HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-28Meeting Notes Date:Oct 28, 2022 Present: Jason Leifer (Town of Dryden), Daniel Lamb (Town of Dryden), Ryan Garrison (Hunt EAS), Claude King (Hunt EAS), Amanda Anderson (Town of Dryden), Mark Wilson (Broadband Committee), Ken Gleason (Hunt EAS), Tony Salerno (Broadband Committee), Ray Burger (Town of Dryden), Laura Charles (Hunt EAS) Absent: Sam Boubane (Broadband Committee), Mike Perehinec (Broadband Committee), Jeff Smith (Municipal Solutions), Nathan VanWhy (Town of Dryden) From: Adam Monell (Hunt EAS) Project: Town of Dryden Broadband Phase 2 Project No.: 1122.044 Re: Broadband Committee Meeting Summary: The following items were discussed during a Broadband Committee Meeting held on .Oct 28, 2022 1.Financial Updates a.Bonding – Funds available in early November b.Future procurement path options are being explored to iron out some of the issues we are having with vendors c.Plan for colocation i.FirstLight is interested in a collocation space and ready to provide a secondary service which would result in a significant decrease to the cost for our service ii.We are looking at other options for colocation users 2.Schedule Updates a.Knickerbocker was turned up at 1Gbps on .Oct 26, 2022 b.We hope to turn up 4 additional business pilot customers over the next 2 weeks c.Dryden (V) PoP – shelter is onsite and installed i.There is some demo needed in the shelter to prepare it ii.We still need power at the shelter location d.Freeville PoP – power is installed and equipment will start going into the cabinet soon e.Fiber installation and splicing has been completed for the pilot area and turn up soon HUNT ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, LAND SURVEYORS & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, DPC AIRPORT CORPORATE PARK, 100 HUNT CENTER, HORSEHEADS, NY 14845 T:607-358-1000 |F:607-358-1800 | HUNT-EAS.COM f.Target Customers i.Cayuga Climbs ii.Finger Lakes Auto iii.Duke iv.Hallwoods Rd (5) v.Congers TP (80) vi.Laser Brewer vii.Terrapin Tile viii.Shady Grove TP (18) ix.Upscale Remodeling g.Up for Discussion i.Varna – north side of Rt 366 between Monkey Run Rd and 13 ii.Hillside Acres (205) – this is a bid opportunity, should someone from the Town negotiate iii.MDU on 366 – Richard Walmack h.Points of Presence i.Pinckney Rd – construction complete, equipment installed, programming complete ii.Dryden (V) Collocation – construction complete, still needs power, split vault to be installed, equipment to be installed, programming to follow iii.Freeville – construction complete, equipment to be installed, programming to follow iv.Yellow Barn Rd – construction not started 3.Marketing Plan a.Pilot i.Door hangers for businesses and residential ii.Yard signs within service area iii.Calls to businesses iv.5 responses from the website as of 10/25/2022 v.Updates 1.Mail Chimp – monthly update 2.Social Media – create account for the Town a.will need regular posts b.encourage following c.Current FB page – create separate page for Dryden Fiber d.Additional Accounts – Instagram, Twitter (suggest turning off comments) 3.Website blog 4.Website a.Check Availability WebApp – need to get with Mark to add it to the website b.Signups via phone will be done by Netegrity c.Signup from the website will also be processed and scheduled by Netegrity d.Service Offerings Page graphics 5.Legal HUNT ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, LAND SURVEYORS & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, DPC AIRPORT CORPORATE PARK, 100 HUNT CENTER, HORSEHEADS, NY 14845 T:607-358-1000 |F:607-358-1800 | HUNT-EAS.COM a.Dryden Easement Status - Nathan is working on getting this written up with his team b.Website Privacy Policy Page – How does the Town want to handle this, Nathan’s office can assist with this (Town Legal) c.Terms of Service – Contract, Town Legal 6.Additional Items a.IP Addresses – Auction (Netegrity) b.Billing – working with Williamson Law to finalize the programming c.FAQ page – needs development d.About Us page – drafted, needs to be developed e.Support page – needs development f.Committee Site Visit? g.FCC Registration – need to qualify for ACP h.Future items i.Tompkins County Fund – 11-mile build – $550,000 ($412,500 grant, $137,500 match) j.USDA ReConnect i.Forms for Jason ii.Approval of a resolution on Board MeetingOct 20, 2022 iii.Project Map 1.30-mile build – $1,650,000 7.Next Committee Meeting @ 10:30am.Nov 11, 2022 HUNT ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, LAND SURVEYORS & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, DPC AIRPORT CORPORATE PARK, 100 HUNT CENTER, HORSEHEADS, NY 14845 T:607-358-1000 |F:607-358-1800 | HUNT-EAS.COM