HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-22PB 10-23-19
October 23, 2019
Present: John Kiefer, Chair, David Weinstein, Craig Anderson, Martin Hatch, Thomas Hatfield,
Tony Salerno, Joe Wilson (late), James Skaley (alternate) Dan Bussmann (alternate)
Staff: Ray Burger, Planning Director
Liaisons: Dan Lamb (Town Board), Alice Green (Town Board), Craig Schutt (Conservation Board)
Chair Kiefer called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
Public Comment
Dan Bussmann was given voting privileges in the absence of Joe Wilson.
Approval of Minutes
D Weinstein moved to approve the minutes of September 25, 2019, seconded by C Anderson.
All in favor - approved
R Burger explained this is a change in use of warehousing/office space at 15 Royal Road. A
kitchen will now be added which makes is light manufacturing. (Joe Wilson arrived.) This is a SEAR Type
II action.
Applicant Ian Gaffney, 629 West Buffalo St, said they have been in business for about ten years.
The business was started by him and his wife in a home kitchen. They have grown organically since and
now distribute in 20,000 stores across the country. They have a staff of about 20 people in
manufacturing, and about 8-10 in the office. All the products made are organic and allergen friendly.
The building uses wind and solar power. They are a living wage certified employer and woman -owned
business. The base pay for the manufacturing crew starts at $15.37/hour and increases from there.
They are thrilled to move the business into a real manufacturing space. They are currently spread out in
two buildings and a house office and they lease a warehouse. They closed last Wednesday on 15 Royal
Road and have been talking with Planning Department staff about their plans.
This is a Type II action so no SEAR is required.
Comments/statements during discussion:
• This is strictly manufacturing; no retail sales on site.
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• There are 20 delineated parking spaces.
• Not all employees drive; some carpool.
• There are auxiliary parking spaces on the property.
• There is no effluent from the manufacturing process that needs to be disposed of.
• They will not encroach on to the wetland at all.
• There are two dumpsters on the property; there will be some trash & plastic to dispose of.
• The dumpsters can be locked; they are not screened.
• There will be deliveries (probably 1 per day) that will enter/exit via Route 13.
• Over the next 5 years they will likely hire 8 people.
• The gravel lot may be paved for parking expansion.
• The dumpsters are not visible to the public at the south end of the lot; no need to screen.
• A bike rack will be moved from their current.
• Lighting will be restricted to wall -pack base lighting.
County 239 review determines no negative inter -community or county -wide impacts.
T Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Planning Board hereby approves the sketch plan for a
change of use at 15 Royal Road and waives further site plan review subject to the following conditions:
1. Owner will provide all employee parking on the site.
2. There will be no occupation of or disturbance in the wetlands on the site.
3. There will be no retail sales on the site.
4. Dumpsters will be maintained at the south end of the site.
5. Owner will provide a bike rack for employees.
6. Standard Conditions of Approval (8-14-2008).
2nd M Hatch — all in favor
2 Duplexes on One Lot
R Burger explained that a site plan review is required when multiple dwellings are being constructed on
the same lot (Zoning Law Section 606). In this case it is two duplexes totaling four dwelling units
proposed for the lot. It is based on the determination that the lot, if subdivided, could be divided into
one parent lot and two flag lots. That would allow up to three dwellings.
Applicant has prepared a short EAF. County 239 review determined that there were no inter -
community or county -wide impacts. County Highway did note a concern with the limited sight distance
due to the proposed plantings along Hanshaw Road. Applicant states he will not put plantings near the
driveway, though they are shown on the drawings.
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Comments/statements during discussion:
• There will be one well to serve both dwellings.
• Applicant is concerned that science is not good enough on heat pumps, particularly in hard winters.
• He would like to use radiant heat.
• HeatSmart Tompkins can provide consultation and guidance.
• Applicant will do as much as he can to build green; project will be total electric.
• Is one well adequate? Applicant states previous similar project was served adequately with one well.
• Everything was done with an engineer.
• There will be vegetation around the dumpster.
• Emergency vehicle access is adequate.
SEAR review
Clarification on Part 1 #9 — If applicant intends to exceed the state energy code requirements, it should
be explained. Applicant will use more insulation, will do a heat pump hot water heater, solar panels on
the house or in the field. There will be underground electric services.
The board reviewed Part 2 of the short EAF and responded as follows:
2 — No or small impact
3 — No or small impact
5 — No or small impact
6 — No or small impact
RESOLUTION #22 (2019) NEG SEAR DEC — 2249 Hanshaw Road
D Weinstein offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
A. The proposed action involves site plan review for construction of two duplexes (2 units each) on
a single lot at 2249 Hanshaw Road (TM #31.-1-21.324) that could have potentially been
subdivided into three building lots.
B. The proposed action is an Unlisted Action for which the Planning Board of the Town of Dryden is
the lead agency for the purpose of uncoordinated environmental review.
C. The Planning Board of the Town of Dryden, in performing the lead agency function for its
independent and uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of the New
York State Environmental Conservation Law —the State Environmental Quality Review Act
"(SEAR)", (i) thoroughly reviewed the short Environmental Assessment Form, Part 1, and any
and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its
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environmental review,(ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental
concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the
1) The Planning Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon its thorough review of the short EAF,
Part 1, and its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern has
determined that the proposed action will have no significant adverse impact on the
environment in accordance with SEQR, and
2) John Kiefer is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the
determination of significance, confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration.
2"d J Kiefer
Aye —J Kiefer, J Wilson, D Weinstein, M Hatch, C Anderson, T Salerno
Abstain — T Hatfield
M Hatch offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Planning Board hereby waives further site plan review and
approves the sketch plan for construction of two duplexes (2 units each) on a single lot at 2249 Hanshaw
Road (TM #31.-1-21.324) that could have potentially been subdivided into three building lots and waives
further site plan review subject to the following conditions:
1. Dumpsters will be screened.
2. Roadside plantings will be minimized so as not to impair sight distance from the driveway.
3. The Planning Director will provide a determination with respect to the number of lots that could
potentially be created from this tax parcel. That document is to be recorded in the Tompkins County
Clerks Office and indexed to this parcel.
4. Standard Conditions of Approval (8-14-2008).
2nd D Weinstein
Aye —J Kiefer, J Wilson, D Weinstein, M Hatch, C Anderson, T Salerno
Abstain — T Hatfield
T Hatfield noted that he abstained because the applicant is a client of his business.
R Burger explained that on the lot at 438 Lake Road a home was recently constructed and most of it was
constructed within the area labeled conservation easement. The landowner applied to the ZBA for an
area variance and was denied for a lack of jurisdiction without prejudice to the applicant's right to
convert the application into an application to the Planning Board to modify the conditions of the
Bluebird Subdivision as they may apply to the property. There has been no subsequent application
from those ZBA applicants.
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The matter came to light when the property owner had an as -built survey prepared. The town attorney
gave an opinion on the day of the ZBA hearing.
J Kiefer said he put this on the agenda because the board should consider and talk about the nature of
the words that it is using. There is no formal conservation easement between the town and any
property owner in this subdivision; a document like that does not exist. The developer used the words
conservation easement and may have been referring to covenants.
Discussion/comments by the board and others present:
• This was approved as a conservation subdivision and by definition sets aside some amount of the
property for conservation.
• It is unclear that the town has any jurisdiction to enforce any the covenants written on the plat.
• The board needs to consider how it protects wetlands and things that are important to it.
• If the deed restrictions that show up on the plat are not enforceable by the town, then that probably
needs to be reconsidered and a better way developed.
• The plat is in essence a site plan for each of the individual lots.
• Town Attorney has offered to come to a meeting of the Planning Board to discuss options.
• There is no executed document with the property owner in this instance.
• It appears adjacent property owners may be in a position to take action.
• There was no distance listed on the plat for this easement.
• Properties owners need to be aware of covenants and restrictions.
• A resolution was presented for consideration asking that the town board consider a moratorium on
future conservation subdivisions until there is decision about how to enforce in cases like this.
• Enforceability and who has authority is the problem.
• We need to ensure that what we intend actually come to pass.
• A deed restriction doesn't appear to be a way to permanently protect open space.
• It was clear that the intent was that nothing be built in the conservation easement; why can't the
town enforce that?
• Should a building permit be denied if someone is building in an area they aren't supposed to?
• A lot of options may come in to play when we get counsel from the attorney.
• The current instance meets the standard zoning; the conservation easement area is greater than the
setback required by zoning.
• The covenants are listed on the deed; it doesn't appear the town can enforce that.
• The subdivision was approved based on a 250' restriction.
• The developer should site the house.
The Planning Board would like the town attorney to answer:
What ability or responsibility does the town have to enforce the covenants written on the plan?
Given what has occurred, what is the town's ability and the Planning Board's to do anything in response
to it?
How is the board able to do what it intends to do? (This is the second time in this area a condition has
been ignored.)
Can the building permit be revoked?
• There are various ways to preserve open space; board needs to use the most effective.
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-- Is a basement a living space? R Burger said defined in code it is when part of the level is below the
ground; further refinement of that is if 6' or more is exposed it then becomes a story.
• Using the Varna guidelines, the intent was to have three stories in Varna.
• What about a walk -out basement?
• You can have a bedroom in the basement as long as it meets egress.
• It's different if you go up the steps and out, or you just go straight out.
• There is confusion with walkout on one side in determining whether they are three or four stories.
• 40' is the highest building height in Varna.
• This needs to be looked at carefully for the future.
• We need to be clear about "story" and consistent in how it is used.
• No need to do something completely different than what is done in other towns.
• More definitions could be gathered.
• The intention is to maintain the hamlet districts, limiting the building heights so that we have form
related relationships between the structures in the hamlet.
• The 40' limit was to accommodate things such as steeples.
• This is a form characteristic and was the intention of the plan.
• Using the dictionary definition could result in multiple levels underground.
• This definition will apply across the town.
• Suggest clarifying by adding "in relation to the ground plane."
• In some instances, a building can look like 3 stories from one side and 4 stories from the other.
The board took a straw poll on use of the definition of story in the 2015 Uniform Fire Prevention
Building Code. Yes — J Kiefer, C Anderson, T Hatfield, T Salerno No — M Hatch, D Weinstein, J Wilson
Planning board members need time to review material. D Weinstein asked if there something else he
can do that would make it more understandable. J Wilson said questions can be asked via email, but
taking action must be avoided. J Skaley suggested questions be submitted to the full board and those
questions could be handled in a systematic way at a meeting. Should there be a special meeting to deal
only with this topic? After discussion, the board decided to hold a special meeting for this topic only on
October 29, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. at the DPW building.
Short Term Rentals
T Salerno said there are two parts to this: short-term rentals in general and the specific example of a
property being used for this purpose on Mineah Road. There is the distinction of a property that is
owner occupied and they are renting a room or auxiliary building or a situation where the owner does
not live there and the property is used exclusively for short-term rental. According to the zoning law if a
building is used only for short-term rental and is big enough for more than three people, it falls under
the boarding house definition. Boarding houses are not permitted in most zones. It seems the property
on Mineah Road is already in violation of current zoning.
Cayuga Heights and other municipalities have allowed short-term rentals, but with limitations. In some,
when the owner is not present during rental, they are limited to 30 nights per year and the property has
to be registered with the municipality. If the owner is present the limit is something like 45 nights per
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year. The problem is what the impact of short-term rentals has on communities. It is hard to determine
just how many people are doing this in the town.
Comments during discussion:
• Cayuga Heights has different rules for properties in closer proximity to Cornell.
• How does a trade of homes for vacation purposes fall in to this?
• You need to pass legislation that is enforceable and can be implemented.
• How to determine whether homeowners are in compliance or how many nights it is rented.
• Fines for violation would need to be large enough to make a difference.
• Generally laws and rules are enforced after a complaint.
• Does the town have resources to verify whether each house is doing short-term rental?
• We don't want to affect standard rental properties.
• There is an impact on water and septic.
• Septic is a health department issue.
• Should a water test be required?
• A permit process could trigger health department involvement.
J Kiefer asked that T Salerno and D Bussmann provide written recommendations based on their reading
of other regulations and include definitions. D Bussmann said they could provide a bullet list of things
that could be incorporated into regulations. M Hatch suggested that they incorporate flexibility and be
broad in thinking about the future. Things are changing.
Planning Department Staffing Needs
R Burger presented a list of department activity for 2019 year to date (attached). The department
consists of himself (Planning Director), two code enforcement officers and admin support. He presented
numbers compiled by the Ithaca Voice of neighboring municipalities. Most complaints are resolved
without having to do a real enforcement action. There is a history of notices of violations being turned
over to the court and the court doesn't want to act unless is a pretty significant record and an attorney
present (a significant expense to the town). They try to avoid getting to the point of having the court
involved. He anticipates more instances of enforcement of conservation easements.
• Can the Town Board take some action to make conservation easements more enforceable?
• We need to use a better document for open space preservation.
• The Conservation Board has agreed to take on the stewardship tasks for conservation easements.
• A larger fee could be charged for conservation subdivision.
• There would need to be more revenue to cover expenses of enforcement.
• How much department time is spent on site plan review, special use permit review, subdivision
reviews? Some are a few hours, some are hundreds of hours.
• A department activity comparison to previous years would be helpful.
• There is a contractors yard and spools of wire on Royal Road/Hanshaw Road that is not being
addressed. Because of lack of staff? There was a letter written, but it has not been pursued.
• Is there a lack of legal resources to fight these issues?
• There a dozen or so problem sites and each gets a little attention as CEOs can budget the time.
• What is the impact of this on quality of life in the community?
• Would an increase in more staff time help cure the situation?
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• It may be difficult to ask for funding for more staff when the Town Board has asked the Highway
Department to reduce their budget substantially this year.
• If the town is promoting more economic development and more building, it puts more stress on the
Planning Department and Code Enforcement.
RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden Planning Board hereby requests that the Town Board consider:
• Revisiting and revising fees charged by the Planning Department;
• Establishing a legal reserve fund in the budget process to accumulate funds be used for enforcement
of the town Zoning Law and prosecuting violators, and contribute to it annually; and
• Review staffing in the Planning Department to determine whether those resources are adequate to
properly enforce the laws and codes they are charged with enforcing.
2n1 M Hatch — all in favor
There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bambi L. Avery
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1. Has the committee talked with any developers?
• There has not been this conversation. These conversations will be occurring during the
Comprehensive Plan updating process. Since balancing their considerations with the stated goals
of the Varna Plan could be a lengthy undertaking, any modifications to these revised regulations
that need to be made as a result of these conversations can be made during or after that process.
2. Is there is a market for this type of housing/scale? We need something that will work.
If there is no demand, it won't work.
• INHS is very interested in building in Varna, both for sale and for rent.
• Markets change over time. It is better to shape the community we want than to let it be shaped by
current market forces, only to wind up with a community that no one wants, not even the future
market forces.
3. The table presented would have to be compared to the current table.
• The current table was presented in the pdf sent containing the current Article VII.
• The revised table was presented in the pdf sent containing the revised Article VII.
4. There are tiny distinctions between the residential and mixed-use districts.
• There is an average of 25% density differences for all housing types except single family homes.
5. The redevelopment definition may be vague; if not necessary, eliminate it.
• It has been eliminated in the latest version.
6. There is concern about single family homes or duplexes being able to meet LEED standards and the
expense involved.
• These have now been exempted from this requirement.
7. Can the town identify its own energy standard?
• Two documents, one identifying what is wrong with using the current LEED methodology, and a
second outlining what should be in a Varna/Dryden standard (still needing points assessment
added), have been distributed.
8. Could the energy stretch code be used?
• This code could easily be incorporated in the Varna/Dryden standard for environmentally friendly
9. Input should be sought from developers.
• See comment made for #2 above.
10. The County hasn't seen this proposal.
• The County will have an opportunity to weigh in before the proposal goes to the Town Board.
11. Development will happen in Varna; do we want to guide it?
• Guiding development is what planning is all about.
12. The Planning Director needs to weigh in.
0 He has this opportunity.
13. Some changes will be made to the proposed resolution resulting from the discussion.
• The changes spelled out above have been made.
14. Ray Burger asked for a track changes document.
• This has been provided.
Except where specifically defined herein, all words used in this Law shall carry their customary
meanings. Words used in the present tense include the future, and the plural includes the singular;
the word "Lot" includes the word "plot," the word "Building" includes the word "Structure," the
word "shall" is intended to be mandatory; "occupied" or "used" shall be considered as though
followed by the words "or intended, arranged or designed to be used or occupied."
Certain specific words and terms used in this Law and generally capitalized are to be interpreted
as defined below. The failure to capitalize a word or term in this Law shall not be construed that
such word or term should have a meaning different from that defined herein.
Abandon — To give up with the intent of never again claiming one's right or interests in; to give
over or surrender completely.
Adult Bookstore — An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in
trade in books, magazines, and other periodicals which are distinguished or characterized by their
emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to Specified Sexual Activities and/or
Specified Anatomical Areas, or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale or
display of such material.
Adult Entertainment Business — A public establishment, location, or Structure which features
topless dancers, nide dancers or strippers, male or female, or a location, or Structure used for
presenting, lending or selling motion picture films, video cassettes, digital media, cable television,
or any other such visual media, or used for presenting, lending, or selling books, magazines,
publications, photographs, or any other written materials distinguished or characterized by an
emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to Specified Sexual Activities and/or
Specified Anatomical Areas. An Adult Entertainment Business includes an Adult Bookstore.
Adult Use — The use of land, or a Structure for an "Adult Entertainment Business" or an "Adult
Agricultural User See Farm Operation.
Agriculture -Related Enterprise — A retail or wholesale enterprise providing services or products
utilized in agricultural production, such as Structures, agricultural equipment and agricultural
equipment parts, livestock, feed, seed, fertilizer and agricultural equipment repairs and wholesale
or retail sale of grain, fruit, produce, trees, shrubs, flowers or other products of local agricultural
Appeal — An application to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) for relief from and review of any
order, requirement, decision, interpretation, or determination made by the administrative official
charged with the enforcement of the Zoning Law.
Artist Studio/Craft Workshop — A place where artists, artisans, craftsmen and other skilled
tradespeople produce custom-made art or craft products, where they teach such skills, and/or where
they sell such art or products.
Automotive Repair Garage — Any Structure and/or Lot used for the repair and/or servicing of
motor vehicles, or for motor vehicle body work, structural repair or painting.
Automotive Sales — Any Lot or Structure used for sales, rental or leasing of new or used cars,
trucks, motorcycles, boats or other motorized vehicles including tractors or construction vehicles.
Automotive Salvage/Junk Yard — A Lot or Structure and any place of storage or deposit, whether
in connection with another business or not, where two or more unregistered, old, or secondhand
motor vehicles, no longer intended or in condition for legal use on the public highways, are held,
whether for the purpose of resale of used parts therefrom, for the purpose of reclaiming for use
some or all of the materials therein, whether metal, glass, fabric or otherwise, for the purpose of
disposing of the same or for any other purpose; such term shall include any place of storage or
deposit for any such purposes of used parts or waste materials from motor vehicles which, taken
together, equal in bulk two or more such vehicles provided, however, the term junk yard shall not
be construed to mean an establishment having facilities for processing iron, steel or nonferrous
scrap and whose principal produce is scrap iron, steel or nonferrous scrap for sale for remelting
purposes only.
Automotive Towing Service — An establishment that provides for the transport of a motor vehicle
by towing, carrying, hauling or pushing from public or private property, and which may provide
for the temporary storage of motor vehicles. This definition shall not include an Automotive Repair
Garage with a tow truck(s) which repairs vehicles on-site, nor shall this use be construed as a Junk
Bed -and -Breakfast Establishment — A Dwelling having a resident host in a private single- family
home with common dining and leisure rooms and lodging rooms for overnight accommodations,
the rates for which include breakfast and lodging only, and in which no public restaurant is
maintained and no other commercial services are offered. The Bed -and -Breakfast Establishment
shall have not more than ten (10) occupants as lodgers in at least three (3) and not more than five
(5) rooms. The period of accommodation shall be of a clearly temporary nature. Such use shall not
be construed as a Boarding House.
Bed -and -Breakfast Home — A Dwelling having a resident host in the primary Dwelling of a
private single-family or two-family home in which at least one (1) and not more than two (2) rooms
are provided for overnight accommodations, the rates for which include breakfast and lodging
only, and in which no public restaurant is maintained. The Bed -and -Breakfast Home
shall not have more than four (4) occupants as lodgers. The period of accommodation
shall be of a clearly temporary nature. Such use shall not be construed as a Boarding
Billboard — See Sign — Outdoor Advertising Billboard.
Boarding House — Any Dwelling in which more than three (3) persons, either
individually or as families, are housed or lodged for hire with or without meals. A
rooming house or a famished rooming house shall be deemed a Boarding House.
Boundary Line Adjustment (BLA) - A reconfiguration of property lines between
two or more separate legal parcels. BLAS are not subdivisions and cannot create new
parcels or building sites.
Buffer Strip — A row of densely planted shrubs and trees with low branches intended
to reduce noise and screen out objectionable views.
Building — Any Structure where space, greater than 150 square feet in area, is covered
or enclosed (See Structure). The preferred term is Structure.
Building, Accessory — A subordinate Structure, the use of which is customarily
incidental to that of the Principal Building, and located on the same Lot as the
Principal Building.
Building Height — The vertical distance from finished grade to the highest point of a
flat roof or the midpoint of a pitched roof. On a hillside lot, finished grade should be
considered as the average finished grade on the uphill side of a Structure.
Building Line — The line formed by the intersection of a vertical plane that coincides
with the most projected surface of the Structure.
Building Permit — A building permit issued by the town based upon plans that comply
with all applicable codes, statutes, laws, rules, regulations and necessary approvals.
Cabin or Cottage — A Structure designed for seasonal occupancy and not suitable for
year- round living.
Campground — An area to be used for transient occupancy by camping in tents, camp
trailers, travel trailers, motor homes, or similar movable or temporary sleeping
quarters of any kind. This use shall not be construed as a Retreat or Conference Center.
Car Wash — A Structure or portion thereof used exclusively for the business of
washing, cleaning and waxing motor vehicles.
Cemetery — Land used or intended to be used primarily for the burial of the dead and
dedicated to cemetery purposes.
Commercial Development Design Guidelines — the Town of Dryden Commercial Development
Design guidelines adopted on December 3, 2008 as an amendment to the Town of Dryden Zoning
Ordinance. These guidelines are now found in Appendix C, and are hereby made a part of this Law
by reference to such Appendix.
Commercial Horse Boarding Operation — an agricultural enterprise, consisting of at least seven
(7) acres and boarding at least ten (10) horses, regardless of ownership, that receives ten thousand
dollars ($10,000.00) or more in gross receipts annually from fees generated either through the
boarding of horses or through the production for sale of crops, livestock, and livestock products,
or through both such boarding and such production. Under no circumstances shall this definition
be construed to include operations whose primary on site function is horse racing.
Comprehensive Plan — The Town of Dryden Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Town Board
pursuant to Town Law 272-a on December 8, 2005, including amendments thereto.
Congregate Care Facility — A facility providing residential care and services in community
integrated settings for persons who may require assistance with daily activities. Such services may
include twenty -four-hour supervision, room and board, housekeeping, case management,
recreation programs, medication management and, where necessary, provision or arrangement for
the provision of enhanced professional services such as medical, nursing, physical therapy and
other personal care services. Congregate care facilities include assisted living programs and adult
care facilities run in accordance with New York State requirements.
Contractor's Yard — Any space, whether inside or outside a Building, used for the storage or
keeping of operable construction equipment, machinery or vehicles or parts thereof which are used
by a construction contractor. A building trade or construction contractor is defined as but not
limited to carpenters, electricians, masons, site work contractors, plumbers; heating, ventilating,
and air conditioning (HVAC) technicians, general contractors, etc.
Day Care Center, Child — A facility which is not a Dwelling Unit in which care is provided on a
regular basis to three (3) or more children [See 18 NYCRR § 413.2(g)].
Day Care Home, Family — A Dwelling Unit which is a personal residence and occupied as a
family residence which provides daycare to three (3) to six (6) children [See 18 NYCRR §
Day Care Homes, Group Family — A Dwelling Unit which is a personal residence and occupied
as a family residence which provides day care on a regular basis for seven (7) to twelve
(12) children [See 18 NYCRR § 413.20)].
Dwelling — A house, apartment, or other place of residence.
Dwelling, Accessory Unit — A secondary Dwelling Unit which is accessory to a Single -Family
Dwelling, for use as a complete, independent living facility with provisions within the accessory
unit for cooking, eating, sanitation, and sleeping. An Accessory Dwelling unit may also be located
in an accessory Structure to the principal Single -Family Dwelling, such as a detached garage,
provided that the accessory Structure is clearly an accessory use to the Single -Family Dwelling.
An Accessory Dwelling Unit shall not be confused with a Two -Family Dwelling.
Dwelling -Condominium -- The term condominium refers to a system of ownership and
administration of property with three main features. A portion of the property is divided into
individually owned units, the balance of the property is owned in common by all the individual
owners and a vehicle for managing the property, known as the condominium corporation, is
Dwelling, Multi -Family — A Dwelling with separate living units for three or more families having
separate or joint entrances and including apartments, group homes, townhouses, cottage homes
and condominiums, also a group of Dwellings on one lot with each Dwelling containing separate
living units for three or more families having separate or joint entrances and including apartments,
group homes, townhouses, cottage homes and condominiums.
Dwelling, Single -Family — A detached Structure (not including a mobile home) that is designed
or used exclusively as living quarters for one (1) family.
Dwelling, Townhouse Building of (- ) or more ¢` �Fiillrig Ui.NTj earilrC!=
whioh shares at least one oommen wall with an adjaeent Dwelling Unit. Far- the Putposes of this
Law, e3ceept whe speeifleally stated other- i ore n, a Tawnhouse Dwelling shall be eenstrue a
asa-farrr. of Nfulti Family Dwelling.
Dwelling, Townhouse or townhome — A single-family home that shares one or more walls with
other dwelling units. Townhouses are distinguished from a Condominium Townhouse, which is a
single-family home that shares one or more walls with other independently -owned units.
Dwelling, Two -Family — A detached Dwelling containing no more than two Dwelling Units for
the use and occupation by no more than two (2) families.
Dwelling, Upper -Floor Apartment(s) — One or more Dwelling Units that are located above a
commercial use.
Dwelling Unit, d.u. — A group of rooms which are designed for residential occupancy by a single
family and providing housekeeping facilities for such family. In determining the number of
Dwelling Units within a Structure, consideration is given to the separate use of or the provision
made for cooking, heating and sanitary facilities whether installed or not; both the actual use to
which the Dwelling is being put and the potential use to which the Dwelling might be put.
Educational Use —Use of land where learning in a general range of subjects is provided, including
related support and accessory uses, associated with the educational purposes of the institution. The
definition includes institutions that provide cultural education, such as museums or galleries.
Elder Cottage — A separate, detached, temporary Single -Family Dwelling, accessory to a Single -
or Two -Family Dwelling on a lot; and occupied by no more than two residents, one of whom must
be 55 years of age or older.
Family — An individual, or two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, occupying
a Dwelling Unit and living as a single household; For purposes of this Ordinance, a family may
also consist of not more than four unrelated individuals occupying a Dwelling Unit and living as
a single household. The two definitions cannot be combined.
Farm Operation — The land and on-farm buildings, equipment, manure processing and handling
facilities, and practices which contribute to the production, preparation and marketing of crops,
livestock and livestock products as a commercial enterprise, including a Commercial Horse
Boarding Operation, a Timber Operation and "compost, mulch or other biomass crops" as defined
in the New York Agriculture and Markets Law. Such farm operation may consist of one or more
parcels of owned or rented land, which parcels may be contiguous or noncontiguous to each other.
Farm Stand — A seasonal or temporary stand for the sale and display of farm products.
Frontage — The linear measurement in feet of that part of a Lot coincident with a Public Highway
measured at the edge of the Public Highway. A corner lot shall be considered to have frontages on
both Public Highways.
Gasoline Station — A Lot, including Structures thereon or parts thereof, other than an Automotive
Repair Garage, that is used for the sale of motor fuels dispensed from pumps and motor vehicle
accessories and supplies. Permitted accessory uses may include facilities for lubricating, washing
or other minor servicing of motor vehicles and/or the retail sale of convenience items, including
but not limited to snacks and beverages, provided such accessory uses are located indoors. Motor
vehicle body work, major structural repair or painting by any means are not to be considered
permitted accessory uses.
Green Neighborhood Development — A neighborhood developed and certified in LEED
Neighborhood Development rating system and achieving at least basic certification.
Green Space--Theafea of a dc,vc?opmt or Pa t l „ ��
,,o of total Lot Area) as
well as green mrrstrctufe +rn.rrater fueinzcresn p- vpase sct -cJrc, swales a -ad 60 f t
arca of a grcen feef if not aeoessible by or is blpa to the pub-lize' and ; eludi g parks, dedioateR
Open paee lands aareas (pia tin v lu m parking lot islands), �.'1, 1 rl
) g , ) 13 b "/) iuviuuui�, sidewalks-v
grails used ,
irutendod to enhance
Green Space — Areas of vegetated and permeable surfaces of a development not occupied by
Structures or Paved areas for vehicles and including formal stormwater management facilities (no
more than 20% of total Lot Area) as well as green infrastructure stonnwater facilities Open Space
set aside include swales and paries, dedicated Open Space, landscaped areas, plantings, lawns,
parking lot islands, and sidewalks or trails used to access these areas, including Accessory
Structures (e.g. gazebos or similar structures) accessible to the public and intended to enhance the
Green Space.
Hamlet of Varna Community Development Plan — An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan
pursuant to Town Law 272-a and adopted by the Town Board on December 20, 2012.
Highway — See Public Highway.
Home Occupation: Level I — A business conducted entirely within a Dwelling and carried on by
the inhabitants thereof; which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the Dwelling
for residential purposes, and which use does not change the character thereof, and which business
does not involve the employment of more than one person at the Dwelling on a daily basis. The
business may employ others who do not report to the Dwelling on a daily basis. There shall be no
exterior evidence of such home occupation, except for a sign in accordance with Section
Home Occupation: Level 2 — A business conducted on a residential property and carried on by
the inhabitants thereof; which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the Dwelling
for residential purposes, and which use does not change the character thereof. A Level 2 Home
Occupation may employ up to three (3) persons who report to the Dwelling on a daily basis. The
business may have more employees who do not report to the Dwelling on a daily basis.
Hotel — A facility offering transient lodging accommodations for a daily rate to the general public.
A Hotel may provide additional services, such as restaurants, meeting rooms and recreation
facilities. The period of accommodation shall be of a clearly temporary nature. Such use shall not
be construed as a Boarding House.
Industry -Light — A manufacturing or maintenance operation conducted wholly within one or
more Structures where any process is used to alter the nature, size or shape of articles or raw
materials or where articles are assembled and where said goods or services are consumed or used
at another location. The exterior appearance of the Structures shall resemble Office Buildings and
the impacts of the use (noise, fumes, and vibrations) shall not exceed those typically associated
with an office use.
Industry -Manufacturing — Establishments engaged in the mechanical or chemical
transformation of materials or substances into new products, including the assembly of component
parts, the creation of products, and the blending of materials such as oils, resins or liquors. These
Industry -Manufacturing uses have greater impacts than light industry uses in terms of noise,
fumes, and vibrations.
Inn — A commercial facility, resembling in character traditional residential construction, providing
lodging and meals which is characterized by common dining facilities and a common leisure room
available for use by lodgers and the general public. The period of accommodation shall be of a
clearly temporary nature. Such use shall not be construed as a Boarding House.
Invasive Species Non-native plant species on the list of invasive plants compiled by F. Robert
Wesley, April 1998 which includes the common name, species name and family. This list is now
found in Appendix D, and is hereby made a part of this Law by reference to such Appendix.
Junk Yard — Any place of storage or deposit, whether in connection with another business or not,
where two or more unregistered, old, or secondhand motor vehicles, no longer intended or in
conditioin for legal use on the Public Highways, are held, whether for the purpose of resale of
used parts therefrom, for the purpose of reclaiming for use some or all of the materials therein,
whether metal, glass, fabric or otherwise, for the purpose of disposing of the same or for any other
purpose; such term shall include any place of storage or deposit for any such purposes of used
parts or waste materials from motor vehicles which, taken together, equal in bulk two or more such
vehicles provided, however, the term Junk Yard shall not be construed to mean an establishment
having facilities for processing iron, steel or nonferrous scrap and whose principal produce is scrap
iron, steel or nonferrous scrap for sale for remelting purposes only.
Kennel — Any commercial establishment where four or more dogs, cats, or other animals over
three months of age are kept, raised, sold, boarded, bred, shown, treated, or groomed.
LEED — The acronym for "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design." LEED is a family
of green building rating systems developed by the United States Green Building Council
(USGBC). LEED provides verification of high environmental performance in building and
neighborhood design and construction. The LEED family of rating systems includes a rating
system for Neighborhood Development. A LEED rating system contains a combination of required
prerequisites and optional credits and evaluates projects based on a 100 -point base scale (not
including up to 10 special "innovation" and "regional priority" bonus points, explained in the
Rating System). Projects seeking certification must meet all prerequisites and earn at least 40
points by achieving various credits. Beyond basic certification, projects may achieve Silver (50
points), Gold (60 points), or Platinum (80+ points) certification for increasingly high performance.
Library — A public institution with a Structure containing printed, pictorial, and audiovisual
material for public use for purposes of study and reference.
Loading Berth — A dedicated area for the receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise by
motor vehicles, including space for their standing, loading and unloading.
Lodge or Club — A membership organization that holds regular meetings and may, subject to
other regulations controlling such uses, maintain dining facilities, serve alcohol, or engage in
professional entertainment for the enjoyment of dues paying members and their guests, as well as
programs for the general public, such as retreats and recreational, educational, cultural, health, and
public interest related programs.
Lot —An area of land having defined boundaries held in separate ownership from adjacent property
and which in all respects complies with the requirements of the district in which it is situate.
Lot Area — An area of land the size of which is determined by the limits of the Lot lines bounding
said area and is usually expressed in terms of square feet or acres.
Lot Consolidation - A Lot Consolidation is used to combined two existing parcels. Lot
Consolidations erase parcel lines so that only one parcel remains.
Lot Coverage — A measure of intensity of land use (usually represented as a percentage of the Lot
Area) that represents the portion of a Lot that is impervious (i.e., does not absorb water).
This percentage includes but is not limited to all areas covered by Structures, driveways, roads,
sidewalks, parking areas, and any other impervious area.
Lot Depth — The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear Lot lines measured in the
general direction of the side lot lines. For the purposes of these defiinitions and the provisions of
this Law, Lot Depth and Setback Lines shall be measured from the title line of dedicated, platted
or deeded Public Highways and from the user line for highways by use.
Lot Width — The horizontal distance between the side Lot lines taken at the front Yard line or
Principal Building Line and measured along a line which is at right angles to the Lot Depth.
Lot of Record — Any lot with an area, width or other dimension which is less than prescribed for
a lot in the district in which such lot is situated if such lot is (i) under one ownership of record
since the effective date ' of the original Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance, or (ii) under one
ownership of record since the time of any amendment to the original Town of Dryden Zoning
Ordinance which amendment changed the area, width or other dimension requirements with
respect to lots in such district and which lot, except for such amendment, would have been in all
respects in conformance with the requirements of such original Zoning Ordinance, or (iii) any lot
shown on an approved subdivision plat filed with the Tompkins County Clerk and not combined
with any other lot or parcel for the purposes of real property assessment at any time following such
Manufactured Home — A structure, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling
mode, is eight body feet or more in width or forty body feet or more in length, or, when erected on
site, is three hundred twenty or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and
designed to be used as a Dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the
required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems
contained therein. The term shall include any Structure that meets all of the requirements of this
definition except the size requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files
a certification requierd by the United States secretary of housing and urban development and
complies with the standards established under Title 42 of the United States code; and except that
such term shall not include any self-propelled recreational vehicle.
Manufactured Home Park — A parcel of land under single ownership, which is improved for the
placement of Manufactured Homes for non -transient use and which is offered to the public for the
placement of five (5) or more Manufactured Homes.
Mining — The excavation and sale of topsoil, sand, gravel, clay or other natural solid mineral or
vegetable deposit, or the quarrying of any kind of rock formation.
Mining Subject to State Jurisdiction — An operation which results in the mining or proposed
mining from each use of more than one thousand (1,000) tons or seven hundred -fifty (750) cubic
yards, whichever is less, of minerals from the earth within twelve (12) successive calendar
months, or an operation which results in the mining or proposed mining of over one hundred
(100) cubic yards of minerals from or adjacent to any body of water not subject to the jurisdiction
of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law or the Public Lands Law.
Mining not Subject to State Jurisdiction — All mining which is not defined as Mining Subject
to State Jurisdiction.
Mobile Home — A moveable or portable unit designed and constructed to be towed on its own
chassis, comprised of frame and wheels, connected to utilities, and designed and constructed
without a permanent foundation for year-round living. A unit may contain parts that may be folded,
collapsed or telescoped when being towed and expanded later to provide additional cubic capacity
as well as two or more separately towable components for repeated towing. Mobile Home shall
mean units designed to be used exclusively for residential purposes, excluding travel trailers.
Motel — See Rotel.
Municipal Facilities — Highways, water and/or sewer facilities or other public services or facilities
that are directly or indirectly provided and maintained by a municipality.
Municipal Use — For the purposes of the use restrictions of this Law means the use of land,
building, or Structures owned by the Town of Dryden or other municipal corporations or
governmental bodies.
Natural Gas — Any gaseous substance, either combustible or noncombustible, which is produced
in a natural state from the earth and which maintains a gaseous or rarified state at standard
temperature and pressure conditions, and/or gaseous components or vapors occurring in or derived
from petroleum or other hydrocarbons.
Natural Gas and/or Petroleum Exploration — Geologic or geophysical activities related to the
search for natural gas, petroleum or other subsurface hydrocarbons including prospecting,
geophysical and geologic seismic surveying and sampling techniques, which include but are not
limited to core or rotary drilling or making an excavation in the search and evaluation of natural
gas, petroleum, or other subsurface hydrocarbon deposits.
Natural Gas and/or Petroleum Exploration and Production Materials —Any solid, semi- solid,
liquid, semi-liquid or gaseous material used in the exploration or extraction of natural gas.
Natural Gas Exploration and/or Petroleum Production Wastes — Any garbage, refuse,
cuttings, sludge, flow -back fluids, produced waters or other discarded materials, including solid,
liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material that results from or is associated with the
exploration, drilling or extraction of natural gas and/or petroleum.
Natural Gas and/or Petroleum Extraction — The digging or drilling of a well for the purposes
of exploring for, developing or producing natural gas, petroleum or other subsurface hydrocarbons.
Natural Gas and/or Petroleum Support Activities — The construction, use, or maintenance of a
storage or staging yard, a water or fluid injection station, a water or fluid gathering station, a natural
gas or petroleum storage facility, or a natural gas or petroleum gathering line, venting station, or
compressor associated with the exploration or extraction of natural gas or petroleum.
Neighborhood Development — The development or redevelopment in Varna of at least three (3)
tax parcels, or an area of at least two (2) acres.
Nonconforming Use — A Structure or use of land existing on the date of enactment of this Law
which does not comply with the allowed use regulations of the zone in which said Structure or use
is located.
Nursery/Greenhouse, Retail — A retail establishment for the growth, display, and/or sale of
plants, shrubs, trees, and materials used in indoor or outdoor planting, conducted within or without
an enclosed Structure.
Office Building — Any Structure in which space is rented and persons employed in or who conduct
the management or direction of an agency, business, organization, profession, or public
administration, but excluding such uses as retail sale, manufacture, assembly or storage of goods,
or places of assembly and amusement.
Open Space — Any space or area characterized by (1) natural scenic beauty or, (2) whose existing
openness, natural condition, or present state of use enhances the present or potential value of
abutting or surrounding property, or maintains or enhances the conservation of natural or scenic
resources. For purposes of this Local Law natural resources shall include, but not be limited to,
agricultural lands actually used in bona fide agricultural production.
Outdoor Storage — Commercial and industrial storage outside the confines of an enclosed
Structure of any equipment or materials in usable condition which are not being specifically
displayed as merchandise or offered for sale. Outdoor Storage shall not be construed as a Junk
Yard, Contractor's Yard or Self -Storage.
Parking Space — An off-street space available for parking one vehicle and which dimensions are
9 feet wide and 20 feet long, not including maneuvering area and access drives, but with Board
approval in Site Plan Review or Special Use Permit review may be approved to be modified to
target specific vehicles such as compact cars and motorcycles.
Paved — A smooth, hard, dense surface, which is durable and well -drained under normal use and
weather conditions.
Planned Unit Development — An area of land intended to provide for a variety of land uses
planned and developed in a manner which will provide a community design that preserves critical
environmental resources, provides above-average Open Space amenities, incorporates creative
design in the layout of Structures, Green Space and circulation of vehicles and pedestrians; assures
compatibility with surrounding land uses and neighborhood character; and provides efficiency in
the layout of Highways, public utilities, and other Municipal Facilities.
Planning Board — The Town of Dryden Planning Board,
Professional Office — A Structure used for the organizational or administrative aspects of a trade
or profession or used in the conduct of a business and not involving the manufacture, storage,
display, or direct retail sales of goods, characterized by low traffic and pedestrian volumes, lack
of distracting, irritating, or sustained noise, and low density of building developments. This
definition may include, but is not limited to, the offices of: accountants, appraisers, architects,
planners, engineers, financial planners, insurance brokers or adjusters, landscape architects,
lawyers, consultants, secretarial agencies, bonding agencies, real estate, mortgage or title agencies,
investment agencies, and persons with similar occupations.
Public Highway — A road or street, either deeded or by perscriptive easement, that is maintained
by a, village, town, county, state or the federal government.
Public Safety Use — Voluntary or professional individuals or entities providing
municipal/governmental services providing for the health, safety, and general welfare of the
public; including, but not limited to, fire, emergency, medical, and police services.
Public Sewer and/or Water Facilities — A sewage disposal system or water supply and
distribution system operated by a municipality; a sewage disposal system or water supply and
distribution system authorized for public use, whether for a residential subdivision, or for
commercial, industrial or manufacturing Buildings, and approved by the New York State and/or
Tompkins County Departments of Health, the Department of Environmental Conservation, and
any other governmental agency having jurisdiction thereof.
Public Utility — Infrastructure and services that supply an everyday necessity to the public at large,
such as Public Water and/or Public Sewer Facilities, electricity, natural gas, and
telecommunications. A Public Utility may be owned and operated by a municipality or a private
entity, or a combination thereof.
Recreation, Active — Recreation that involves organized athletic activities requiring fixed
infrastructure such as playing fields and/or accessory infrastructure such as seating areas, changing
facilities and/or concessions. Active recreational activities include but are not limited to team
sports such as baseball, soccer, and lacrosse, smaller group sports such as racquet sports, golf
courses (and associated facilities such as driving ranges) and other active recreational uses that
require permanent infrastructure such as a skateboarding park or ice rink.
Recreation, Passive — Recreation that generally does not involve organized athletic teams and/or
significant fixed infrastructure, apart from such improvements as trails, parking areas, restrooms,
picnic shelters and the like. Passive recreational activities include but are not limited to jogging,
biking, cross country skiing, hiking, walking on recreational trails and paths, horseback riding,
wildlife viewing, picnicking and relaxation.
Recreational Facility, Amusement — A commercial or non-commercial recreational use that may
be permanent or temporary in nature, for the conducting of recreational activities including but not
limited to traveling carnivals, circuses, amusement parks, driving ranges (not associated with a
golf course), batting cages, mini -golf, paintball courses, bowling centers, roller skating facilities,
and similar indoor or outdoor recreational activities. A public park shall not be considered and
regulated as an Amusement Recreational Facility.
Recreational Facility, Athletic — A commercial or non-commercial recreational use that may be
permanent or temporary in nature, for the conducting of recreational activities including but not
limited to swimming, tennis, court games, baseball and other field sports, riding academies, and
playground activities, but excluding recreational activities involving mechanical devices that are
powered by non -human means, such as motorized vehicles. A public park shall not be considered
and regulated as an Athletic Recreational Facility.
Recreational Facility, Motorized — A commercial or non-commercial recreational use or
accessory use that may be permanent or temporary in nature, which involves the operation of
motorized vehicles which includes All Terrain Vehicles, motorcycles etc., including but not
limited to go-kart tracks, dirt bike tracks, and race tracks.
Redevelopment The
existing property i
Redevelopment — A process to rebuild or restore an area in a measurable state of decline,
disinvestment, or abandonment undertaken in accordance with a redevelopment plan adopted by a
municipality or to transform an underutilized or distressed area into an economically viable and
productive part of the community
Religious Institution — Use of land and/or Structures by a tax-exempt institution, a bona fide
religious sect or denomination where religious worship and related activity is conducted.
Residential Design Guidelines — the Town of Dryden Residential Development Design
Guidelines adopted on December 3, 2008 as an amendment to the Town of Dryden Zoning
Ordinance. These guidelines are now found in Appendix B, and are hereby made a part of this Law
by reference to such Appendix.
Restaurant — An establishment, including Taverns but excluding bars, where food and drink is
prepared, served, and sold.
Retail Business — Any business involving the sale in small quantities of a larger inventory of items
to transient customers whether in a shop or other building, or electronically or by mail.
Retail Shopping Centers/Plazas — A lot used for two (2) or more commercial units, attached or
detached, which relate to a common parking area and common points of ingress and egress and a
common circulation pattern.
Retreat or Conference Center — A facility used for service organizations, businesses,
professional, educational, or religious meetings or seminars limited to accommodations for
attendees. The accommodations can include sleeping, eating, and recreation.
Road — See Public Highway.
SEQR — The New York State Environmental Quality Review Act found in Environmental
Conservation Law Article 8 and the implementing regulations found in 6 NYCRR Part 617.
Self -Storage — A Structure or Structures in which materials, goods, or equipment are stored with
separate storage units having individual access for storage of personal or business property. Self -
storage operations with several separate Structures shall all be considered together to form one (1)
primary Structure for the purpose of Site Plan Review.
Senior Care Facility — A living and care facility for over ten (10) seniors in a variety of settings.
Senior Housing, Family — Living facilities offering a family type of living environment where
residences are designed to feel like a home instead of a medical facility and to blend in
architecturally with neighboring homes. The residences are designed as efficient homes for six
(6) to ten (10) seniors, each of whom has a private room with a private bath and easy access to all
communal areas of the house, including a living room area, dining area, kitchen, laundry, outdoor
garden, and patio.
Series of Building — For the purposes of this Law, a series of Multi -Family Dwelling Units with
shared wall construction.
Service Business — Any business or nonprofit organization that provides services to individuals,
businesses, industry, government, or other enterprises.
Setback Lines - See Yards.
Sign — Any device, object, or building facade used for the visual communication or advertisement
of a place, building, product, service or name.
Sign — Outdoor Advertising Billboard — Any device, object, or building facade situated on
private property and used for advertising goods, services or places other than those directly related
to the property on which said sign is located.
Site Plan — A rendering, drawing, or sketch prepared to specifications and containing necessary
elements, as set forth in this Law, which shows the arrangement, layout and design of the proposed
use of a single parcel of land as shown on said plan. Plats showing lots, blocks or sites subject to
review as subdivisions under Town Law § 276 and the Town of Dryden Subdivision Law are also
subject to review as site plans.
Special Use Permit — An authorization of a particular land use which is permitted in this
Ordinance, subject to requirements imposed by this Law and by the Board authorized to grant such
permit to assure that the proposed use is in harmony with this Law and will not adversely affect
the neighborhood if such requirements are met.
Specified sexual activities:
a. Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; or
b. Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; or
c. Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female
Specified anatomical areas:
a. Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock,
and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or
b. Human male genitals in a discernible turgid state, even if completely and opaquely
Street — See Public Highway.
Story — A story is any level part of a building with a floor that could be used by people (for living,
work, storage, recreation). A building that has four levels, including the ground/earth level has
four stories but three floors. This is because the ground floor does not count as a floor. _The floor
above is 1st floor, second floor, third floor + the ground floor = three floors, yet four stories.
Stories refer to the overall height of the building.
Structure — Anything constructed or erected on the ground or with a fixed location on the ground
or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground. Structures include, but are not
limited to, Buildings of a size exceeding 150 square feet, walls and fences over 6 feet in height,
radio towers, power generating equipment such as freestanding windmills and solar panels,
swimming pools designed for a depth of three (3) feet or more, billboards, poster panels and signs.
All Structures, regardless of size, shall be erected in compliance with the setback requirements for
their respective district. The following shall not be classified as Strictures for the purpose of this
Law: fireplace chimneys, flagpoles, and antennae.
Tavern — A commercial Structure where food is prepared, served, and sold and alcoholic
beverages are consumed on the premises.
Theater — A Structure or part of a Structure, devoted to showing motion pictures or for dramatic
and/or comedic live performances including musicals, recitals, concerts, or other similar
entertainment, including dinner theaters.
Timber Operation — The on-farm production, management, harvesting, processing and marketing
of timber grown on the farm operation into woodland products, including but not limited to logs,
lumber, posts and firewood, provided that such farm operation consists of at least seven (7) acres
and produces for sale crops, livestock or livestock products of an annual gross sales value of ten
thousand dollars ($10,000) or more and that the annual gross sales value of such processed
woodland products does not exceed the annual gross sales value of such crops, livestock or
livestock products.
Town Board — The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York
Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND) — A type of neighborhood design with a focus on
pedestrian facilities, front porches, back alleys and emphasis on the human use of spaces in the
resulting form and function, as well as commercial or mixed use developments that emphasize
human use of spaces and attractive character of buildings.
Use, Accessory — A use which is customarily incidental and subordinate to the Principal Use on a
Lot and which is located on the same Lot. Accessory Uses or Structures shall not be permitted on
a Lot without a permitted Principal Use or Structure. Unless otherwise permitted in this Law, an
Accessory Structure shall not be permitted in the front yard of a Principal Use.
Use, Principal — The main or primary use of land and/or Structure on a Lot and which determines
the overall character and appearance of use on the Lot.
a. Variance, Area — The authorization by the Zoning Board of Appeals for the use of
land in a manner which is not allowed by the dimensional or physical requirements
established by this Law.
b. Variance, Use — The authorization by the Zoning Board of Appeals for the use of
land for a purpose which is otherwise not allowed or is prohibited by this Law.
Varna — that area of the Town encompassing the Varna Hamlet Mixed Use District, Varna Hamlet
Residential District, and Varna Hamlet Traditional District.
Varna Design Guidelines and Landscape Standards — The Town of Dryden "Hamlet of Varna
Design Guidelines & Landscape Standards" adopted on December 20, 2012 and effective January
14, 2013 as an amendment to the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance. These guidelines and
standards are found in Appendix E, and are hereby made a part of this Law by reference to such
Warehouse — A building or part of a building designed for the receiving, storing, and distribution
of goods, wares, and merchandise, whether for the owner or for others, and whether it is a public
or private warehouse. This definition includes a wholesale business for shipping/receiving. Not
including incidental or temporary use of an empty building for storage.
Workshop/Garage — Non -Commercial — A Structure used for the conduct of non-commercial,
low -intensity activities such as woodworking, personal vehicle repair, and storage. Normally
considered an accessory use, but may be allowed without a principle building.
Yard — A Yard is a Green Space other than a court on a Lot, unoccupied and unobstructed from
the ground upwards between the Lot Line and the nearest line of the Structures on the Lot, except
as otherwise permitted. (See illustration below for location of front, side and rear yards.)
Section 400: Districts
For the purposes specified in this Law, the Town of Dryden is divided into the following zoning
CV - Conservation District
The purpose of the Conservation (CV) District is to protect areas of the town that contain a
variety of ecological and Open Space assets that warrant protection from the impacts of
development. Residential uses and agriculture will remain the primary land use activities.
LIO - Light Industrial / Office District
The purpose of the Light Industrial/Office (LIO) District is to define a location in the town for
light industrial and warehousing enterprises, office buildings and administrative operations and
service enterprises, or research and development enterprises such as computer software and
equipment design businesses. Agriculture is an allowed use in this district.
LIO-A - Light Industrial / Office / Adult Use District
The purpose of the Light Industrial/Office/Adult Use (LIO-A) District is to define an
appropriate location in the town for adult uses that is separated from and minimizes impacts to
non -compatible uses such as residential areas, schools, churches and parks. In addition to adult
uses, all other uses permitted within the Light Industrial/Office District are permitted within
the Light Industrial/Office/Adult Use District. Agriculture is an allowed use in this district.
LSRDD - Large Scale Retail Development District
The purpose of the Large Scale Retail Development District (LSRDD) is to provide the
opportunity to evaluate a location in the town where large-scale retail development may be
appropriate, and to define specific requirements for the review and possible approval of large-
scale retail shops and shopping centers. This type of development requires a Special Use Permit
and Site Plan Review to develop a property for large-scale stores or shopping centers as defined
herein. This district is not mapped, but may be proposed on any property, not in Tompkins
County Agricultural District 1, along a State or County Public Highway.
MC — Mixed Use Commercial District
The Mixed Use Commercial (MC) District allows a mix of retail and service businesses, office
buildings and research and development businesses such as computer software and equipment
design businesses as well as residential development. The district allows for mixed use
development. Agriculture is an allowed use in this district.
NR - Neighborhood Residential District
The purpose of the Neighborhood Residential (NR) District is to define areas of the town where
established neighborhoods are situated in a rural landscape and constitute the primary land use.
Single family homes are the predominant formoff development, and future development is
unlikely. Home Occupations are the primary commercial activity in this district. Agriculture
is an allowed use in this district.
RA - Rural Agricultural District
The purpose of the Rural Agricultural (RA) District is to define an area of the town primarily
for agricultural use and associated natural areas protection. The Rural Agricultural District is
an area that is intended to remain rural and where agriculture is recognized as the primary land
use. Small scale rural businesses which are agriculturally related or supporting may be
appropriate in this district.
RR - Rural Residential District
The purpose of the Rural Residential (RR) District is to define an area of the town where
residential uses situated in a rural landscape constitute the primary land use. Public water and
sewer does not exist in this area. Single- and two-family homes are the predominant form of
development. Agriculture is also expected to be a substantial land use well into the future.
TNDO - Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay District
The purpose of the Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay District (TNDOD) is to
provide development alternatives for landowners located at the periphery of villages and in
hamlets that do not currently have water or sewer. Public water and sewer does not currently
exist in these areas, and it will be necessary to develop or extend such infrastructure in order
to take advantage of the development alternatives provided under the provisions of this overlay
district. Utilizing incentive zoning authority in Town Law, land in the overlay district can be
developed more intensively in return forspecified public benefits and the incorporation of
Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND) principles in the design of sites and structures. Small
scale businesses, primarily in mixed-use structures, can also be incorporated into these areas.
VHMUD - Varna Hamlet Mixed Use District
The purpose of the Varna Hamlet Mixed Use District (VHMUD) is to foster new and
redevelopment of existing properties while retaining the traditional character of buildings, as
well as the hamlet character found in Varna and described in the Varna Community
Development Plan. The purpose includes Traditional Neighborhood Design as defined in
Article III of the Dryden Zoning, and commercial development of vacant lots, including the
combining of lots and rehabilitation of existing buildings.
HamletVHRD Varna [CC71Rilll�SGrltt
af�l�€-Var�:a Hur•:�le, ?�:,sidential
msidefAial neighbor -hoods, and aeeetnmadate existing neighbor -heeds. Lots in this dist-riet will
be large enough to aeea adate signifieant residential development. without affeeting
ehar-aetef f the r, ,
VHRD - Varna Hamlet Residential District
The purpose of the Varna Hamlet Residential District (VHRD) is to foster development of new
residential neighborhoods, and accommodate existing neighborhoods with a mix of
predominately single-family unattached dwelling units, but including a variety of dwelling
VHTD Varna Hamlet m dit l Di t +
The purpose of the Varna Hanle oral Distriet–(VHTD) is t., fastef development
e iren entally sensitive areaa. This area s along F ll�dlc, an important drai ragp ar
the hamlet. Lot sizes and ft4in+ited Gynoun't of development that is sensitive to th—
and designed in a more cnal m-annoi arc preferred.
VHTD – Varna Hamlet Traditional District
The purpose of the Varna Hamlet Traditional District (VHTD) is to foster a type of
development that is deeply attentive to the environmentally sensitive areas of the district. This
area is along Fall Creels, an important drainage area in the hamlet, and is intended to have lot
sizes and a limited amount of development that is sensitive to these resources. The purpose of
this district is aimed at achieving a traditional owner -occupied neighborhood with single-
family and two-family dwelling units, including a conservation buffer from the banks of Fall
Section 401: Zoning Map
All land in the Town of Dryden shall fall within one of the established zones as shown on a map
entitled the "Town of Dryden Zoning Map" Dated September 1, 2011, and revised March 18, 2014.
The original and official Town of Dryden Zoning Map as revised is filed with the Town Clerk. A
reduced and unofficial copy is found in Appendix A-1.
Section 402: Boundary Determinations
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of a zoning district as shown on the Zoning Map,
the following rules shall apply:
A. Zone boundaries are intended to follow parcel lines whenever possible. Where boundaries
approximately follow parcel lines such parcel lines shall be construed to be said boundaries.
B. Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following the center line or right-
of-way line of Public Highways, such lines shall be construed to be district boundaries and
follow such center line or right-of-way line.
C. Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following a stream, lake, or other
body of water, such stream center line, lake or body of water shoreline shall be construed
to be such district boundaries (unless otherwise noted on the Zoning Map). In the event of
a change in the shoreline or stream, the district boundaries shall be construed as moving
with the actual shoreline or stream.
D. Where a district boundary is not indicated as approximately following the items listed in
subsections (1), (2) and (3) above, or is not designated on the Zoning Map, the boundary
line shall be determined by the use of the Town's Geographic Information System utilizing
the Zoning Map boundaries laid over aerial imagery.
E. Where district boundaries are based upon natural features such as slopes, topographic
contour lines, watershed boundaries, soil types, or ecological communities, such
boundaries may be more precisely established through field investigation by a qualified
F. Whenever any Public Highway is abandoned in the manner authorized by law, the district
adjoining each side of such highway shall be automatically extended to the center of the
former highway, and all of the area included in the abandoned highway shall henceforth
be subject to all regulations within the extended districts.
G. In the event that none of the above rules are applicable, or in the event that further
clarification or definition is considered necessary or appropriate, the location of a district
boundary shall be determined by the ZBA.
H. Lot consolidation shall only be allowed within established zones and the new parcel shall
conform to the criteria of that zone. Lot consolidation shall not cross zone boundaries so
as to erase or modify the criteria of either zone. Those interested in lot consolidation
across boundary lines must apply to have the district boundary altered to place the lots to
be consolidated into the same zoning district.
One Parcel in Two Zones. Except in the VHMUD, VHRD, and VHTD, when a parcel is divided
by a zoning district boundary, the regulations and requirements of the least restrictive zone may
be extended for a distance of 100 feet in,
ARTICLE VII: VARNA — Article VII is to be replaced in its entiretv by the following:
Section 700: Purpose
The Duroose of Article VII of this zoning law is to Drovide the structure and rules for development
in accordance with the Varna Communitv Development Plan (VCDP) as adopted. This Article
creates distinct zones and a Traditional Neighborhood Overlav within the hamlet of Varna, alone
with rules relative to maintaining form in an effort to implement the goals set forth in the Varna
Community Development Plan.
Section 702: Applicability
This article applies only to the three zoning districts that are within the Hamlet of Varna: The____ Deleted: which constitute
Varna Hamlet Mixed Use District (VHMUD), Varna Hamlet Residential District (VHRD), and the
Varna Hamlet Traditional District (VHTD). Development within these zones is based on the
descriptions in the Varna Communitv Development Plan as adopted as an amendment to the Town
ComDreliensive Plan.
Section -703: Definitions
Refer to the ouroose and goals listed for each district in the definitions (Article III) for the Varna
Hamlet Mixed Use District (VHMUD), Varna Hamlet Residential District (VHRD), and the
Varna Hamlet Traditional District (VHTD).
Section 704: Design Guidelines and Standards
All development and re -development of Lots and property in Varna shall comply with the Van1a
Design Guidelines and Landscape Standards, including:
A. Landscape Design. Any proposed development or re -development subject to a building
permit or review under this Law shall include a landscape and planting plan that includes:
1. A map or sketch of existing vegetation to be retained or removed.
2. A detailed landscape plan that includes a list of the number, type and location of
proposed vegetation.
3. A narrative or drawing demonstrating how the development or re -development will
preserve open space and existing natural features including mature trees, tree
canopies, land forms, existing topography and vegetation.
B. Streetscape and Sidewalk Design. Any proposed development or re -development subject
to a building permit or review under this Law shall include plans for sidewalks or
pedestrian paths that contribute to the goal of a unified pedestrian network in Varna. Any
such proposed development or re -development shall include a streetscape and sidewalk
plan that includes:
1. A map or sketch and list of dimensions of proposed pedestrian paths, sidewalks,
and trails.
Deleted: 701
2. A map and sketch detailing streetscape amenities including lighting, sidewalk
furniture (such as benches and refuse containers), signage, and a maintenance plan
for such amenities, including provisions for snow removal.
3. Any proposed development or re -development along Route 366 requires sidewalks.
C. Building and Architectural Detail.
1. No proposed Building shall exceed 40 feet in height.
2. Any proposed development shall be designed to preserve, as much as practicable,
the existing views and line of sight of existing buildings and neighboring properties.
D. Streets and Parking.
1. Any proposed development shall provide a circulation plan in and around the
development for pedestrians, vehicles, and cyclists which includes a detailed map
a. Proposed roads, trails and cyclist paths.
b. The connection of proposed roads, trails and cyclist paths to existing public
c. Circulation patterns including points of ingress and egress.
d. The dimensions of any proposed roads, trails and cyclist paths.
e. The location of any proposed curbcuts to Route 366.
f The location and number of proposed parking spaces.
2. New roads should be designed and located to preserve existing topography, as much
as practicable.
Section 705: Varna Use Regulations Deleted: 702
All uses in Varna shall comply, to the maximum extent practicable, with the Varna Design
Guidelines and Landscape Standards.
A. Planning Department Report. No application shall be deemed complete without a written
report by the Planning Department detailing the extent to which the application complies
with the Varna Design Guidelines and Landscape Standards.
1. For applications which require either Town Board approval or Planning Board
approval, such report shall be considered part of the application and subject to
review by the respective Boards.
2. For applications which require only a Building Permit, such report shall be--
completed prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.
B. No structure or land in Varna shall be used except as provided in the Allowable Use Groups
Chart in subsection D below. Uses which are not explicitly permitted are prohibited, unless
specifically stated elsewhere in this Law.
C. Building Sizes:
1. In the Varna districts, no Use shall include a Stricture larger than 5,000 square
feet without a Special Use Permit.
2. All exemptions in Section 603 shall also apply in Varna.
Allowable Use Groups Chart. In the following: Deleted: In the following
"P" means the use is allowed as of right, but in many cases requires Site Plan Review;
"SPR" means this use requires Site Plan Review;
"Special Use Permit" or "SUP" means the use requires a Special Use Permit;
"X" means the use is not allowed in that particular district.
Allowed Varna Hamlet Varna Hamlet Varna Hamlet Minimum
Principal Uses Mixed Use Residential District Traditional Lot Size
District (VHRD) District
Agricultural Use P P P None
Farmstand P P P None
Artist Studio/Craft Workshop SPR X SPR 1/8 Acre
Automotive Repair Garage SPR
Bed And Breakfast Establishment SPR
Boarding House
Day Care Center
Gasoline Station
General Office Building
Industry, Light
Nursery/ Greenhouse, Retail
4 :7
Professional Office SPR SPR
Restaurant SPR X
Retail Business SPR I X
X I Acre
Y< Acre
Il Acre
I2 Acres
1 Acre
I1 Acre
12 Acres
jyz Acre
I I Acre
Retail shopping center/plaza
2 Acres
Retreat/Conference Center
2 Acres
Service Business
1 Acre
Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Principal Uses
Mixed Use
Residential District
Lot Size
Bed and Breakfast, Home
Congregate Care Facility
I Acre
Day care home, Family
Day Care, Family Group
Dwelling, accessory unit (See §
Dwelling, multi -family
1 Acre
Dwelling, single-family
Dwelling, two-family
10,000 square)
Dwelling, upper -floor apartments
Elder Cottages
See Section 1305
See Section 1305
See Section 1305
Horne Occupation: Level l
Home Occupation: Level 2
Manufactured Home
Manufactured Home Park
5 Acres
Senior Housing
I Acre
Senior Care Facility
2 Acres
Workshop/Garage — Non-
Educational Use
l Acre
Lodge or Club
2 Acres
Municipal Use
Public Safety SPR
I%z Acre
Public Utility SUP
%z Acre
Religious Institution SPR
Recreation, Active SPR
1 Acre
Allowed Varna Hamlet Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Principal Uses Mixed Use
Residential District
Lot Size
Recreation, Passive SPR
Recreation Facility, Amusement SPR
I2 Acres
Recreation Facility, Athletic SPR
I2 Acres
Section.706: Varna Density Table
- j Deleted: 703
All residential uses in Varna are subject to the maximum number of Dwelling Units per area set
forth in the following Varna Density Table.
Mixed Use (requires
Development type
Residential Traditional
Single Family Home
Duplex (Rental) 1
Rental Apartments
Senior Housing
8 d.u. per 2,000 square
Residential over Commercial
feet t
Multi Family Rental- Detached Units
1- Developments with > 9 units must
2- Multi -family units
have 2000 sq. ft. of commercial for each
limited to covering no
10 units. These may be phased in over
more than 40% of the
acreage remaining after
removing the open
space land.
Section 707: Required Green Space Table
All uses in Varna shall incorporate the amount of Green Space set forth in the following table.
Varna District Required Green Space
Deleted: =--=Section Break (Continuous)-
Section 704
Varna Hamlet Mixed Use District (VHMUD)
Varna Hamlet Residential District (VHRD)
Varna Hamlet Traditional District (VHTD)
Section.708: Area and Bulk Table
40% of Lot
60% of Lot
70% of Lot J
The following table includes the minimum requirements for a building lot: Unless otherwise
indicated this table doers not indicate the number of lots that can be created from a parcel.
'��AXN.'�"^".E,�,�,sl:'ts:.'-.,,'1?s,�s?;a"�;t.n'��G>�1;'^t `ir;+fi•�n a�':t�':%%`<i -- - - .- -.-.
10 feet
None or 7.5 feet if buildings
are not attached
I foot
25 feet
1 foot
45 feet
A. Multi -family units in VHRD are limited to covering no more than 40% of the acreage
remaining after removing the open space land from consideration.
B. A conservation zone buffer shall be established of a 100 ft buffer from the normal high-
water bank of Fall Creek in which no landscape alteration or construction shall occur. The
width of this buffer shall be extended to include the designated FEMA designated 100-vear
flood plain. The importance of a buffer to protect Fall Creels is described in the Dryden
Natural Resource Plan, and the Dryden Open Space Inventory, along with the importance
of protecting the Designated Scenic Recreation River section of Fall Creek which begins a
short distance downstream.
..I Deleted: 705
Section.709: Green Neighborhood Development; Additional Density ( Deleted: Toe
New structures shall conforni to the latest LEED standards with an emphasis on maximizing —j Deleted: In addition to the density permitted
energy conservation. Given this requirement, no bonuses will be included in the allowable zoning;
densities. Every use in the Varna Density Table in Section 703, requires that each Neighborhood i Deleted: a density bonus maybe awarded if a
Development proposal achieves at least basic LEED certification (40 poirlts� Deleted: according to the 2009 u=_I=_D Neighborhood
1 Development protocol.
Section 710: Planned Unit Development j Deleted: 707: Redevelopment; Additional Density .„ f l l
Planned Unit Development (PUD) —An area of land intended to provide for a variety of land uses
and structures which shall include both commercial and residential planned and developed in a
manner which will provide a community design that preserves critical environmental resources,
provides above-average Open Space amenities, incorporates creative design in the layout of
Structures, Green Space and circulation of vehicles and pedestrians; assures compatibility with
surrounding land uses and neighborhood character, and provides efficiency in the lavout of
highways, public utilities and other Municipal Facilities. Planned Unit Developments best serve as
nodal areas connected to and/or serving several adioining neighborhoods.
A Planned Unit Development (PUD) shall be developed in accordance with the provisions in Article
Page 6: [11 Deleted David Alan Weinstein 10/21/19 12:32:00 PM
707: Redevelopment; Additional Density
In addition to the density permitted in the Varna Density Table in Section 703, a density
bonus may be awarded Redevelopment of existing tax parcel(s) according to the table in Section
703. For purposes of this section a tax parcel shall be determined according to the 2012 final
assessment toll. The Redevelopment Bonus may be computed on either a per acre or tax parcel
basis, whichever produces the largest bonus.
In addition to the density bonus provided in subsection (A) above, an additional density
bonus may be awarded if Redevelopment of an existing tax parcel achieves at least a basic LEED
Section Break (Next Page
Section 708
ARTICLE VII: VARNA — Article VII is to be replaced in its entirety by the following:
Section 700: Purpose
The purpose of Article VII of this zoning law is to provide the structure and rules for development
in accordance with the Varna Community Development Plan (VCDP) as adopted. This Article
creates distinct zones and a Traditional Neighborhood Overlay within the hamlet of Varna, along
with rules relative to maintaining form in an effort to implement the goals set forth in the Varna
Community Development Plan.
Section 702: Applicability
This article applies only to the three zoning districts that are within the Hamlet of Varna: The
Varna Hamlet Mixed Use District (VHMUD), Varna Hamlet Residential District (VHRD), and the
Varna Hamlet Traditional District (VHTD). Development within these zones is based on the
descriptions in the Varna Community Development Plan as adopted as an amendment to the Town
Comprehensive Plan.
Section 703: Definitions
Refer to the purpose and goals listed for each district in the definitions (Article III) for the Varna
Hamlet Mixed Use District (VHMUD), Varna Hamlet Residential District (VHRD), and the
Varna Hamlet Traditional District (VHTD).
Section 704: Design Guidelines and Standards
All development and re -development of Lots and property in Varna shall comply with the Varna
Design Guidelines and Landscape Standards, including:
A. Landscape Design. Any proposed development or re -development subject to a building
permit or review under this Law shall include a landscape and planting plan that includes:
1. A map or sketch of existing vegetation to be retained or removed.
2. A detailed landscape plan that includes a list of the number, type and location of
proposed vegetation.
3. A narrative or drawing demonstrating how the development or re -development will
preserve open space and existing natural features including mature trees, tree
canopies, land forms, existing topography and vegetation.
B. Streetscape and Sidewalk Design. Any proposed development or re -development subject
to a building permit or review under this Law shall include plans for sidewalks or
pedestrian paths that contribute to the goal of a unified pedestrian network in Varna. Any
such proposed development or re -development shall include a streetscape and sidewalk
plan that includes:
1. A map or sketch and list of dimensions of proposed pedestrian paths, sidewalks,
and trails.
2. A map and sketch detailing streetscape amenities including lighting, sidewalk
fiirniture (such as benches and refuse containers), signage, and a maintenance plan
for such amenities, including provisions for snow removal.
3. Any proposed development or re -development along Route 366 requires sidewalks.
C. Building and Architectural Detail.
1. No proposed Building shall exceed 40 feet in height.
2. Any proposed development shall be designed to preserve, as much as practicable,
the existing views and line of sight of existing buildings and neighboring properties.
D. Streets and Parking.
1. Any proposed development shall provide a circulation plan in and around the
development for pedestrians, vehicles, and cyclists which includes a detailed map
a. Proposed roads, trails and cyclist paths.
b. The connection of proposed roads, trails and cyclist paths to existing public
c. Circulation patterns including points of ingress and egress.
d. The dimensions of any proposed roads, trails and cyclist paths.
e. The location of any proposed curbcuts to Route 366.
f The location and number of proposed parking spaces.
2. New roads should be designed and located to preserve existing topography, as much
as practicable.
Section 705: Varna Use Regulations
All uses in Varna shall comply, to the maximum extent practicable, with the Varna Design
Guidelines and Landscape Standards.
A. Planning Department Report. No application shall be deemed complete without a written
report by the Planning Department detailing the extent to which the application complies
with the Varna Design Guidelines and Landscape Standards.
1. For applications which require either Town Board approval or Planning Board
approval, such report shall be considered part of the application and subject to
review by the respective Boards.
2. For applications which require only a Building Permit, such report shall be
completed prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.
B. No structure or land in Varna shall be used except as provided in the Allowable Use Groups
Chart in subsection D below. Uses which are not explicitly permitted are prohibited, unless
specifically stated elsewhere in this Law.
C. Building Sizes:
1. In the Varna districts, no Use shall include a Structure larger than 5,000 square
feet without a Special Use Pen -nit.
2. All exemptions in Section 603 shall also apply in Varna.
D. Allowable Use Groups Chart. In the following:
"P" means the use is allowed as of right, but in many cases requires Site Plan Review;
"SPR" means this use requires Site Plan Review;
"Special Use Permit" or "SUP" means the use requires a Special Use Permit;
"X" means the use is not allowed in that particular district.
Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Principal Uses
Mixed Use
Residential District
Lot Size
I'/a Acre
I1 Acre
Agricultural Use
Artist Studio/Craft Workshop
1/8 Acre
Automotive Repair Garage SPR X X 1 Acre
Bed And Breakfast Establishment
I None
Boarding House
I'/a Acre
Day Care Center
I1 Acre
Gasoline Station
I2 Acres
General Office Building
I1 Acre
I1 Acre
Industry, Light
12 Acres
I% Acre
Nursery/ Greenhouse, Retail
I1 Acre
Professional Office
Retail Business
Retail shopping center/plaza SPR X X 2 Acres
Retreat/Conference Center SPR SPR X 2 Acres
Service Business
1 Acre
Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Principal Uses
Mixed Use
Residential District
Lot Size
Bed and Breakfast, Home
1 Congregate Care Facility
11 Acre
Day care home, Family
IN one
Day Care, Family Group
IN one
Dwelling, accessory unit (See §I
Dwelling, multi -family
I I Acre
Dwelling, single-family
IN one
Dwelling, two-family
110,000 square
Dwelling, upper -floor apartments
I None
Elder Cottages
I See Section 1305
I See Section 1305
I See Section 1305
IN one
Home Occupation: Level 1
IN one
Home Occupation: Level 2
IN one
Manufactured Home
IN one
Manufactured Home Park
15 Acres
Senior Housing
I1 Acre
Senior Care Facility
12 Acres
Workshop/Garage — Non -1
Educational Use
IN one
I1 Acre
Lodge or Club
I2 Acres
Municipal Use
Public Safety
'/2 Acre
Public Utility
% Acre
Religious Institution
Recreation, Active
1 Acre
Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Varna Hamlet
Principal Uses
Mixed Use
Residential District
Lot Size
Recreation, Passive
Recreation Facility, Amusement
2 Acres
Recreation Facility, Athletic
2 Acres
Section 706: Varna Density Table
All residential uses in Varna are subject to the maximum number of Dwelling Units per area set
forth in the following Varna Density Table.
Section 707: Required Green Space Table
All uses in Varna shall incorporate the amount of Green Space set forth in the following table.
Varna District I Required Green Space
Mixed Use (requires
Development type
Single Family Home
Duplex (Rental)
Rental Apartments
Senior Housing
8 d.u. per 2,000 square
Residential over Commercial
1 Multi Family Rental- Detached Units
1- Developments with > 9 units must
2- Multi -family units
have 2000 sq. ft. of commercial for each
limited to covering no
10 units. These may be phased in over
more than 40% of the
acreage remaining after
removing the open
space land.
Section 707: Required Green Space Table
All uses in Varna shall incorporate the amount of Green Space set forth in the following table.
Varna District I Required Green Space
Varna Hamlet Mixed Use District (VHMUD) 40% of Lot
Varna Hamlet Residential District (VHRD) 60% of Lot
Varna Hamlet Traditional District (VHTD) 70% of Lot
Section 708: Area and Bulk Table
The following table includes the minimum requirements for a building lot. Unless otherwise
indicated this table does not indicate the number of lots that can be created from a parcel.
10 feet
None or 7.5 feet if buildings
are not attached
1 foot
25 feet
1 foot
45 feet
A. Multi -family units in VHRD are limited to covering no more than 40% of the acreage
remaining after removing the open space land from consideration.
B. A conservation zone buffer shall be established of a 100 ft buffer from the normal high-
water bank of Fall Creek in which no landscape alteration or construction shall occur. The
width of this buffer shall be extended to include the designated FEMA designated 100 -year
flood plain. The importance of a buffer to protect Fall Creek is described in the Dryden
Natural Resource Plan, and the Dryden Open Space Inventory, along with the importance
of protecting the Designated Scenic Recreation River section of Fall Creek which begins a
short distance downstream.
,Section 709: Green Neighborhood Development; Additional Density
New structures shall conform to the latest LEED standards with an emphasis on maximizing
energy conservation. Given this requirement, no bonuses will be included in the allowable zoning
densities. Every use in the Varna Density Table in Section 703, requires that each Neighborhood
Development proposal achieves at least basic LEED certification (40 points)
Section 710: Planned Unit Development
Planned Unit Development (PUD) An area of land intended to provide for a variety of land uses
and structures which shall include both commercial and residential planned and developed in a
manner which will provide a community design that preserves critical environmental resources,
provides above-average Open Space amenities, incorporates creative design in the layout of
Structures, Green Space and circulation of vehicles and pedestrians; assures compatibility with
surrounding land uses and neighborhood character; and provides efficiency in the layout of
highways, public utilities and other Municipal Facilities. Planned Unit Developments best serve as
nodal areas connected to and/or serving several adjoining neighborhoods.
A Planned Unit Development (PUD) shall be developed in accordance with the provisions in Article
Planning Department activity for - 2019
Building permits:
Zoning permits:
Special Use Permit Reviews:
Site Plan Reviews:
Variance reviews:
Fire safety inspections:
Building inspections:
(Certificates of Occupancy/Compliance:
(Violation notices:
IFire calls:
(Training hours:
Town of Dryden
Planning Board Meeting
October 23, 2019
Name - {Please Print}
D�� iNns�Fll
6AI e, 4-4 tj
Address or Board
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