HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 ZBA Meetings- Town .of - I Dryden 11; ;3, [' [", - 0 varen z, 1946
Present: Chairman R. Keech, loard Members A. 01brien, E. Carpenter, ZU Stewart
Absent: Board Membor K. Vurqiis
Hearing #1 - 7:VO p.m.
Application made by Mark Goldfarb of 216 Virgil ad. to have a sign (Uverlook
Hilt Apartments) at the corner of Rineah Rd. and AL. 13 and requests a variance
Applicant was present and explained why sign was there and why he thought Sign
shoqld remain.
Billie Schmole - Rt. Q, stated people are always stopping and asking; where
Overlook Hilts Apts. are. She has no objection to sign.
Ed Clement - Overlook Knolls Corp. asked Mr. Gold , A. arb what capacity he is. Mr.
Goldfarb is manager of property. Oohn Peralius owns title to property. Mr..
Clement asked if a special permit is same as a variance. Special permit is
granted by the Town Board. Mr. Clement asned if sign on property with consent
of owner. Yr. Goldfarb said yes. Vr. Goldfarb stated there is greeter
visibility at corner now becaqse of cleaning away brush. Moving sign back 3001
would lose its' purpose. Town says should be 151 off state right-of-way. bight
of -way is 351 from center of road. Sign is 36" X 60" and is not used for
advertising. Board Member R. 01hrien asked about intent of sign. Applicant
stated people have a hard lime finding place, sign gives directions on locating
Apartments. Vr. Clement asked hboqt name of Apartments. Applicant answered
that when the Apartments changed hapds, wanted to cnange name. Mr. Goldfarb
checked with people along Ut. IK and no one has any objection to sign.
Phelma Neilson - Etna, N.Y. Ms. heilson vrote a letter to the Zoning soard
stating no objection to sign.
DECISION: 7nanimoqsly denied
HearimK 12 - 7:50 2,
Application made by William Osby of 4 Monroe 8t, bryden, A.Y. to have a retail
oqtlet (Dress Shop) at 1384 Dryden Rd.
VA Zone - 31 acres - retail business not allowed in MA Zone.
Applicant was present and pointed out present character of surroundings.
BosUally commerical area. Woold be adeqqate parking. Pinckney Rd. access.
Board Yember E. Carpenter asked how much modification woqld oe done to house.
Sam Brewer and wife Peggy are interested in pitting in store. Only modificatiol
woild he parking space and improving hoqse. Nr. and Mrs. brewer will live in
No one was present ,to speak for or oqainsl variance.
PECTATON: 7nanimously granted
?oninq Board of Appeals (2) Narch a, 1976
,own .,--)f T)ryden
Daniel Schmole — 2035 I)ryden—R.d.
RF: Greenho,ise
Vr. Schmole was at Zoning Board of Appeals meeting April 1, 1976. At that
time he was given an extension throqgh 1975. Variance was formerly granted
for a one—year period.
Board Member Carpenter stated aPPlicant will have to move (Treehoiise bacx
even with existing horse.
Board Vem"er R. O'Brien asked why 'greenlioise is si
I t-tated 'where it is. h.r.
Schrroje state(] there were :several trees he did not want to tiihe down. Also,
lot is small. Vr. Schmole stated if granting it variance means seating a
precedent, he doesn't want it.
N I o one was present to speak for or against, variance.
Greenho,ise will, have to ;)e moved ;)ack even with existi'16 ho-ise.
James Ni, H Lirkfy Lfill _Rd.
In regard to carport already erected. This was tnanimousiy denied at an
earlier meeting. Will notify ;'own Board- 'Zoning (Aficer oueivariu was
instructed to write a lelter to Yr. Ni giving hiji-, it time limit of ju days
to tear down str,icliire.
V43eting Adj. — 9:00 p.m.
Respectfiliy s!iomitled
.Vary Eryant, liec. Sec.
!'own of Dr den
Present: Chairman H. Keech, Board Members U. O'Brien, E. Carpenter, 1). hose
ZO S. Stewart. Board Member D. Rose was present at the March 2, 19'46
Absent: Board Member K. Marq1iis
Correction: Parch 2, 1976 meeting, - HE: James Ni, 56 'ICIrkey iiiii iid. this was
not inanimo,isly denied at an earlier meeting. Decision was pending.
Ilearing #A - 7:30 p.m. - Evan and Emma Phillips - 68-1 Peraviiie Ra.
Applicant wishes permission to place a small Mobile Home on property at above
address. \Vr. Phil -lips was present and stated they would like to set Mooiie
Home Yip for !,',..eir retarded da!ighter to live in. their da�ighter wants to live
by herself and 'Vr. and Mrs. Phi,�_A.,ips ANant to keep match over her.
Board Members It. O'Brien and -�d Carpenter asked. q,iestion Y,f arrangemellL did not
work o,it. Applicant stated if arrangement did. not work o,-t trailer world be
No one present to s-)Pak for or against variance.
PECT Sl ON: rTngrliM OTJ S ly granted with stip°iiation below.
�railer only for da,i.ghter to live in. r hen da,ighter moves o�lt trailer will ue
moved from lot.
rr. Reese - 258 Vain Street - Freevilie, N.Y. Rb zone
Nfr. Reese came before the Board for information. Mr. Neese lives in a Mobile
Hr.m.e now and has an opport,inity to o,iy a 8X45 trailer to place as an addition
on existing trailer. lie stated it would tie more costly to b!iild an addition.
Vr. Reese was advised to c heck with neigiioors on this.
Vrs. James - Lot in Varna, N.Y. - RD zone
Yrs. James wants to place on her property a mod.,ii-ar home with a 2-car garage on
end. Frontage is 84 ft. Virs. James feels if ho,.ise is back 901 from center of
State Highway it wo,ild be too far rack. bill measure and bee what, it wo-Aid:
look like at 701.
Apartments sign - ZO Stewart will meas,tre and. inform Mr.
sign shoild
be 151 off road right-of-way.
AIr. Tripp
- 139-2 Mill
St., Freevii1e, N.Y.
Want,, to pitt Nilobile Home on lot. iLo
frontage left.
of whether
or not his right -of" -way accounts for
his frontage. ZU
Slewaxt was
to talk with Attorney r',.mdiir on this for
her opinion.
Pormils -
was made to draw to scale, riot near
as possible.
Adj. 9:'10
Respectfixily suDmitted
Niary Bryant
Hec. sec.
Zoning Board of Apneals
Town of Dryden
rIay 3, 1976
Present: Chairman R. Keech, Roard Members D. Pose, F. Carnente;, K. '"arouis
ZO S. Stewart, P9ary Bryant, Sec.
Absent Board Member R. O'Prien,
Hearing #1 - 7:30 P.M. -
Application made by CArl Trinn of 139-2 Mill St. Freeville, N.Y. to place a
Mobile home at 115 Mill SSt., Freeville, ^?.Y. section 803 of the Toren Zoning
Ordiance requires that a lot shall have at least 125 ft. of street frontane.
►`1r. Tripe has used up all of h is existinn frontane. Carl Trinn snoke for son
!<li 1 1 i am Tripp.
L. Parker - Freeville, N.Y. - Opposed to granting
he had to conform in order to have a huildinq lot
a 50 ft. right of way on Tripp property.
!!. Uilkins - 115 !.:!. Dryden Rd., Freeville, N.Y. -
granting variance, stating the Board should look
in area. Shodild consider what trailers do to the
are being built in area.
Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilsen onposina
Decision: Reserved decision - Pending
variance. ter. Parker stated
Mr. Tripp stated there is
Mr. Wilkins is opposed to
into the future, nice homes
tax base. Many new homes
granting of variance.
Hearing #2 - 7;50 P.M. - Ardeen Glazier - 282 Bradshaw Rd., Dryden, N.Y.
Applicant wishes permission to build a barn. Section 804 of Town Zoning
Ordiance requires that a building be at least 70 ft. from the center of the
Water main is 80 ft. from center of road, and does not want to build over it.
This would be approximately 10 ft. from the structure.
Decision: Unanmously granted
Dearing #3 - 8:10 P.M. Mary L. James - 918 F. Shore Dr., Tthaca, New York
No one was present to speak for the variance. Applicant is requesting
permission for a variance to Section 1004 of Town Zoninn Ordiance which requires
that a building be at least 90 ft. from the road center line and 15 ft. from
the side property line. She is asking to place the building 65 ft. from the
center of the road and have a patio on the house that will be 9 ft. from the
Idest property 1 i ne.
Mrs. Cary Lee was present and voiced no objection, but stated she wasn't very
happy with the situation. She has been trying to buy land for some time.
Discussion on this: 11ould grant 65 ft. variance from road center line only.
!Mould have to change design of house to make it conform to the other setbacks
for side and rear property lines.
!Hearing #4 - Mrs. Margaret DeGroff Hein - 2190 Dryden Rd.
Applicant is requesting permission to build a garage and requests a variance to
Sec. 905 of the Town Zoning Ordiance which requires that all buildinns shall be
at least 90 ft. from the road center line. Mrs. Hein is requesting to place the
garage 56 ft. from the road center line. Pars. Hein was present and stated
garage would not present a traffic hazard, but would add to appearance. Board
Member Ed Carpenter mentioned the fact of !packing out on the highway which jgould
be dannerous. Discussion at length on thermatter.
Decision:Granted with 65 ft. setback - f5 ft. from center of road with turn
around. -Too dangerous to back out on highway.Also,if they want to save trees,
digging so close to them might destroy them. ^"eetino Adi. 9:30 n.t7i.
Zoninn Board of .Appeals June 1 107
Town of Dryden 00�7
Present: Chairman R. Keech, Poard Memhers F. Carpenter, D. Rose, 4, larouis,
R. O'Brien, ZO S. 4tewart, Town Roard "ember Janet nr0am
".earin� #1 - 7:30 P.M. - renrge F. rnss - nq Trish Rettlemtn Rd., rreevi11e,rY
__ _ _ _ __.r_�. _._ _.._.__.__ Proposed garage and storage a r e a.
Renuestinn a variance to build a naraon and storage on house. "rs. Ross state?
to move garage would not look nood. A tope viow nas shown of the nroperty to
the Board.
Decision: Granted - Place garage back 2V ft. to existing hail+ling line.
Pleari nel #2 - James Ni - 656 Turks Pi 1 lRd.
'-•!fishes pemission to maintain c:arnort;. _ __
`'r. Ni is appealing decision of Zoning Officer to have existinn carport 7 ft. off
road right-of-way. Attorney David rersh of Ithaca, New York represented Per. Ni.
Attorney Gersh stated this situation was undertaken in nood faith with no
intention to break the law. Carport is closer to road than specifiefby Town
)f Dryden. Is within county right-nf-way. Q. Ni raid not think a carport was
) building, so did not get a permit. `'ould cost $500.00 to $1,000.00 to move
zaroort hack. There is no objection to movinn it back 7 ft. Location proposed
)nly possible location, lot has steep slope. There is a undernround structure
in property. There has not been any voice of ohiection from neighbors.
Submitted petition of neighbors supporting carport.
Submitted 3 pictures to Board.
licture #1 - "lrs. Morris's carport. Approximately 25 or 26 ft. from center line
)f road. Has been in community for awhile. No objection from anyone.
'icture #2 - Mr. p1410 present carport. Park 2 cars.
'icture #3 - Mr. Isenberg's garage - 40 ft. or less from center line of road.
lent through proper proceedings for this.
'fir. Ni stated he has a back problem and this in why he decided to build carnort.
Site has many trees and bushes. Mr. Ni also stated he had no intention of
)reaking the law, and made a mistake, but an honest one. He slid not realize
)arport was considered a building. He really needed the carport. "r. Ni
explained to Board background of house, well, septic system. There is a bomb
shelter (underground) on property. Did not ,!ant to build over it because he was
ifraid it might cave in. On one side immediate neighbor has a garden and would
)lock the sun. Carport is setting on,footinns and would move back 7 ft. with a
wrane or by jacking it up. Board member Ed Carpenter asked how far underground
structure was located from house. Mr. Ni said 6 feet.
Ir. Jeff e,rs - Turkey Hill Rd. - Impediate neinhbor - has no objection to carport.
We Sanford - 65 Turkey'Hill Rd. - Q . Sanford stated he has nassed location
1 times a day and did not even know there was a carport there. Can be left
right where it is as far as he is concerned. Chairman Keech stated that Zoning
)rdiance is to be followed.
)ecision: Move back 12 feet. Sack to bomb shelter but not on it.
)iscussed Carl Tripp property.
leetinn Adj. 9:30 p.m.
Pesrectfully submitted
"ary Rryant, Rec. Sec.
Z,6 , 19 7 F,
o�ning Board of Appeals Aral I v
_,I,Toj,jn of Dryden
Present Chairman R. Keech, P)oard "'embers F. Carpenter, D. P-ose, K", [larnuis
ZO S. Stewart
Ahsent: Board Member R. n'Brien
Ilearinn #1
- 7;30 p-m-
- Richard Freelove, 362 Cone Plain Rd.,
Freeville, "Y
was present
and wishes nermission to htlild a private
ciarage. Askinn
for ft.
variance and
stated unnecpssary hardshin as oxistinq
drivewav an,j
laroe- nine
tree which
would have to he re-ioved. qtructorn will
he can® lPvOl
and constructed
of block
and wood.
No one present to speak for or against variance.
Decision: Unanimously granted
Liparinq #2 - Vjilliam Con(ier - R.D.#2, Freeville, rjpw York
Aonlicant wishes permission to huild i work.shop an
d storaoe and to rent a mart
of it to Cornelius Septic Tank Service, to he located at 51 Etna Lane and is
t �j T (, Zorinrl nrdiancr-. Tune of
askina for a variance to Sec. 751 of I '�,yn
construction will he a metal pole barn. I)ne level of 1000 so. ft. Mr. Conner
stated in his application that he wants to (levelon this r)ronertv to heln qpt
funds to nay an excessive �Imo, ujjt of taxes.
Marorie Dobs6n21 Etna Lane,
F t n a , "I evi York nnbson is opposed to
q variance, and does not want a husiness next oor to her.
1. Planhed use is not a neinW,orhood business
2. Not approicite for area
3. ',jo su0nort from community r)enr)l(,.
!is. Dobson asked Mr. Cornelius where is equipment is stored now. 11r. Cornelius
stated equipment is stored on Hall Rd. across from the Electric "as CO. INJr.
Cornelius stated there would he no dumrinn, on property, no cleaninq done at
site. Rill not see buildinq from road. This Juildinn will only he used for
storage, fps. Dobson asked what was the nurnose of storinn equipment. Nlr.
Cornelius said to keep trucks inside !-mlildinq- Septic tanks stored outside.
"Is. Dobson said that 87% of Etna Association sinned letter in opposition.
Lillian Drape Etna, New York
Ms. Drake asked Mr. Cnrnelius about land owned on Ringwood Rd. Mr. Cornelius
said road would be hazardous. 11s. Drake asked what,hazard. Mr. Cornelius
answered there are two miles of hill. 1,
P. Besemer - 261 Baker Hill Rd.
Mr. Besemer does business with 111r. Cornelius. Supplier to Mir. Cornelius, makes
concrete for septic systems. PIr. Resemer stated that nronert ' v Mr. Cornelius
now i
rents s kept neat. ijas had no had experiences with Mr. Cornelius. N 0
odor in Luilding. These are not used septic systei-n-,. Sale of new tanks, then
moved out. There never has been an oble,ctionahle odor.
Turpcek, -
New. York
is an
RB1 zone. Maintain area rural atmosphere. Only business of
retail nature.
Zoning Board of Appeals (2) July 6, 1976
Feels this is in complete violation.
Ellen Bond - Etna, New York
Ahusinn intent and wants of People in
Opposed, asked that variance be denied. Letter to Chairman Keech was read
to the public by Mr. Keech.
Halter and Sally Spofford - Etna, New York.
Opposed to granting variance.
AO & \*)
Wpi Curtis - Etna, New York
Opposed, Planned use not neighborhood business. Main objection is renting
part of building.
AlVAN )rake - Etna, New York
Asked if this situation should be brought to the attention of the EPA as
there is a small creek near proposed building.
Gloria -weeks - 12 Etna Lane, Etna Lane, Ftna, New York
Question was asked where Mr. Cornelius empties his trucks now. Mr. Cornelius
stated h6 empties trucks on both sides of road on Ringwood Rd.
Decision: Pending
James Ni - Turkey Hill Rd. - Ithaca, New York
Carport was 6 be moved back 12 feet. Zoning Ordiance states carport is a
Mr. Neiderkorn, Architect from Ithaca, MY was presepnt to discuss sivation
Mr. NeiderKorn said that in terms of visual, carnort is not noticeable from
road. Neighbors do not object to carport. Mr. Mi feels moving it back
7 feet would be adequate, and it would not be seen from the road.
The Board discussed the matter and came to the decision that Mr. Ni must
comply with moving carport back 12 feet. Mr. Ni has until August 11, 1976
to straiqhten this matter Out.
Adjourned; 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
"ary Bryant, Sec.
Zoninq Board of Anpeals lentemher 8. 1976
Town of Dryden
Present: Chairman R. Keech, Board Venters D. Pose, K. "arquis, F. Carpenter,
R. O'Brien, ZO S. Stewart
Lionel Wernick, Freeville, New York - Hearing
Q. Smith wants to build house on property, and spoke in behalf of mr.
Uernick. Per. Wernick was not present. Varience reouest to allow'constiuction
on a lot which does not meet the front footane reouirements of the Town
Zoning law. Lionel Wernick wants the front footane requirement changed from
125' for a three -acre lot at 290 Groton Rd. so that a house can he built on
There is some question about the accuracy of the 32' of frontane, as the tax
maps indicate a frontage of 17 feet,
Mr. Crissy, adjoininq property owner opnoses oranting variance. He presented
petition to the Board. Mr. Crissy stated everyone else has to live up to the
125' * requirement. Also, worried about polluting rest of area. A creek .
comes through property Mr. Smith wants to buy. Mr. Crissv has right-of-wav
through property.
The Board asked that the stakes showing the frontane be found, and rinht-of-
way so the Board may look at them. Also, the roard asked for a survpv mar,
of the property before it makes a decision.
Decision: Pending
Pesnectfullv suhmitted,
Mary Bryant, Tpc.
-�oninFy i3OFT'd of ApPerls ueL. 7? I9,15
own of Dryden
Present: Chairman R. Keech, ,oard A!err.bors 1). hose, h. A aril lis, 1L, U'Lr-ien.
'Lonin�, Officer S. Stewart
}feariiiL 41 — 7` O P.V.`I'ei llia.rp La iersfeld�— 14b_.,eam_11i1.1 Ad. I)ry en_.t.a�
Applicant wishes permission to b,iild a Lwo—car, one—story rara,e on iiis
property located at above address. ConsLr�icLion of" u.iildin,. w111 be of ulocK
and wood. So,lare footage of floor space wi1L ,e i,10 ft.
�'rs. ['a-aersfe�d states th�it dlie r,o the Lerra.in there is no other place on Lheir
property to b,iild said str!tct,ire. Also, Vrs. ba,iersfeid states, Vr. i)a-ce.rsleld',�
,job ren,zires him to be o,i t of town a �rrea t deal. also, t s. s. t:a iersfeid is a
school teacher and daring the winter months i L wo ild be less dific!ilt for her
to �*et o,zt. board %lember R. O'I.lrien asked a')ogL the terrain. 0-ueep slope,
ho,xse is towi)rds top of seam [dill and on back d4;e of property line. Property
is 87 ft. wide. Septic system to the East on bo'.Aoiii edge of property.
"'here was no one present to sp(,a.k for or a.,,ainst this variance.
Decision: 4-1 in favor of gra.ntin„, varia.n('1e.
Anna Drake — )6 Ditcher Etc[ _Freevi l l e,_N .-Y .
Apl)li.cant wishes to b,iild a pole barn on her property 14' iii�,h in front, 12,
in back. Neighbor Bob Porter has no opposiLion. Pars. brake has been isinL_
Mr. Porter's barn. She would like to have her own barn. NJ'. Porter nee�,s
his barn for his cat, i le.
�'rs. T)rake stated this is he only place on the property to b1iild a pole barn.
In the back, land is swampy and she also would 1+:..e ',jarn close to li(,r ho,ise.
A Public fiearinp is sched,iled at 7: �if) p.m. November S, 1975.
ii,espectf,Yl ly s'rbrni Lted
Vary Bryan 1, , Res. 6ec .
:oninr Board of Appeals
In the matter of the appeal of Kevin Clinton, 630 kinL%ood Ad. ar•islut Uot
of the denial of a ren iest for a bii Rinv permit to w iild an addition to his
hoise, the hoard dil,y condicted is Pgblic Apariny on oept. 2, 1%6 aL 60
P .,.
9heBoard discissed the hoise location on the loL Hint the creep winding;
aroind it W agreed that he only piaco vhere one co•il.d biiid an udditiun
on the Lot wps the vest side as Vr. Winton 5igrgested. llle hoard deilberalod
s"bseggPnt to the P"blic !baring and vo.& in."nima-tsly to nra.nt We variance.
In the matter of the appeal of Steven il.. Ca.il, 202 sweeLiand 4u. arising ait
of the denial of a reqiest for a biilding PerMiL to w1iiu a barn, ine hoard
dily eondqcted a F4rblic Hearin; on 6epu. 2, iglb at 7:50 P.M. so one Has
present to speak for or a_ gins L grantinc_ We variance suq,ht. "at size is
certainly small bit everyone felt, a small storage barn coqid only help to
create a better image by clea.ninp yip the lot, and gULtina Wines inside.
The Poard deliberated sibseqjent to Lhe Pgblic nearing and voted inan muisly
to 7rant the variance.
Rohert C. Keech, Chairman
Zoning Board at Appeals
Zoning Board of Appeals October 5, 197F
Town of Dryden
Present: Chairman R. Keech, Board "embers R. O'Brien, D. Rose, K. "arnuis,
E. Caroenfer, V S. Stewart.
Hearin #1 - 7:30 pm James Cutting - 1834 Dryden Rd.
Annlicant present and stated he wishes permission to build an enclosed
stairway and storage. Town Zoning Ordiance requires that a buildinn shall be
90 ft. from road center line. Mr. Cuttinn stated in his application that the
stairway is unslightly and needs replacinn, also needs wider stairway. Will
be 8 ft. wide. He said it would improve the appearance of the present
structure and give him room to store la"n mower, harden enuipment, etc.
John Scotton - Dryden, NY - No objection to orantinq variance.
Decision; Unanimously granted
Hearinn #2 - 7:50 pm - Robert Porter - 34 Dutcher Rd.
"r. Porter present and stated he wishes permission to place a Mobile Home
on his property and requests a variance to Sec. 801, Par. 13 of the Town
Zoninn Ordiance. Mr. Porter stated in his application that,due to his
Mother-in-law's poor health they would like to have her as close as possible
to their home. Water will be run from Mr. Porter's house. Will add carport
by trailer. Carport is not a permanent structure and will be built with
Decision: Unanimously granted with restriction. "hen mother-in-law passes
on, Mobile Home will have to be removed.
mrs. Fenner - Caswell Rd,,_[Kyqji.Ile NY
"rs. Fenner came before the Board for information. She wants to nut another
Mobile Home on her land, which would total 3 trailers. Has 3n acres of land,
with 280' frontage. Does not have enounh4road frontane, need 95' more. "rs.
Fenner stated trailer will be back approximately 100'. The Board informed
Mrs. Fenner that the Health Dept. will have to approve this.
The . Board instructed Mrs. Fenner to contact Health Dept. and report back to
Zoning Officer S. Stewart.
Respectfully submitted
"ary Brvant, Sec.
.zoning bonrd of Appeals
l'own of jj'r.yden
Present: Board Members It. O'Brien, E. Carpenter, D. Bose, ki. Marq'lis
Absent Chairman h. Keech
Hearing #1 - 7:30 p.m. - Bernard & Sandra Cornelius, 253 ttin,.,wood iid.,
Froeville, NY.
Board Member Donald Rose chaired the meeting, in the a,,)sence of Chairman Keech.
Appeal made by Bernard & 'Sandra Cornelius re(ltesting permission to coad,ict a
b•isinpss at lslanA (;rove Farm, �}95 Main St. , Etna, NY - Route 366 - for the
costing of concrete prod icts, the parking of ur,icks and a dispatch location
for d,imp trucks and pimping trite-ks owned by the Corneliuses for use in their
Septic Tank Service. Zoned RLI
Attorney Dirk Galbraith spake in behalf cf the Uoraeli,ise6.
'Tnneessary hardship listed as follows:
t. Land in qiiestion will not yield reasonable re turn if ised for allowed
2. Circ,imstances of Landowner are �iniq,ie.
3. Variance will not change character of neighoorhooct.
1. 6imilar ise has been PC-rMiLted on property in the past.
5. Official map does not appear to de6i,,nate sioject, property as bein, noned
Applicants pirchased land from Robert Itelyea. there are foitr barns on property,
2) steel, I frame. Three are one-story, one is two-story. Forced hot air in
one dwelling, none in other 3 b�i,itdinos.
Poa,rd Member ft. O'Brien asked abo,it commerical !tse on this property previo,isiy.
Aitorney Galbraith state(] property was originally owneci by the VandOert family,
who operated a tr,ickinp 1),isiness on site ha,ilirig Brewers grain. I Uso, a dairy
1'Prming b,isiness. Bob Relyea owns p�ircel of property closest to Gornelijs
property. In apart-ment complex is situated on itelyea property. neighbors have
(teen contacted, and there have been no objections in regard to tne Gorneiiises
b,isiness. :'he Corneliiises also intend to engage in dairy farming ,ipon these
Board Vember D. Rose asked 1,"r. Cornelius why tie didn't come oetore Llie LbA
before on t1iis matter. Ap;:licant stated he feels this was iia exis(Ant.,, .�Isines6,
as there was i Lr,i.cking b-isiries.13 on site previo,isly. i-,oard N;ember it. U11,rien
asked applicant about b�iilding he was isino on ifall ltd. which is in a MA zone.
Apr)liev,-,-1t, stated rent was raised and baiid.ing-, sold, so he had to Make obrier
arrangements for his bisiness.