HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-10-24Dryden Conservation Board
October 24, 2017
Conservation Board
October 24, 2017
Members Present: Bob Beck, Steve Bissen, Peter Davies (Chair), Gian Dodici, Nancy
Munkenbeck, Mike Richmond, Craig Schutt, Charlie Smith (at 7:05PM)
Guest: Gillian Cowley
Review and approval of minutes from September 26, 2017:
The minutes for the September 26, 2017 meeting are not yet completed, so that will be done at
the October meeting.
P. Davies reported that per Ray Burger’s e-mail request we add reviewing the Conservation
Subdivision document to the agenda. He forwarded the document to everyone after he
received them so everyone has a copy in their e-mail.
Gillian Cowley was introduced to everyone at the meeting. She said she’s a senior at Cornell
working on her Honor Thesis and is very interested in learning about any environmental issues
going on in Dryden. She is in the Developmental Sociology Department and would like to
explore a sociological view of what is currently happening in Dryden. She needs the
committees’ approval before she can continue.
S. Bissen reported that there are currently two lawsuits pending against Dryden. A discussion
summarizing the overall issues in the lawsuits was given to update J. Kalley.
• It was reported who the two litigants are
• One of the lawsuits claims that the SEQR study that was done is inadequate. The town
is contesting that fact.
Environmental Management Council Report - S. Bissen
• S. Bissen has been reappointed to the Environmental Council
• An informational flyer from the Finger Lakes Land Trust was brought tonight explaining
what they are doing for everyone to read
Agriculture Advisory Report - C. Schutt
• Report very long so was recommended putting the discussion on this report until next
• The Town received a $25,000.00 grant from Ag. Markets to cover costs. The deadline on
the grant is December 31, 2017 so this needs to be reviewed and approved by the end
of the year
• Report was compiled by Cornell Cooperative Extension in conjunction with the Ag
• The Town has control of the grant money; not sure how much has been spent to date,
but don’t believe that Cooperative Extension had been reimbursed as of yet
• Question asked:
If money is left over, could that be allocated to produce a few copies of the Natural
Resources Conservation Plan. That decision would have to be authorized through the
appropriated channels
Rail Trail Task Force - B. Beck (Chair) reported that the Dryden to Freeville connection is open
and being used
• Reported that they are close to an agreement with the DEC to connect to the Game
Farm Road
• The overpass needed over Rt. 13 - discussions have started with the DOT
• Need to compile the appropriate documents and authorization form
Including necessary inspections and safety issues
• Update from R. Burger (was unable to attend tonight’s meeting) He’s been
trying to get an updated trail map for the last six months, but hasn’t gotten
• P. Davies asked if there were any changes to the latest version
• He reported that some changes had been received prior to tonight and have been
incorporated in the current copy
• B. Beck has a few changes that he’ll get to P. Davies
A motion to approve the NRCP document with the changes (including those coming from B.
Beck) was presented and seconded.
It passed unanimously
• The next step is to submit it to all appropriate boards for their comments if they find
any major issues
• And lastly, have the Town Board officially accept it at some time
• Ultimately, this plan should be incorporated , in various ways, in the next
Comprehensive Plan
P. Davies reported that he’d received a message from J. Osmeloski requesting that his name be
removed from the front cover of the NRCP because he didn’t contribute anything content wise
to the report. After much discussion it was decided that the names listed are not only
contributors but the Board members at the time the document was being prepared, so P.
Davies will notify J. Osmeloski. This led to a discussion of possible other names that should or
should not be included in the list.
Per Ray Burger’s e-mail request the Conservation Subdivision, more explicitly, the proposed
development on Ellis Hollow Rd.
• This is basically another Tiny Timbers project (like the one in Varna)
• An application has been filed with the Planning Board requesting a variance on lot size
• Five one -acre lots (rather than the minimum two acre lots) is being requested
• In return for the variance, the developer would put the lower five acres (that joins
Cascadilla Creek) in a conservation easement ensuring it remain undeveloped
• Rather than each house having a separate driveway the developer has proposed having
a single drive going into the development
The following items were brought up:
• Issues with water, septic, traffic that may have a negative impact on the area
• Fairly steep slope, could be very difficult for people to get out of the development on to
the road due to the high traffic volume
• The developer has planned for onsite storm water management; no detail listed
• Erosion is a definite issue that needs to be addressed
• The developer has also proposed deed restrictions to protect the conservation
easement. However, it was brought up that this is not a true conservation easement.
It’s only permanent as long as the deed owner is there; once the property is sold the
new owner wouldn’t be forced to accept the restriction
• A deed restriction is not acceptable; the Town should hold the deed, but that wou ld
require yearly monitoring the entity that is the owner
• When Zoning created Conservation Zones, it was stated that the Town would be
acquiring Conservation zones so that should be able to be enforced
• Suggested that R. Burger seek legal advice on this issue and find out what the durability
of the deed restriction would be. Would that be enough to keep the specified area
“forever wild”?
• Since the site is already being developed this form seems to have been submitted after
the fact
o Planning Board needs to look into:
o 100% of the site is sloped, is the property moderately well drained?
o Depth of the bedrock, has this been researched?
o Straight driveway, might this add to erosion issues
o Natural resources near or near the project site
The County has a list of what is officially designated scenic resources, should have a group from
the Town compile a list of these areas within the Town.
o Ask R. Burger to look into this.
o Need to find out if Cornell areas qualify
P. Davies listened to some of a web presentation today on pollinators and solar developments.
He said it was well done with numerous pictures. He’s planning on contacting the company
that produced it to see if it’s available for viewing because in light of the current solar
discussions it might be helpful and informative.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:20, and was seconded.
The motion was unanimously passed.
Respectively Submitted,
Diane Michaud
Deputy Town Clerk