HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 ZBA MeetingsApril 1, 19'7 5
Pr(,sent : J�oarrj k'(,Mk)(,rs O. hose, Crtrpenter, Gu b. btexfzrt
:absent: Board A`emberA. keech
".onrr! Vernber D. hose chaired Lhe meeLin_o.
C{earinfr — `i-'iO p.m.
ApT)(-al mane r)y hillie .;cnmoke to contin,jo the 16o of a uenlporary strilct�lre
(C,rePn Floiise) located aL 20:115 Dryden Hoad. Ap'L;licant was preseiiL at a
mii etinc in %la.rch of 1974.
1.o:)licant is asking f'or an indefinite exLensi.on on sLriet,ire. uwner of
land is ''illiam C'ongder.
Vr. `)chmoke stated he plans to h,iy land and b1ii1.d a pervianent Green do-tse.
Lauri he mans to p,zrchase ')E- Longs to 11bidson Ladd. D'r. "'�chrno,ie stated h!r.
Sadd informed him that he wi l L event tally sell the land, 5,tt is not ready
t o sol l et thi time. Permanent Green ho•tse will ue loca Led to west of
present site. Present Green t!,,,ise is located .l� to 20 feet from the oadd
No fjirthf�r qir,stions.
"Where w�,s no one pre-ent to speak for or, iq_uinst variance. the hoard
reviewed tax map. Property zoned RD.
"ecision: Pending f'or f',zrther di.sc�tssion l,y Lhe fall board.
ltespectf,il �y s,ibmitted
", ary '.ryant, sec.
In the matter of the appeal of Billie Schirohe, 2035 Dryden Rd.
asking for an indefinate extension of a variance which was formerly
granted for a one year period. The Board with three members present
duly conducted a public hearing on April 7, 1975.
The Appellant had no new information for the Board and the situati�)n
remained the same as when the variance was granted. Mr. Hudson
Sadd spoke well of the business and no one was present to express
any opposition. The Board questioned the appellant in retards to
acquiring the additional land from Mr. Sadd, anal, was told that Mr.
Sadd was not yet ready to sell.
The Board deliberated subsequent to the public hearing, the Anpell;;Lnt
had no new information for the Board and the situati! ')n remained
the same as when the variance was first granted. It was felt that
the ZEO should not accept an aoDllcation'for another hearing unless
developments came about which would justify it. The Board voted
unanimously to extend the variance thru 1975.
In the matter of the appeal of Nicholos Aloi of E. Lake Rd., Dryden,
N*Y. arising out ofthe dental of a building permit by the ZEO to
complete a home which was placed on lot by error by a previous con-
tractor. The Board duly conducted a public hearing on May 6, 1975
with three members Present.
Appellant told of a series of unfortunate events which left him
with a partially completed structure and with no recourse against
the contractor since he had 'skinned to=,rnt. Board members questioned.
are statrents from- the neighbors.
In the matter of the Appeal of Mr. Fronk C. Prugh, 621 W. Dryden Rd.
arising out of a dental by the ZOO to issue a permit because of
insufficient setback.
The Board duly conducted a Public Heariny on Xay 6, 1975 Witt three
members present. Appellant told of a septic system located on the
opposite end of house and because of location of present structure,
required set back would hurt appearance of house. All neighbors
present were in favor of granting the variance and no objection
was expressed. The Board Vembers carefully considered all evidence
presented and voted unanimously to grant the variance sought.
Robert C. Keech
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 3, 1975
'i lown of Dryden
May bt 191b
Present: Board Members D. Rose, E. Carpenter, h.. Nlarq!iis, ZU S. aLewart
Absent : board Member H. Keech
Board Vember D. Rose presided over the meeting.
Hearing #1 - 7:30 p.m. Nicholas Al-oi - E. Lake Rd. Dry-denl-ii.i.
Appeal made by Nicholas Aloi to complete constritetion of a garage at 245 Lake
lid. Dryden, N.Y. Health Dept. approval on property. Approximately one acre.
Mahlon Perkins was present to speak for \Mr. Aloi. Map of said property
presented. "here is a question of a seven foot variance. Construction of
garage was started in the Fall of 1974. Mr. Aloi purchased land at 44000.00
for constviction. Land was owned by Mr. Donald harner. A series of events
took place concerning Xifr. Harner, is w4ich he .left Mr. -Aloi with a partially
completed horse. Previoiis owner Floyd Cotterill had to foreclose on property
and b,iilding. N'r. Aloi has to pay Mr. Cotterill 33000.00 for some land.
I lloqsp and (),garae have to il)e completed as started in order to 6,et first, draw
on mortage�now being held at the bank. If, riot finished as started Mr. Aloi
wilt lose mortage money and be ina-ble to finish sunit tare . Cons LrucLion of
biiildinc, was originally sched,iied for completion in \ovember of 1974. \mr.
Aloi stated he plans to have garage COMPLeued by June of 1975- NMr. ilerkins
presented letters to the Board from the following nei6hoors.
Diane and John Eaton - 246 Lake M . , Dryden, N.Y.
Mr. and klrs. Eaton have no objection to grantin8 variance.
Vr. and Nirs. Ralph Dellow, Lake Rd. Pryden,,..Y.
�'r . and Vrs. Nelson. Davall, Lake Rd. Dryden, N.Y.
mr. and ',frs. Ronald Davall, Lake kd. Dryden, N.Y.
The above have no objection to granting variance.
James More'v - Lake Rd., 1)rydeLi_L_N.Y_t
Mr. Vorey q,iestioneLl the fact of zoning. 'Lie stated why have zoning it it is
,91WRYS hein� changed. ','here is a tree on property which Vr. Aloi stated will
be cqt down. Also a cellar door will !,)e vi-L in.
12.tEph Campbell - Lake Rd. Dryden, N.Y.
vr. Campbell is very miich for Zoning, and in this case seems to tilt toward
not granting variance. Questioned why the 6arage was not set jacii in ori&;inai
plans. It was stai.ed original plans co-np.Lied with Zoning Urdiance.
.Si�?rid Campbell - Lake_Rd..-L)rvde,i N. Y
Nirs. Campbell q,iestioned why garage was p!rt in front of holiie. 6he feels it
does not go with the neighborhood. It was stated it wo,tid be difficult to
move garage at this point of constriction.
DECISTOS: 'Tnamimo,isly granted
'Aoningr lioard of 2) May 6, 015
(if' Dryden
Hearing #� - 7:50 P.M. 93� Dryden-ftd. Varna._i�.Y.
Applicant realiests a variance to b,i.iid a canopy for his gas p,imps. Mr. Johns
stated type of consirliction will ,)e steel, and citing hardship stated, if
variance not granted his ability to increase service to customers wili be
restricted. �Vr. Johns presented a drawing from Wallace Steel as to what his
canopy will look like. Applicant also presented a letter from Taggin Wagon
Trailer Park (R. Relyea) stating he has no o,)Jection to granting variance. A
letipr from Gary Lee presented, stating he has no objection to granting variar
Canopy will be 1-21 high and Mr. Johns stated construction will not interfere
with any electricial wiring. The B`oard silgoested to Mr. Johns that he contact
the N.Y.S.E.& Gas as to their males regarding eiectricia.1 wiring.
No objections were heard and/or received by the Board.
DECISION: TTnatiiYro,isiy granted
Hearing #3 - 8:10 p.m. Frank G. Priigh - 621 West_Drvden Rd.
Applicant requests
liests a variance to add a garage and family room to his house.
Type of construction will oe wood. Drawings were presented along with pictur(
of house. Vr. Prugh stated that the location of present structure wo•ild make
it diffic,ilt to add on and meet the required set -back. Also this would hurt
the appearance of the house. Applicant stated that on the other side of the
ho,ise is where the septic system is located.
Ida Tiall - 615_W. Drvden-lid. - neiEhbor -
In favor of granting variance as long as striict,ire does not olocA tier view.
Brian and J"o0v Earl-- neivhb.orsl across the road from the Pr!1EhL -
In favor of ?ranting variance.
Bob Jorgens 622 W. Drvden Rd._- nei;.Yhbor
No objection to granting variance.
DECTSIO.N': TTnanimo,isly granted
hespectfaiiy S,ibMiLted
Y,ary Bryant, Sec.
In //',' / ,,;f the i Liko R,Xi0ij
May 16, 1975
Mr. Robert Keech
R.D. #2
Knoll Wood Drive
Freeville, N.Y. 13068
Dear Mr. Keech:
This is to notify you that the Town Board officially
appointed you as Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals
for the balance of 1975. They further resolved that you
should appoint a Vice Chairman to cover in the event of
your absence.
Robert O'Brien of 1347 Ellis Hollow Road was appointed
as a member of the BZA to replace Peter Levatich. I have
notified Mr. O'Brien of his appointment and thefactthat
you meet on the lst Tuesday of each month if hearings are
Very truly yours,
iZ) 61
Rosemary Stelick
Town Clerk
Zoning Board of Appeals
J ny•:.`of Dryden
J tly 1, 1975
Present: Chairman R. Leech, Board Memners It,. (;a.rpenter, x. Miarquis, 1). hose,
R. O'Brien. Also presnt ZO S. 6tewa.r t
Hearing #1 - Dale Plenkett - 1847 hanshaw Rd.
Applicant was present and requested pernnssion to place a b;obile home on above
property. Yr. Plitnkeett stated he wants to place his Mobile home on this
property so that he can be helpful to his mother as his father is deceased.
Jane Plunkett, applicant's mother, was present and had no objection to granting
Vrs. Petrillose was presoal, and also spoke for her husband. the Petrilloses are
neighbors of the Plunketts. hers. Petrillose asked the f"oltowing questions.
1. Where do you intend to place trailer?
Trailer will be situated on a knoll, behind existing house as he has no road
frontage. Mr. Plunkett has a right-of-way back to the lot, and realizes the
road -way to the lot is his responsibility.
2. Drainage plans
Being on a knoll there is no problem Yith drainage.
3. W-ester S,tpply
There is a spring on the property that, has been tested. If this is not
sufficient will drill a well. Health Dept. will check on this.
4. What will +railer set on?
Mr. Pl inkett, stated he plans to place trailer on a concrete slab.
5. Electric
Power poles will be brought back to lot.
Mrs. Petrillose stated the area is saturated with trailers, and wanted to
know if the Board tas setting a particular kind of precedent in allowing this.
The area is not zoned against new trailer installations. Trailer has to be
70 ft. from center of road. An application applies to each individ,iai case.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town of Dryden /4/0 August 5, 1975
Present: Chairman R. Keech, Board Members D. Rose, E. Carpenter, R. O'Brien,
K. Marquis. Also present ZO S. Stewart.
Hearing #1 - 7:30 p.m. - Joe Sanford, 65 Turkey Hill Rd.
'Applicant was present and stated he would liketo construct a shed closer than
15 feet from his property line. Zoning require that a building be at least
15 feet from a side property line. Mr. Sanforcpresented photos of land he
wishes to place shed on, and also talked to neihbor who owns adjoining
property. There is growth between the two prorrty lines.
There was no one present to speak for or again! this variance.
Decision: Unamimously granted
Hearing #2 - 7:.50 P.M. - Floyd Sears, 94 Bone ain Rd.
Applicant was present and stated he requests pmission to place a Mobile Home
on his property at 94 Bone Plain Rd. Right-ofay 500 ft., at least 60 ft.
width. Zoning Ordiance requirements are that e lot shall have at least 125 ft.
of street frontage. When applicant purchased t he did not realize there was
a requirement of 125 ft. road frontage.
There was no one present to speak for or again this variance.
Decision: Unamimously granted contingent on sning of permit stating that Mr.
Sears will maintain right-of-way.
Hearing #3 - 8:10 p.m. - Wesley Ike - 105 Beanill Rd
Applicant was present and wishes permission tdace a 1OX16 addition on the
front of his 12X70 Mobile Home. To be used fdiving space and storage. Zonis
Ordiance requires that all buildings shall be least 70 ft. from the center g
of the road. Property was purchased about 3 ys ago, Would Like to put new
entrance on Trailer that would be practical. >ile Home is on a cinder block
foundation. Addition would be placed on exist concrete slab. Applicant
stated it would be a hardship to move Trailer.k.
There was no one present to speak for or agaiethis variance,
Decision: Unamimously granted
The Board had a discussion at length with TB ter C. Cotterill on Zoning
Oediance. Subdivisions and what direction sh the Town be going. !That type
of restrictions should there be. Should the er be responsible without
legal subdividing. Land contract - what shoue done. Talked about ACR.
land and subdividing it. Discussion on definn of Modular and Mobile Homes.
>pectfully Submitted
'y Bryant, Rec. Sec.
Loning hoard of Appeals
Town of Dryden
September 2, 1916
Present: Chairman R. Keech, board Nembers E. Carpenter, D. lose, 1. Yarqois
Absont : Board Member R. O'Brien
Hearing #1 - Kevin Clinton - 633 Ringwood ad.
Applicant is seeking a variance to jqild a 14X38 ft. 2-story addition to the
Southwest side of his house at 603 Ringwood Ad. `town Zoning Ordiance requires
that a building shall be at least 70ft. from center of road. Mr. Clinton
stated he cannot build in back of house becaise of the brook, and one side of
house has sewer system. H01se was �40t approximately in the 1950's.
Decision: Unanimously granted
Hearing #2 - Stephen R. Call. ---.202 Sweetland Rd.
Applicant is seeking a variance to Mid a 20X30 ft. 2-story wood Darn on his
property at above address. Town Ordiance requires that all DUiidings shall
be at least 70 ft. from the center of the road and 25 ft. from the rear
property line. Vr. Call states that the iot isn't large enoq6h to set Darn
70 ft. from center of road and 25 ft. from rear property line.
The Board W a a0cussion and granted this variance unanimoisly.
There was no one present to speak for or against this variance.
Aespectfiliy submitted
Cary Bryant, Rec. We.
Zoning Board of Appeals 4 September 11,1975
In the matter of the appeal of Floyd Sears, 94 sone .Main Ud. aris.111L, O'It of
the denial of a reqjest, for a b,iilding permit to plitce a N?Obile home on his
property, the Board d,ily cond,icted a P,iblic llearing, on Aug. bth, 1915 al,
7:50 P.V. with all Board �Vembers present.
7-he applicant stated his case, expressing his desire to live back away from
the highway, that right-of-way is 60, wide. No one spoke either ;Cor or against
g,ranting the variance. Several Board NVembers visited the site biit had no
gliestions to ask.
Board deliberated s,ibseq,ient to the P,tblic hearing and voi,ed unanimo,isly
to grant the variance with the condition than Vr. Sears sign a statement that
he is aware of his responsibility in maintaining the right-of-way to his
In the matter of the appeal of Wesley Ike, 105 :Beam Hill kd. arising oilt of
the denial of a B,iilding Permit to put an addition on the front of his Mobile
Home because ofins,ifficient set -back.
The applicant told the Board of his plans to replace the present addition with
a larger and more attractive entrance. Several N:embers were ac(plainted with
the lot and how a creek behind. the Mobile home prevented further set -back so
compliance could, be made. No one was present to speak wither for or against
granting the variance.
The Board deliberated s,ibseqiient to the Public hearing and voted unanimously
to grant the variance.
In the matter of the ap ' )rval of J. Sanford arising O,it of the denial of' a
building permit to biiild a structure on his property at 65 lurKey hill Ad. A
P!iblic Hearing was d,ily cond,icted at 7.30 p.Ni. on Aqg. 5th, 1975 with all
members present.
Applicant stated his case, how the steep slope of his lot left him with only
one place to b,iild a tool storage building and how it wo,11d be less that 15
feet from the side property line" one was present to speak for or anajn�I,
granting the variance. Pictlires of Wheelbarrow, lawn mover and ocher items
stored o,itside were presented to the Board.
the Board delibetated subseq,ient to the Pl.iblic nearing and felt that a building
to horse tools, etc. co,ild only serve to better the situation. [jnanimoilsly
Robert C. Keech
Zoning Board of Appeals