HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB 2023-11-30PB 11-30-23 1 Town of Dryden Planning Board Meeting Thursday, November 30, 2023 Hybrid Zoom Approved 12-28-23 Planning Board - 2023 Current Members I.P. Z Ex Ab Tony Salerno, Chair (2029) X John Kiefer (2027) X Diane Tessaglia-Hymes (2028) X Linda Wagenet (2023) X Craig Anderson (2025) X Joe Wilson (2024) X Dan Bussmann (2026) X Brad Will (2023) * Alternate X Chris Morrissey (2023) * Alternate X Others Present Ray Burger, Planning Director Dillon Shults, Planner Joy Foster, Board Secretary (Zoom) Dan Lamb, Liaison (TB) The Regular Meeting of the Town of Dryden Planning Board was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Tony Salerno. The chair activates alternates Chris and Brad Public Comment (for items not on the agenda) None Approval of Minutes from 10-26-23 Motion from J. Wilson to approve the 10-26-23 minutes. Motion: J. Wilson Second: C. Morrissey PB 11-30-23 2 All in favor – 4-Yes, C. Anderson abstained. 1622 Dryden Road – SUP Application Review • This is the site, next to the Pet Vet Clinic on Rt. 13, owned by Nick Bellisario and is presently a fill site. He is applying for a SUP for a Contractors Yard. Tonight’s action will be to recommend to the TB your findings. Mr. Bellisario and the Board discuss the use and what they would recommend. • C. Anderson feels the application is not complete. There is not a full Site Plan. The Design Guidelines have not been met, shows an open lot with features not marked anywhere. There is no Stormwater Management plan. Says Nick will need to apply to the DEC for another fill permit. Needs to supply more details. • The Board has a discussion with Nick on how he will fill and terrace the property per the Commercial Guidelines. • The Board likes the new location of the Driveway. Planning Board recommends site plan approval by the Town Board with these conditions. • That a Full SWPPP be done to account for the contractor’s yard. • Improved landscaping plan with more details. • Follow section 1102 for a Sketch Plan. • To keep the new entrance of the Driveway connecting to the common driveway • Keep with the current dimensions of the Contractors Yard, 235’ x 385’as on-site plan. • For the future fill-build there should be some terracing. • General areas of stockpiling and internal vehicle travel lanes should be demarcated on the site plan. Motion: J. Kiefer Second: C. Morrissey All in favor – 5-Yes, J. Wilson - No 33 Quarry Rd. – A sketch plan review for an allowed use, Contractor yard in this Conservation Zone. This site is currently permitted by the DEC for a Quarry; they cut rock and have retail sales. It will remain a Mine Site and are requesting to have a Contractor Yard. The mining use at the site is pre-existing non-conforming. There is a big discussion on how to review this application. The Board thinks they should just be reviewing the open space with no mine or business. Just review Contractor Yard, and not get into the pre-existing non-conforming business. Board questions if PB 11-30-23 3 they change the use will it reset the clock? Site is grandfathered and not sure about having 2 uses. The Board would like to have advice from the Town Attorney. The site has been there 100 years existing with no issues. The Board is fine with the addition to the building. Why can’t we recommend to TB to waive any further review and approve the SUP for the expansion of the building? PB recommendation to the TB is to approve this sketch and to waive full Site Plan Motion: C. Anderson Second: T. Salerno All in favor –Yes 234 Johnson Road – Sketch Plan Review, Owner Amrit Singh of Indian Milk and Honey requests to add on to the existing business, adding a 10,000 sq. ft. building for food processing. His business started with making drinkable yogurt and they are expanding their products so more space is needed. This expansion would generate more employment. They have added more parking to the back and sidewalks to the building. More lighting to be attached to the building. The Board goes over part 2 & 3 of the SEQR, there are 11 questions to answer. All questions were answered NO, see attached SEQR. The Boards determination is Negative Declaration, unanimous. Motion to waive further Site Plan Review and to approve this project. Conditions are to check with the Army Corp to see if any wetland permit is needed and to apply the Standard Conditions of Approval. Motion: J. Keifer Second: J. Wilson All in favor –Yes Attach SEQR PB 11-30-23 4 Ezra Village/North Street update and discussion. • Pre-approval submittal for the TAP Grant was sent. • Mayor made some minor changes to the sidewalk map. • TC3 is no longer interested in doing sidewalks down Bahar Drive. Zoning RFP update and discussion. • RFP has been sent out with an update to deadline, now 1-16-24. • AG committee sent in some recommendations to zoning definitions. They need to send in a better complete recommendation for AG uses. Tony to send to the AG committee an acknowledgement for their input, and how they could send more information. Planning Dept. update – Ray Burger • Next month PB will hear an amendment to the Billboard Law. The district will be expanded by 25 feet. • The Rt. 13 Pedestrian Bridge has been held up to clear up title issues. On one side it’s owned by Knickerbocker and on the other side Cornell. • Reporting on enforcement actions has been suspended until appropriate boundaries can be established. Town Board update – Dan Lamb • The Budget has passed and there is a tax cut of 2%, we had a lot of investment in the town. We put money aside for a study to be done for the land behind the Town Hall. More recreational uses. Dryden Ambulance is looking for more space so this may be a possibility. • We have a new slogan for Dryden Fiber, it’s now “Your Town, Your Internet.” • Also, there’s money in the budget to get a new better working website. Tony - We are collecting questions for the Town Attorney talk. We’d like to schedule him to come in Jan. and we want all questions to me by Dec. 15. Brad – I’d like to have a workshop for new members to get a better understanding of procedures. PB 11-30-23 5 2024 Planning Board recommendations to the Town Board • We want to recommend Chris and Brad to be appointed to the 2 open seats. Brad would like the 3-year term and Chris the full 7-year term. • PB recommends Tony to remain as Chair for 2024 Resolution 2023 # 13 - to send recommendations to the Town Board. Motion: J. Wilson Second: C. Anderson All in favor –Yes Tony – we need to find 2 - alternates. Next PB meeting – 12-28-23 at 6PM and or TBD Adjourned 8:05PM Respectfully submitted, Joy Foster Recording Secretary