HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-28PB 1-28-21
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January 28, 2021
Via Zoom
Present: John Kiefer, Chair, Tom Hatfield, Craig Anderson, Tony Salerno, Daniel Bussmann,
Joe Wilson, Alice Green (alternate), Simon St Laurent (alternate)
Staff: Ray Burger, Planning Director
Liaisons: Dan Lamb & Loren Sparling (Town Board), Craig Schutt (Conservation Board)
The meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m.
Public Comment Period
James Crawford said the public trust that a good comprehensive plan requires is approaching
zero percent. He asked why Dryden needs a new comp plan now. He has invested considerable time
and increasingly suspects a trojan horse strategy might be trying to co-opt Dryden citizens by
manipulating public input over some very big questions and writing big goals on its behalf to create a
mandate for future ordinances, regulations and laws. What happened last night on the zoom meeting
was terrible and most of the problems should have been prevented. Attendance should not have been
limited to 100 in a community of over 9,000 voters. It violated the spirit of community input and the
letter of open meetings law. Why was it not rectified immediately? There has been a meltdown in the
public’s confidence and trust. The process is fatally damaged and should be restarted when the public is
better able to participate. Pushing forward now will confirm the worst thoughts about the town’s
intentions. He asked that it be postponed until after the pandemic.
Nancy Crawford said she has lived here for 40 years. Planning is a great thing to do, but she
wonders if now, in a time when people are so distracted by all that is going on, is the right time to
proceed. People should have a better sense of stability in their own lives before deciding what is going
to happen in the next 25 years in Dryden. She would like it to be the best Dryden it can be, and they
want to be involved.
Craig Schutt said he kind of agrees with J Crawford. He wasn’t totally on board with the way
things were being done, but was trying to come and participate and hear what was being said. After the
fiasco of last night and the fact that people who wanted to participate could not get on, he agrees this
needs to be put on hold. The town needs to take a step back and look at this later when people can
come to a meeting and voice their opinions.
J Kiefer said they will talk about what happened last night later in the agenda.
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Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of December 16, 2020 and January 13, 2021 was moved by C Anderson,
seconded by T Salerno. – All in favor
RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Planning hereby recognizes David Weinstein and thanks
him for the energy he brought to the board over his many years of service as a member.
Moved J Kiefer, 2nd C Anderson – all in favor
J Kiefer said Tompkins County Planning had no comment in their 239 review. Applicant has
responded to the county energy recommendations with a quite detailed explanation of energy
conservation initiatives that are planned for the building.
Adam Fishel displayed the plan for pedestrians from the bus stop to the parking lot via a 5’
access aisle along the driveway that is ADA compliant. This is subject to approval from DOT because of
the width of the DOT’s property and right of way.
The phase 2 addition planned for the future was displayed. There will be added earthwork and
a retaining wall built. Green infrastructure stormwater improvements will apply and a bioretention area
will be constructed on the left side of the site. A re-pavement plan will minimize site disturbances and
minimize necessary stormwater mitigations. TG Miller is reviewing the plans and the applicant will
coordinate with them on any comments. Traffic flow around the building was explained. Large trucks
will move around the site in a clockwise direction for both phase 1 and phase 2. Photos of the site as it
is now were displayed and there was an explanation of where plantings would be placed. There will be
a bike rack at the corner of the building next to the sidewalk. The water reclamation unit will be inside
on the right side of the building with the condenser outside the building. Anticipated noise from that
would not be greater than an air conditioning unit.
The board reviewed the short environmental form.
J Wilson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
A. The proposed action involves site plan review for a light industrial manufacturing business at
1920 Slaterville Road.
B. The proposed action is an Unlisted Action for which the Planning Board of the Town of Dryden is
the lead agency for the purpose of uncoordinated environmental review.
C. The Planning Board of the Town of Dryden, in performing the lead agency function for its
independent and uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of the New
York State Environmental Conservation Law – the State Environmental Quality Review Act
“(SEQR)”, (i) thoroughly reviewed the Environmental Assessment Form, Part 1, and any and all
other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its
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environmental review,(ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental
concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the
1) The Planning Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon its thorough review of the EAF, Part 1,
and its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern has
determined that the proposed action will have no significant adverse impact on the
environment in accordance with SEQR, and
2) John Kiefer is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the
determination of significance, confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration.
2nd A Green - all in favor
J Kiefer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Planning Board hereby waives the requirement for islands
in the parking areas and approves the site plan of Incodema, Inc. for a light manufacturing operation at
1920 Slaterville Road subject to Standard Conditions of Approval (8-14-08) and installation of a
pedestrian walkway from the bus stop to the building.
2nd J Wilson – all in favor
97 Southworth Road
Sketch Plan Review
J Kiefer said this application is reasonably complete. Letters from both the Town and Village
have been received regarding the truck traffic. A formal hearing is not necessary. County Planning has
sent their 239 letter and have no comments or recommendations. The Village of Dryden requested that
truck traffic not travel through the village, but instead come down McClintock Road and turn on to
Southworth Road.
Applicant displayed and explained a revised site plan. There is a handicapped parking available
and ADA compliant access to the building. There will be a dumpster for scrap metal located by the
building to be constructed. There will be no constant outdoor lighting, but motion detector lights will be
used. Semi-trucks delivering the raw steel will not travel through the village. J Wilson noted the letters
of recommendation were impressive.
D Bussmann would like to see calculations for total earthwork to be done on the property to be
sure it does not exceed the 1-acre requirement that would trigger a SPDES permit. The soil disturbance
form needs to be completed. Driveway access to the dumpster should be shown on the drawing as well
as parking lot dimensions and the walkway from the parking lot to the office. Applicant expects four
employees initially. They may put solar panels on the building. Elevations should be provided for the
sign proposed by the street. Screening requirements for industrial noise next to residential should be
J Kiefer reviewed items discussed:
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That delivery truck traffic will not move through the village to the site.
Outdoor lighting to be motion-controlled after 4:30 p.m. closing.
Demonstration that site disturbance is below the one-acre threshold.
Show walkways from parking lot to house and the access drive to the recycling container.
Provide detail on the sign proposed on Southworth Road.
Screening on the east side of the new paved area be addressed.
Agricultural Data Statement.
J Wilson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Planning Board hereby accepts the sketch plan presented for a business at
97 Southworth Road.
2nd C Anderson – all in favor
Applicant will return next month with an updated plan and the board will review SEQR.
Comp Plan Update
The board discussed rescheduling the 3rd workshop to February 10 and what precautions could
be put in place to secure the zoom meeting against bombing. The Sheriff has been contacted about
what happened and is looking into it. There was discussion about the process the last time the comp
plan was updated.
Bruno Schickel said that while there are benefits to meeting via zoom, it would be nice to be
able to have some in-person meetings.
J Schickel noted that not everyone who responded to the survey may have been a resident, or
may have completed the survey more than once. T Salerno said he doesn’t think the survey is
completely tainted and is not the only tool being used.
J Crawford asked what the reason was to continue the process along its current time schedule. J
Kiefer explained that the steering committee, consultants and Town Board members have discussed the
timing on several occasions and considered it very carefully. They are trying to invite people to speak
their minds and listen carefully. The consultant chosen was the one who demonstrated desire and
ability to hear everyone out and be inclusive and recognize the opinions expressed. He doesn’t know if
it would be better if it wasn’t a Covid pandemic. We are getting good participation. He proposes to do
the workshop as planned. The public comment time will be extended. After the consultant prepares a
summary document from the workshops there will be public review of that. That would likely occur in
the summer. After discussion and comment from Town Board members present, the board agreed to
hold the workshop on February 10, 2021.
Other Business
The application for a contractor yard at 1622 Dryden Road has been withdrawn.
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Zoning Law
Janis Graham, Zoning Board of Appeals Chair, said the Zoning Board of Appeals would
appreciate notification of discussion of any topics where their input would be beneficial. They would
like to be involved. J Kiefer responded that he has been keeping a list of things that may need attention
and will share that.
Dryden Lake Dam
The Conservation Board and Ag Advisory Board have passed resolutions in support of keeping
the dam. D Lamb said the Town Board is in favor of keeping the dam. It doesn’t seem the DEC is
wanting to remove it, but were seeking feedback. Supervisor Leifer has informed DEC there is
overwhelming support for keeping the dam in place.
The NY Stretch Energy Code will be on next month’s agenda.
Planning Board Vacancy
D Lamb said the Town Board is actively looking for someone for the vacant seat. C Anderson
asked that anyone appointed be qualified and understand what they are getting in to.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bambi L. Avery