HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 ZBA MeetingsFebruary bt 1974
zoning Board of Appea�,s
Town of Dryden
Present: Chairman P. Levatich, Board NVembers D- Rose, h. Marquis
Zo S. Stewart.
Absent; Board Vembel's U. Keech, E. Carpenter
_Donald L. Scutt — 1655 Dryden lid_
Mrs. Sc,.Itt was present and requested a variance to build a two —car garage.
Structure is too'clOse to the side lot line. 'the minimum distance required
is 15 feet from the side property line. I Applicant stated -there is more than
enoiigh frontage for 98rage. aiso stated her neighbor Mr. "late is
in agreement to build garage.
';'here was no one present to speak for or against variance.
The prope
rty ertv Line is at an angle which makes the back corner of the
naraV,e in violation of the zoning ordiance. Also there is no other place on
the property where a ga,ra.ge may be built.
Hearing #2 — Leslie !baser =_555 Dry1_eE=L1_aL!.2_r_d—LZ!!--
Applicant was present and is seeking a variance to place a !Mobile Home on
his property at 372 Dryden—liarford Rd. the itB zone. 1he large lot residential
zone does not permit the installation of %,Iobiie liomes.
Mr. Bowser was present and stated he sold his home because lie did not need
taxes were too ile also stated he was
ich a large home and that the
[-I.ot aware of the zoning change when he sold his ho,ise. he had owned the
property for 17 years. He now lives in a \,,Iobile home on L. 6CiltL'S property
and woild like to move his trailer as soon as possible.
Yr. and. Vrs. George Chevalier are in favor of granting variance. -,hey stated
they can see no detriment to the neighborhood.
Carl Foote — Owns adjacent property and stated there are enough trailers tliei
already — Opposed
Shirley Skogfeldl — neighbor — opposed
Qnincr }3oard of Appeals
(2) February 51 lyoll
Vr. . and Mrs. Jack Ueed. — Stated the area, has been rezoned and w iaid charge
character of. nei Whborhood .
DEcI sI ON: Not granted
the board discgssed the matter and joind no Inasual hardship-
hespectY II) s.ibmitted
Mary Bryant, hec. 6ec.
I 1� 0,oning Board of Appeals
Town of Dryden
April 2, 104
Present: Board Members Robert Keech, Ed Carpenter, Donald hose, kermil
Marq0s. ZO S. Stewart
Absent: Chairman P. LpvRtich
Board Member Robert Keech presided over the meeting in the absence of Chairman
P. Levatich.
Hearing #1 - 7;30 p.m.
James Filler -_Q_Sapsgcker Woods ad.
Applicant was present and stated he wishes to put a storage addition on his
garage. This is in violation of side —lot lines requirements. Mr. Wier lacks
A foot of side yard. Applicant stated present house was built 4efore zoning
and reason for constricting storage addition on his garage is a matter of
economy. George Allen of 39 Sapsucker Woods Rd. (neighbor) is in favor of
granting this. Strqctqre is 7 feet from Mr. Allen's property.
qnanimonsly granted
Hearing *2 - 7: 50 p.m.
George L. Allen — 39 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Applicant was present and stated he wishes to place a Mobile Home on his lot
at 37 Sapsicker Woods Rd. Said lot does not meet the front footage requirement:
of Zoning Ordiance. Mr. Allen is doing this for his sister and presented a
letter from Dr. Bryce stating her condition. Her condition being she has
Arthritis and shoild be in a one—story dwelling.
hook on main sewer pipe from Cayuga heights.
unanimo"sly granted
Trailer is 12' by 60'. will
April ly 1904
8rd of Appeals
jearinw #3 — 802-Rom-
jonald B._CjIrk=_LiverMRre_Rd__L him to build a holse on Uarjord Id., "t.36
AoVi I icant requests a variance 10 the square footage requirements. "Ot
Qryden, N.y« on a lot which does not meet s between Mr- Clark and Mr.
in ,ebtion is undersized. The land transaction i owns additional property.
Carl Foote- Mr. Foote is owner of We land and also
DECTOON: Denied s additional land avaii—
The variance was denied because the Board feels there
able. Lot lacks 6,3751 of meeting requirements.
Uear' i4 8:30 p.m.
Leslie "owser — 555 Dryden Rd.
place a Mobile Home on his property. MoDile
NpDlicant is seeking a variance to
homes are not an allowed use in the RB, large lot residential. Ihis is the
second appeal for Mr. Howser.
Mr. L. Schutt presented the Board with a list of names in favor of granting LWA
Vr. Ceorge Chevelier of barford Rd. spoke in favor of variance- Mr. Chevelier
stated he feels the character of the neighborhood along lit. W is established t(
qjite a large extent by the development that is there now.
Up stated business along this route as the following:
1. -sed car lot
2. Antiqqe sales barn
3. pest control bqsiness
4. Several apartment houses
5. Several Mobile Homes
G. Horse breeding establishment
Mr. Chevelier feels Mr. Howser's Mobile Home will not change the character of t
neighborhood. Mr. Chevelier also feels this is a hardship case for Mr. Bowser
Kilding a house woOd be much more expensive than a Mobile home..
honing Board. of Appeals (3) April 2, 19'14
Shirlev-SkoFfeldt - neighbor, 317 Harford Rd. - Opposed
Vs. Skogfeldt feels the va-Ilie of her home woald. decrease if al.Lowin,� trailers
in the area.. Also if allois,ing this I.,liobile dome in the area, she feels it is
jiist oDeninv, the door for others.
fir . Jack Reed - Harford. Rd. - Opposed
Vr. Reed stated 80 people signed petition against variance. Mr. heed feels
basically the same as Ms. Skogfeldt on this matter.
Carl Foote - 365 Harford lid. - Opposed
Mr. Foote feels the area, is ge�tiDg siirro,inded with trailers and that this
variance should not be granted.
mrs. Jack Reed - Ilardord Rd. - Opposed
Mrs. Reed also spoke in opposition for her stepmother who was unable to be
present at the meeting.
Joe Robinson - 12)0 Soiith St., liarford Rd. - Opposed
Basically feels same as others. Stated there are enough trailers in the area.
Nancy Chevelier - flarford Rd.
Mrs. Chevelier stated she thought 80 people were a small percentage of signature
of people living in this RB area, which covers a large area.
Board Member Kermit Marq1iis asked Mr. Howser if he kept cattle on the land.
Applicant stated he has always kept cattle on the land but does not have very
many at the present time. lie also stated he works the land. Board Member Ed
Carpenter asked applicant about his Mobile Home location. Mr. howser stated
trailer will riin opposite of road. No further qoestions.,
PECTSION: Conditionally granted
The variance provides that the Mobile Home is only for Mr. dowser's personal
occiipancyg a .Ase which may not be sold or transferred.
Hespeetfuliy submitted,
Mary Bryant, Rec. 6eco.
T ning Boord of Appeals March o, 104
Town of Dryden
Present: Chairman P. Levatich, ooard Vembers 0. "ose, h. Marqiis
ZO S. Stewart,
Ahsont: R. Keech, E. Carpenter
HKARING Q — 7:30
Appe8l by Billie Conger 20W5 Dryden Rd.
Application for a' permit to Wild a building at 2035 Dryden Ad.
Vr. Dan Schmoke is purchasing property from Yr. Copper and reqiesw a vardn"ce
to constrict a temporary Green house vIricn, will be of a polyethylene type
nature. Strqctqrp is movable and can be moved in 4 to a hoars. otrqctire wa:i
stprted before seciring a permit which applicant stated he has not aware he
needed a permit.
W. Wikiam Parripan of 2215 Wryden Ad. qqestioned appiicani as to iutire plans
for the Green noise. Mr. 6chmoke stated it would be operated as a reLaiL
business in We future. Also SLrqcture will be moved to another location iii
a bear.
No further qjestions.
Peci si on:
Con0itional variance granted for a year. Variance wilt be given to Mr. Conger
as property is in his name. Zoning Officer S. Stewart suk,eSLed making
temporary variance more binding as to the conditions.
Chairman Leratich wilL draw ip papers to be signed by Mr. Conger and have A
notarized. Papers will Le transferable to new owner.
Respectfully submitted
Mary Bryant, Aec. bec.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Town of Dryden
May 7, 19i4
Present; Chairman P. Levatich, Bd . Members D. hose, a. spech, A. Carpenter.
Also present Q S. Stewart
Absent: Ed. Member K. Margai s
George and Evelyn White - 408 hunt Hill lid., tryden, A.Y.
Applic-nt is seeking a. variance to add a lob; cabin type stricture to existing
hoise. Said addition will be bedrooms. Mr. Ahite is lacying required set -tack.
Proposed stricture was measured at 48' to edge of the road. Existing house is
sirrowded by trees and was Wilt approximately in 1950. Applicant stated there
is another lot between his hoqse and the corner lot. Both Mr. as Mrs. Yhite
stated the road is not heavily travelled at any time and only travelled in the
winter months by people living in the area.
DE 15TON: Granted
FfPa.rinv? #2_-_7:50_P_m
Appeal made by A. W. Battle to extend the Shady Grove Mobile dome Park at L9
Pinckney Rd . , Etna, N.Y. Mr. Battle requests a variance to bee. 1201 of 0e
Cown Zoning Ord. which does not allow Mobile home Parks in the M-A zone. `lhe
Wrd reviewed a sketch plan presented by Mr. Battle. .park is presently owned
by Clara Snyder of Pinckney Rd. Ms. Snyder wishes to sell trailer park to her
son-in-law A. 1. Battle becaqse she is .no longer able to operate same. Park was
established about 11 yrs. ago and has 18 trailers situated on lots. Mr. Battle
stated he will prirchase park if he can expand and add more trailers. uretchen
Saxie of Lower Creek Rd . , Etna, N.I. was present and asked applicant Uou may
more trailers. Mr. Battle tiaid he was thinking of 21 additions and in time may-
be 50 more. D.B. Harrington of Etna, N.Y. was present and asked Mr. battle it
he coqld operate park as is in a. full time operation. Applicant stated this
cooLd not be operated fill time as is. He -would have to enlarge.
DECISION: Denied- The Bd. cogld not find any hardship in this case.
kieariRg_j5-._9_1.0_ .m.
Lafayette Radio l�;lectronics - 1300 Dryden Rd.
Mr. R. Volbrecht, Mgr. of Lafayette was present and is seeking a variance to
put ,in a sign oz top of main building that exceeds the 15' height. :sign in
q•iestion was erected and in violation of zoning at time of this hearing. :sign
by road is apnroximat.ely 25' to 30' from top to bottom. Applicant stated suns
will be romoved from back of building.
Vr. Vo.lbrecht stated he was told by the main store in Syosset, song Island that
signs mgst be pit ,gyp in the manner described to conform to the overall "afayette
PEC151ON: DeniA
hes pec tf O ly submitted
Mary Bryant, hec. sec.
Zoning uoa.rd of Appeals A
July 2, 1974
Town of Dryden
Present: Chairman P. Levatich, lioard L9embers ic. Meech, D. aose, L. Carpenter
ZO S. Stewart
Absent: Board iMember K. Marg�iis
Hearing #1 - 7:30 p.m_
Richard and Florence Pinney ± Lower_Creek_Ad. - ELna, ,'v.Y.
Applicant is seeking a variance to remove and sell topsoil from his property
on Lower Creek 10. Mr. or Mrs. Pinney ,,Lrer•e not present at this hearing. `This
property is located in the newly created RBl zone in Etna.
tor. Pinney stated in his application that he wo,ild like to develop three
b,ailding lots. 'opsoil is five or six feet deep on these lots. Mr. Pinney
proposes to sell some of this topsoil and ise fill for a base. 'lhe lots wo,zid
then be covered with foiir to six inches of topsoil. Applicant feels this is
a way of rising o,ar enviro ,7,ie_d7!� t:l the best advantage witho,.it harm to the
envirormental or conservational value. 11 was stated excavation is not an
allowed nse in an RB zone.
Larry Cornwall - Combe Apts. - Opposed to variance
Dan Smith - Grad student Cornell Univ. opposed. Mr. omith is conciected with
the Fall Creek Recreation area.
Bob Levine - Lives in Apts. across from Mr. Pinney's property opposed
Gretchen Sachse -,Lower Creek Rd. Etna, N.Y. opposed. Nib. jachse is an
adjacent property owner.
No f,irther questions.
There was no one present to speak for a variance..
TTria.mimoqsly denied
1jespectfsily silbmitted
Mary Bryant, itec. Sec.
, P, " �_ l f
a au uc�-90 11B u LL-- 0 ej 1. &-k-M ti "AL-1,1,3
TEL 607 ' 273 - 0Q85
29 August 1974
Benche, Inc.
6399 East Molloy Road
East Syracuse, New York 13057
Attention: Joseph G. Canny
Reference: Dryden Town Hall Furnishings
The Town Board of the Town of Dryden has accepted your Pro-
posals (Sections One and Two) and has authorized us by resolu-
tion to instruct you to proceed with the work at once.
Please note that your bid on Section Two contained two math
errors as follows:
1. Item No. 6 - (2) #GG-0361 @ $75.61 = $151.22 (not $75.61)
2. Item No. 20 - (4) #S-22 @ $43.83 = $175.32 (not $175.28)
Revising these items produces a cumulative total of $3332.22
(not $3256.57) for Section Two which is accepted.
Your Proposal for Section One is accepted as bid at $2134.00.
You shall be advised twenty-one (21) days prior to when the
building shall be ready to accept the furnishings.
S j-.n c e r e I y
Charles McCord, Supervisor William Patchen
Town of Dryden, Dryden, N.Y. Levatich Miller Hoffman PC
Minutes of the Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, held
at the Town Hall, Dryden, New York
November 5, 1974
Present: Board Members: P. Levatich, Chairman"
E. Carpenter
R. Keech
K. Marquis
D. Rose
Zoning Officers S. Stewart
Public Hearing; called to order 7;35 p.m.
Rea Betty M. Drake, 665 Irish Settlement Road, to place
mobile home on land which is of insufficient lot area.
Appellant appeared and stated the case. The proposed mobile
home is to be occupied by immediate relatives of Appellant.
Mobile home may stay there about five years until son can build
home elsewhere to move into. State land to rear does not per-
mit expansion of land but does provide undevelopable green
belt land. Parcel of extensive frontage, only lot area is
52,000 sq. ft. instead of 60,000 required by Ordinance. Pro-
posed usage permitted in R-C Zone.
Public- several people appeared at hearing (about 15). All
in favor.
Variance granted, unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
1 /
Heter S . Levatich
Minutes of the Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, held
at the Town Hall, Dryden, New York
November 5, 1974
Present: Board Members: P. Levatich, Chairman'
E. Carpenter
R. Keech
K. Marquis
D. Rose
Zoning Officer: S. Stewart
Public Hearing; called to order 7:35 p.m.
Re: Betty M. Drake, 665 Irish Settlement Road, to place
mobile home on -land which is of insufficient lot area.
Appellant appeared and stated the case. The proposed mobile
home is to be occupied by immediate relatives of Appellant.
Mobile home may stay there about five years until son can build
home elsewhere to move into. State land to rear does not per-
mit expansion of land but does provide undevelopable green
belt land. Parcel of extensive frontage, only lot area is
52,000 sq. ft. instead of 60,000 required by Ordinance. Pro-
posed usage permitted in R-C Zone.
Public: several people appeared at hearing (about 15). All
in favor.
Variance granted, unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
'Teter S, Levatich
TEL 607 / 273 - 0085
8 November 1974
Dryden Zoning Board of Appeals
Town of Dryden
East Main Street
Dryden, New York 13053
Attention: Rosemary Stelick
Enclosed are the minutes of the November 5th
meeting of the Dryden Zoning Board of Appeals.
Peter S. Levatich
e4. C
—16-2-j V
Page 2
Public Hearing #3; called to order 8:10 p.m.
Re: Mr. Josef Schmidt of 1728 Slaterville Road requesting
permission to add a bicycle sales operation to his
bicycle repair business, now classified a permitted
home occupation.
Mr. Schmidt, Appellant, said he wished to try sales for a year,
which looked as a promising field, and if successful he would
relocate the entire business elsewhere where such use was per-
mitted. Members of the public objected,
Mr. Patterson, 1700 Slaterville Road
Mrs. Rogers, 1727 Slaterville Road
stating that the increased customer traffic would disrupt their
lives at nearby locations. Mrs. Ora Smith expressed general
concern of growing commercial activity in a zone designated to
preserve residential characteristics.
Three statements were submitted in writing all in opposition
to the granting of the variance.
Board members questioned Appellant on reason of hardship, lo-
cation of property, topography, the access and the size of the
driveway. Parking capacity - 2 cars. Property was acquired
by the Appellant about 2 years ago.
Variance denied, unanimously.
Public Hearing #4, called to order 8:30 p.m.
No person, including the Appellant, appeared.
Variance denied, unanimously.
Board adjourned after a general discussion covering the defini-
tion of mobile homes. The description of the directives given
heretofore by the Board to the Zoning Officer will be summarized
by the Chairman in writing and circulated to Board members for
Respectfully submitted,
Peter S. Levatich
Minutes of the Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, held
at the Town Hall, Dryden, New York
October 1, 1974
Present: Board Members: P. Levatich, Chairman
R. Keech
K. Marqu i s
D. Rose
Zoning Officer® S. Stewart
Public Hearing #1; called to order 7:30 p.m.
Re; Mr. DiGiuseppi, 422 Groton Road, to add to barn which
is too close to .highway.
Mr. DiGiuseppi, Appellant, appeared and stated his case. The
proposed milk house and barn extension cannot be placed in
any other position relative to the existing barn. This is
below the road level concealed in part by a stone wall outside
of the highway right of way on Appellant's property. Stone
wall will conceal proposed additions considerably.
No comment from the public.
Variance granted, unanimously.
Public Hearing #2; called to order 7.50 .p.m.
Re; Mr. Vincent L. Walsh, 28 Pleasant Street, Cortland, to
erect a cabin on lands to be purchased along Fall Creek
Road (Rt. 105), there being insufficient frontage.
Appellant, Mr. Walsh, described that he intended to build a
cabin type dwelling, not for year-round usage, on lands between
the railroad track and the river. This is land of scenic value
but inaccessible except along the river under the railroad
trestle. A 15' right of way suffices him connecting the land
to the road. Mr. Keech asked if Appellant would agree not to
press the Town in any way to improve the access to serve his
cabin in the future which Mr. Walsh agreed not to do, stating
he had no intention of doing so.
No comment from the public.
Variance granted; three for, Board Member Marquis abstaining
because of possible conflict of interest.
in the matter of the Appeal by Anne S. Honer, Authorized Agent
of the Etna Community Association (hereinafter referred to as ECA),
and on behalf of ECA, dated November 19, 1974. This Appeal arose
out of the denial of a Building Permit requested by ECA on November
15, 1974 to construct a Community Center on Etna Road on property
owned by ECA. Building Permit was denied by the Zoning Officer
on grounds that issuance of such permit would be in violation of
Section 1604 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Board duly conducted a public hearing on December 3, 1974.
All Board members were present; Board Member R. Keech disqualified
himself because of potential conflict of interest. It was deter-
mined that of the two sections numbered "Section 160411 of the
Zoning Ordinance, the one entitled "Airport Hazard Area" was
applicable. This discrepancy had been in the Ordinance since its
inception. The absence of an "Airport Hazard Area" from the Zoning
map was also noted, even though the text of Section 1604 refers
to: 11... the area designated as "Airport Hazard Area" on the
Zoning map...f1. Several members of the public spoke for and
against the granting of the requested Variance. Board members
questioned members of the ECA. Statements were heard by the Board
relating to the prior history of the case, which is also documented
in the Town Board minutes of July 9, 1974 and August 13, 1974.
The nature, constitution, operational mode and status of the Keech
Airport were discussed and parts of relating regulations and laws
were mentioned. The intent of usage of the proposed project was
described. Airport landing zone dimensions and the hazards of
aircraft landing and takeoff were stated. The general character
of the neighborhood, the relationship of the proposed structure
to the Keech Airport were described and discussed. A wide ranging,
orderly discussion allowed all to hear and to be heard on matters
relating to the Appeal.
The Board deliberated subsequent to the public hearing and ad-
journed without making a final decision in order to collect more
factual evidence and think about the matter. The Board convened
again and deliberated the matter further on January 6, 1975. The
Board decided 4-0 to denying the Variance sought.
In reaching its decision the Board first noted with regret the
discrepancies in the Ordinance which should have long been cor-
rected by the Town Board, especially in view of the fact that
the discrepancies had been suffered thru by all parties at the
time the Health Center project was proposed by Pentaf Associates
at the Hanshaw Road-Rt. 13 area two years ago.
Appeal by Anne S. Honer
Page Two
The Board then reviewed the status of the Keech Airport, noting
that it was shown and listed as "Keech Airport" on two generally
current and widely used aviation maps: AIRPORTS IN NEW YORK STATE,
1970, by the N.Y. Dept. of Transportation, and SECTIONAL AERONAUTICAL
CHART of the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) with a "Date Corrected
to April 1973" notation. The Board noted that regardless of
technicalities relating to "public" or "private" airports, the
Keech Airport is in active use and such use publicly acknowledged
and documented. By virtue of its published existence airplanes
are invited to use it whether they are familiar with its earthly
surroundings and environment or not.
Next the Board examined all information available to it relating
to "Landing Zones" or "Clear Zones". The Board distinguished
between the two types of hazards which are the concern of regu-
lations governing such Zones: one type of hazard being by structures
to the safety of airplanes, the other type of hazard being by
airplanes to life and property on the ground in such Zones where
planes are near the surface during takeoff and landing procedures.
The Board reviewed a letter by Tompkins County Commissioner of
Planning, Frank R. Liguori, (to Sibley Stewart, Town of Dryden
Zoning Officer, December 10, 1974), advising of his opinion that
the proposed use by ECA and the Airport are not compatible. A
letter from Clarence M. Cook, Airport Development Specialist,
N.Y.S.D.O.T. to Helen Amdur, Town Attorney, dated August 2, 1974
was also reviewed. This letter states, among other things, that
the proposed building is located within the southerly approach
zone of the Keech Airport, about 500 to 600 feet from the end of
the runway. The letter goes on to opine "that in the interest
of public safety it should not be located in the approach zone".
The Board did not feel that the proposed structure represented a
potential hazard to aircraft but felt that a hazard does exist to
life and property located in this proximity to the end of the air-
strip. The various hazard zone descriptions were compared and
all contain the proposed building location within the airport
approach zone. Specifically, reference is herein made to a docu-
ment entitled "Approach Clearance over Traverse Ways", prepared
by Air Technical Assistance Section N.Y.S.D.O.T. December 1969,
revised 4-74.
In all its deliberation, the Board examined all specific information
and all documents and all data available to it in detail, but did
not enter into legal technicalities. The Board further sees its
duty, especially in the absence of detail, to examine the cases
brought before it, fairly and reasonably according to Article II
of the Ordinance. The main purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is
stated therein, namely "...to promote health, safety and the
general welfare of the community". The Board carefully examined
the applicable Section 1,604 and noted that, despite its above
stated discrepancies, the Section clearly differentiated between
uses which airport proximity effected and others which such
Appeal by Anne S. Honer
Page Three
proximity did not effect: "...no multi -family dwellings, hospitals,
nursing homes, or places of public assembly shall be allowed..."
However, lacking further definition by the Zoning Ordinance, the
Board, acting under its mandate to interpret and judge specific
instances as "reasonable men" determined to its own satisfaction
that a hazard existed. Such is created by the specific proximity
of an airstrip in public usage to a proposed usage of an "assembly"
nature. The Board feels supported in its findings by the opinion
of specialists. The Board therefore concluded that in the absence
of detailed and clear language of the Ordinance it must apply the
general intent of the Zoning Ordinance and that the proposed
usage of the proposed structure in that location would not pro-
mote but rather jeopardize the health, safety and general welfare
of the community.
Peter S. Levatich
Zoning Board of Appeals
8 January 1975
Zoning Board of Appeals -December 3, 1974
Town--6f Dryden
Present: Chairman P. Levatich, Board Members Donald hose, Ed. Carpenter, i�ermit
Marquis. Also Zoning Officer Sibley Stewart.
Board Member Robert Keech was present but withdrew from the case and spoke from
the floor.
Section 1604 - Airport Hazard Area. Zoning Officer S. Stewart denied the issuanc(
of a building permit per Town Board instructions to the Etna Community Associatior
because the Association vianted to build a place of public assembly ill an Airport
Hazard Zone. Mr. Robert Keech's private airport is located on Etna Ltd. The EGA
desires to build a community center at the end of this airport.
mr. Fred Weinstein Attorney from Ithaca, Nev., York represented the ECA in this
matter. Mr. Weinstein stated the ECA purchased the property in question in
December of 1973. The ECA Nought the property upon reliance of the zoning map.
There is no reference on the zoning map as Airport Hazard Zone. Mr. Veinstein
feels the ECA has complied. with the zoning laws. Attorney Vieinstcin quneslioned
the point of whether site is desirable, but whether site is legal. Construction
is permitted in this zone. It was stated a flight hazard area pertains to a
public airport only.
Richard Turecek - Etna, New York - Mr. Turecek stated the town officials assured
the ECA that there would be no problem with the construction of a community
center on the property. Mr. 'Turecek stated that in the Spring of 1974 the LCA
began some ground work on the property and went to get a permit. The EGA w-as in-
structed to go the the Town Board on the matter. Mr. Turecek also stated that if
the ECA had anticipated any trouble they would not have purchased land.
Bob Scagoline- - Etna, New York - Mr. Scagoline feels the Town Board should have
told the Association to go the Board of Zoning Appeals for permit. Chairman
Levatich stated airport has been there a long time and questioned liability on the
part of the Board. Attorney Weinstein answered by saying there is no liability
on the part of the town. Chairman Levatich stated there is a section of the
zoning ordiance dealing with an airport hazard area which is not well written.
vr. Scagoline mentioned a letter from N.Y.S. concerning this problem of a airport
hazard area. Attorney Veinstrin has letter in question.
Penny Greenwood - Etna, New York - Us. Greenwood stated the ECA owns property
where the old schoolholise stands. She said the ECA was advised against buildin:�
Dn this land because of a drainage problem. Ms. 0)�oenrood feels the new building
will be safe. She stated airport is used primarily on afternoons and reeken(�S.
She stated this would not interfere, with the nursory school as the si-hool or.Jy has,
norning sessions. Board Member D. Rose asked Ms. Greenwood if she had seen,
Driginal plans of building. his. Greenwood said she had but present plans 2uitad
the nursery school needs more satisfactorily. Being that the playg'rourel is nuou
)ut in the open for better supervision. Speaking from the floor Board i�eecl
Stated he did not realize building was going to be built in that particular
ianner until he saw grading had been done.
larjorie. Dobson - Etna, New York - lkis, Dobson talked about how hard the EGA
vorked on this Project and it should be permitted.
1. Crosby - 2 Etna Lane, Etna, Ner York Crosby stated he lives so close to
;he airport that planes take off over his house and that the noise creates no
2ob-n1pl-Board of Appeals Page 2
Towl of Dryden
December 3, 1974
Linda Hemphrey - Etna, New York - Ms. Humphrey stated she is in favor of
granting permission to construct the Community Center on said location.
Ann Scagoline - Etna, New York - Vs. Seagoline feels -here should be no proble:
in gTantimg permission for said building.
Mr. Robert Keech objected to building being constructed at the end of his rinwa
He said he would support a re -location of the building on the property in such
way that it would comply with the Town zoning ordiance and not be in the
approach zone at the end of his runway. Mr. Keech also stated he wanted to
correct the impression that he does not have a lease to the land which he uses
for the airport. He stated he has a written lease.
A letter from the Dept. of Transportation mentions the fact that it would not b
desirable to have a building in this area. Although there is not a law that
states it is illegal to construct a building on the property. In the Ithaca
Journal on 11-29-74 C. Cook stated there is nothing in the law to hinder
constructing such a building. Mr. Bayshor, Dept. of 1ransportauion 6ec. 249
General Business Law would not grant permission for building to exist.
Thelma Neilson Etna, New York In favor of Community Center being permitted
on property.
Jack Hqrlbutt Etna, New York Mr." Hurlbutt talked about the hazard of having
a building at end of runway.
Although Mr. Keech is a Board Member, decision of the Board will not be affectel
by him being a member of the Board.
Respectfully submitted
Mary Bryant, Sec.