Notice of decision in the matter of the Appeal filed by Mr. Ernest'
Vann on February 27, 1970 regarding his property at .1672 Slaterviile
Road, which appeal arose from the denial of a permit for locating a
trailer on aforesaid premises.
Subsequent to Public Hearing duly advertised and held on March l8,
1970,' the Board deliberated and decided to request additional,in-
formation pertinent to the case. Applicant was requested by letter
written by Peter S. Levatich, Chairman, on March 19, 1970 to havel
the physician of the proposed tenant Mrs. Corea E. Vann submit an
opinion on the nature, extent and expected development of her
The Board met and del-iberated again on April 6, 1970. The letter,
of the physician was opened and read. After its contents was
understood the letter was resealed again and deposited with the
Town Attorney Mrs. Helen Amdur in compliance with the physician's.
The Board thereupon granted variance to Mr. Vann to place one
trailer upon aforesaid premises in the same location where a
.trailer had previously been located and upon the following condi-
That the Variance is limited to the personal use of Mrs. Corea
E. Vann and her maintenance.of such trailer as her personal resi
dance, that upon termination of the use and occupancy as her
personal residence the trailer be removed within six months after
such termination.
. V
In reaching
this decision, the Board considered the size, nature
and location of the premises which had been visited and inspected..
east three Board members, the nature of the immediate neigh
by at l
boring properties, the view from the road of the proposed trailer
illness and consequent dependence of
location, the evidence of
Mrs. Corea Vann on her son's, Mr. Ernest Vann, personal care. The
Board considered the evidence heard at the Public Nearing and the
submitted letter supporting the application. The Board held that
true hardship exists and granted the variance unamimously.
ter S. Levatich
Chairman gated: Agri 16, 19-70
,.Zoning Board of Appeals
March 18., 1970
9:00 PM
Attendance: Peter Levatich, Robert Keech, I)onald Rose, Bernard Van DeWeert,
Edward Carpenter, Helen Amdur, Attorney and Clinton Cotterill) Town Board
Mr. John Mch'ligOt native to issuing variance.
possible suggestions as alter
1. is there a need for such a large garage? There would be adequate room
to build a 141 garage at the side without moving set -back lines.
2. Possibility of buying a 'ouilding to house tractor and yard equipment.
3. Closeness to the road should be considered, definately in I violation of
zoning requirements.
4. Mr. Levatich to 'write a letter to the members of the Zoning Board I of
Appeals of the facts and the findings of the Board to be approved by
the members and then notify Mr. McEligOt Of the decision of the Board.
Mr. Ernest Vann
Are circumstances so unique and hardship so great towarranta change
in variance? Hardships are' limited income, mother under doctor's care,
under doctor's orders not to work, inadequate room in applicants home
for mother, location of trailer in another spot would present hardship
of distance and cost of rent.
Suggestion was made that if granted, the variance would needto be limited,
to the term of need by the applicant's mother.
It was decided to have applicant obtain a detailed statement from mother's
doctor as to term of illness, importance of closeness of son., nature of
illness and any other pertinent informati:)1-
Next meeting will be held on April 6, 1910 7:30 pm Helen Amdur's . office.
MARCH 18) 1970
8:00 FM
Mr. John McF2igot, Turkey Hill Road, Ithaca) New York requested a
building permit to build a 1 car garage, 211 x 241 on his resident property*
present garage has been converted into living quarters.
Building permit was denied because garage would come to 81 from his property
line. Zoning requires at least 151 between building and property line.
Also front of proposed garage would violate footage regtiations from the
center of the road.
Robert Keech spoke in favor of Mr. McEligot's proposal inasmuch asla
building too close to a property line would appeal to passersby and his
neighbors more than tractors and lawn equipment sitting outside in the
yard covered with plastic.
Mr. Wells mentioned that other places along Turkey Hill Road also violated
zoning footage regulations.
Chairman Levitich asked for further comment., , There was none*
1st Public Hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals closed at 8:20 pm.
APRIL 6., 1970
7: 30 PM
Chairman Levatich opened the meeting at 7:30 pm by reading the minutes
of the March 18th meeting. The following corrections and additions were made
to the minutes:
1. Building permit was denied John McEligot because proposed garage would
come to within 8 feet from the side property line.
2. The address of James Macera was corrected to 1653 Slaterville Road,
Ithaca, New York.
3. An addition of the fact that a letter was submitted at the March 18th
Public Hearing of Ernest Vann supporting his application to place a trailer
on his property.
Ernest Vann
'I'ne board received the requested letter from Mrs. Corea Vann's physician
stating his opinion on the nature, extent and expected development of her
illness. The letter, was opened, read and after contents were understood,
the letter was re -sealed again and deposited with the Town Attorney, Mrs.
Helen Amdur,, in compliance with the physician's request.
The Board whereupon granted variance to Mr. Vann to place one trailer
on the premises in the same location where a trailer had previously been
located and upon condition that the variance be limited to the personal
use of Mrs. 'Corea Vann and her maintenance a,- a personal residence. Upon
termination of use and occupancy as her perscnal residence, the trailer
to be removed with in six months of such ternination.
The Board considered size, nature and location of premises, nature of
immediate neighboring properties, view from'road of proposed trailer location,
evidence of illness and consequent dependence of Mrs. Corea Vann on her son I s
personal care. Also considered were evidence heard at the Public Hearing
and submitted letter supporting application. The Board held that true hard-
ship exists and granted the variance unanimously.
John McEligot
Mr. Oohn McEligot submitted an alternative proposal for the Board's
consideration. His new plans calls for a one car garage, 141 x 24', attached
to the house. Included with the proposal was an architecl,s quotation for
the cost of the new proposal virsus the cost of the orighal plan., pointing
out a much higher amount on the second propoEal.and letter supporting appli-
cation, signed by Mr. McEligots neighbors.
The Board decided to ask 1�r. McEligot tc make a new application for
a building permit to include exact plans, sketch of the proposed new
building, demensions of his lot, house and proposed garage, location
of house and proposed garage in relation to all property lines, set-
back line and road.
Vice -Chairman
Bernie Van deWeert nominated Robert Keechas Vice -Chairman. nomination
was seconded by Edward Carpenter.
Secretary's Salary
Chairman Levatich proposed $3.00 per hour, for secretary's salary. This
was seconded by Donald hose.
Secretary'stime to be submitted at the regular monthly meetings for
the previous meeting.
Board Meeting Date
A meeting date for the regular meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals
was set as the first Tuesday Evening of every month. The next meeting to
be held clay 5, 1970 at 7:30 PM at the Town Hall.
Future Business
Attorney Helen Amdur advised the Board that she received a phone call
from Paul .IVh-.*Ltted requesting a variance to pl,-.ce a trailer on a lot on the
Slaterville Road, opposite the Brooktondale t-urn off. This request will be
presented to the Board at the May 5th meeting.
The meeting adjourne&at 8:40 PM.
-Notice of decision in the matter of the Appeal filed by Mr.
John McEligot on May 11, 1970 regarding his property at
150 Turkey Hill Road, which appeal arose from the rejection
of a permit for the erection of a garage on the aforesaid
-Subsequent to a Public Hearing duly advertised and held on
June 2, 1970 the Board deliberated and decided to deny the
relief requested in the Appeal for the following reasons.
-The Board recognized the size and location of the proposed
garage being different from that contained in the previous
appeal filed by Mr. McEligot on February 18, 1970. The
Board determined that the proposed garage is fully inside
the side and front yards (outside the setback limit lines)
of the property. The Board found no hardship other than
financial since the proposed garage can be constructed
elsewhere on the property and within the setback limit
-The Board took into consideration all evidence presented
during the Public Hearing and all evidence and knowledge
it obtained during the previous Appeal filed by Mr.
Page 2
-The Board in its discussion took cognizance of the fact that
matters of financial loss or gain do not constitute a basis
for unique or undue hardship which is the condition required
to exist and which condition a Variance of the Zoning Law
is designed to alleviate in individual cases.
Peter S. Levatich
Zoning Board of Appeals Dated: 4 June 1970
MAY 5, 1970
public Hearing of E. Paul fihitted, present address 629 Snyder Hill Rd.
Ithaca, New York. Application for building'pEraiit to locate a trailer on
his property at 525 Whitted Road was denied.
In making his appeal to the Board, Mr. Whitted requested a variance
that whould allow him to place a trailer on h:.s property while building his
house on the same property and until said hou;ie was completed. This would
be from two to three years because Mr. Whitted is building it himself.
Mr. Whitted is now paying $220 per m.orr;h rent which is financially
prohibative to his building a home, if continued.
The trailer would only be visible when within 25 yards of it because
the lot is wooded.
The lot presently meets all requirements for a building permit to
construct a house.
Three neighbors; Mr. Donald Kirk - V 91 Sla terville Rd., Mr. Charles
Mandeville - 1921 Slatervil.le Rd. and Mr. Richard Garcia •- 1902 0laterville Rd.
were present at the hearing and expressed no objections to granting the
variance -providing it was granted for no lonE,er than three years and/or upon
occupancy of permanent residence on that property.
There were no objections expressed at the hearing and the public hearse g
for Mr. E. Paul Whitted closed at S pm.
After deliberating at length upon the degree of hardship of the applicant
and all other facts presented at the hearing, the Board decided to grant the
variance with a vote of three for and two against granting the variance.
The following conditions were made to the variance:
1. A building permit be first secured to construct the proposed permanent
residence on the same premises.
2. That a trailer be occupied by Mr. E. Paul "Whitted and his immediate
family members only.
3. That the said trailer'be removed from said premises upon completion of
construction and/or upon occupancy of a'permanent residence on the same
premises, but not leter that three years frcm the date of this variance, on
which time this variance shall expire.
4. The use of the trailer while on the premises' conform to and comply with'
all applicable regulations of the Health Department and conform to the
requirements of the Town Zoning Ordinance regarding setback from property
lines as if it were a house.
In reaching its decision, the Hoard c;o�isidered the size and location
of the premises and its relationship to neighsoring premises, residences and
roads and statements from neighbors present a: the hearing.
In discussing the degree of hardship existing in this case, it was
the opinion of the majority, among other considerations, that it would be
difficult for the applicant to construct his res:dence (which he intends
to do himself), while living away from the premises in view of the fact
that lie holdsa full time job and intends to construct his residence in"his
spare time. the majority felt that the premises and its environs were such
that the intent of the Ordinance was not diminished and no hardship was
placed on others be the granting of this conditio:ial variance. The majority
expressed the opinion that this Conditional Varia:.lce will not constitute any
precedent in future Board decisions.
The minority of the Board was of the opinion that insufficient hard-
ship existed in this case to warrant the granting of the Variance. They
also held that personal financial convenience to the applicant was of major
consideration in this case, a matter which categorically is outside the
considerations, terms and intentions of the Ordinance. The Ordinance, a matter
of law, doesnot consider or admit for consideration the criteria of financial
convenience, benefit or rate of return on investment in individual cases
but intends the welfare of the comiunity as a whole.
The minority therefore felt that unless cases are considered within
the framework of the Ordinance as it stands, the 3oard may exceed its mandate
and authority. By following its conscience only, and by neglecting the law,
as severe as it may be in individual cases, the Board may depreciate the
benefits of the Ordinance. Particularly the major benefit which consists
of the knowledge and security among the people that the Ordinance limits the
changes to be expected around us.
The minority felt that if changes in the Ordinance were in the interest
of the Town and its people, such changes should be made by amendments to the
Ordinance and not by granting 6f..Variances.
Attorney Helen Amdur to reccommend verbally to t:ze Town Board that a full time
Zoning Enforcement Officer be hired if necessary and that job specifications
be established.
** Taken from the notice of the decision in the Appeal of Mr. E. Paul Whitted
May 5, 1970
Mr. Peter Levatich
Genung Road
Ithaca, New York 14850
Dear Mr. Levatich:
To date this office has not received the minutes
of the Zoning Board of Appeals. I am sure that a copy
of the minutes should be on rile in my office.
Rosemary Stelick
Town Clerk
15 May 1970
Miss Rosemary Stelick
Town Clerk
Town of Dryden
Dryden, New York 13053
Dear Miss Stelick:
Please be advised that the next meeting of the Zoning Board
of Appeals is scheduled for the first Tuesday of June,
June 2, 1970•
In response to your letter of May 5, 1 asked Mrs. Amdur to
clarify with you the matter of the minutes, etc. being on
file with you. I do not know why they have not reached
Sin e r e I y
Peter S. Levatich
P S L : k 1
JUNE 2, 1970
Appeal of John McEligot regarding his property At 150 Turkey
Hill Road. Permit to build a one car g'arage - 141 x 201 was denied.
Mr. McEligot stated that he needed the garage to protect his car
from the elements., for storage of his toolti, outside furniture., etc..,
and that a garage would help to keep the property well kept.
One neighbor spoke in favor of the erection of the garage and
there were no objections.
The -Ooard deliberated and decided to deny the request for a
variance for a six foot side line encroachaent for the following
1. The board r,,cognized the size and location of the proposed garage
being different from'that contained in the previous appeal -filed
on February 181 1970. The Board determined that the proposed
garage is fully inside the side and front yards (outside the
set -back limit lines) of the property. The Board found no hard-
ship other that financial since theproposedgarage can be con-
structed elsewhere on the property and within the setback limit
2. 'The Board took into consideration all evidence presented during
the hearing and all evidence and knowledge it obtained during the
previous appeal filed by Mr. McEligot.
3* The Board in its discussion took into consideration the fact that
matters of financial loss or gain do not constitute a basis for
unique or undue hardship which is the condition required to
exist and which condition a Variance of the Zoning Law is designed
to alleviate in individual cases.
Taken from the formal notice of the de.;ision of the Zoning Board
of Appeals
Notice of decision in the matter of the Appeal filed by Mr. Howard
Blodgett on June lz`;9 1970 regarding his property at Irish
Settlement Road, which appeal arose from the decision of the
Zoning Officer that a newly constitute usage of the property.was
not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance.
Subsequent to a Public Hearing duly advertized and held on July .7,
19-70, the Board deliberated and decided that the matter was not
in conflict with the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Dryden and
was therefore not a matter in need of an Appeal or the granting
or denial of a Variance.'
From evidence presented at the Public Hearing by Mr. and Mrs.
Blodgett and from personal observation of the premises and
discussion with neighbors of the applicant by one of the Board
members the Board unanimously concluded the following:
-The property in question has been used by the applicant.for
at least 10 years to operate a salvage business, elsewhere
also called -a junk yard, primarily dealing with used
automobiles. This business receives automobiles in a
condition unfit to be operated on public roads and either
1). salvages parts thereof for resale, or
2). repairs them for resale as vehicles fit to be operated
under State laws on public roads.
Zoning Board of Appeals Date:
JULY 7, 1970
The appeal of Howard Blodgett to operate Ft used car, lot and salvage
yard on his property at 829 Irish Settlemfint Road.
Mr. Modgett stated that this is his only business aid is his main..
sourceof income with the exception of a part time bus driving job,
which he does only in the winter months. Ile has operated this
business for the past twelve years. He has met the requirements of
the State, one being the requirement of a used car license. His
property also meets the requirements for t. permit, except for
allowed use.
There was no objections From neighbors of K70 Blodgett to his contin—
uing the operation of his present business; of operating a used car
lot and salvage yard.
In deliberating, the Board found 'no eviden6e that the existing business
had been enlarged or expanded since the enactment of the Ordinance,
The Board found rather that the enforcement of State Laws as per—
taining to motor vehicles caused a reorganization only within the
existing business operations of the applicant.
From all the evidence presented and cons'irlered the Board feels that
the operations of the Applicant's busin6si; as they now exist- are
not in conflict with the Town of Dryden.
Appeal of Thomas Brown,, Hunt Grove Rd. Called off.
AUGUST 4, 1970
Evelyn Murphy requested a permit to remodel and make fit for living
a one bedroom apartment in a barn on her property at 1384 Dryden Rd. Ithaca, New York. There would be no additi.on or extension to the
present building. The septic System and wa-,,,3r,.are already in the
building. The property is in the MA zone.
Steven Mensch, 12 Etna Lane, requested a va.,'iance to section 804.
regarding landscaping and yards. A shed al$0 that would be in
violation of the set back and side line reqiirements.
11r. Mensch moved to the location three years ago and drew up plans
and started to remodel. He put in the parking area and gravel in
the Fall of 1969. Part of the plan included. a shed located on the
side property line and 25 feet from the edge of the road.
Some of the property owners in the immediate area signed a petition
stating that there were no objections of tl;.(,, erection of the proposed
shed. The petition was presented at the he ring. Mr. Purcell was
present at the hearing to say that he felt the shed was in good taste
and did not object to it being in the propc,iied location. There were
no objections to the proposed shed.
Alton Reed requested a variance to section T02 and 703 — c ' overing more
of the lot with building than is allowed"in the Ordinance. Mr. Reed
wishes to construct a 241 x 601 shed of this South of his barn and a
shed roof over his trench silo to keep the 3now from drifting in front
of a doorway. The shed -would be 81 feet fr(m, the .1 road.
The lot has 35,639 square feet and only 12,214 square feet is usable
if it is to conform to the ordinance. kppcant states there is nov,
way he can rake it conform. He has tried �o trade land with'Cornell
over a year ago and has not been able to n-3gotiate-with them.
Adjoing property owners have no objections to the shed. No one was
present to speak for or against the constriction.
William Krantz, 107 North St. Dryden, N.Y. requested a building permit
to place two mobile homes on his property it 107 North St. Dryden. -
Request was denied because zoning does not permit mobile homes in the
CB Zone. Size of the trailers are 121x651 and lO'x55'-
Appeal was made on the basis of hardshiP'tlat Mr. Krantz!s sister
can not drive back and forth from Ithaca. She would live in one of
the mobile homes.
Mr. Krantz wishes to live in the other mot .'-Ie home so that he may rent
his house which is located on the same prclarty, to Tompkins -Cortland
Community College and therefore receive additional income.
The property already has three septic fie](s and a water system that
has been inspected by Dr. Donahue. Mr. K-xintz further stated that
since there is a large trailer park across' the road and one located
in back of his property, he felt he slioulc be allowed to place two
trailers on his property, since all are it the same zone.
Mrs. G. W. Ellis 135 North St. asked the uestion; "Since there are
two trailer parks so near by, why not put he trailers in bhe 9f '-the
parks?" Mr. Krantz answered that he alrea([-,, has the septic fields and
water system in and inspected for the tra--'.ers. Also it would be
additional expense to pay park rent.
Mr. Louis Hardison, Dryden, N.Y., represei,ing Dryden Enterprise -
which owns land in back of Mr. Krantz's pr)party and Ronald Goddard
who also owns adjoining property. Both q))osepiacing mobile homes
on the property,
Mr. Rose asked; "When there is a dwelling )n the premise, why vacate
the -dwelling for a mobile home?'! Answer "So he can rent the house
to earn extra money."
Mr. Dewitt Hine requested a variance to pls(:e a second trailer on
his property on Besmer Hill Rd. in the RB 2(,ne.
Mr. Hine bought the property three years ago and started construction
for the placement of two trailers on the px(iperty. At the time,
a water system and septic system was put in for the two trailers.
Inspection was made in October, 1967 as var-,'-fied by a certificate
from the Board of Health. Also the drivewa,— and -wiring were put in,
The first of the two trailers was placed or. the property in September,
1967. Since everything is ready for the SE(sond trailer, applicant
would like to utilize his investment by pla,.-ing the second trailer
on the property.
Mr. Walker, residing on the corner of SnydE.' Hill Rd. and Besmer hill,
and representing Mr. DeClaris, stated oppoE,.tion on the grounds that
trailers would depreciate the value of his )roperty. Mr. Walker also
opposed placement of the trailers on Mr. HJ.ies property on the same
grounds. Mr. Hine stated that there was we-ods between Mr.. DeClaris
property and his own. Also, the Hine's property can not be seen by
Walker except from the second floor of his house.
Hereafter, The Zoning Board of Appeals wil*.,.*meet at 7:30 PM on
the first Tuesday of every month, with Putlic hearings beginning
at 7:30 PM. Each Hearing is to be scheduled to last not more than
twenty minutes.
Dryden Zoning Board of Appeals October 6, 1970
public Hearing 7:30 PM
Mr. L.B. Hardesty appealed the denial of a periiLt to open a gravel pit on the
corner of Irish Settlement Roads and Midline 3c3.d in the town of Dryden.
Mr. Hardesty stated that the digging would not 3e seen from the road. Only
the approach to the pit would be visible. His first operation would be that
of digging bank run gravel and possibly crushes bank runt wants variance
open to future expansion such as a washing plart. There would be no need
for blasting now or in the future. Mr. Hardest agreed to limit his oper—
ations to no blasting at any time.
Those present at the hearing who would be in fl vor of granting a variance
included Mr. William Snell who sold the prop(:r,y to Mr. 'Hardesty. Mr. Snell
owns a trailer near the site of the proposed g; avel pit.
Those opposed to the location of a gravel pV� ncluded Donald Huslander,
General Forman for the County Highway Departna�t. He stated the roads in
the area of Midline Road and Irish Settlemen',load would not take the travel
of heavy trucks. These roads are narrow and c!rving and were not built to
accomodate the traffic that would be generated by the location of a gravel
pit in this area,
Mr. Ed howser spoke for mr. Schutt who is nor _iving in New York City, but
who is about to retire and wishes to retire to his farm located in this area.
He does not want to be subjected to all the -clfusion and noise the gravel
pit would generate.
Mrs. Ed howser Spoke of several bad experiences due to the curves and hills
and narrow width of the Midline Road. These ir.-,luded trucks throwing stones,
overloaded trucks, and trucks going at high roes of speed on the downgrades.
Also, regarding the conservation aspect,, Mr-.. tiowser asked what would happen
to this land after all the gravel had been scrapped off the top? Also, the
headwaters of .Six Mile Creek which flows into Ithaca is located in this area,
wouldn't this operation poDute these -waters'
Mr. Hardesty answered that always in the pact he has reseeded any land that
was no longer to be used for extracting sans (r gravel and would do so here.
He plans to build a pond to use for washing gravel and would not use . the Creek
for any of these purposes.
Public Hearing closed and was followed by a discussion by the members of the
Board of Appeals. This discussion was tabl(°d Until further investigation
could be made.
The case of Steven Mensch,, Etna) New York w;Ls turned over to the Police
Justice for handling.
Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Dryden* N. Y.
Notice of decision in the matter of placing one mobil home filed by Dewitt
Hine regarding his property at Besemer Hill Road, R-B Zone, which appeal arose
from the decision of the Zoning Officer denying permission to place one
additional mobil home on said property which would be in violation of Seotion
701 of the Zoning Ordinances.
A Public Hearing, duly advertised was held September 1, 1970. Present were all
five members of the Board and Sibley Stewart, Zoning Officer. The Board heard
all evidence, deliberated the matter and decided that the matter constituted
an existing, nonconforming use which was begun prior to the date the Ordinance
went into effect and is now being completed as originally commenced.
The Board considered all evidence submitted'at the Public Hearing and known
to the Board members. It concluded that the water and sever fa oilities,
which are the only facilities permanently incorporated into the land, similar
to the foundations of a building, have been completed by the applicant for two
mobil homes prior to the effective date of the ordinance. Thus the placement,
of the second mobil home contemplated at present constitutes only the completion
of the project, though non -conforming, nevertheless permitted by the documented
intent of the Ordinance (see evidence of Public Hearings prior to the adoption
of the Ordinance).
The Board was unanimous in its decision that the placement of the second
mobil home completed the original project only and that the two mobil hones
after both are placed onthe land constitute a non -conforming use jointly
as if they had both been placed prior to the effective date, of the Ordinance.
P.S. Levatich, Chairman
Zoning Board of Appeals
September $, 1970
NOVENBER 2, 1970
Mrs. Spofford was present at a Public Hearing to appeal the denial of a
building permit to attach an enclosure to the front of a trailer residence
at 572 Main St. Etna, New York.
Mrs. Spofford owned a house on this location, but it was destroyed three
years ago by fire. Because it was necessary to provide immediate housing,
a mobile home was placed at this site. It is necessary to provide an
enclosure on this mobile home to protect.the door from blowing snow and
rain. The proposed structure would be approximately 4' x 51 and would
extend 1811 beyond the former structure. -
No one was present at the hearing to oppose the erection of the enclosure.
Mrs. Hang; occupant of the mobile home and tenant of Mrs. Spofford, was
present to speak in favor of the proposed building.
There were several persons present to question the proposed gravel pit
on Irish: Settlement Road.
Mr. RobertScutt opposed granting a variance to Mr. liardesty because he
plans to retire soon to his home located behind the proposed site. The
trucks would create a lot of dust and be destructive to the county roads.
They would also be hazzardous to persons living in the nearby area due
to the curves and narrow width of the roads. Mr. Scutt said he was not
notified of the Public Hearing for Mr. Hardesty in October but -would like
to voice his opposition.at this time. He would not like to have the Board
grant this and future variances to other commercial businesses in this area.
Mr. J. Dennis who owns 120 acres on Irish Settlement Road said he plans to
build a house when he retires in two years, but would not if there was going
to be large trucks on the roado
Mr. Howser., who was also present at the October meeting, spoke again in
opposition to granting the variance for the gravel pit..because it would
devaluate the property of the farms and homes in the area. Owners would
not be able to sell their property if they wanted to, the dust from the
trucks would be undesireable. Mr. howler felt that there is :enough of
a supply of gravel from other local gravel pits.
Dryden Zoning Board of Appeals
November 2, 1970 Monthly Meeting
The first case discussed was that of Mr. Hardesty and the proposed
gravel pit on Irish Settlement Road. Letters from area residents
were read by the chairman. All were opposed to granting the variance.
Also many phone callswerereceived by members of the Board all of
which opposed the proposed gravel pit.
Since the last meeting, it was learned that Mr. Hardesty has the property
in question listed vjith a real estate broker and plans to sell, hopefully
with the variance.
No ben6fits to the Town of Dryden could be visualized for the future
from granting the variance. On the other hand, it appears that the
welfare and wishes of persons living in the immediate area should be
The zoning ordinance created no li,xthips for Mr. Hardesty, since he
purchased the property after zoning was established.
The Board voted unanimously not to grant the variance.
The Board voted unanimously to grant the variance to Mrs. Spoff6rd
to build the enclosure on the front of her mobile home.
The definition of; factory manufactured structures., mobile homes,, structure,
issuing building permits were discussed and approved to include in the
present Zoning Ordinance. These definitions will replace those presently
in the Ordinance. I
A suggestion was made that the County Health Department send a copy of the
departments approval to the Zoning Officer so that he would be alerted of
future building.
Zonirii; B: and of Ippoals of the Town of Dryden, N*Y*
Notice of dooision in the matter of placing 2 mobil homes filed by William
-rantz regarding his property at 107 N. Street, Dryden, C-B Zone, which appeal
&rose from the decision of the Zoning Officer denying permiusion to place 2
mobil homes on said property which would be in violation of Section 1101 of
the Zoning Ordinance.
A Public Hearing, duly advertised was hold September 1, 1970,, Present were all
five members of the Board and Sibley S"tewart, Zoning Officer., The Board heard
all evidence, deliberated the matter and decided that it had no -jurisdiction
in the matter since trailers placed on a property constituted dwelling units
me defined in the Ordinance in AFFLNDIX A, Definitions. Such mobil homes being
intended for dwellings use (one or more families) would constitute a Use Allow -ad
by Sptzcial Penit only (Scotian 1102) in tree C-B Zone In whi'oh the property in
looated, the Board felt that the granting or denying of the Appeal was not in
Stew jurisdiction. Special Permits are only granted by the Town Board.
The Zoning Board of�Appeals voted unanimously in favor of this decision noting
furthermore the concensus that even if it had Jurisdiction in the scatter, it
has had no evidence of any hardship can which it could have based the granting
or a variance.
CelS. I,evstioh, Qlairman
Zoning Board of Appeals
September 8, 1970
Notice of decision in the matter of the Appeal filed by Mr.
E. Paul Whitted on April 6, 1970 regarding his property at
525 Whitted Road, which appeal arose from the denial of a
permit for locating one trailer on aforesaid premises.
Subsequent to Public Hearing duly advertised and held on
May 5, 1970, the Board deliberated and decided to grant
a variance to Mr. E. Paul Whitted with the following
1). That a building permit be first secured to construct
his proposed permanent residence on the same premises,
2). That the trailer be occupied by Mr. E. Paul Whitted
and his immediate family members only,
3). That said trailer to be removed from said premises
upon completion of construction and/or upon occupancy
of a permanent residence on the same premises but
not later than three (3) years from the date of this
Variance, at which time this Variance shall expire,
4). That the use of the trailer while on the premises
conform to and comply with all applicable regulations
of the Health Department, and conform to the require-
ments of the Town Zoning Ordinance. regarding setback
from the property lines as if it were a house.
In reaching this decision, the Board considered the size
and location of the premises and its relationship to
neighboring premises, residences and roads. Itquestioned
the statements of neighbors present none of whom expressed
objection to the granting of a conditional Variance as
formulated above. The Board deliberated at length upon
the degree of personal hardship of thie applicant and all
other facts presented at the Public Hearing.
The entire Board being present, the vote was three (3)
in favor and two (2) against granting the Variance.
In discussing the degree of hardship existing in this
case, it was the opinion of the majority,among other
considerations, that it would be difficult for the
applicant to construct his residence (which he intends
to do himself), while living away from the premises in
view of the fact that he holds a full time job and
intends to construct his residence in his spare time.
The majority felt that the premises and its environs
were such that the intent of the Ordinance was not
diminished and no hardship was placed on others by
the granting of this conditional Variance. The
majority expressed the opinion that this Conditional
Variance will not constitute any precedent in future
Board decisions.
The minority of the Board was of the opinion that
insufficient hardship existed in this case to warrant
the granting of a Variance. The minority held that
personal financial convenience to the applicant was
of major consideration in this case, a matter which
categorically is outside the considerations, terms and
intentions of the Ordinance. The Ordinance, a matter of
law, does not consider or admit for consideration the
criteria of financial convenience, benefit or rate of
return on investment in individual cases but intends the
welfare, financial or other, of the community as a whole.
Thus the Ordinance is set up to maintain minimum standards.
of the physical environment and thereby intends to establish
continuity and security for all properties, all investments,
all members of the community, present and to come.
The minority, therefore, felt that unless cases are considered
within the framework of the Ordinance as it stands, the Board
may exceed its mandate and authority. By following its
conscience only, and by neglecting the law, as severe as it
may be in individual cases, the Board may depreciate the
benefits of the Ordinance. Particularly the major benefit
which consists of the knowledge and security among the
people that the Ordinance limits the changes to be expected
around us.
The minority felt that if changes in the Ordinance were
in the interest of the Town and its people, such changes
should be made by amendments to the Ordinance and not
by the granting of Variances.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Town of Dryden
15 May 1970