
to Section 703 of Zoning Ordinance which requires a building
to be 70' from center of road.
Mr. Hunt had a petition which was circulated among his neigh-
bors with no opposition.
Decision: Variance granted.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bray - Secretary
Town of Dryden
Zoning Board of Appeals June 20, 1978
Present: Chm. B. Keech, D. Rose, K. Marquis, Ch. Hatfield,
Zo. Sh Stewart
Hearing#1 - 7:30 P.M. -- Don Rogers, 2 Sherbour Drive, Freeville, H.Y.
Mr. Rogers is requesting a variance to Section 703 of the zoning
ordinance which requires a building to be at least 70' from center
road line.
There was no opposition from neighbors concerning the construction
of a garage at above address.
Decision: Variance granted unanimously.
Hearing#2 - 7:45 P.M. -- George Dingler - 2 Etna Lane, Etna, H.Y.
Mr. Dingler is requesting a variance to Section 754 of the zoning
ordinance which requires a building to be at least 70' fromroad
center line.
Mr. Dingler wants to build a porch onto the front of his store
using the existing slab. Ten years or longer a porch had been
there but was torn down.
There were two letters concerning this variance, as follows:
1) Department of Transportation -- stated that the store
physically encroaches on State land. Any addition or
expansion that would further this encroachment couldn't
be permitted.
2) Tompkins County Department of Planning -- stated that the
intersection is poor in terms of visibility and number of
accidents occurred there.
It was stated that the porch is a replacement of previous one and
is not to extend beyond existing size. Mr. Dingler understands the
situation with the letter from the State and if he builds porch
and any problems from them, he would not come baW to the Zoning
Board and blame them.
Decision: Variance granted unanimously.
The Zoning Board decided at the meeting of June 6, 1978 to vote
at a later date on the variance requested by Robert and Lucy
Russell, 672 Sheldon Road, to place a mobile home on property at
472 Bone Plain Road.
Zoning Board of Appeals June 20, 1978
Decisipn: Variance denied unanimously. The Board feels that it
could develop into another situation Dryden had pre-
Respectfully .submitted,
Joan Bray - Secretary
In the matter of the appeal of Robert and Lucy Russell, 672 Sheldon
Rd., arising out of the denial of a Building Permit by the Zoning
O ficer to place a mobile home on thier property at 475 Bone Plain
The Board duly conducted a Public Hearing on June 6, 1978 with all
board members present. Mr. 'David Tyler, a lawyer representing; the
Russells requested the Board to grant an "Area Variance" and stated
that "Short Rd." was at one time a Torn of Dryden road, since abandoned.
There are no records that indicate that "Short Road" was ever a
Town Road, and said road is not on the list of "Abandoned Roads"y
an Area Variance is not the primary concern of the Board. The
Board is concerned about the right of way being owned by several
landowners. The threat of one property owner "building a fence
down the center of the road", another landowner stated that he
alone maintains the entire ROW without help of others and will
cease to do so unless they help in the future, the Russell's
lawyer stating that the road was at one time a Town Road but
with no records to substantiate such a claim, all those remarks
at the Public Hearing can only leave the Board Members greatly
concerned. Granting the variance would be step #2 in the evolut-
ion of another "Ringwood Court" problem.
If the landowners along the Said "Short Road" could present a
paan that would assure and guarantee the repair and maintainence
of the road, the Board would certainly consider granting an Area
Variance. The oard unanimously voted to deny the Variance.
S�� lk/0-A
Robert c. Keech, Chairman ZBA, Dryden, N.Y. June 22, 1978
William C. Hennessy, Commissioner
P.O. box F, Ithaca, New York 14850
June 14, 1978
Mr. S. Stuart, Zoning Officer
Town of Dryden
65 E. Main Street
Dryden, New York 13053
Dear Sir,
This is to verify our answer to your phone inquiry of June 14, 1978.
Route 366 through Etna is a 4 rod road. The State owned land, therefore,
extends 33 feet each side of the center of the road.
As plotted on our plans, the northeast corner of the general store physically
encroaches on State land.
Any addition or expansion that would further this encroachment could not be
permiTtec _ _ ._._......._
Very truly yours,
Reside t Engineer
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Frank R. Liguori PE Commissioner of Planning
June 19, 1978
Mr. Sibley Stewart
Zoning Officer
Town of Dryden
Town Hall
Dryden, NY 13053
RE: Zoning Review Pursuant to Section 239 1 and m of the General
Municipal Law. Case: George N. Dingler, 2 Etna Lane.
Dear Mr: Stewart:
Thank you for referring the Dingler Grocery store case for our review.
We have made a preliminary review of the case. Having some knowledge of
that corner, at the intersection of Etna Lane with Rt. 366, and the need
to improve the visibility of traffic approaching and negotiating the
intersection, it is essential that the whole intersection be given a
comprehensive look. The intersection is poor in terms of sight distances
and is a traffic hazard, as has been proven by the number of accidents
Before any decision is made whether to grant a variance which might result
in arrowing of traffic lanes and a restriction in the capacity of the
intersects Yong which could increase the accident hazards, it is strongly
recommended that a plan be prepared which would improve the safety of
traffic movement and enhance the appearance of the area. The -County
Planning Department would be willing to provide assistance to accomplish
these objectives, if you so desire.
It is therefore recommended that this variance be denied at this time,
because granting the variance would increase the potential for accidents
there and reduce the capacity to handle traffic.
Harry A. Missiria
Ass fate Plann
128 _-
East Buffalo Street, Ithaca, New York Telephone Q� 7o 274.5286 /274.5287
117 the II arl of the Fin rv` Laki'r Ar,�ioli
Dryden Rural News
George Street
Dryden, New York
June 9, 1R78
Please publish no later than Wednesday June 14, 1978 and bill
the Town of Dryden.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Dryden will conduct a public hearing to consider the
application of Donald E. Rogers of 2 Sherbour Dr. to build a garage
and is requesting a variance to Sec. 703 of the Town Zoning
Ordinance which requires that a building be at least 70 ft. from
the road center line.
SAID HEARING will be held on Tues. June 20,1978 at 7:30 P.M.
at the Town Hall, 65 E. Main St., Dryden, N.Y. at which time all
interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard.
Persons may appear in person or by agent.
DATED: JUNE 14, 1978
Sibley Stewdrt
Zoning Officer
Town of Dryden
Zoning Board of Appeals
August 1, 1978
Present: Chm. B. Keech, P. Brellochs, K. Marquis, Zo. S. Stewart
Hearing#l: 8:20 P.M. -- Kevin Clinton, 633 Ringwood Road
Mr. Clinton wants to build a storage building for firewood. He is
requesting a variance to Section 703 of the zoning ordinance which requires
a building to be at least 70' from center of road.
Decision: Variance granted unanimously.
Hearing##: 8:25P.M. -- Albert and Janice Stevens, 340 Beam Hill Road
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are planning to build a garage and are requesting
a variance to Section 804 of zoning ordinance which requires a building to
be at least 70' from the road center line.
Decision: Variance granted unanimously.
Hearing #3: 8:30 P.M. -- Albert and Susan Warner, 290 Hite School Road
Mr. and Mrs. Warner plan to build a garage and are requesting a
variance to Section 804 of zoning ordinance which requires a building to
be at least 70' from road center line.
Decision: Variance granted unanimously. Note for them to make sure they
don't dig into the leech lines when building their garage.
Other Discussion:
At the June 20, 1978 meeting, the Zoning Board denied a variance to
place a mobile home on property at 472 Bone Plain Road, which is owned by
Robert and Lucy Russell of 672 Sheldon Road. Since that date, he has
gotten a permit for construction of a sewage system on Bone Plain Road.
A decision will be made at a later date concerning the denial of the
variance, when all board members can be present.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bray, Secretary
In I& I-lea)-t of the FinScr Lakes Region
May 25, 1978
Ithaca Journal News
123 West State Street
Ithaca, N.Y.
Please publish no later than Wednesday May 31, 1978 and bill
the Town of Dryden.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of
the Town of Dryden will conduct a public hearing to consider the
application of Jannette H. Underwood of 10 Whitted Rd.Ithaca, N.Y.
to build a house at 329 Snyder Hill Rd. and is requesting a variance
to Sec. 702 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which requires that a lot
have at least 125 ft. of road frontage.
SAID HEARING will be held on Tues. June 6, 1978 at 7:30 P.M.
at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 E. Main. St. Dryden, N.Y. All inteested
persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Persons may
appear in person or by agent.
DATED: MAY 319 1978
Sibley Stewart
Zoning Officer '
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town of Dryden September 5, 1978
Present: Chm. B. Keech, D. Rose, C. Hatfield, P, Brellochs, K, Marquis, Zo, S. Stewart
Hearing #1 -- Barney Termina, 104 Mill Street, Freeville, N,Y.
A public hearing was held for Barney Termina to consider his application to build
a garage and a request for a variance to Section 804 of the Town Zoning Ordinance which
requires a building be at least 70' from the road center line.
All board members felt as tho there were a couple different ways the garage could
be put, due to the size of the lot, from the sketch presented Everyone agreed to
allow a 10' variance if Mr. Termina would put garage back 20' more, making it 60' in-
stead of 40', presented in sketch. Mr. Termina agreed to the compromise,
Decision: Varinace of 10' granted unanimously.
Hearing #2 -- Boyce and Joyce Neff, 209 Bradshaw Road
A public hearing was held to consider the application of Mr, and Mrs. Neff to
add a room to their house and request a varinace to Section 804 of the Town Zoning Or-
dinance which requires a building be at least 70' from road center line.
Decision: Variance granted unanimously.
Hearing#3 -- Donald Armstrong, 1499 Ellis Hollow Road
A public hearing was held to consider the application of Mr. Armstrong to build
a garage and requests a variance to Section 703 of Town Zoning Ordinance which re-
quires a building to be constructed at least 70' from road center line,
Decision: Variance granted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bray - Secretary
In the Heart of the Finger Lakes Rion
August 30,1978
Dryden Rural News
George Street
Dryden, New York
Please publish no later than Wednesday August 30, 1978 and bill
the Town of Dryden.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Dryden will conduct a public hearing to consider the
application of Barney Termina of 104 Mill St. Freeville, N.Y. to
build a garage and is requesting a variance to Sec. 804 of the
Town zoning ordinance which requires that a building be at least
70 ft. from the road center line.
SAID HEARING will be held on Tues. Sept. 5, 1978 at 7:30 P.M.
at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 E. Main St. Dryden' N.Y. All inter-
ested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Persons
may appear in person or by agent.
DATED: AUGUST 30, 1978 Sibley Stewart
Zoning Officer
.In //Y IIt,r, l ()/ /A' r L ik,�� R(, Rio r
October 0, 1978
Dryden Rural News
George Street
Dryden, New York
Please publish no later than Wednesday November 1, 1978 and bill
the Town of Dryden.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Dryden will conduct a public hearing to consider the
application of Reinhardt Oil Corp. of West Oneonta, N.Y. to
operate a self service gasoline station at the corner of Rt. 13
& 38 North of Dryden and are requesting a variance to Sec. 1101
of the Town Zoning; Ordinance which does not allow gasoline stat-
ions in a C-B zone and Sec. 1104 which requires that a building_
be at least 90 ft. from the center of the road.
SAID HEARING will be held on Wed. Nov. 8, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. at
the Dryden Town Hall, 65 E. Main St. Dryden, N.Y. All interested
persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Fersons may
appear in person or by agent.
DATED: NOV. 1, 1978
Sibley Stewart
Zoning Officer
In the Hedrt of the Finger Lakes Region
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town of Dryden November 8, 1978
Present: Chm. B. Keech, D. Rose, K. Marquis, P. Brellochs, C. Hatfield,
Zo. S. Stewart
Hearing #1 - 7:30 P.M., Reinhardt Oil Corporation, West Oneonta, N.Y.
A public hearing was held to consider the application of Reinhardt Oil
Corporation to operate a self service gasoline station at the corner of
Route 13 and 38 North of Dryden. They are requesting a variance of
Section 1101 of Town Zoning Ordinance which does not allow gasoline sta-
tions in a C-B Zone and Section 1104, which requires that a building be
at least 90' from center of the road.
A representative from Reinhardt Oil Corporation presented pictures
taken of other converted gas stations, showing the end result. There
will be a convenience store in the building with self service gasoline
pumps located in two islands, one facing Route 13 and the other facing
Route 38.
There was no opposition to the proposed sight.
Variance was granted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bray -- Secretary
bi the HeWt of the Einp- Laker Region
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town of Dryden November 8, 1978
Present: Chm. B. Keech, D. Rose, K. Marquis, P. Brellochs, C. Hatfield,
Zo. S. Stewart
Hearing #1 - 7:30 P.M., Reinhardt Oil Corporation, West Oneonta, N.Y.
A public hearing was held to consider the application of Reinhardt Oil
Corporation to operate a self service gasoline station at the corner of
Route 13 and 38 North of Dryden. They are requesting a variance of
Section 1101 of Town Zoning Ordinance which does not allow gasoline sta-
tions in a C-B Zone and Section 1104, which requires that a building be
at least 90' from center of the road.
A representative from Reinhardt Oil Corporation presented pictures
taken of other converted gas stations, showing the end result. There
will be a convenience store in the building with self service gasoline
pumps located in two islands, one facing Route 13 and the other facing
Route 38.
There was no opposition to the proposed sight.
Variance was granted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Bray - Secretary